You've Been Using Apple TV WRONG! Best Features and Tips

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in this video I'm going to go ahead and share with you a handful of amazing hidden features and some cool tips and tricks that the amazing Apple TV can do because a lot of people are missing these starting off with the wacky one and that is whenever you go over one of these icons by lightly tapping the centerpiece these icons actually have unique animations as you see right here the gear icons moving around my most favorite one is probably the arcade as you can actually move the joystick it's kind of funny and then no not every app has it effect because it's just a normal badge with the default third parties it's mainly the native ones from Apple another unique one probably is the photo one as you can see it look like a little overlap gloss cuz it's glass effect that's pretty cool another one of my favorite features about the Apple TV is let's say for example you and your significant others are watching a movie at the same time but you also want to watch like a YouTube video on the side so whatever you're watching like on your iPhone as an example and to show you exactly what I mean I'm going to go ahead and launch resume something I was watching like Spider-Man as an example allow it to load and now we got Spider-Man playing right so now I'm going to take out my iPhone and we're going to go ahead and select a random YouTube video that I see right here soup let's just watch soup real quick let me lower his volume all right and then by tapping The Cast icon on top right here we are going to go ahead and select airpl and make sure we select the correct one so this is the living room TV hit replace it's going to swap it right there on your Apple TV but then just let it load and then what you need to do is select the pcture and pcture box and now just hit play on the movie that you're watching and there you are watching two things at once and if you go back on your iPhone you do have media control because you can pause and play the video right then and there and uh resume that YouTube video and if you're not familiar with pitcher and pcture by tapping the TV icon on this will quickly take you to the piture picture settings so you can close it entirely or you can move it on each corner like this if it's in the way again this works on iPhones and iPads and you just close it all entirely picture and picture can also be found on some third party apps as well as first party like this one from Disney plus I believe I'm watching it from I have no idea but if you could go to the very right corner bottom right like right here you could also make the current video you're watching and pcture of picture mode ideal if you're watching like football as well so you can watch a movie for the kids and your favorite sports playoff right there on the screen multitasking but now let's go back to that Spider-Man movie because I missed something so let's go ahead and close that and I miss what they said so you could say he or she so I could say something like what did he say and Siri is going to go back the 15 seconds of that clip and we'll enable subtitles captions basically and once it's ped pass at that certain point where you ask it to go back it'll reenable it so right now captions are not available because I just realized we're watching a trailer but a real example would be this what did he say and there you go captions are on and in past the 15-second mark captions will be automatically disabled again if that's how you left it but let's say you want captions to be turned on and you know every subscription service is kind of confusing to find your caption if you can't find it you can always just request Siri to turn on captions as well you can also allow Siri to locate your misplaced Apple devices so as long as you're in the same account you can request Siri using the Apple T remote to locate your iPhone Apple watch and Etc and if you like to skip forward or go back you can always just request Siri go back 30 minutes and Bam quickly skip through films or TV shows just like that so these newer Apple TV remotes the one with the USBC we are already familiar with def find my ability right well it's compatible on most modern day Apple TV so if you like to upgrade you can just buy this remote separately and if you do have the remote I covered this in the past but I'm going to go over it real quickly by launching control center you should be able to find your Apple TV remote control if you don't see this on here you just need to go into your settings and go in Control Center and add it but once you add it select it here you have full remote control ability so long as you select the correct Apple TV as you can control everything from iPhone phone as well as the Apple watch has a remote app as well but if you misplace your remote let's say by tapping here and selecting that Apple TV remote you hit the F icon and then it'll bring you to this screen which allows you to basically locate your phone via heate feedback from your iPhone it's like a hot and cold situation so the closer you get the more responsive your phone will get allowing you to find it but the only drawback to this is there's no built-in speaker on your Apple TV remote I've misplaced it somewhere in the couch before and since