I Spent 30 Days Working in VR (here's what I learnt...)

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[Music] the quest 3 has been out for a while now it's been almost 3 months since this headset was [Music] launched we're going to be using it for a bit of work a bit of play but there are still some issues that need to be addressed now I went for the cheapest and most basic model this is like the smaller model with the basic head strap on it honestly I never really find any reason to upgrade even the extra storage space I've never found a reason to use that and I've just never had any problems so using the uh liar scanner there's a camera right in the middle of here you can actually scan your entire space in just by looking around it's really really cool the only problems I've had though is when moving between spaces so if you move between like this space and like a different room in your house it hasn't been able to remember which spaces you're in so you can only really use this in one room there's an update coming which will actually basically upload your room scan into the cloud it will then know based on your location where you are and it will download that room scan and like the whole kind of all the clever stuff that it's doing uh from the cloud which would be awesome because then I can move this between the studio and the home and not have to rescan the room in every time so I've just connected up my Mac and just to I can get on straight with some work and I have like I currently have one virtual screen in front of me which is like I don't know it's a gigantic screen but everything is super clear I can actually have three screens in front of me look at all of my screens but what I will say is the um improved like color pass through is really really good obviously it's not like thoroughly accurate and it's not the same as like not wearing a headset I can basically see everything in the real color that it is around me the only thing is like when trying to read screens you can't really like read a screen particularly if you want to like check your messages on your mobile phone and like just reply to someone quickly I I can see the time I can see the photo I can just about make out that Chris has text me but I very much doubt I can read his message perfect can you let hson know that Tuesday filming day so you can kind of read it I can't read all of it one thing that this does allow me to do that's your glass isn't it yeah yeah cool is I can actually use the pass through mode to like very easily walk through it's a bit warped around the edges uh but I can still like genuinely I think get in the yep it's going in the glass I can still genuinely like go and like walk around the house and do things and make yourself a drink can you oh can you drink it okay just about but it's ah it's not perfect but it's good enough for what a lot of people want which is just to walk around and do normal things although you wouldn't really answer the door with a headset because I'm sure to you this looks like stupid but I can see my screen my my screen stays over there so if I'm walking around my like virtual laptop screen is still like over there still which is awesome it's just is my hand tracking working yet oh my hand kind of there we go hand tracking is now working so I can walk around oh that's cool so if I go I've seen this before I've I can go into the kitchen he says carrying my screen oh no I've lost it my screen's gone hang on I'm G no I've got it I grabbed it and walk into the no he says it's lost it again walk into the kitchen with my screen and I can watch a watch a TV show whilst I'm doing the washing app or something very cool as long as the hand tracking he says is now he can't grab it come on come on there we go now I've got it now I'm going to bring my screen back to my living room I make it lose it yep yeah this doesn't look stupid at all there we go got it NOP he's lost it again so this is what I mean the hand tracking really isn't the best uh honestly like I don't understand how it can lose it so easily especially when I'm blatantly waving my hands around in front of the thing like you can see it's tracking my hands now because it's bringing up all sorts of things around my my hand there you go there's like a virtual hand now um yeah but I can now resume my work and now I'm back in my office okay so picking up the quest 3 after using the quest one two and the quest Pro there are three things that instantly hit me now number one the image quality and Clarity is incredible it's so much better number two hand tracking two position Windows as if they were real they have kind of nailed the whole spatial awareness where you can just literally pick this screen up and move it around problem is their hand tracking is still atrociously bad on the Quest headset I don't know what they're doing but they should be far far better than they are right now it should be able to identify that I've put my controllers down and they're like below me and like not danging my arms around like I'm still holding the controllers it just shouldn't happen now and then number three what the hell is my keyboard doing in these screen recordings of me sat at the desk trying to work and after just around about like an hour of working I definitely feel fatigued with wearing this like thing on my head already now this is just the basic strap but I definitely recommend going for either the elite strap or actually finding a good third party one if you intend