I Survived In Skyblock For 7 Days (Full Movie)

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I'll be spending the next seven days on just one block in Minecraft and my goal is to beat the entire game without ever leading this platform and if you guys can find all 10 hidden blobfish in today's video you win and this is the island so we have zero money we have literally nothing except what's in the chest in a single tree and right now the richest player has almost 400 000 my goal today is to get at least 10 grand so we got some work to do we got to be like 99 cautious about this tree here because if I don't get a sapling when it falls it's over we got enough wood and just enough to put down our very first crafting table right here and our first pickaxe now I need to create the stone generator this is the part where we get infinite cobblestone in the part where I most likely will mess up that goes there I'm gonna win this right here please please thank God oh my gosh I was so scared that wouldn't work now we can begin getting some Cobblestone we did it our very first Cobblestone pickaxe all right now we gotta be extra careful about this make sure we get whatever sapling Falls come on okay three saplings that's a that's a heck of a start right there I'm gonna put that back to get that growing save these because this is extremely valuable We're not gonna be making any sales yet we're going to be expanding our Island at the moment because we do want a little bit more space here to play with we got eight pieces of cobblestone here's the idea I can use this Cobblestone to build out just a little bit here and then if I get a little bit of dirt and relocate it and replace this with Cobblestone oh God that's just okay well all right so we're back in spawn lots of players here of course and I'm gonna look for an opportunity to make some money here there should be a there he is this guy is the mind's guy now the server has four different unique Minds where you basically go in can explore and make some money so in the minds you can just literally mine these ores that respawn every couple minutes on the side but you got to be careful because there's a lot of crazy custom mobs in here that will absolutely wreck you and those come in handy later to get to you in more advanced minds but for now let's just get some iron because I do want to upgrade the problem is people are gonna snag the diamond and so there's gonna be a fierce competition for Diamond at this level so I don't know if we're gonna get any but I have enough now I think to go back to my Island so with these ingots we can create almost I believe an entire full set of iron which is sick okay we have a full iron this stuff is still growing we're going back to the mine to get some more gear so I literally see no diamond oh look at this one of the custom bombs a mind Golem excuse me sir now I think these drops are pretty legit items did I get any nothing nothing they have a chance to drop some rare items every time I see a custom mop I will definitely be fighting it there's a spider B over there trying to kill that bad boy this is weird Skyblock I'm not gonna lie to you let's go ahead and take it down there it is no no no he's still alive he's still alive he's still alive oh look at that he gave us four cobweb oh I don't know if that'll come in handy actually I'm not sure why I'm excited but uh it's still cool at the very least oh there's nothing right there call me oh there's more no no no this is big because if I can get a diamond pick then we'll break things even faster and this will really Propel our speed but oh God gotta kill you okay I honestly don't care they kill it I'm getting the diamonds it's not bad though you know what I mean we got a couple Diamonds oh there's one divided by a mind Golem come here baby no no I want it is that getting rare items yet oh I did mushroom fragments I'll explain what those do in a second these are sick items that help us unlock Future Minds we're gonna go back to spawn this is where we can walk up to the merchant and legitimately sell our items it's a way we're probably gonna start making money early in the series so I'm gonna click to sell and I can sell these for 19 9 18 5 12. it's not great but it's something okay we got sixty dollars now that's not bad starting from zero all the way up to 60. now can we buy anything like I need to invest all of this to make more cash early on to me I feel like the best route is to get some crops and start growing them and selling them so I think our best item right now is the beetroot they sell for a dollar 31 each which is not a lot but if I had a couple hundred of them it would be so I need 193 dollars now to invest in dang that's tough I'm gonna go back to Minds then they respawn in 8 seconds so if I learn where the diamonds are I can rapidly collect a lot of diamonds three two one come on oh yeah baby here comes the money here comes the cash God this is fun I ain't never gonna lie to you we freaking made a good server I'm getting excited I want to get these next mines unlocked bro it's gonna take days though there we go level ten let's go I'm trying to decide should I keep the diamonds for now I feel like maybe I should to get like a full diamond set of tools I think that's gonna be an investment you know what I mean like I could sell it but I think if I keep the diamond I'll sell the rest okay ORS respawn in 40 seconds I'm trying to get to another good position for one more round of respawns and I also want to try to kill some mobs here because we need to get like legitimately hundreds of these mushroom fragments oh there's one this one's mine oh another oh yeah oh yeah we didn't get any fragments we did get some web and that's okay all right Webb will probably be useless but that's fine don't you attack me B oh the mind going man we're literally just going crazy right here all right this thing actually is freaking tanky oh he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me never mind never mind never mind I need some help oh God dang I died freaking mind Golem killed me and now I lost my chance to get diamonds I didn't realize they were that strong or I'm that weak definitely gonna keep the diamonds because we can make a diamond sword now back home guys let's make our first diamond sword we can kill those mind bosses easier we have 60 bucks but I think when we sell stuff we might get closer to our goal let's sell everything all right let's see what we can do six dollars for the lapis they're about a dollar each just double our money we're now up to 120 bucks these are worth a dollar each as well these are also a dollar each I have two diamonds I'll make a diamond shovel I like I said guys I gotta get the diamond tools all right I briefly got to invest into it early on it's a necessary necessary Choice here 248 which means we can now begin investing into growing the infrastructure more back at home so I'm gonna go to the shop and I wanna make sure we buy the right item like I said I think beetroots are gonna make us the most money we got one we got one single beetroot I guess we'll make it right here how do you point out these wait no don't tell me about the root instead of the seat am I stupid I accidentally bought the beetroot not the beetroot seeds I did it backwards and the beer recedes the good news is they're a lot cheaper than the beetroot to buy that's a big mistake we're going back to the mines I think lapis is our best Money Maker because it's a dollar each but mining one gives you more than one okay we gotta lock in on lapis lapis is our best Money Maker each one of these lapis is worth a lot more than the rest oh double A Double Diamond we found it a triple diamond this is a good spot to be in we got a big fat three stacks of lapis that's a sick looking weapon maybe we should work towards that thing holy cow I'm gonna take that right off your hands all right 64 each keeping the diamonds for now and we're selling this selling this selling this and honestly I'm Gonna Keep the beetroot because I'm ashamed of what I did finally let's buy our beetroot seeds because this is gonna make the money how many can we get four so we can finally start selling diamonds after this I just have to make the final piece of diamond tools and now we have full set of diamond and we literally started with nothing but this little tiny Island here and we can plant some bee roots oh you know what I do need a diamond hoe I know it's a bad investment but it's just principle guys always make a diamond hoe look at it oh it's stunning it is really truly stunning what we've done with the place here this looks phenomenal the problem is though each of these is only a dollar we have four of them we really do need literally hundreds just to buy another it's it's a long game here oh an apple that's 50 bucks maybe I'm wrong about the beetroots maybe beetroots are like a passive income but maybe if I grow a bunch of oak trees and collect apples that one apple is worth 50 beetroots there we go 54 we're getting back on track guys 57 macaroonies of wood my friends we can actually expand the island now which is kind of nice this will allow us to place more of these saplings spread out all right I have also have pumpkin seeds I guess we'll plant these to try to make some cash money here so we got like a nice little farm here growing up that'll make us some money long term infinite water source let's make one I think it's time we do something like that ah now we're talking infinite water that was a big play I feel like I probably should have done that a lot sooner but we need a new way to make money because we're not really making much cash at the moment so what I'm gonna do is try to flip some items this is the auction house players can list literally any item they want and sell it to you generally they'll sell it to you for a better deal than the shop that way you buy here all right let's get back to them mines we actually managed to pull seven diamonds right now that's actually pretty sick yeah you know what we're gonna do it guys we're going all in on the diamonds like I said we're now upgrading to diamond armor that is sick we could sell it to make a little money but I think short term it's just you got to keep investing back into the business and that's what we're here to do today all right we got a decent amount of gear from that trip we're gonna sell it all I think I feel like getting 10 000 today is optimistic man if I got to ten thousand I'd be like in the top 30 players on the entire server and there are hundreds right now there's 45 pages I'll be on page three or four 10K is extremely optimistic but I'm still gonna do my best to get it we need to be smarter block of Quartz is that so no it does but look at that up to 300 guys we're at 300. oh can we buy anything new with that I'm gonna go check out spawn here all these guys flexing with their fancy armor I feel like I'm a noob okay I spent all my money on 13 eggs I just realized we could do something crazy with these eggs because then we can get chicken feathers and more babies it's like the only way to get animals dude I do want to make like a fence here ideally this is gonna be a really tiny fence we are pushing it here for resources 13 eggs now this could be a make it or breaking moment for us because of these eggs do not spawn baby chickens it's over let's go oh we got one all I need is two oh we got two all right 300 bucks for two chickens honestly that was pretty bad I'm not gonna lie there's really no way around that one that was a terrible deal but they'll grow up they'll make babies and they'll have a massive chicken farm so we have a lot of early on investments here but no payoff and we're broke again all right after hatching some eggs I decided to go back into the mines and spend a lot of time here doing this so that I could earn more ore so that I can make more money so that I could actually become the richest player on the server all right we have enough iron to actually create our first Anvil