it wasn't playing any sound had a hard time finding it that is why it is recommended next tip is to invest in air tags as well as a little silicone sleeve for the Apple TV remote I forgot to bring mine upstairs but I'll have one in the description down below but these are a massive lightsaber because the air tag actually does play sound so if you have a habit of missing your remote that's probably a better combination this way you don't have to buy a new Apple T reme and upgrade so VPN have been available on Apple TV ever since the release of Apple TV OS 17 and now if you go on to the Apple App Store you'll be able to find a lot of your favorite VPN providers like surf shark as well as nordvpn so if you are an existing subscriber to one of these providers you can now easily log in and you can change your Apple TV region to other places around the world and the benefits of this is if you're using popular streaming services like Netflix I find that some of the shows are not available here in the states or even movies but in South Korea I had good luck on fighting like John Wick the complete series where over here I would just had to rent but since I'm already a subscriber and I have a VPN access I was able to spoof my location and watch John Wick without having to rent any of the films since over there it's already available on streaming platforms like Netflix so definitely do utilize vpns if you can so the volume control on the Apple TV is really straightforward up and down you could do the exact same thing with your Apple TV on your iPhone the volume knobs so long as you launch it you can actually control the audio from the television from your iPhone and if it's not working for you you could just press back and go back into your Apple TV settings sorry I forgot to add this in the video my camera kind of cut out so I've totally missed this and just go into remote and devices select this and then you want to go ahead and scroll down so you find control TV and receivers and then where it says volume control depend on TV you have but I just like to leave it on auto let the Apple TV figure it out but if you know what it is what it is just select it but Auto is my best result and that's how you can make sure you have that ability to always adjust the audio on the Apple TV remote as well as the remote app on your phone but if whatever set reason your remote is just isn't responding which is a common bug that usually happens you need to reset the remote it's super easy to do so just long hold on the TV icon right here and volume down for 5 seconds and then this this should resolve any volume bugs that your controller is experiencing then one of the Beauties about the Apple TV is its small size factor it's super small and portable to the point where it just needs two things power and HDMI and if you have an unlimited data plan on your smartphone you can actually use this as a hotspot and take to your hotel and have a much more secure experience because all your existing login information from your platforms that you like streaming from are already saved on your Apple TV so I highly recommend if you can travel with the Apple TV and just use your Mobile Hotspot to and to connect your Apple TV with Wi-Fi in a private secure network and you can also continue utilizing AirPlay in case you're doing remote work on your laptop you can use your hotel's television as a secondary monitor so FaceTime continuity is where you are now able to face time from your Apple TV and the beauty about this wirelessly you can connect either your own devices if you select own profile a little window will pop up on your devices letting you know if you like to use this device as your camera but if you have somebody else in your household with you they could always just scan this QR code so long as it's an apple pre they'll be able to connect to your Apple TV and be used for FaceTime calling as well but once you select your camera of choice there's a few unique gesture controls you definitely need to know to really spice things up whenever you're FaceTiming somebody using your Apple TV as an example creating a heart sign sign with your hand will create these cool heart animations a thumbs up will do a thumbs up Emoji two thumbs up will do this a single thumbs up will do this thumbs down emoji and then two thumbs down will do uh basically boohoo sad Cloud rainy day type of thing a peace sign or Victory will do balloons and then two P signs SL Victory will do this confetti and then if you do a heavy metal rock on to the front-facing camera you'll get an epic laser show those are some cool fun ones you could do to spice up the conversation with families and friends so dipping down the display when you're watching a movie but you're s other or your partner's already going to bed you don't really want to distract him with a bright Illuminating room there's a cool little shortcut on the Apple T remote where I'm able to let me show you right now triple tap the back button three times this will allow me to quickly enable light sensitivity which will dim down the brightness of my TV and if you like to make it even dimmer you can also adjust the dim brightness on the main TV and then even more increase it even more with the Apple TV so you can really eliminate as much brightness as much as possible so you can allow