on wearing this for a very long time particularly as the strap on this headset flattens my Mohawk so that's a a very very bad decision okay let's talk productivity now as one of the big reasons I keep trying like the latest virtual or augmented reality products like the quest 3 is the possibility of using it in just like day-to-day working which in itself could provide a huge range of benefits like being able to see and use a huge like large display when you're working from anywhere rather than spending thousands on like large or Ultra wide monitor is 134 in in terms of like screen size so yeah if you want a massive cinema screen in your living room to play games on that is quite cool and it brings us one step closer to this you know always connected world where augmented reality becomes part of our daily routine so there are two ways I've been using the quest to work or rather two apps and they both serve a different purpose and both are good and bad for different reasons now the first is using meta app where you can sit in your Virtual Office and work on one two or three virtual screens and by tapping on the side of the headset you can change from being in you 100% virtual reality to being in this mixed reality world where you can see and interact with your actual space but also still see your work screens and this it does work great I think the biggest question I get asked about this is how bad is the graphics quality on the virtual screens and honestly the answer is really really good honestly I had to get up very very close to try and start pixel peeping I generally just don't have any problems with what I'm seeing now of course if you're someone who does like to pixel peep then I'm sure you're going to find like something here to pick out and say that it's no good but for the most part and for most people you can clearly read everything you can see everything there's no squinting the text isn't fuzzy or anything like that now where meta's own app goes from here though is that when you bring it into a virtual meeting and you can change like the layout of the room to be more of a classroom based or more of a traditional like meeting room layouts and now you can chat between yourselves with like other people with this full spatial audio so you know exactly where each person is sat just as if you sat there in like a real meeting space now other than the fact that of course that everyone looks like a cartoon you can also go up to the Whiteboard and like write or draw things now we genuinely did this for the working in VR video we posted with the Quest 2 which was like 8 months ago I'll say it was actually legitimately really useful to do this to plan out a video rather than kind of what I thought it would be which was just like a bit of a gimmick when it really really comes down to it that isn't that useful and if other users don't have a quest headset that they can you know join in on then others can hop in Via video link and appear in this like floating window but they still keep the spatial audio which actually makes you instinctively look towards the person who's talking because that's the direction that their voice is coming just like in in real life so that is meta's own attempt and it is a good start but it's quite a lonely attempts you either sit in a room by yourself or you start a meeting and you have people join the meeting but there is an app that fixes the problems of mess's own app and before that whether you're at home or you're at work one of the problems I'm struggling with right now is trying to monitor everything on my network to know if the kids have switched something off or if there's internet connectivity issues or if the Wi-Fi is down which is you know more often the case and if you have a business well that's even more of a very expensive tip of a very expensive Iceberg G's kind of dying in the sofa over there poor Gary geeky Gary well that is where pulseway comes in handy using pulseway you can monitor devices across your network and even have automatic remediation if there are any problems detected there are Integrations with popular services such as zendesk slack and there is even a fully featured mobile client that allows you to remotely control devices this looks really weird wow my my hand is see-through my phone is see-through apparently let's resume a mobile app that allows you to manage all of this just from your phone and it gives you access to moniter manage and remotely control devices from pretty much anywhere in the world so if you're an IT professional or a business and want to give this a try for free click the link down below to give it a try and lastly a huge thank you to pulseway for sponsoring this video and supporting the channel so the other app that grows on me the more and more I use it is called immersed and I've said this in a few of my videos now but this is what I like to call the Starbucks of virtual working now first of all you can now have a screen of literally any size that you want in any resolution that you want and you can have as many of them as you want you can even make them curved if you really want to so if you're like me you may prefer just one single ultrawide you can do that but where immersed really solidifies its like place for me is when you join one of their public areas now you can actually sit in this public space as if you you know were in a Starbucks and get on with your work but also being amongst other people that means you can overhear their