which is going to be sick yes there it is baby I don't really know why I wanted it because like it's not like I can use it but it's more of like a flex like yeah I got an anvil anything else I can make that I need the answer is not really no there's not a lot here but there is two little happy chickens isn't there guys huh now I'm gonna sell my items so let's make some cash again and then dollars each trip we make a little more and each time we come back we have a little more to reinvest into our space with our Newfound 400 we can now see if there's anything new in the shop we can invest into early on we can at least buy some Diamond now if you wanted but no one's gonna buy that because they can get diamond in the mine so it's a bad investment because the market is going to be too hot I mean there's just so much competition to get the best items it's going to be really difficult to get in there look how lovely this place looks I could do more chickens let's see we've run creative so far potions potions could be a very unique investment because nobody is making them yet I would have the market completely cornered if I invested into potions problem is you need glass and for glass you need sand and I have no sand at all so I'd have to buy the sand which is 12 bucks a pop so I would have to invest about 36 dollars per bottle I think I honestly think it's a long-term play I think there's money to be made here I don't see anyone doing this strategy I really believe this could be huge for us we're going to pop it down we're gonna buy some glass here now we can make our six bottles fill these up this could be interesting not sure which one we're gonna make here we also need blaze powder which I don't know if we can buy 85 for a blaze rod they're scamming me here dude we're gonna have to sell this for so much money to make a profit now I need to Google what to make now we gotta buy another word 386 dollars each to buy I think if I do this right it's possible I could sell it for like three to five thousand dollars let's make it happen so while I'm back to the mines another time to earn just a little bit more money so that I could get the ingredients I needed so I could build the potions I'm gonna sell some more items here we go and we should have just enough off to finally buy what we need let's go we can now put inside our nether Ward into this and this should begin Brewing our potions that we can then turn into the ones that we want which means we need a golden carrot uh which we don't have awkward potion now let's see what do I want to make I don't have enough for the carrots I can't really do that but I think it would be worth it quick trip to mines yes finally finally I think we can finally make it oh my God one carrot let's go back to our Island the golden carrot let's freaking go and then a spider eye which I don't have there it is the fermented spider eye oh my God all I need to complete this and really max out this potion is a single piece of redstone which I can grab immediately from the mines in like five seconds here it goes let's go baby three of these okay three of these potions eight minutes each is that right this is gonna sell for some fat money I want to try to be very ambitious and hit my goal of ten thousand Dollars Today by listing them around three thousand dollars each three thousand three hundred dollars there it is there it is there it is there it is let's go three thousand three hundred I'm gonna list all of them for that same price so guys the bait has been set we have three invisibility potions for 3 300 each if these sell we will hit our goal of making ten thousand dollars today from literally nothing which is kind of insane guys someone just bought two potions we just need to sell we just did it there it is guys I had to just refresh it for the money to appear I have nine thousand nine hundred and nine dollars so I need literally like 81 bucks and we did it and finally for my last trip of the day I went to the mine so I could hit my goal of earning ten thousand dollars come on Boom did we get it we got it we got it we got it there's anything super strong I could buy I'd love to get another ride Ingot because that'd be cool to make some better armor to do dungeons but I think for now guys we hit our goal of ten thousand dollars just like that we literally have already expanded our tree farm like three times what it was all ready so that's going to help us Supply the base growth and the bigger the baskets the more money making strategies we can create in here so I'm going to take a trip to the store and see if there are any new items that we can buy that might help us like for example grass is important but dirt is cheaper and I'll be fine with dirt so a stack of 64 dirt is 346 I'm gonna buy that all right that's a good trade and then I also would like to buy the saplings just one of each so that I can start on this super Farm all right we got it this is actually pretty sick let's go back to our Island so I'm going to try to space it out correctly and I really don't know like how far they have to be I never so I'm going to assume this is far enough call out a day and then uh again I don't know all this I don't know I don't know three seems like a good enough space we'll test it and see now here's one way that I could make money from these trees if you buy a stack of 64 saplings on the market they cost about 300 for a snack no they cost 300 each 20 000 for a stack which means if players are trying to buy a stack I could sell 64 of these for 15 000 undercut this by five and make a huge profit what's even better about that is nobody's doing the strategy everybody needs wood nobody wants to buy it at 20K this might be one of the best investments actually ever I think this is huge yo we gotta figure we gotta build up this tree infrastructure ASAP like we could literally make so much money everybody needs wood like you have to get a product everyone wants these are literally 300 a piece if I were to list it at like 275 250 each I can make money so let's try to do this math this would go for a fifteen hundred dollars so I'm gonna sell it for one thousand and I'm gonna see if someone buys these if they do this is a confirmation that our new money making strategy works and we could make a ton oh someone bought it so someone just bought the trees for a thousand dollars which means the strategy is legit did I leave some wood God dang it I think what I'll do is I'm going to expand the water this way starting here oh that's all I don't know I just realized all this wood needs to be dirt in order to make a farm they literally have the entire thing I have to replace God all right let's fix it okay now we can plant our oh oh I'm starving oh we don't even have food do we doesn't have watermelons where'd they go oh I turn them into seeds I turn my only food into seeds we're literally starving out here in order to pull this off but it's okay because now we can plant six more watermelons and that'll at least sustain us food wise for a little bit and I guess on the other side I'll go ahead and do sugar cane now we have an actual Farm I do want to get rid of the entire Farm here and kind of all extend it out oh my gosh I'm starving again food's gonna start being an issue now I feel like at this point you know what I just realized this is my Cobblestone gen I don't think I need it anymore to be honest with you I'm Gonna Keep the lava just in case now earlier in the video I bought this gobble fishing rod which has luck of the C2 lerv one on breaking five it's a really strong fishing rod and I don't know if it's gonna work great but I'm gonna go to the mines here and see if we can do little fishing and maybe collect something rare so let's give it a shot this cost me a good amount of money so I don't make back like a thousand dollars on this I literally wasted so much on a rod for nothing I'm gonna fish for 10 minutes and see what I get 10 minutes see what comes in so far it's zero a fish another fish another fish okay it's we're walking away with nine Cod three salmon in a single tropical fish honestly end of the day I think it was a terrible waste of time I don't think fishing is gonna be the move unless you invest massive time into it but I think slowly will build up to that point we now have pretty much the biggest tree farm on the server I don't think anyone has anything remotely close to the size of this so I had 11 Beet Root seeds so I expanded it by 11. this allows us to do more pumpkin seeds more melon seeds are these melons or pumpkins actually it doesn't matter we'll just freaking do both oh this looks so nice man in order to make a lot of money I want to go run up and do a dungeon now a dungeon is a guy found at the very top of this building up here which allows you to go into some secret room kill a very incredibly powerful boss and then you could get some strong drops from it problem is the dungeons right here cost seven thousand dollars to do they recommend three to five people for this battle and that's tough so if I jump into a dungeon now in full iron I'm gonna get dominated so I want to get better armor in order to do that I need like 15 grams then I could buy the armor and afford the dungeon so guys it's been a few hours and I'm back and uh I thought I'd turned shaders on to skip the island just a nice little fresh look I've let the game run for about two hours because I wanted to come back and collect the gear and wood and everything and see what we could deal with it so now we've got our first full Harvest of the sugarcane farm we've got a full beetroot farm and we now get to do the most important thing which is expand our Island again and we just need to make a little bit more money so I think if we expand it one more time we should have enough to go into one of the dungeons kill one of the dungeon bosses with some decent armor and start farming those dungeons for cash because I think that might be one of the best ways to make money here guys one thing I forgot to do is that there's a daily crate every eight hours or every day or something you get a free key you could actually unlock a really good item here which could help us if we get lucky okay none of our trees are growing so what I'm gonna do now is go open up that daily key and see what we get and if I play long enough I might get another one I'm not sure but uh let's take a look at what the items are that we could win I think there's like some big potential here look at this like a really cool lover fella logo Shield right some swords some spawn eggs you could get some junk too but like I'm just gonna go for it until we get let's see fingers crossed guys come on music disc all right not exactly the best win I've ever seen but it's something does a pumpkin have to have dirt to grow I genuinely don't know I'm gonna buy some oh of course dirt that's not what I wanted no I just bought 64 course dirt for 693. bro what am I gonna do with this okay well that was a waste of a thousand dollars there's our regular dirt all right let's get this Farm expanded yo this is kind of cool all right let's get our wood okay so we harvested almost all the trees and got like multiple stacks of wood for huge expansions we got enough saplings to replant everything pretty much at the exact same time so the tree farm Strat is actually pretty incredible I think it's again it's a long-term play it should pay off actually you know what we might as well expand the farm this way this will be the path this right here could be all sand it could be the cactus part right we could just have literally every form we want right here off to the side so the best way to do that is with water um it is dark right now but if I put a little bit of water down oh this is gonna be painful okay that actually wasn't too bad so this Sand's gonna go there and then more of this right here that way nothing can be built here we're still a long shot for making fifty thousand dollars I don't know how we're gonna do that now we have to go buy some sand I'm just