I love this Mario Party Game (AMAZING Mario Party 10 Maze + Boss Fights vs Luigi, Peach, Yoshi!)

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today we play an amazingly fun game of mario party 10 on the level airship central and i was on the edge of my seat for the entire game this is so suspenseful i really hope you enjoy this journey and seeing who wins and i hope you enjoy this video here we are this is looking this actually reminds me so much of the legend of zelda skyward sword okay airship central welcome to mario party you'll be playing on the airstrip central board deciding order let's see who's going to be first oh oh and we're flying around in an airplane it looks like okay so and mario is first so that's very nice oh no but the last time oh my goodness in whimsical water i had the best luck that i've ever seen in mario party but only for the first half of the game and then i had the unluckiest game i've ever seen in my life of mario party okay so let's see how this goes hopefully all of our good luck will be saved for the end okay we got a three so where does that bring us okay and if we roll all six numbers if we roll one two three four five and six whoever rolls the final number wakes up bowser and that'll be very bad okay so we start off with a special dice block so maybe we could get something nice let's see okay a 456 dice block that might be nice i kind of don't want to use it i want to save it for as long as possible here the air strips in front of you switch out after you move forward wait how does this work wait a minute do they rotate every turn or how does this work that's actually really cool this is a really cool level design okay so luigi's going next is he gonna get the plus eight or what is he gonna roll he rolls a four oh wait i think that means he's going onto that golden ship over there right oh we have a mini game over here what kind of minigame do we have one versus three okay so is it everyone versus luigi let's see yeah everyone versus luigi let's go skewer scary is in this game i remember this one from mario party superstars i guess it comes from mario party 10. okay this is a really cool one i loved this one in mario party superstars i didn't know from where it originated i guess maybe it first came from this game okay so we want to knock it squish all right all right whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that was so fast i almost didn't even see where it was coming from let's see what's next oh there oh man oh man i thought yo she would push me out of the way get up get up get up get up get up get up okay few more seconds to go and how are we doing how are we doing get up get up get up get up get up okay and it looks like we survived okay man i don't know if it's faster in this game or if the way that it lights up it's like it's not as clear what one is going to be attacking you in this version pretty good first mini game over there okay so this ship is switching with that ship now uh oh i hope i don't pass by that minus three or land on the bad luck space over there oh there are fuzzies over there hey who's next peach roll one please don't get a two or more no she got a two that's so sad uh princess peach gets plus eight she's got 16 stars she's in first place and she gets a special dice welcome one two three dice blog so that might come in handy i kind of hope yoshi rolls a one oh or you know what or if he gets a three or a five that might be okay too or a four would even be okay so that i could get the plus five over there what are you gonna roll oh five wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that brings us to that's perfect i'm gonna get plus five now okay and yeah she gets a four or five six dice well okay and the only numbers left before bowser comes are one and six okay these ships are switching around like this that's pretty far ahead oh that's so cool there's a hot air balloon over there too all right time for mario to roll so honestly no matter what number we get it doesn't matter a four would be pretty good because that would be a lucky space but anything except for a six i guess let's see i thought it was gonna land on a six okay but it landed on a 4k so we got plus five over here so we're in a nice second place over here oh and we land on the lucky space okay okay okay so which one do we choose right middle or left let's go with middle oh okay four okay so we got the second best one and that puts us up into first place i'm kind of scared that we are in first place because the one time in whimsical waters i was having absolutely unreal luck for like the first half maybe the first two thirds of the game then i just got extremely unlucky after that okay luigi gets a three does this mean he's gonna get a custom dice block now or sorry a special dice book okay we all head in here so it looks like we're all going to get some kind of dice block let's see what do we get a zero one dice block interesting okay luigi gets a slow dice block so he could roll whatever he wants basically as long as he's careful oh luigi lands on an unlucky spot and he's in last place isn't he minus four stars luigi's down to just one mini star okay now we're heading across this thing i kind of i'm pretty scared of all the luck that looks like it's going to be coming our way go ahead and roll princess peach what do you get a five wait does she get more mini stars let's see she does she gets another plus five that puts her into first place over here and there's a versus mini game okay i love how many mini games we're having because the mini games in this game so far all the ones that i've seen have been really really cool i've got to play all the mini games in this game mario party 10 mini games are super fun i'm very impressed with them shape up what is this i've never seen this one before two versus two minigame oh this looks crazy oh my goodness you want to stack these and you want to reach the line but you don't want them to fall over oh my