conversations you can even swap seats and join in on conversations andm has controls built into your hand so you can kind of like d and yourself so you're not interrupted you can also change your screens to a smaller screen that you can look over when you're speaking to people so that's not kind of distracting I've also met the apps owned developers whilst in these rooms I've even met people who are just shopping online but just wanted to be in this like social space whilst doing it now to some people this might sound weird or creepy or perhaps the first sign of Mankind's downfall but to many many many people where recent events have you know kickstarted this whole working from home thing but who miss the hustle and bustle of like real people this is actually a really interesting way to stay connected and meet new people even now where a mer still falls down a little for me though is some the basic areas now the screen quality for me at least isn't as good as metazone app though you are given plenty of options to tweak and fine-tune it if you want to and the Hand tracking as I've mentioned already at times can be very questionable now of course that probably comes down to meta's I guess lack of implementation for hand tracking is just really not the best but the one significant downfall of using the Quest for work purposes are well that one it's big and heavy that can be quite fatiguing if you're using it for long periods of time you know no it's not bad and it is getting better every year but it is not yet like wearing pair of glasses not yet and also to that point this big white headset not really the kind of thing you'd carry around with you and wear in the middle of you know an actual Starbucks but but but immersed is actually coming out with its own product called visor in early 2024 which does look like somewhat a regular pair of sunglasses and it's a lot lighter as well now I have no more information on this other than what's stown online as of yet but I'm hoping to get my hands on a pre-release model soon so I can test this out for you so subscribe if you want to see more about that now what about gaming and entertainment on the quest 3 though okay so Xbox's Wireless kind of cloud gaming thing just launched yesterday on the quest 3 headset so now we're going to give this a try and just see how will it actually performs so I've got a Bluetooth Xbox controller connected wirelessly through Bluetooth to my headset and I have this gigantic screen in front of me I spend a lot of money on this TV when you could be sitting back and just chill out and have this like hundred I don't know what that is but measuring my virtual screen that you can't see 134 in so we have 111 in Virtual screen for the cost of a a quest headset so let's just see if this is any good so uh first of all Graphics wise no I'd say it looks 1080p cuz I think the screen is just too big as well I mean it looks impressive the only thing is the controls I think yeah there's definitely some delay going on with the controls there which might be interesting if we actually uh come up against somebody so there's a bit of lag in the screen definitely there's some lag in the screen straight away this isn't as good as having a TV okay I I'll just say that uh but like I said this is brilliant if you can you know take it round with you it gives you a huge screen for like no cost which is right quite nice so first person shooter games probably not the best thing racing games probably not the best thing things that you know require quite quick reflexes uh probably not going to be the best thing on here this is either going to be awesome or this is going to be a very very very quick game ah okay this this is not good uh is it real person it's a real person yeah oh there's a oh there's a boss of course there's a boss here and I've just swapped guns with the boss I'm really struggling to keep up with ah okay I'm dead uh yeah mixed feelings about this it is good CU it has a huge screen I wouldn't quite call it a gimmick I think it definitely has its place it's definitely useful as long as you're not playing like I said like games that really require your uh input controls to be very very fast oh hang on woo you can change how big the screen is oh that's so cool okay take measure time pass the the thing out there there you go got it okay and then basic down to where the camera is on the bottom end of the camera roughly speaking it is uh 77 in so the small setting is 77 in so the uh the medium size is uh 93 in okay so the large size is4 14 in and the extra large size the extra large oh my God the extra large size is 134 in in terms of like screen size so yeah if you want a massive cinema screen in your living room to play games on that is quite cool apart from the fact that the graphics quality isn't the best and the the like input lag is is quite bad but let's try fora Horizon so we're now playing on the XL screen I don't think the do the graphics change when I mean it's seamless to be able to switch between the size of it I guess it just stretches the image um which is very very cool I don't know if hopefully you can see this recording so if I get up close then yeah obviously it's uh starts getting a bit pixelated but when you're sa far away from back here it does look very very good yeah again if I get close then you can start oh starts okay okay well that's that's about how close you can get to the screen so that's like it feels like that's a foot away or so so you can start like