gonna buy a stack of 64. it's almost a thousand dollars but that's the only way that I know of to get sand in Skyblock right now so maybe a different type of wood for fun you know a little bit of a more desert themed wood something like that no we can move this stupid Cactus over and never have to worry about this dumb thing falling off the edge again whoa did I get that oh I did bro that's actually like a super expensive helmet did I just snag that dude I think this is like a 9 000 helmet I just got it for nine hundred dollars look at the enchantments on this dude oh I'm gonna take this too I'm gonna buy that too I'm making some Investments right now guys it's gonna pay off I hope I should buy this ax actually it's 1500 it's a good investment because that ax is way better than mine 900. the whole set's 900 who's doing this shoot I'm taking the hole man I'm gonna literally buy everything they put on the store because they're selling it for such a good deal that is insane I genuinely have no idea how no one bought that okay so take a look at what I just got I'm gonna go to my collection area here we got Unbreaking three hoe which I don't think I needed that but I got it look at these pants look at this armor and look at this ax and I bought this thing which is a shield wall it's a custom enchantment that blocks all incoming damage for 1.5 seconds so it worked now we actually have some pretty insane gear and we're actually geared up surprisingly to be able to kill the boss of that woman to kill this is insane dude oh my gosh I gotta go test this out on a tree oh my Lord there's another special thing we can do and it's actually to set up a mailbox this is legit guys you can set up a custom mailbox on your island or wherever you play on the server and then people can actually send you mail by just sending you things so I put the mailbox up right now I'm not expecting people to send me any mail any letters or items or anything but I will put it there just in case someone wants to so I need to make seven thousand dollars so I'm actually gonna try to do something I haven't done yet which is offer someone a service so guys after talking to some players this guy said will hire me for seven thousand dollars to fill out all these holes with water so I'm going to be his servant today and fill these holes up with water for some money this is not the most glorious way to make money to be honest with you but just the job done I guess so guys he just paid me seven thousand dollars we filled up uh a decent amount of this it was kind of honestly like the worst that were ever but that means we now have the money to go into the dungeon guys it's time to literally go to our first dungeon and see if we can kill the first dungeon boss let's get there and uh we talked to this guy right here to begin let's start the dungeon you can see all the dungeon info on the sidebar right there we gotta be super careful here very careful no damage no damage no damage no okay so far we have 27 gold nuggets 17 bones and that is the minion Overlord 1200 health oh God no all right first stop kill the minion first up kill the minion oh come on come on watch the stalactites don't get hit by those easy hit back away come on come on as long as he doesn't hit me or face me that is gonna one shot me if it hits me is the problem too close too close don't no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I need water I didn't bring any water I didn't we did fire damage okay now he's floating he's floating in the sky watch it it's fine that's fine that's fine watch it how slow how slow we're good I just used invulnerability dude and it actually just worked right there I don't know if you guys saw that that was actually sick blue flame blue flame blue flame that's new okay he's he's actually he's actually just upgraded his power I think that goes every direction now no are we Withers you bro he Withers you now oh God that did so much damage oh God maybe he threw another wither I'm gonna die no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh God no he knocked me in the corner bro I had him so low wait a minute is he still here he's still here I think I lost a lot of my Loot and my prize now went down drastically but at least he's still here I'm just gonna have to like go all in I feel like come on come on just a couple more I think I can knock him out I think I can knock him out come on I can't die again I'm gonna get nothing oh my gosh let's go oh my gosh let's go okay we have 50 seconds so we actually got oh we got a uh diamond sword with a sick skin on it so it's some sort of like razor blade sword here and we got 24 enchanted golden apples from that so the apples are about two and a half Grand the sword that I got is um going for another two and a half so this is about five grand right here oh you know what it seems that we also gained money from that dungeon I don't know for sure where that came from we're up to 9 000 and it cost me seven so if we actually gained money which I'm not sure but if we did then this was a mega win a six sword 24 gapples glistening things this was absolutely insane our goal today was to make fifty thousand dollars but I think getting these items the dungeon in our farm set up like this is an even better goal because now we're set up for a successful future here's what I managed to collect for my morning harvesting we got uh a bunch of random items to be honest with you and we'll see what it works so if I were to sell all of this right now it would net us 225 which isn't a lot considering the richest player on the server right now is sitting it's 17 million dollars so I don't know that this is the best strategy to become the richest player but the good news is I don't know what the good news is oh boy this is very tiny actually maybe we'll make this just the front door and then you can walk this way down a hallway and this will be the little tiny chest room here it's it's it's small guys all right we got to be careful we only have so much wood look at this we look uh less newbie okay here's the completed base guys with the roof and everything don't worry about the unevenness it's just pretend like it's not there and it's not there right that's mentally what you got to do and these will be Windows whenever I obtain some glass so now that we have a base and we have a safe spot to store things I'm just gonna move the rest of the stuff inside and clean up the outside a little bit I am going to get just a little bit more money and go kill one of the Minecraft dungeon bosses on This Server they're like custom bosses if you kill them you can get some really good prizes let me see if I can Farm it and make some bank this morning all right we are now at the Minecraft spawn and up here is a little bit of something special let's Journey on up here oh look at that Island ranks We're Not Gonna We're not gonna be on that yet now before I go to this giant dungeon Arena and kill a crazy dungeon boss I am going to open up our daily crate see if we can win something today if we get anything here what do we get bottle of enchanting um wow 32 of them okay 10 500 these are the things we could win here so we're gonna get in the dungeon guys see what we can do here I really need to win something great because this is one of my early money making methods today so let's go ahead and go to this guy we're gonna just click Start and uh yeah we're gonna get in there we should be good with a sword I hope God damn God dang God dang voice is the Ax better like should I just straight up use the ax just start critting them I think it is man skeleton Overlord is gonna be a pain but this round we're gonna have a lot more food and maybe we can get enough money to actually go to the next level of dungeon which is even harder God it's already up there come on give me the Chris give me the Chris yo I didn't know we could come out this far I thought he was stuck up there oh my gosh oh my god oh he's actually only leaving his little Zone up there I don't think he's allowed to do this I'm killing every minion because each one of these can drop items that are worth money I'm trying to get that money I literally oh he dropped I think you dropped diamonds diamond blocks diamond blocks that's gonna be worth a lot dude I actually need that because I don't even have diamond boots that is worth a lot of money every Minion's now dead we're at 2 minutes and 25 seconds here and now I gotta kill the overlord blue fire blue fire let's back up take an apple yo let's go baby and we got the rare sword again which is worth a lot of money we did it in three minutes 45 seconds we're gonna see if we get some cash too Three diamond blocks let's go so we got hooked up with 27 diamonds it's enough to at least make some better diamond boots so we're gonna pop that in right now a little upgrade oh and a challenge complete that's gonna be some more free money in the future this is great we have actual diamonds in the backup chamber this is our first set of diamonds here and some more bones to add which we might be able to use to get a dog the only downside is we didn't get any money for that win and so we really lost uh immense amount so we're gonna have to go pick up a random job here today guys so my first uh odd job here this guy said if I harvest this ice I'm allowed to keep it and sell it we are now a ice Harvester for today that's the next job let's put on our ice harvesting cap and get to work um problem is I don't have a way to harvest this as far as I know nope I need silk touch each ice is worth seven bucks each okay this is actually some decent money all right guys we're now ice harvesting let's make some banks the water is kind of annoying I feel great right now these odd jobs are gonna really get us to level up here I should mention my AC is still broken in my new house uh so it's really hot and sitting around here mining ice feels great I'm mining every block I will not leave one left this is all free money for me okay we'll see how much we've made so far all of this ice is worth six thousand one hundred dollars six thousand okay this is amazing money making holy crap so I literally cleared out the entire ice Farm except that one block and back there and there's one floating now I have no this guy managed to make this on his Island I don't know how he got his Island to be winter themed but that is something we definitely need to learn from and let's see if there's any other ideas for me oh a sheep horn that would be great to get my own meat Supply an enchanting table room this is really what I'm aspiring to get to but let's go ahead and sell our ice thanks for the ax buddy I appreciate it that's all yours for now unless you give it back to me oh let's go I'm going to give him his payment though uh he wanted one stack of ice for payment so I think that's a great deal for him and now we're going back and I'm gonna see if I can figure out how exactly my boy managed to pull this off okay let's sell the ice and see how much in total money we got from this odd job right here we're going to sell the ice the gold and I'm actually Gonna Keep the bones because like the only way to get those is to go to the dungeon so I'm gonna just put those in here those could be useful again for later oh yo this guy gave me a free pickaxe too for helping him work nine thousand dollars for that we're back up to 10.8k so literally we're back to where we were right before we went to the dungeon but now we have some extra items to help us out along the way ten thousand dollars isn't gonna cut it but I do have money out of money in the market so let me see if I can find any quick deals loverfela's current AC someone is selling my current air conditioning and it's literally broken it's just a white block uh it's snow my AC is snow all right next job guys I found a player named Israel and they're giving me a hoe they're gonna give me a really cool Minecraft sword if I hoe all of this for them oh this is awful these are literally bottom of the barrel jobs but someone's