100 Days of Hardcore Minecraft In A Modded Desert Only World...

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hey everybody welcome back to another hardcore minecraft video i've been super busy in the series 2 world over on twitch we just passed 1600 days live in that world and we're working on our second mega build but after seeing how much you all loved the ocean i figured i should do the exact opposite of that and while i was sailing away in my boat escaping the endless waters something happened and pulled me dropping me into the sand into an endless desert as far as the eye can see and this is no vanilla desert i've added all sorts of additional cool mods and there's some mysteries and secrets and things i still don't understand quite exactly all throughout these sands so you're gonna wanna check this one out link to the modpack and how to be able to get the world download is down in the pinned comment go check that out and while you're here why not subscribe or leave a comment on the video something like day 18 was really quite surprising or i can't believe you would fall for that on day 39 don't worry that will make sense later but now let's tell a story about how i was dropped into an endless desert in hardcore minecraft and i survived thrived and conquered the world [Music] and as i loaded into the world and spawned day one now there's no trees there's no water there's no grass just dead bushes and cactus and the occasional ruins that have a few of these cactus planks inside which is my only source of wood right now i started looking around over the sand in every direction seeing what landmarks were available and then i saw it right away that monolith just kind of called to me it spoke to the deepest parts of my brain and something tells me that that had something to do with why i ended up in this desert while i was watching it though i didn't look where i was going and accidentally stepped on a rattlesnake getting bitten and over time being reduced to a half a heart on day one so this is starting just perfectly grabbed a few more cactus planks running as fast as i could to dodge some crocodiles that started chasing me over the desert sand trying to make sure to give that obelisk a wide berth i did not want to get too close i figured out how to make cactus planks by turning the cactus into cactus needles combining that with sticks to make planks so i needed to punch down all of the cactus and i grabbed a pair which i ate and reduced me from one heart to half a heart so it's going even better using the one wooden pickaxe i had made from all of the cactus planks so far i grabbed a little bit of cobblestone from around an exposed bit of lava and then dug down into a desert temple finding some rudimentary loot including my first diamond to get me started you can say day one was a bit of a mixed bag i finished the night by crafting up a furnace and starting to cook a little bit of this sand into glass cause i'm gonna need it day two i ran out and found a few bits of seeds and fruit just kind of floating there next to some zombie flesh not gonna say no to any of that walking my way into an abandoned village now i'm still at half a heart so any of these zombies could kill me in an instant but one of them burned up in the lot and a few more were trapped inside of their houses if i'm ever able to get the supplies i need i can cure them all and make this a pretty great base i looted all of the hay bales grabbing a ton of bread and drank a lot of water out of the well which i need both because of one of the mods that i installed in order to recover any health so basically i spent all day setting up a little bit of a base of operations planting a lot of cactus so i could start getting way towards a lot of planks through the much longer way of making it work as well as looting all of the hay bales all of the spider webs for string and all of the grass for dirt which is gonna be at a premium day three i have a bed finally from one of the houses that still happen to contain one that didn't also contain a zombie and i was doing everything i could to get the last little bit of supplies from around this village i had some decent stuff from the temple and the village itself but really not a lot to get started too well or to venture too far so i went down into the mines to get a little bit of cobblestone to be able to just build better tools being chased by creepers who helped me mine a little bit to upgrade all of my tools to stone and having torches i was able to run down and grab some copper and some iron just really starting to get geared up and get the basic supplies that i needed to survive i boxed myself up inside of a very small house was attacked by very very many husks and just ran away from the village i i have no shame there but before we get too much further into the video i want to tell you about the sponsor of this hundred days apex gaming pcs if you've been watching my channel for a little while you know i partnered with apex gaming pcs to create a series of three computers for my channel branded lagundo pcs and something that's really exciting you can get the guardian the myth or the legend so if you're in the market for a new pc you're looking for something that could run this modpack or any of the other mod packs i've released or you want to start getting into content creation these are the machines for you you can get all of them now at the link down in the description and the pinned comment and if you use the code you know you get five percent off your purchase directly helps the channel it helps me make more videos like this one and it's been great to work with them so far mine is almost here and i can't wait for it to arrive so make sure to check out apex gaming pcs link down in the description and let's get back to the hundred days day four i dug my way back into one of the towers and was attacked by more creepers right by the central square of town i guess they found out it wasn't abandoned anymore harvesting all of my cactus to be able to make another round of planks with sticks i basically spent all of this day just breaking as many of the cobwebs as possible and grabbing as many blocks as i could to be able to build a rudimentary starter house but into day five i realized that this place was just not in the best condition so i grabbed everything i could went out firstly in search of sticks and secondly in search of just anything i could really use i was jumped by this goblin trader who jump scares me several times throughout this video and there's a lot of good trades here but i don't have anything that they'd actually want i found an abandoned nether portal with a little bit of decent loot some flint is going to be extremely useful early game and then walked finding a second one of these monoliths which i guess are violeths now