goodness this looks so intense let's have a look at this oh my goodness this is going to be crazy all right let's go let's go let's grab some shapes okay i think wait do we take turns or how does it work oh wait wait wait let me grab okay all right let me put down a square a square is perfect let's just put down squares yes put down squares uh oh we're starting to get some scary shapes now let's see how's that uh did we reach does that mean we win wait oh i guess it just has to stay above the line for three seconds without flying okay that's great we are the engineering masters even though at the beginning of the minigame i wasn't sure how to pick up the blocks because my remote was like dropping but man we made it we made it we're doing all right oh oh man there's a nice lucky ship over here how close are we getting to the end though cuz i kind of want to use my four five six dice block oh yoshi's using his four five six he gets a six where does that bring him let's see oh now whoever rolls a one is going to wake up bowser oh no it's only one lock keeping bowser from escaping so whoever rolls on one bowser is going to take away half of their mini stars if you open the last walk the house will come and take away your mini stars so be careful oh man let's see yo she passes by there for a plus eight wait does he get boosted okay he doesn't get boozy he just lives on a special dice block over here he gets another four five six dice block uh oh uh let's see no now it's the bad luck one in front of me no this is not good this is not good at all i really don't have anything good that we can do in this turn there's really nothing good that we can do over here let's see it's only just don't get a one don't get a one okay a four so we lose some at least we don't wake up bowser we lose a few mini stars over here that's fine that's fine oh and change order okay uh hopefully it's not me again i don't want to roll again please don't be mario again no that's so silly oh man oh wait wait wait but you know what now might actually be a good time to use a 456 dice book because we will be reaching the you know what over there and i don't want to yeah we're going to lose some stars here this is fine we're going to be we're going to be losing some stars here i don't want to roll a one and wake up bowser that's the thing but we're going to be reaching the mini boss oh i thought anyone that passes by that wheel gets to do the steel stars thing but i guess it's only if you land there okay let's see what the mini boss here is i don't know what the mini boss in this level is going to be i've never seen this one before i haven't done this level before so we're going to be seeing this for the first time what's the mini balls where are we facing [Music] mega monty moles maze mischief okay okay okay okay he's got a bomb uh-oh let's face off against this monty bowl here very exciting times all right very exciting times here oh my goodness look at the monty moles ship up there that's so cool wait oh okay i'm like why is there a flower and a flower pop there oh the monty moles shake some flower off there and that's so funny okay so we want to be the first one to make it through the maze that's what's important okay let's see okay let's see i think i know how to do this let's go like this i'm ready wait why is why was luigi just standing there that's so weird okay let's here are we first i think we are first yes we are first this is amazing all right here we go luigi ended up being lost okay so we fire the biggest cannon so we do the most damage that's so cool this is such a cool boss fight okay wait wait wait now he wants to throw a bomb oh and now it changes okay okay so this moves around can we see how it moves around okay okay i know where to go wait wait oh no i'm over here i thought luigi would have been on the oh no this is not good this is not good this is not good are we first are we first oh i just beat luigi oh my goodness that was so close luigi almost got there before me i didn't realize that i wouldn't be on the far left i thought i would be on the far left every time but it looks like you're not in the same position every time okay so we have to watch not just one path but all the paths because we don't know what pipe we are going to be coming out of so let's see okay we are here okay we can go like this this will be a good way for us to go then we'll go around this way around like this and are we first yes i love how uh luigi and yoshi were just standing together there oh wait wait wait do i get the last hit to get him down to half hp let's see oh oh we just keep attacking him like this okay and i'm guessing there might be a bonus for like who gets the final hit okay quantity mole's getting angry because his health is at less than half now okay we're nicely in the lead here it's not like a guaranteed win or anything but let's see what's going to happen now that it's uh now that he's more than half done what's going to happen now let's see oh there are bombs now uh oh uh what happens with these bombs oh you want the bombs to explode i guess okay and you probably don't want to get all peaches first wait am i last am i an absolute last i'm an absolute last name i don't even see how the others did so well how did the others do so well what did they do how did they make it around the bombs okay let's see what do we want to do what do we want to do is there any good path for us i guess we can go around this way and then there would be one bomb yoshida oh you can stay that close to the bottom i didn't know that okay well we are first this time so that's nice okay okay okay she's going okay yoshi's last now oh and yoshi was uh in second place so it's nice that he's last now wait is that it peach gets final hit how many points do you get plus five for five okay okay but the boss is defeated i think we are going to be winning this one we have 21 points here i think we are winning this one nicely let's see 21 oh wait you lose points for