got to do it I guess it's me right now we're doing whatever it takes to make money this guy doesn't have enough water because the thing gets getting unfair realized my guy you need more water you can't just hold this when you don't have enough water or it's all gonna break you're putting me on a job that's impossible my fingers hurting they keep her breaking they're re-breaking I've already done this part okay done done throw me the sword oh he's literally looking at the pieces I missed bro give me the sword please oh we did it we did it let's go and he gave me a bonus some mushroom uh fragments there these are of course used to upgrade the mines which will get us some money later look at our new pickaxe efficiency five bro we're cooking I'm picking up another odd job here and I feel bad because I'm really selling my body for this one but someone offered me thirty thousand dollars to kill me and he's gonna be the first player to do it but it's thirty thousand dollars and I feel like it is a little bit of an undersell this guy this guy literally wants to kill me I'm gonna let him do it for 30 grand there it is we're dead so that guy just killed me he literally wants to be on the SkyBlock Hall of Fame for 30k we're up to 42 000 did I sell my body yes am I proud of it no I'm not it's not the most honorable thing to have done but I did what I had to do there's new items in the spawn that I can now buy which is going to help us expand even more here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna go to the merchant here because there are some new things we should be able to buy which includes okay chicken spawner I could buy a pig spawner I could buy a sheep spawner I could buy sheep is the only one that gives me value outside of like oh but that's like all my money I have so many things to show you right now guys it's a great day right now on the server so now I can also type daily every time I join I get a daily reward so I'm gonna claim this one and I got a mending book and two Pig spawn eggs tomorrow I'll get five thousand dollars we also gonna do daily key because this gives us another free item but we're gonna see what we win here hopefully stop busting name tag Auctioneer bro we got Custom Signs here I'll be honest with you I didn't even know we could do that I bought a sheep spawner honestly I low-key feel like it might have been a bad idea because it was all my money but this is a good upgrade this is the growth line the growth story that you guys are what am I 41 of these that kid draw me I'm gonna store this here because I feel like I actually I shouldn't have had it I'm gonna Replay that footage I don't know where I got it okay so with the Sheep spawner I think we need to place it on grass and I guess uh our farm area is over here so what I can do is go to our shop buy a whole bunch of grass for 594 and create a little sheep spawner Zone here oh wow that was a weird sound nice my guy welcome to the torture chamber you know you look in different directions same a little bit of a spruce wall on the edge all right then we put a fence post around it which is going to help us significantly create an ultimate base here and these things will keep spawning forever so like literally we have seven right now so I think it goes up to like 100 so I could get like hundreds of sheep but now when I kill this over a very long period of time not only do I get a bunch of experience I also get free wall and free food so now we have an unlimited food farm we have real food farms and these guys honestly I feel like low-key we gotta move you but like honestly I think I'll just Slaughter you and get a chicken spawner at some point when I can have like some good money making methods I feel like now we have the farm we have all this but we're not competing with the top of the top and that's why it can turn 29 million dollars right obviously it's gonna ramp up this guy's so far ahead like it goes 29 18 and three this guy found some secret way to make money and no one else knows now I also do want to say I do have these two pigs phonics so what I'm gonna do is create a temporary pig farm right next to this one sharing the same dimensions uh so the bad news is I don't have enough to fill in the holes here so the pigs are gonna unfortunately have a slightly ugly base temporarily all this early on investing just to have a sustainable source food and stuff is really honestly quite difficult because doing it with no money is a challenge I feel like I'm getting great reset every day welcome gentlemen to your new home oh muddy pigs I forgot I had a texture pack on from a previous video there we go now they're normal guys pig farm sheep farm was this worth my money um borderline want to say no melon farm is the answer people are saying everyone's selling melon farm and so it seems to me like melons are actually a great investment so I think we're on track with that I only have 33 what was I thinking dude spending all my money on that and it does look like I have any mail either I'm gonna have to sell the diamonds man I don't want to do this but I'm gonna go to spawn and sell them at the NPC I'm gonna see if there's anything new here that could make me some cash because I really need to level up song So guys I was just kind of standing here letting my uh everything spawn and grow and we sold one of our uh sets of seeds right there so my strategy did work as long as you undercut the market with the cheapest sale doesn't matter what it is you can make a little profit so we're back up to that'll update in a second I think we'll have just over two thousand dollars to potentially flip a base with which isn't too bad so my last idea today to make some money is if I leave this stuff listed overnight I should be able to make a profit then when I join next time if I'm at three to five thousand dollars that should be enough to allow us flip an entire Minecraft base with that money limited but I have to get creative with it so what I'm gonna do is take this so this is for 5K we'll do 499 so if that sells that's huge money and I think that is enough so I'm gonna let this stuff sit we're gonna end it here next episode we're gonna see if we have enough money to start flipping a Minecraft base guys the first thing is I need to organize my team we got so many people sitting here and doing nothing let's get a to-do list board made immediately they don't even know what I'm doing they just start to help this is what I love about it there we go guys we got the to-do list step one we need to delete and move the mob spawner because it's ugly look at that that is not what a million dollar base has this guy's already off to do it look at that the speed I hire the best people step two clean up messy areas all over you begin step four expand the island using dirt and wood all right we need a bigger island to sell it for a million dollars could be more than a million once we get this done finally create some six selling points like a PVP Arena or something fun that's just what we have for now there's a lot to do but I think the first thing that I need to work on is cleaning up some of the additions we made that are a little bit too much that's part of the process when you have this many people on an island so I've got two daily keys and if I type daily key I get a third right now so I have three of these to open up the daily crate and maybe get some good items before I open that though I gotta show you guys this this is the new mob spawner Money Maker take a look this unbelievable design uses a miner that automatically mines every ore that's placed here and it uses an upgraded cobblestone generator which is now max level this thing is worth like a million dollars on its own not to mention all the rest of the island that we've built which means I don't even know if I want to sell this so I need to make a decision today if I actually want to sell this island because it's so unbelievably powerful now I mean look at this I can sit here and just get infinite emerald and diamond blocks do you understand how much money we can make just by grinding so I think what's gonna happen today is we need to upgrade this and make it a little more efficient we have this just nasty design we got all these furnaces back here I don't know what's going on there's a lot of work here that I need to do to make this look better [Music] there we go look at this new flooring down here like we literally went from nothing to whatever this is and the thing is I don't know if it's gonna work but I'm gonna make sure it does so here is the new furnace area all we have to do now is bring the hoppers down and start filling the furnaces out and then it's infinitely scalable down the wire here I'm gonna use these Hoppers I only have a few that sucks because I need more lover drag quick boy in this VC guys how we looking how are we looking right now I got a question down here is my furnace system gonna work no because uh I don't know because I can't believe the Hoppers above it and then under it can you fix this I just want it to be underground I want it to look good can you help me fix this yeah I do it I'm gonna let them do all the automating parts because they seem to be a little better than I am that's why you hire people that are more skilled than you and I'm gonna go check on the progress of the mob spawner which we had someone work on tearing down a bit ago let me just clean up the top real quick then we'll go check on that like what are these what's the point of this I don't understand this just looks terrible maybe it was the original design and they don't need it anymore I'm gonna sell this 400 bucks three thousand three thousand another couple thousand I mean that was an insane amount of money right there we just picked up most of the items that he drops are floating off to the left up in the air so what I'm trying to figure out is if there's a way that I could put water there to flow these items down and guarantee the collection I suppose if I had it automatically collect into Hoppers The Hoppers could go here so this kind of works The Hoppers would collect the items that squirt to that side and then start automating it down this path which is really cool to see but we also need to fix this side that way they start coming over this way we definitely need more Hoppers and the problem is they're very expensive so I think if I go to the shop and go to buy Hoppers they have like a crazy price tag 50 000 a pop I don't love this design I really don't but it works a little bit for now it gets us some progress until we get all the way where we want to be so that's a good start we massively cleaned this up it's still not where I want it to you but it's almost kind of automated so that we can just collect items and make infinite money here and then when it comes down we can collect all the good things and start selling them for cash these especially emeralds are worth a lot of money but I need a lot more now I told someone earlier to clean up the mob spawner and boy did he clean it up there's literally not even a single remnants of it left so I guess I can cross that off the to-do list for today we have absolutely cleaned up the mobs water the thing is I got 23k right like I said earlier the top guy is 74 million he's like super rich so getting this and getting the emeralds is certainly going to help us but it's not going to take us to where we want to be yet and that's kind of we don't have the infrastructure yet and that's killing me can you pick up the miner and give it to you well I can try but I'm a little bit scared wait you can lit oh God oh God oh God I did this wrong I did this wrong the miners actually can be linked automatically to a chest which means I don't even need Hoppers because they can just be linked to a chest and I kind of ruined it because it was already linked to the top chest and I'm dumb and I messed it up it was already efficient it's linked to a food chest as well because these things have to eat and I broke the food chest guys if you're