i made sure to give it a little bit of distance and then saw an actual active village just a few hundred blocks away and then walking in realized that this one wasn't a mirage there was villagers here that i could trade with and people that i wasn't gonna be spending this whole trip alone after taking half of the video last time to get villagers i was super excited to have them on day five i walked a little bit further and saw an oasis with a cow and a sheep on it and a bunch of grass and two trees which i was lucky enough to get one palm sapling out of as well as a few blocks of wood from the forester and this double tower which would make for a pretty awesome starter base but as i was standing on top of it i realized that i wasn't the only thing to visit the village today and um yeah it didn't really go well the next morning i realized about six of the villagers had succumbed to the plague so i'm gonna need to be making more of them very very quickly but you know what i need before that money turning a bunch of their own wheat and the wheat from the other village back into them to grab emeralds that i was then able to trade with the forester for a way to actually get wood for building this is basically my loop trade in wheat steal their hay bales turn it into more wheat trade it in again and get more logs as i ventured out to see what was around the village i walked past this crypt which broke its way up to the surface going down i found a lot of zombies and i mean a lot of zombies i was finally able to make my way in and throw down a bunch of torches getting some okay loot from the chest in the center before realizing that that spawner was just the tip of the iceberg there was six different staircases down to lower levels all of which were pouring up zombies faster than i could damage them and they all just ended up meeting me at the entrance to the thing making an inadvertent mob farm i spent basically all day there just getting additional levels before setting up a little bit of a bed and some private storage on the top floor of the tower on day lucky number seven i went over to the oasis and grabbed all of the dirt from over there to be able to set up an initial farm first setting up for the trees and then making sure that i had enough and then setting up a row of crops to be able to plant a lot of the melon seeds that i had just gotten from the crypt which i could both use as a food source and trade with my farmers if i got them up to their next level bone meal causes a lot of dead bushes to spawn which is awesome for long long-term sustainability because that's a ton of sticks i saved an iron golem from one of the cacti in the middle of the village and healed them up aren't i a nice person before setting up a balcony on the top floor of my tower to overlook what has just now become my kingdom day eight i ventured back over to the crypts and made my way down one of the staircases using a bucket of water to keep the zombies at bay so they wouldn't actually be able to make their way to me to nibble on my throat finding a ton of good loot down here and a ton of zombies i spent over half an hour irl which meant this rolled over into day 9 where i found several high tier enchantment books apples some iron diamond tools and so much else and i barely scratched the surface of this place but it always got overwhelming and i was thankfully able to set myself up just at that entrance staircase carving for levels again with my new diamond sword and more zombies that i could realistically count spawning faster than i could kill them on the way back over to the village on day nine i saw an elephant running around with an invisible wandering traitor on top which is great way to be able to get some saplings and i completely biffed it and forgot to do that for the entire hundred days but when i went to go to bed some disaster struck and i don't know what happened here and a few husks just made their way in and removed a few of the villagers from my village whoops on day 10 i checked back in with the wandering trader to make sure i didn't really miss anything i did and that they had nothing of value they absolutely did and i didn't notice before heading over to the trees trying to get more saplings and using a bow and arrow to take out a few of these crocodiles from a distance one of whom followed me to the center of the village trapping me on a pole for the majority of the day until i was able to figure out how to craft a halberd which gave me a little bit of an extended reach so i was able to hit them and they weren't able to hit me and then the zombies attacked and i mean attacked in force it took the entire night just running around creating them all to be able to make sure that they didn't get to any of my villagers i'm a merciful ruler day 11 i continued bashing mobs around the village as well as looting more of the crips blocking myself in whenever things got too overwhelming to make sure that i wouldn't get dead i came across this weird experiment chamber that had a brewing stand a lot of soul sand and some more good resources in the chests which is pretty valuable i still am not able to make my way down to the third basement level there are far too many zombies there but when i went back up the world was overcast and cloudy and there were tornadoes which were attacking everything and i do mean everything every single mob that's not a tornado gets attacked by these things and thrown up into the air i did what i could to save the wandering traders and my villagers but eventually had to just retreat back to my tower and hope for the best and on day 12 we lost some more people as these things were throwing me around i was reduced back down to half a heart so i kind of just had to sit back and watch as my villagers were yeeted around and crashed into the ground at violent speeds once they were safe and sound i boxed a few of them inside of their homes sheltering in place until i could figure out how to make the living tornadoes go away grabbing a bunch more wood and finishing up that balcony to overlook on the kingdom that i was now protecting on day lucky number 13 i surveyed out around the village again heading in a different direction and coming across this cool double ravine which went all the way down to diamond level i used the oldie bucket trick to make my way down and up searching around for more diamonds and all that happened is i got jump scared by another goblin trader i found a lot of lapis and forgot to do the lapis trick don't worry i'll remember later in the video so i called it a wash and headed back towards the village finding another elephant trader and then tried to figure out if i could get leather from their elephant don't worry i can't actually so they survived i spent the night harvesting up melons and crafting melons for trading which