misses is you get a misses if you i wonder what makes you lose a point for misses ties are decided by daiso okay who's going to win luigi or yoshi ah yo she wins he gets to 6k she's in third okay mary's in first that's very nice we got ten mini stars are we up in first place now overall let's see okay nice that mini boss has been defeated we're back here oh we're tied in first with princess peach this is very scary and if anyone rolls a one then you guys know what happens if someone rolls a one the next person to roll the one wakes up bowser and that means that they lose half of their total mini stars and a bunch of bowser spaces will appear on the board so hopefully someone rolls a one before me i have a zero one dice block so i don't want to do that let's see what is this oh there's a ship coming up here wait what is this from here on bowser ship will fire a bullet bill at the space it's locked onto you lose half of your ministers if a bullet bill hits you so be careful that is absolutely horrifying oh my goodness okay so luigi of course is using the slow dice block here to roll whatever number he wants he wants a four so where does that bring him he passes by here wait does that boost him does he get a boost does he get to roll again oh he just lands on a blue star oh okay because that was uh that versus space there's scary okay and luigi gets another special dice block which might really come in handy man the special dice blocks here are going to be really important i didn't realize that well i didn't know that the bullet bills in this section would be so scary i didn't know there'd be scary bullet bills like this okay where are they aiming now there and there okay so peach go ahead and roll what do you get a five wait wait wait wait wait wait wait does that make her land on or does she pass by it she gets plus five oh peach i'm so sorry for you princess peach she loses half of her mini stars minus 15. that's a huge loss puts her down into third place but if i roll a one then i'm waking a bowser the next person to roll the one wakes up bowser i wonder if yoshi's gonna use his four five six dice block i'm really wondering it would probably be the smart move to use the 456 dice block let's see wait why would you use the zero one dice block oh he rolls to zero that's so lucky that he didn't roll a one oh man oh man this is scary this is scary i am absolutely terrified over here because oh wait whoa i don't want a two or three okay if i roll a one then bowser gets me so if i do this there's a 50 50 chance of rolling a one and losing half of my mini stars but if i do this then there's also a 50 50 chance of losing half of my mini stars if i roll a one then i lose half my mini stars because bowser appears but if i roll two or three then i lose half of my mini stars from the bullet bills but if i do this dice then there's a chance that i get eight mini stars so it's better to use this just don't give me one two or three [Music] nice nice nice nice nice nice okay it could have been luckier i could have gotten if i got five or six then i would have gotten more mini stars and possibly a special dice block but at least i didn't lose a bunch of mini stars hey go ahead and roll luigi what do you get a two okay so he gets some for passing by here but now the turn order is going to change man i'm in first but i'm kind of scared to be in first and yoshi's very close behind man i'm surprised that nobody's rolled the one yet don't be mario don't be mario be luigi be luigi make it luigi please be luigi yes okay okay okay so luigi rolls again go ahead and roll luigi okay where's the ship going i don't even know what i want him to get ah zero man these people are so lucky by getting zeros with these zero one dice blocks because man if you roll a one bowser has got you the bowser lock only has one roll one roll one come on how is everyone rolling zeros with the zero on dice book that is unbelievable man i swear if i use the zero one dice book i'm going to be the first person to roll one then bowser is going to come yoshi what are you gonna do what are you gonna do roll a one please four wait where does that make him go does he lose half of his stars where does that bring him let's see okay yoshi loses half of his mini starts that makes me a bit less scared because now i'm in first place and if i lose half of my mini stars then everyone's gonna have a very similar amount of mini stars in total okay he gets a one two three dice block now what do we want i don't know if i can keep counting on my luck what's this looks like there's many game boxes in here yeah we haven't had a mini game in a while what's it gonna be okay four player mini game let's see what it's gonna be free-for-all mini game we're in first place but how long will it last goomba gallop i've never seen this one before this looks like it could be really cool though oh that's so interesting this is going to be such a cool one but also such a tough one we want to see which of these have the most let's hear they're the most gloombas those other guys or those other guys let's see oh man this is so tough this is so tough let's see let's see let's see [Music] man it's incredibly close you know what i might even say regular goombas over here i think it might be that i don't know if it is that i really don't know it's so close let's see what is it what's the answer i am in last place oh man that's not good okay oh and there are only two rounds of this oh man oh man okay let's see one two three four five six seven eight da da da da da da okay i think i know what it is this time wait what was that weird flag squirrel thing that just went by is the things that look like tomatoes these tomato head guys come on come on come on i want to pick that it's the tomato head guys no i think yoshi comes in first place because even if i'm right i get the most points but then yoshi gets some points so let's see yeah i guess right this time but yoshi's in first so i'm in second in