on my Island listen up I messed up with the liner I messed up I didn't realize it was linked to a food chefs and everything else I was trying to make it look pretty oh and I ruined it wait love it love her give it to me I'll fix it for you okay you're gonna fix it yeah okay okay fix that for me my bad I I totally ruined everything man I was like trying to make this whole area look good because it kind of was messy and I ruined it all okay wait where where's the food chest I well okay I deleted it I threw it all off the cliff okay who knew guys who knew it's better than I thought it was all right well at least I somewhat contributed and made it look good there we go there we go that looks nice so once I finish this I'm gonna take those daily keys out and open them and see if we unlock something good and then this could be a little Tunnel right into some other area I don't know what but I feel like an underground Railway system would be really useful and speed up the productivity of the server so I might be investing into that right now something like that sounds kind of Handy to me I don't know so the idea here is that I would have a rail right here just a very simple Railroad and that would go all the way straight to the other side of the island for a little bit quicker underground travel so we'll do a rail right in the middle here a double I'm gonna need to Redstone power it I'm going to need to make a chest here that holds carts because we're gonna need a lot of mine carts and then like a button to start it it's just you know it's just a start for now oh yeah they see what I'm doing here I hope they like it because I feel like this is going to really speed up the old ability for us to move from one place to another boys guys what do you think of my rail system what do you think good idea you guys love it you guys love it yeah that's it that's it what are we going to use it for how is this going to make us money how's things going back on the base how we looking awkwardly quiet here you guys just conspire to say nothing when I joined so we've made it we challenge ourselves we said like the first person speaks owes the last person to speak to Mill dang okay okay but yeah the railway system looks great okay so we have infinite lava coming in right here from the lava that's above the lava goes into buckets for infinite stuff there this guy is now mining he should be Auto linked to the chest now now I did it correctly where that automatically goes in because I was an idiot didn't realize that and I feel like this is dangerous to me let's make it safer let's improve it right now let's go to the shop let's spend some money on buying some whoa I do like the gray carpet so I'll buy a stack of these I'm curious if I can just cover this up and make this more of a usable space like if you can walk up here and you have more range to move it doesn't look so bad could I actually cover this whole thing up dude oh God no not that I must buy a bucket of water now finally I'm gonna cover these up now can he still mine if you can't see them oh he breaks the ore okay okay that makes sense that makes sense that makes sense you've got the actual walkable space now so you can literally maneuver around and it's very convenient fun and friendly so now that we can actually use this upstairs space we can break this and kind of split it connect it to the other Zone and break all of this bull crap here that looks terrible now we're talking all right I'm gonna need more carpet this is so odd looking but I think it's gonna be so effective once I get this idea out it's looking a little bit better boys the water one kills me because I misplace so many freaking buckets of water bro it's taken me an entire 20 minutes in real life to do this I am joking okay I have an idea if I put this minion right here then I increase the minions max distance to nine it's reaching all three of these generators then I put the other one over here and it's reaching both of these and then they're automatically mining every single one of these ores that is the idea here and then we could run across and collect the items that were missing very easily so what I want is one here and then that's gonna reach over to here so the next one would be here okay let's clean this up now it would make sense to have this extend all the way out to where the minions are oh it's raining I don't like that just like that and I fill it in with these that looks like 100 times better now we've got this little walkway it's very tight but I think you don't really need to come down here much because this is where a lot of these um collectors will be now we'll fix this because it's uneven and it's been bothering me for like an hour and then I'm gonna go open those I said it 100 times I'm gonna do it soon there we go now we can walk around the side easier we have more furnaces it's a little bit more even not perfectly even but it's a little better this path looks good upstairs should also be about ready if this guy has linked them correctly and it does seem like he's working so all of this is now running into here it's taken me forever to get this thing set up again and improve it the problem is the stacks of copper really don't sell for that much money so really it's just that's just to cycle through the copper because there's so much of it what we really want are the emeralds because I believe these sell for a lot thousand dollars thirty dollars hundred dollars I mean that's just literally free cash so we can use that money to put it back into buying more miners but really what we need to do is set it up so that we're not getting the stupid copper like that's the problem I feel like while we're here making this look better I should add like a little bit of a wall around the edge here something like this would look kind of good so I'm thinking what I could do is literally enclose this make it a full house that's gonna not only keep it safe from monsters at night but also look really good but it's a mega project and I don't know if I have enough resources to make that happen because I really want to I feel like it would look pretty sick all right how long do you guys think it'll take me to go through this many stacks of slabs let's find out [Music] bro that literally took so long and I saw 41 of these left but I feel like that looks a lot better I think it's a better use than what we had at least originally and now some of the other guys are coming and helping Spruce it up imagine what this looked like before compared to now now it's like a literal kind of beautiful looking Island the latter takes us to the roof now it's not exactly the idea but that'll do it let's go down here and see if we got any money to make see now what we need to do this is a little tedious to come through and collect every single one of them so we need to automate this as well definitely starting to see the money flowing now which is great guys it's time let's open these crates real quick I got three keys from three days of playing and uh I'm gonna hop on up here and where is the daily it is right here so here's all the potential items we could win here a lot of these are with some good money some of them are worth insane money so let's go ahead and open it up and see what we get a beehive okay you know what wait a minute that's actually legit a music disc which is totally worthless and one more [Music] oh we got we got it we got it we got it we got it we got the freaking Shield we got the water fellow Shield baby let's go uh I don't know this is worth this is worth a lot of money bro I'm gonna buy a B for a thousand dollars because that seems like a great price why are bees so cheap I think someone put the bees in for the wrong price I just bought two bees for a thousand bucks then I can literally go and collect my bees put them in the Beehive that I just got and then we can have pollinators and we'll grow crops even about as your brothers baby this is gonna look so good I'm gonna put it right up in this tree right here hanging off the side right there cannot believe that I just stocked up our beehive with two beats bro that is absolutely amazing flower There Flower There Flower there I think we could do with a few more flowers but I'm honestly really happy just to have that one Hive that's such a small addition but it felt great now I would say you know our money is seventeen thousand dollars but I would say this island is well worth a couple million at this point so I'm gonna say our net worth right now is pushing like three or four million and it's hard to say if it is but you know if I did I would say it's about three or four which puts us in maybe seven to eighth place so we're not doing bad we have a very good system right now it's hard to say though if that's an accurate net worth or not all right I would say we cleaned up the messy areas pretty well we really honestly focused a lot on this thing to make money so we can do the rest of the stuff so here's the plan players are gonna come to my Island from all around the world they're gonna spawn right here and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have them walk straight take a right and as they walk this way towards their new home where they might buy a place and live they also will be faced with tons of casinos and shops where they could do shopping okay so this looks a lot better and I even have some lanterns to put on here it's got like a little farmer's market kind of vibe which is what I was going for and I just need to make sure we can now trap people here which is actually kind of hard to do you see if we can go for these natural barriers here by putting dirt up well this doesn't look great but it's not as bad okay this looks a lot nicer so now when players spawn back here or whatever we make it I'm hoping we can make the spawn like in this area they're gonna be able to go left to our Zoo which I'm gonna charge a mission for though they're gonna go right they're gonna see my chest shops where we'll sell items to them and I'll stock that up in a second now I just have to finish the path and lead them all the way down to the skyscraper guys we need to hire someone who can help us build the New Lover Industries world's best skyscraper I want someone who is a good Builder who can come in here and help me create a massive Money Maker today I was a junior Builder pick me in the crazy kid you want this job yes sir crazy kid you've just been invited to officially be hired on the lover fella LLC world's biggest skyscraper build come on down this way uh here's the goal we're gonna create a giant skyscraper right here and we're gonna charge people to live in it per room uh million per room is the idea we'll do it to the highest bidder I'd like to buy a room we haven't even constructed but we'll take pre-orders as soon as we get the basic building out reordering I'm pre-ordering okay okay all right so they're gonna spawn in right here guys so I got the chest shops there I'll fill them out we need like a reception you know reception desk as well at the front desk there crazy kid wait what what blocks do I use people looking farmer like a lot of stone a lot of spruce wood a lot of grass a lot of hay and then uh Casino wise poison I you know we're gonna put it over here somewhere so maybe you could extend this out somewhere along this little walkway okay we're making a lot of investments into people because each one of these guys I hire owns a percentage of the island so it's Gonna Hurt our bottom line but I think when we open this up and have like a constant influx of money not to mention that this has been running for multiple days and if you don't know what this is look at how sick this is this Miner automatically mines blocks that Spawn from these Cobblestone generators and then the blocks literally go inside of the oh God we have a lot of money each one of these is worth how much three thousand bro we are about to make some bang that really help oh god look all [Music] I can't even make this all this is so much