your partner to sleep comfortably and you like to do the same thing on your Apple TV it's really easy quickly go into your Apple TV settings l Hold again will take you back to your main menu of course but by going in here and going into accessibility and you scroll all the way down to display and then scroll down to where you find light sensitivity here's where can not only go ahead and enable this but this is where you go into to adjust the setting the percentage to your own personal preference the lowest is 25 unfortunately but by simply doing that if you go back and go back into the accessibility Tab and scroll down to refine accessibility shortcut here's where get enabled captions to also go on automatically or light sensitivity by selecting one it'll do it automatically by default but by selecting two you'll get this screen popping up so you could quickly have access to what you like to enable immediately and what you don't so now whenever I'm watching typically when I'm watching a movie since I enabled captions to be a part of that list so if I resume this and triple tap and enter close captions captions will go on you can also find these two settings real quick by long holding on TV icon on your Apple TV it'll take you to your Control Center and you can scroll down to you find the little circle icon with the person in the middle you can also find your settings right here to uh turn on or turn off and if you go into settings you can enable more stuff if you like to add like switch control as an example which you don't need to do that because double tapping the home TV icon on your controller will allow you to do that you can also close apps by swiping up of course so if you have little ones in your household and you're not taking advantage of Apple's parental control control you definitely need to because there's some amazing settings right here if you don't know by going into your Apple TV settings right here and you go into General and then you scroll into restrictions here's where you go ahead and turn it on it is going to request for you to create a generic password well don't make a generic I'm making a generic for the purpose of this video even tells me how easy it is to someone to guess this but if you have multiple profiles on your Apple TV you'll find them right here you can enable the ones you want to have full access to or block entirely so since I only have myself on this Apple TV my household decided just to rely on my account which I'm okay with but by hitting allowed this will allow me the person signed into this Apple TV to also use face ID or touch ID to bypass the PIN code access so by going down if you notice rental purchases you can restrict or you can block in app purchases as well and then in terms of rating for music TV shows or apps even you could add restrictions right to here so movies you got your PG-13 rating or you can just not allow movies in general so by going back and after you edit all those and we go back to some of these apps that I know I blocked like YouTube I could use a little pop-up window will pop up on my iPhone right here allowing me to use face ID to unlock it and approve again this is all due to the fact that we actually allowed it on the general setting so if you like to have full lock ability restriction orders on your Apple TV that's what you need to do but I also highly recommend just perusing around here in this setting it's really straightforward and easy to use so music sharing was something that was available on the Apple TV but Apple decided to remove on Apple TV 17.4 unfortunately and even on 17.5 this is still not available but hopefully by the time you're watching this video music sharing is available where it's only available on the Apple TV music app unfortunately so you have to be subscribed to Apple music but just like carplay there will be a little icon right here AirPlay share icon which allows others who are in the same Wi-Fi network with your Apple TV to scan that QR code and have access to to the up next tracks where they could become the DJ so I'm looking forward to when Apple re-released this they just pull this out no explanation why they remove it but hopefully by the time you're watching this video it's back and that's how you utilize it and there we have it folks those already your best hidden features and some cool additional tips and tricks that the Apple TV can do if you like to understand more things that the Apple TV can do like understand what these buttons can do like all the cool shortcuts highly recommend checking out this video over here where I cover everything it's basically the part two to this video thank you so much for watching
Channel: HotshotTek
Views: 89,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple tv tips and tricks, 2024 apple tv, apple tv 4k, new apple tv tips and tricks, apple tv 4k tips and tricks, new apple tv 4k, 10 apple tv hidden features, new apple tv, apple tv 4th generation tips and tricks, how to use siri remote, apple tv hidden features, apple tv tips, apple tv tricks, apple tv remote, tips and tricks, tvos 17 features, apple tv 4k tips, apple tv 4k new features, apple tv shortcuts, apple tv 4k 2023, new apple tv 4k not working
Id: NPwuc59Rzls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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