this minigame but you know what at least there isn't a big difference between first place and second place and mini games like you still get quite a few mini stars either way yeah it's like five versus three mini stars for coming in first place versus second place so not a huge difference all right but now things might start to get very very bad if we roll a one or a two then we might lose because if we roll one we lose half of our mini stars and bowser comes out and takes half of our mini stars we roll a two we lose half of our mini stars if we roll a three four five or six i would be super happy give me three four five or six yes thank you thank you we get plus ten for going here that's why wait wait wait do we roll backwards now oh oh wait is there a chance that i could go backwards into the bullet bills i don't know if there's a chance that i go backwards into the bullpills there i don't think there is so i think i could get another plus ten if i roll a two or greater let's see a three oh man oh man oh wait but do i not activate the minigame space okay so i get another plus ten okay this is what the cpus did to be what i played in whimsical waters now i am getting this luck i'm the one who's getting a bunch of mini stars from passing by then passing by backwards luigi also got a lot right there wait no one is rolled up once oh no i didn't realize that luigi landed there loses half of his mini stars that's so sad i am very far in first place you know i'm not even super worried if peach rolls at one and gets to go backwards because if she oh she rolls the one that wakes up bowser ah bowser has awakened ah this is so sad so wait does peach lose half of her mini stars i think she loses half of her mini stars i wonder if she also gets hit by the bullet bills but she might go backwards and get to pass by a bunch of uh mini stars peach you freed me now give me some of your mini stars all right let's see peach she loses half right so yeah minus eight yeah so it's half rounded down and what now a bunch of bowser spaces are going to appear now i'll just scatter some bowser spaces around the board to liven things up a bit shoot some fire wait have we been here yet is that the next part of the level oh we haven't even made it to the home stretch yet oh man so it's not even good that i'm super lucky yet because things might still go very badly okay oh wait now peach gets hit here loses half of her mini stars again loses four so she's down to five please roll up one that would be hilarious ah two okay so she does get some she does get some mini starts for passing back she ends up with 15. she started the turn with 17 ends the turn with 15. so that's honestly not bad yo she rolls a two that would be okay oh he specifically wants a four 4-5-6 block because he wants to pass by yoshi doesn't want us to keep playing around in this area yoshi's catching up he's only 20 behind me and i thought that this would be super close to the end of the board but it looks like there's still quite a bit left to the board wait a minute this is an interesting looking area this is a very interesting looking area let's see is this the final stretch no tell me we're not going to keep getting shot at stop fight back the player who gets the last hit will win 10 mini stars oh i don't know about that oh so all these are like plus two plus two plus two so you know what i kind of want to use the slow dice lock but i kind of don't just don't roll a four don't roll a four ah it's about time we finally got some bad luck we've had too much good luck what happens do we lose five hopefully we lose just five please be just five what what -24 that put us down into second place oh man attack x4 oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh battle bad yo she's in first place now oh man man attack explorer a little bit of it on them down to two is yoshi going next is yo she's gonna get to finish it off yoshi what are you gonna get a two yoshi finishes it off yoshi gets another tad bit he starts now she's gonna be at 39 yoshi's so far ahead guys the bad luck begins no no we were so lucky up until now this is so sad this is just like whimsical waters why yoshi why are you so lucky how are you so lucky yoshi you're in first place you don't need 10 more mini stars oh man oh man oh battle man this is not good are we getting close to the end this is the home stretch isn't it what do we want i would love i would love a six a six would be perfect don't give me a four i don't want to go to bowser six would be perfect give me a six come on nice okay we actually got it okay okay i didn't think that we could get it that's pretty lucky not far to the pool now let's take a look at everyone spinning stars hey yoshi is 14 ahead i'll give a slow nice block to the player in last place why don't you give it to me who cares about luigi luigi should just do what he does best and do absolutely nothing and try to win like that from here on the millennium last place could choose the minigame totally fair we're finally at the home stretch be careful going through these last spaces wow we are very close to the end and there are a lot of plus tens to collect okay so let's see versus mini game okay oh oh if we can oh okay so it's one of these mini games okay battle mini game if yoshi does very poorly and we do very well then i will be super happy because five mini stars are taken from everyone let's see what is the mini what is the mini game where's the mini game that we are playing let's see it is magma meltdown so it's very important that we do well here okay this mini game seems straightforward hopefully we can play well though i'm really really really really hoping we can win this one it's very important that we win this one let's see no one's coming to me where's the next one okay over here is fine where's the next platform going to okay there's one over here this is a good spot okay two are gone let me go here this is a fine spot wait peach oh my goodness i was so much