money right now we actually made 50 000 that's the benefit of this right you just make money for doing literally nothing see what else we got down here what can I sell we need to have like a great product and I'm not sure what what is this yo this is Extreme well I think I know what I'm gonna sell let me clean the inventory and I'm gonna run down there and collect some of that because I think that'll be some good money makers copper is kind of a rare resource in Minecraft and because of the fact that we seem to have unlimited copper down here I could sell this and make how much each bruh yeah they're not worth that much but I feel like I could also craft it what can I make with that copper some lightning rods copper slabs you see my idea is one of my shops will be a full-on copper shop which I feel like is a block people would want to buy for decoration purposes so our first dress will be a copper chest we're gonna do all the copper in the world and it'll be right here so what I have to do is just load this chest up with some copper product actually all the Copper products so I'll sell cut copper for 50 per copper this will be 250 per lightning rod I don't know if these prices make any sense this guy wants to communicate with me I want to buy Island for 2 million no no no he only has two million dollars he wants to buy the whole island from me right now but I think he sees what we're turning it into he sees the potential all right check out this money maker Cobblestone all right cobblestone's rare in Minecraft Skyblock and so if you go to the Minecraft shop here and you want to buy Cobblestone there are 200 each so I'm selling mine for 150 each which is a major discount so now players will be more likely to buy it now I want to buy some hay I'm trying to give us some details because like these little tiny details go a long way and getting the sale and then we have all of these animals so I'm gonna make this a petting zoo I'm gonna make it so you can buy food for the animals obviously we gotta have farmer prices so we'll do like 500 per week and then what we're gonna do is we're going to say 100 of purchases go towards sheep restoration so now people aren't only being attacked over here by my chest shop to make money they'll also be attacked here on a very personal level because they don't buy this they're directly responsible for letting sheep die 2.8 million that is the current offer on the island which means my net worth right now if you want to assume that's value would be about three million dollars our net worth is about the top 20 right now of the thousands that have joined so we're getting there we're doing pretty good on this island but man it's just I don't know if we can do it genuinely if we can make that much money like it's an insane amount to have to make and I'm a little worried about it skyscrapers there casinos here my shops are the first ones they're gonna see I'm almost ready to open it we need a little bit more money makers though I could do something very complicated so here's the idea the way casinos work in Minecraft is you pay to open up a chest when you pay to open it it spits out an item what I'm gonna do is make it spin out the door opening so crystals what I want this to do is I want you to hook the Redstone up so that when you buy a stick it opens up the door I want it so that people have to pay to get inside that is smart all right we're gonna charge them to walk into their own building it's it's that's how we're going to collect rent from them it's it's this is crazy it's a luxury property though remember this is luxury couldn't they just sit home in there yes exactly we're gonna let them walk in for free then when they move their items in we're gonna charge them 10K each time they go back when they've already moved in it's gonna be too much of a pain to move out so crystals that's your job it's gonna make so much money if someone needs a job can you turn the petting zoo into a better petting zoo make it look better I got you my you're just making plays right now oh we're getting a great floor too for the casino we got a lot of people working on the front door over here man honestly just out here project managing everyone making sure stuff gets done look at this so now I'm going to change our spawn this is where players are going to join the island and be greeted with everything that we've made I think right here is a great spot for it so I'm gonna do it I think right here okay so this is the new island spawn we're gonna put some gates up here so they can't get into our special areas right we're going to control the flow of people to make infinite money and take over the world so what this is going to be gonna be meant to be like a signpost to kind of Point people in the right direction so see look at that so now the new player spawns they'll see that sign right there then what we can do we can put another sign right here and then we'll do the same thing on this side I hope that's not confusing to players because I think that's kind of a cool way to actually like kind of you know bring them into the bring them into the old home here okay we've got my head we've got my branding people know this is my chest shop I think people might even be stocking this up for me no Crystal's a still working on this door over here which is a doozy of a door but once it all works they will pay money to access the inside and get their items back it's literally the biggest scam ever but it's not really a scam it's my business exactly what do you think of these archways that I'm building at the front of the casino oh yeah look at this it's looking so good I mean this casino dude we're about to make so much money I hope this area feels like it needs a Fountain Square it feels like too empty I don't know something about this just feels boring I'm gonna try to make a quick little Fountain here just to bring it together a little bit I'm not sure how to make a fountain is part of the issue here or it could be a giant hole I do like the idea of a giant hole you're walking through just a giant hole there's got to be some reason how can I make money with a hole because I I don't know I like this oh a sacrifice bit yeah yes a sacrifice chamber that's it yeah people need this people want this so what this is gonna be guys is a sacrifice dieting board I'm not sure the exact way it's going to be worked yet I don't know how this idea came to me either but we're going to do is label it yes look at this we got him going guys and we got an achievement too with a legendary troll Island I think because of how many people have died like what that so now this is the sacrifice chamber people are gonna go here and jump off and there's actually a legit benefit because if you get enough deaths on your Island from falling you unlock like a lot of money from the achievements so people are just gonna do this look at this and as you can look at the right the more experienced our Island gets the more members we're allowed to invite we have 10 out of 13. I think it's really a nice thing for people to see too when they first show up to the island you know you come here you see the giant sacrifice pit and people know what to do they know they gotta jump through this guy just double jumped in with the 360 double jump to the sacrifice pit oh my gosh yeah I just can't make this up what a play I think a big element of upgrade would also be in making the island slightly safer except for those areas where we want you to die so here's what I'm gonna do yeah I have grounded for the past 15 minutes I would like to give you all the money I've made okay I'm gonna go ahead and silently open up the island I won't tell everyone we'll just see if anyone visits so our Island's now open which means anyone can now join the island if they choose to they'll be able to actually walk here and buy stuff for my shop we're starting small hopefully we'll get some sacrifices as well I think there's other ways we could make money I'm gonna buy a hopper with all my money and I'm going to do something right here please offer a sacrifice the lava God's worth ten thousand dollars gotta get their attention there we go please offer a sacrifice boom I come in here I just literally collect free items literally what it's about oh wait a minute I just realized these are players that are realizing my Island's open and they're starting to join I better tell everyone guys players are learning the island is open so make sure that we lock them in the area go get it yet okay it's getting a little bit busy back here guys I think that maybe we need a better way to keep them out that's okay how do we make it so they can't open Gates they can't but um opening them oh we need a better way then we got to keep these Gates closed but people will walk through it look at this look at this run week later guys it has been an entire week and this is what the lover fellow giant hotel looks like all right take a look at how sick this is I'll show you the casino in a second it says if you can't pay you can't can't St can't do that I think that's unfinished but the point is the pay structure does work people will literally have to pay money in order to get inside they've opened it for me right now I'm gonna turn on night vision to give you guys a better look we do have a front desk here and I guess we have two secure they made the security pigs that's great now the bottom floor is still unfinished but no one's gonna live here and the way this works is we're probably gonna sell each floor for a million dollars and just have a couple people live here you know beautiful view of Among Us tower out there on the giant Tower of infinite money I have no idea how I get 671 thousand dollars by the way did I have that earlier I don't even I don't know where that came from it's been a long week man and before I rent that out guys there is something new someone on the island bill over here what the heck is this this looks like another Money Maker yo a giant castle I don't even know what this is about it's like this oh my God what the lover fella beam sick okay so if I legitimately want to be the richest in the server and I have just seven episodes to do it selling for a million will not get me there because I need 200 million to be at first so maybe we do a bidding see if we can get a sale I'm gonna say bidding starts at a million let's see if we get it maybe I'll join chat see if I can get any like contenders here to want to live here price starts at one million guys let's have a bidding warm here or one million I can get 2.5 million said one hour we got 2.5 mil guys in an hour anyone able to beat that looks like Darth you're our best offer at 2.5 so here's what's gonna happen we're gonna give you access now you're gonna get that 2.5 you're gonna work there and if you don't get the 2.5 in one hour I'm gonna send my guys after you they're gonna beat the crap out of you until you get us some money okay we'll sell it the mafia boss I'm scared we have like a shell of a building and a bunch of broken slot machines so the first thing I want to do is get these slot machines working and get my team started on their own jobs so let's rally the troops what's up Gamers all right guys everyone who works on the island we have a job and that job today is to create the best casino in Minecraft history I think we need to expand it this way we got some room to grow here or we could expand it down let's get a second floor made below this a much bigger floor for two mil yeah yeah I'll go ahead and sell a few more floors real quick guys we need to make some more money we're at 7 million right now so if you pay me right now send it over and you're in all right now in order to make money on this casino I am only doing high stakes the richest has 300 mil I'm not gonna beat him if I sell a thousand dollars per Casino gamble I gotta erupt the stakes so the first one will be the lowest it's gonna be ten thousand dollars what I'll do is I will put a signed armor in the center of this one you can