really pixel peeping but if you sit back at an nor Al kind of sofa distance pretty cool yeah it does feel very skittish when playing this Graphics look great I mean the fact is you have to look around to see everything cuz the screen so large but there's a lot of uh is it screen tear just oh my God this is like uncontrollable but there's definitely lag like if you can see uh the controller I'm turning it right actually can you see there we go ah okay yeah unplayable for those kind of games accuracy is much better on this than the last one doesn't lose tracking as much as the last one although not as good as the quest Pro oh my God this is a lot okay well that's difficult done uh so I saw there were some optional hand straps you can get for these controllers 1,000% I'd recommend getting those so even if you like momentarily forget to hold on to your controllers in a moment of stupidity you TV will be safe so all your wife and kids that that won't be good now watching content on this headset in general it's it's okay like I mean it's it's definitely an improvement in the other headsets I've worn the picture the audio quality is also pretty good like way good enough to be able to actually enjoy the content now I have seen people who have been like washing dishes whilst watching a movie or you know something like that whilst wearing the headset and it is sort of okay to do this but it does still mean that you're wearing you know a fairly bulky headset and if anyone else walks in on you in the middle of you know washing dishes and you kind of got wet hands that's not going to be a very comfortable conversation when they can't see your face and you're just wearing this you know just white thing white mask on your face now that is something that Apple's uh Vision headset seems to have addressed with this fake eyes or kind of camera filming your eyes that then produces it on the screen on the outside so I'm of course I'm not quite sure what that will look like in you know reality now I think the Apple vision is probably actually the most excited I've been for a piece of tech for a very very long time certainly going to be trying out next year if I can apple just has a history of taking existing products you know like VR like mobile phones like tablets and just turning them into something much much more again you've got the iPhone the Apple watch the iPads even though they are technically slower to adopt newer technology they are always at the Forefront when it comes to Innovation so it's going to be interesting to see what Apple's first generation headset is like when the likes of meta have been doing it for literally years already now one area that we all know Apple can't really compete with not just yet anyway is gaming and my God playing halflife Alex on the quest three via steam link is incredible uh oh here we go uh reload reload oh reload halflife has always been one of my favorite games from way back when so to experience halflife in VR in Pitch Black rooms where you can hear the face huggers like scuttling around your feet where you have you know we've only got a torch and a pistol and whilst also trying to avoid those long tongue things dangling from the ceiling horrifyingly exciting these are disgusting like look at that honestly like really and I know this word gets used you know far too often but if you want to test how immersive something is but this is like honestly the graphics in this game the detail on the hands on the gloves on the fingers like look at that that's just insane try playing this game it is freaking scary at the best of times what can be improved well still the overall size and weight of the headset is is just too much like it's big it's bulky and whilst it is comfortable for short times when playing games and things it's not like you could walk around you know all day wearing one of these we're kind of on this road right now where the meta glasses and The Meta Quest are getting closer and closer to each other until we hope to reach this you know uh equilibrium where they become one product which is looks like a regular pair of glasses but performs like a quest headset and speaking of which the pass through image Clarity still needs some work it's way way better like it's getting better with every iteration I'm really pleased to see that this time we get full calip pastry and it is pretty good when looking from a distance but when trying to read things up close like your phone screen or laptop it kind of works it's just not really that possible the clarity isn't there and as with everything right now as we're doing right now battery life just isn't good even for a VR headset like we've been shooting this video for the last hour or so and the battery is basically dead on it already like it could do with an extra one 2 hours of regular battery life so I would definitely recommend getting a headstrap with like an extended battery to help you play for longer if you want to otherwise this is a solid headset and if you're considering getting one I'm sure you will be far from disappointed now a huge thank you to our patreon subscribers you can catch the after show right now on patreon for an extended look at the quest 3 it's just something we've started up so I'd love to see you there until next time cheers bye-bye
Channel: Pete Matheson
Views: 101,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HfplGxBO7G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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