more nervous than i should have been because that was not difficult at all i thought that mini game would go on for about 10 times as long as it did okay so yoshi came in third so he gets four so that means that he paid in five and he got four back so he's one lower than he was i'm tied with yoshi in first okay luigi where are you going are you gonna roll a huge number i kind of want everyone to roll big numbers just so we can reach the end very soon okay so let's see luigi gets plus 10 over here that's quite nice and where do you land okay he lands on just a green over there peach please bring us to the end roll a three or more nice nice nice does that bring us to the very end okay how many does she get there she gets ten okay i'm tied with yoshi i'm tied with yoshi so now we have to do very well on the final boss if we could win this final boss i will be incredibly happy and we might win depending on the bonus stars what's the boss let's see kamik's rocket rampage this looks like it could be difficult ah we're up against kev the camera looks giant over there all right just floating through the sky over here i love how we look this is such a cool cut scene over here here's kamek oh kamik uses the spell to turn big that makes sense all right let's get started okay this seems pretty straightforward we want to grab these missiles and then fire them at hammock oh i think those gold ones are worth more because they're very big like that let's see and we don't want to get hit by these bullet bills that are coming toward us okay where the rocket's hat ah you stole my gold rocket that was gonna be my gold rocket let's go no my gold rocket didn't work oh no no no no no no no no let's see okay got a nice hit there oh man almost got hit by those bullet bills give me the gold one yes there we go plus five nice nice nice nice size where's the other rock inside give me a nice rocket give me a nice rocket i want that gold one okay there's a gold one there's a gold one bam plus five how are we doing uh hold on peach has a pretty high score oh i didn't see that bull bill down there that's not good that's not good oh yes give me the gold one give me the gold one no no because the gold ones they can hit the they can get caught on the bullet bills that's not good oh wait or did i already have one is that why a gold one nice okay okay i saw that we have 30 points okay we're pretty far oh yoshi's so far behind that's amazing i wanted that rocket someone got it before me okay there's a gold one bam okay let's be careful let's be careful don't want to get hit by those bullet pills oh no another bill bill okay okay okay gold one gold one good one give me that plus five let's go give me that plus two let's go 42. wow we are doing incredible here okay so there are these zappy things that are coming out and also large bullet bills we are actually doing fantastic here i'm very happy with how this is going okay here we go bam just grab it and throw it right away bam grab it and throw it right away let's see damn grab it and throw it right away this is going amazing let's see i would have loved that plus five right there i missed that shot someone else is probably getting final hit let's see yeah someone else got final hit but but look how high our score is 50 die that's unreal luigi has only five wait was i tied in first with luigi or yoshi i don't remember who's in first or second along with me challenge complete beat the bosses does that mean that i've defeated every boss in this game i think that might be what that accomplishment there is all right first place here so we get the most mini stars here 15 and i'm hopeful that we might actually win this board i'm really really hopeful but it all comes down to the awards ceremony to who gets the bonus mini stars i hope we get some bonus mini stars we've come to the final tally it's time to announce the bonus stars leslie please give some to mario please be like mini game bonus star let's see what is it what's this one snail slow star ah goes to yoshi and peach the snows are fruit with a few spaces got some peach and yoshi okay what else is there don't give them any more is this one for me mini game star yeah the video game star goes to mario well then on to the final results i really hope mario wins please tell me mario it's please tell me mario is please let mario win please please please please please please please please please be mario please we're all floating around mario galaxy have to have luigi's in last now who peach falls okay now please yoshi fall and let mario win goodbye yoshi mario wins this one let's go uh we played super super well in the boss fights and in the mini games there's the one mini game that we didn't win yoshi came in second in yo she came in first in one mini game challenge complete mario party pro i wonder if that's for playing all the boards look at that we won by 10 mini stars not a humongous win but i'm super happy with how that went there's so many moments where that could have gone very badly we could have gotten very unlucky in so many spots but we did fantastic there and i'm so happy with that look at how far ahead we were around over here then over here yoshi got ahead of us and i was very scared but then we came out on top thank you so much for watching this far into the video i really appreciate having you along on this journey this is an amazing one this was so much fun you might enjoy some of my other videos if you like this one i hope you all have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,313,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, super mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, all characters, mario vs luigi, luigi, peach, yoshi, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, mario party all characters minigames, boss fight, mario bosses, final boss, rainbow, maze, rainbow maze, mario maze
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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