see my signature on that right now and then all we have to do is put a bunch of junk around the outside this is items that they would win instead of this item okay so this casino is really cool it took me a minute to learn how to set it up but basically you put sticks in this dropper behind it these sticks come through Players buy the sticks for ten thousand dollars and when you buy the stick it actually causes this Redstone circuit to trigger which causes a random item to squirt out of this dropper which means if you play this for about ten thousand dollars and buy a stick I get the money you get a random item we're up to 9.3 million because we sold another plot now we need to do is advertise this low stakes ten thousand dollars that's about two million dollars for selling these sticks in order to win some items so not bad I'm gonna set up the next one a little differently and this one's Gonna Be Wild when you walk over to the shop and you play you're playing for these special items called Spruce log lovervilles casino and the benefit of this is that when anyone wins one of these special items from the casino dropper which is a one in nine chance they can take it over to here and I will buy that from them for fifty thousand dollars in other words every time they play they're playing for a token for fifty thousand dollars so now all I have to do is fill the rest in with a bunch of junk and now this is a fully automated casino that can make a lot of money especially because I'm gonna price it at about 75k wait no that doesn't make sense no this math is off this has to be less than 50. there we go now you pay 25 000 to play this casino and if you win this ruse log you can win 50k so it's really set in my favor heavily which means I'm gonna win most of these see this is the Big Money Maker a 250 000 entry fee for a two and nine chance of 500k we've spent an insane amount of time up here trying to get these set up correctly it's really hard to make the casinos work in the math work let's take a look at downstairs wow really going all out on this checkerboard theme aren't they I'm gonna do some changes to the front entrance here just because I feel like it's going to look a hair more luxurious if we're able to like really step it up with some better items here like I feel like copper is gonna look kind of good with this and it does I think this would look good as copper too actually we could scale this up this one should be netherright this one should be like Emerald right like we should have full blocks here leading to each section all right so we've collected some resources to upgrade the path to get to each of these zones this one's our lowest right so this one will change to Coal 50k is this one that feels like an iron floor and then I also brought over some treasure chests and I think we can put some of these down to really just make it look sick there we go now that screams I got some cash I'd love to put one more on the outside of the building as well just to kind of like get their attention and get them to walk inside and we'll just do it here for now I just got 16 card copper stairs these will obviously fade in time but it'll give it a cool look so I want to fix our roof up right now and make it look a little bit more appealing to people so they can come and spend all their money here but what I want to do to really pull this off is actually do it using Redstone lamps because I think those are the classiest of lights and they're really underutilized so I need to find Redstone in our chests how do you make them again glowstone and Redstone Dust one thing you don't want in casinos is uh well uh like last because then people can see outside and they can see how long they've been in your casino gambling so we're gonna break all this glass fix the entire roof it's horrendously ugly this thing needs to clean up we are not using andesite as a roof I think this might look a little nicer so I'm doing a redstone lamp every five blocks so that it makes like a nice little pattern in the sky I don't really know if it's gonna look good but figure it'll be all right okay the roof is completely remade now it should look immensely better from the bottom there we go that looks really nice and Crystal's got my idea and is putting down this little pressure plate so that when you walk in it'll trap you inside that way no one can come through and steal your winnings this is really coming together I believe the casinos are set up so now what I have to do is actually change this to add in our new prizes so we're gonna start with 10 then we're gonna have a 50. then a 1 million a 150 and a 500K prize so we organized these based on wood type it's gonna Ascend in terms of value so now whenever anyone wins these special little items right here they buy it they get the money back but every time they miss it so I feel like the casino is ready to give like a little bit of a test run here so I'm gonna open it I'm gonna do a soft open see if people want to visit but I won't let them know that way it's like softer so we're also changing the island Spawn from where it was over there to inside the casino to make it more likely the players will jump in and throw some cash down I think we could actually make a ton of money from this I got an idea what if I use black stained glass black out the exit make people spawn inside of it so they can't leave and then I'll be forced to gamble instead of looking on the island there we go so now when everyone spawns in there's no way for them to leave we just need to have some sort of a staff access door that really no one else can get a hold of okay I opened it too early we actually didn't have the shops made yet so people couldn't buy anything yet so let's fix that wait Zach how did you I'm not sure how did I lose five mil crystals what just happened the one took one Mills out I see that someone on the island is scamming me we'll find out who it is so what happened is we just set up these casinos and had our soft launch and I immediately lost six million dollars because someone on the island found my secret token back here they took these out which is not allowed walked over to the casino and sold nine of them and instantly stole nine million dollars from me which is crazy but the casino is now open which means we should slowly make passive income as people come play although currently we've lost all of our money the next day all right 24 hours later we've now made 10 million dollars from the casino so I'm gonna jump over here and check out our Casino prize chest and that's not too bad so we've actually sold quite a few of these that have won about 22 people have won our casino and hopefully that means a lot more have lost guys we have someone in the casino right now you can see in chat 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40. that is why we spent literally an entire day making a casino for this to happen in our chat this dude is gambling like his life depends on it so what I love is that we're making money from that what I don't love is that we have other shops that are not being utilized yet what I need to do then is move my shops inside the casino so not only am I making money from casino gambling but also from selling items while they're trapped in there so we gotta be smart about this so this is going to be set up as a new chess shop it's gonna sell all kinds of different diamond blocks we'll do selling for 100 000 each for one block so it's literally a bad deal it's all about selling the story we're not selling a product today we're selling an idea and the idea that we want to sell is the idea that only rich people can buy this so this is going to be called the only rich people chest only rich people buy here no brokeys now when someone sees this if they identify as a rich person they have to buy this for their own selves and I bet people are gonna fall for that and buy it if they don't they're broken okay so I just told chat my casinos open come make money I'm getting a little desperate now to make cash we made 10 mil which is great more people are starting to teleport in it's good to see but we're not constantly making money which is a problem there we go there we go 25k 25k 25k we just need that energy all day maybe we should try subliminal messaging as well spend your money here for upgraded gear pay us your cash and you'll Dash into first place right these are just fun little fun little things that just get them to spend some cash see we got one right there pay me everything for Good Karma I'm sure there's people out there that believe in Karma and so if they see this sign they might take it as a sign like oh I should probably go get some good karma someone will fall for it and give us their money this is a business nothing is off limits today so guys I actually I'm not gonna lie to you uh I accidentally pause my footage and so you missed this entire build but I created a giant free Spleef Arena now people in the casino can come here and play Spleef before they walk back inside to the casino and do other things I also added like a donation station here and I made a really awkward path to get there I'm gonna take that path now it's kind of a secret path I made it a little bit exciting I think I think it's good okay and then I can open this up and I can see we have received pretty much junk so our Casino should be slowly making passive income and I've also opened up the island so players can explore it and maybe donate or buy for my chest shops or just give us money in general but I have another idea to make money there is a PVP arena in my spawn if you're in this area you can fight other players what if I do high stakes fighting what if I take this 10 million dollars and buy 10 million dollars worth of gear and then fight people for money I feel like we've got to spend money to make it so I'm gonna go to the auction house literally right now and I'm gonna look for the most powerful web weapons first off that I could buy so let's filter by price and see what the most expensive item is there we go 250. I'm buying this for 250. I'm buying these legs for 250. these boots for 250 and then I'm thinking an Unbreaking 5 Shield is really strong but that's 700k but the thing is it's the only one in the entire market so I'm gonna actually pull up and snag it I think this might be a better hat than this one because this also has two custom enchants it's a very expensive hat so let's get our items here now we are stacked oh we look good right now I think we have pretty much the best gear on the entire server but we need a better weapon so let's see what weapons we can find here all right well I'm waiting for some nice strong swords to be listed these are definitely not strong what I'm gonna now do I'm gonna buy some custom runes what is for sale today in the roon shop I'll take that take that take that and I will take this so here's the deal guys this if I apply it to my helmet gives me Permanent night vision when it's on there's a one percent chance right now that my helmet will dissolve but I need this oh it's already applied I didn't even need it this one has also a one percent chance it has a one percent chance of pushing back empty is why your Shield is raised okay see that now it's there on guard so now there's a one percent chance when fighting and pushing back these are all going to come in handy to help us get that win this one's called Tombstone while blocking it has a five percent chance to bury enemies in the ground and apply slowness too two percent chance of a critical fail that is so scary even a two percent chance freaks me out this one has a 90 fail rate bro that's the worst thing I could ever have bought and then this one a four percent chance to entangle damaged entities in an elaborate network of webs both of these are not great all right people are listing some weapons now that's not bad for 1.5 I'm gonna take this 1.5 that was expensive someone just got a milli from me but we got this thing it's like a gun what did I buy this is like the weirdest looking outfit ever like a Roman Emperor with a gun that shoots out crystals I don't even know if that was a good to be honest it just looks kind of cool whoa one of my enchantments actually causes me to leave a trail of gold on the ground bro we're looking crazy oh this is sick bro we are looking crazy our armor set and our outfit is literally looking insane and I still honestly don't feel like I'm prepared to fight some of these players because they got crazy outfits okay this is gonna be incredibly expensive guys watch what I'm about to do today this might be the most expensive play of the day but it also might be the most worthwhile play of the day okay so we have literally been trying to max out our gear for a long time and I just bought this you can see it has just a one percent chance of success but for each one of these I applied to it that'll increase it now it's four not 16. now it's 46. and now it's 70 and it's still not high enough I literally want this to be like 100 chance so I'm not messing around I'm gonna buy more of these we've spent five million dollars so far this is crazy 91 chance of success I mean it's not bad but honestly at this point we might as well get it to 100 because I have spent too much time trying to get this to work 100 chance so for each hit you land without taking damage the attack gets multiplied by 20 that means if we get a few hits massive damage this is now such an insane weapon I'm extremely confident that we're gonna be able to kill people this is ridiculous so what I'm thinking guys is we're not prepared to make massive bets of money massive waitress the first thing I'm gonna do is literally beg for money so I basically said listen this is my last chance to become the richest so pay me all your money right now also want to send me a million bucks that's not bad there's another million that just came we've made about three million dollars today by literally just begging all four million dollars by literally just begging for money so guys I've done some research now on a couple other money making ideas and what I'm gonna do now is do what the most requested ideas on the server and that is make infinite cow spawners here's the idea guys if you go to the shop I guess you can buy a cow spawner they're 39 000 each so I'm gonna spend two million dollars to get a stack of them that's 64 cow spawners and now we're gonna place them for their Eternal suffering right here and you see as these stack slowly over time it also rapidly increases the speed with which they spawn we can actually start killing these cows and see if a stack of 64 cow spawners which literally creates insane High numbers of cattle gives us the money there's saying some people are saying up to 10 mil every five minutes I could have just been trolled though wow let's see how much this is worth it's not bad it's not bad so I just did all of that I made about ten thousand dollars and if you do this like a couple times in a row and you get a couple more of these so like we do it again this is worth another four thousand dollars like that was it boom four thousand dollars like it's a quick why are these the problem is is I spent two million on this and so if I do the math on how long it would take me to get back to the point where I make the two million back it's extremely slow I don't have time to do this which makes me feel like I just lost two million dollars I mean it's not bad but I feel like to get to the point where it's actually worth doing if I invest literally all my money that'd be really risky though I'm gonna buy more I just have to I feel like this could really be good 64 more per 2.5 mil let's get to it because I wonder if we could get like a stack of like 10 000 cows and just keep stacking them and then one hit next is two hundred thousand dollars dude we can stack over a hundred cow spawners are you kidding me that is gonna be some serious money I just don't know if we have time to do it because today is our last day to make it 1 000 cows now that concerns me because that seems like a limit has been hit at a thousand [Music] now that is some Easy Money folks problem is it's not exactly the fastest ever but I think if I could get it to instantly make a thousand of these then we'd make some real cash a lot faster still though like I can only do this so long until I realize it's worth five thousand dollars every time I get a stack I invested five million into it how long is it gonna take over here killing cows to make my money back the problem here is this is inefficient if we industrial revolutionize this by buying a sell wand for 1.2 million dollars this allows us to right click and instantly sell everything in a chest so for example if I walk over to this watch twelve thousand dollars twenty three thousand dollars you see what just happened right there you literally just click on it and it sells everything inside which is really cool so if I can somehow kill these cows or have them fall to their death into a hopper system into chests they'd automatically fill up an uncommon sell over time that's what we got to do so now 192 cows spawn in here and all I need now is a way to kill them and automatically move them into the crates so that is the tough part okay here's the idea I want to put some grass right in front of this that's where the cow will spawn I'm gonna put her pleasure plate on it and then I want the cattle to step on that pressure plate which then triggers a redstone circuit which would then cause a piston above it to push the cattle down to its depth so basically it would spawn fall die Hit The Hoppers and I could start selling them fast I'm gonna put my cow spawner here then the Redstone will be facing the Piston like this you know what it actually did push it oh it did kind of work the thing is though it didn't kill it because it wasn't high enough and that should be fairly easy to solve I think all I have to do is um dig this down just a little bit but I would later all right so guys take a look at how sick this is so now the cows instantly spawn instantly fall down they die then all the items that they have go to to this Hopper system which then leads down to here and as this gets full I can click it once with the cell wand and make money so now we automatically make all the profits from the cattle I don't have to worry about selling stuff I can just come in here and sell it once boom a thousand dollars so that is actually incredible so we'll let this thing run its course not to worry about that for a bit and now we have thousands rolling in every few seconds and it only cost me 10 million dollars to make which doesn't seem like a great deal when you think about it guys I'm literally losing hope right now like all my ideas are running out I don't have enough money to wager right now because I spent it on this cow machine which literally is making us no money I think it's time for a Hail Mary play guys I'm going to try to sell my Island use the money from my Island to gamble and a wager fight and that's literally Our Last Hope if that doesn't work I will fail this challenge so we'll be back in 24 hours to check all right guys it's currently 3 A.M and I just woke up because I need to make a deal with a player who lives on the opposite side of the world to sell my base currently we have literally no money because I have actually wasted it over the past several days working on upgrading my Island to make even more and now I'm gonna go through and try to see how much money I've made the last few days hopefully it's several million dollars because if it's not then my odds of winning this are going to be extremely low if these aren't full I swear to God oh my God I left it for days and it's not working this is a disaster folks all right let's jump in chat then since it's 3am though I'm gonna try to get them to all send me their money again so I literally just said hey guys send me all your money real quick let's see if we can get it off oh my God someone actually just sent me 60 million dollars well that's just straight up put us in ninth place on the richest player lands all right you know what he sent me so much money I could actually just sell my Island to him which means we have officially sold the island and everything in it and I think we definitely pulled a profit at 60 million and now I'm gonna sell it to this rich man in a suit with a cow skin and we're gonna lose everything this is a big deal so I'm just gonna do what I have to do we just made six million dollars upgraded to netherrite and realized that all my other ideas were total waste of money which I shouldn't have done my hotel really didn't pull off money like I thought and then our Casino of course made a little bit but I think it's time now to do the ultimate PVP battle with the ultimate gear that we have been collecting over weeks and see how much money we can make now guys I am currently at the PVP Arena so what I want to do is uh invite a couple players here and I would like to determine if I can Slaughter these players or not with these items but there's gonna be a storm in players after me so I don't know if I can take them all come on guys you all scared got our first taker right here dude's not even in full freaking netherright so it should be pretty easy Dub here oh he's got a freaking Magic Shield don't even all right what's going on okay oh boy now see this is the thing about this Arena here is that there are a lot of special effects like that and I just don't know which ones are mine which ones aren't mine because there's so many we are slaughtering people we are slaughtering people I'll say it I'm a PVP god with this armor I'll say it right now I'm a PVP god with this armor I mean this is uh this is just unreal oh this guy gives you blindness with his weapon I'm not a fan of that to be honest with you uh this might be our first death potentially this guy seems pretty strong but we'll see he's kind of two fisting weapons I don't really like that that feels kind of weird to me we're getting my quadruple team here to be honest okay okay we're getting like 10 double team we're not making any money it ain't good to be honest the PVP idea that I built up for multiple episodes uh it feels like a giant flop because uh nobody has the money to bet it and I feel like that guy is way better than me so clearly selling the island did not generate enough money clearly getting up at 3am to try to meet an Australian player Who's online and uh you know has all the money and try to get it from them guys I don't know what to do we sold the island we only have what's in our inventory right now I sold everything and I I don't know my only other option then is to just start selling things in the ah and wipe my inventory clean like I guess I could sell this gun I'll sell it for 30. all right I'm gonna sell this hat which seems pretty song and I don't even know what it's worth I'm just gonna start putting in extremely high prices maybe I can sell enough items that I can make the money back okay so now I have about 150 million dollars with the products that are on the market that will be there for the next eight hours and if one of these Mega Rich players logs on and sees it they might buy it it's been over 24 hours all right let's check out the age so I have them listed for 24 hours and not a single one of them has sold so come join the server right now start your own series earn the YouTuber rank become a player on the world's greatest Minecraft server most importantly guys drop a comment for what series we should do next we may have failed this one but doesn't mean we'll fail the next one I love you guys if you enjoyed this series click here to go check out the entire First Trade Up playlist peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 2,412,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: byBGBtq8H6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 51sec (4311 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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