i will use eventually as well as sugarcane to be able to just make sugar and paper because who doesn't want more sugarcane on day 14 i really need to not just be drinking random water that i'm finding everywhere so i investigated the best way to make a water filtration system so i could get purified water turns out i need charcoal which is easy enough to get sand which was really easy to get and just a little bit of wood so i was able to make that up and it runs off of charcoal and i get purified water bottles which is a huge step up i then took a little bit of the extra wood and made some stairs off of my tower towards the central area of town so i can more easily make my way in and a nice little retaining wall just so things are starting to come together day 15 i headed out in another direction with some better water in my pack i was able to go a little bit further finding another desert temple that inside had a golden apple and some diamond horse armor both of which would be pretty useful later on the line i grabbed a lot of iron for more tools as well as to be able to make an anvil stopped by a ruined portal finding basically nothing inside and then found another active village this one with a temple and this very fancy house just outside of its city limits the temple only had a few enchanted books of note in it but the house had a ton in here in quality and decoration plus a lot of water a lot of grass and a lot of wood i slept there and on day 16 cleared out a few of the random mobs that were standing around everywhere refilled all of my water bottles and found another wandering trader again not really selling anything valuable and while the elephants won't give leather the llamas do i stopped by the village stole all of their buttons and was once again attacked by those living tornadoes and they also got hit by the zombie virus so i might just be an omen of bad luck so i did what any brave hero would do and abandoned the village running back to the one that i knew about and hid myself in my tower on day 17 i banked all of the resources that i had collected thus far and traded a lot of the zombie flush that i've been getting from the crypt with my cleric to level them up and hopefully get good trade and it's time to get started with the create mod i can get leather by using this from a few different sources including grinding down saddles and armors so i made a grindstone and then figure out oh yeah i need to power this thing making a little bit of a water wheel and setting up some rudimentary gears to be able to get the whole thing spinning i threw in the diamond horse armor and okay that requires the bigger thing so without an idea on how to get any leather i was kind of stuck in this moment so i thought why don't i head back to my first base grab everything from the abandoned village and then go back to the first monolith to try to ask it for some help or some guidance to see if it could point me to anything valuable and uh well you'll see okay that's not what i was expecting i was gonna do a whole bit about like asking the monolith for guidance and all sorts of okay all right well that's a little anticlimactic but uh uh okay let's go with it nice i was able to drop down on top of the spawner immediately torch it grab all of the gold and all of the resources and a sick banner from one of the chests and then made my way back up yo thanks monolith i got exactly what i needed that's perfect this is wonder you're my favorite thing ever oh there's a village there too oh my god yeah all right that wasn't how i was expecting it to go but shortly after i did find a desert temple that had multiple golden apples multiple diamonds and multiple other great things i slept off at a random village before popping back out the next morning and stealing all of their hay bales then found they had something even more valuable they have pigs they have did i bring my leads i don't have my leads i am coming back for you i am coming back from you for you and i am going to steal you techno's cousins i'm coming to free you on the way back i crossed over what looks to be a gigantic spider nest and i'm not touching that thing as well as a pillager outpost and a random llama who just happened to donate their leather to me back at the base i ground up any saddles that i currently had in order to get a little bit more leather so i can craft some useful tools put the banner on my shield to make myself look that much more threatening and then continued building out on the wall to make the village look a little bit more worthy can you believe it's already day 20 and we're one fifth of the way through this whole video so far i started the day just by doing a little bit of wood gathering a little bit of resource collecting trading some emeralds for some lapis just to get my villager leveled up but i need string and wool to be able to craft a backpack so i can carry a lot more in my pocket so i headed back to that spider nest thinking that i would just break a bunch of cobwebs but they had full blocks of wool in the middle of this thing so you know i had to drop in and get it there are a lot of other side paths but i am not that brave so i grabbed what i could shoved it in my pockets and then booked it back home before the end of the day on day 21 i was finally able to craft a backpack which gives me a whole secondary inventory of things that i could hold bundles should really work like this to be honest i did a little bit of trading and then worked to improve the tower even further making it look just a little bit more lagundo worthy and something that i would actually live in another wandering trader popped by giving me a free emerald which was pretty great but other than that i really didn't have anything of value other than their llamas of course but i found another way to make leather and that's through blood magic now this is this is new for me so i didn't know exactly how to make this thing work i set up the blood altar and then was looking through all the recipes and was attacked by some tornadoes just you know randomly getting distracted as you do and then looked at the recipe for a sacrificial dagger yeah you have to hurt yourself in order to charge up the blood altar and i spent a decent chunk of day 23 doing this before realizing that with the food and water mods that i had installed this was a really really bad idea and it took all day and i have no idea how much blood i actually put inside of that thing and i was starting to get a little frustrated so i thought you know what can i ride an elephant and it turns out no you can't ride an elephant even if you tried but you can harness them up and keep them forever i used a little bit of leather that those llamas had donated though to make my backpack medium which was a ton more storage space day 24 i found a sheep in the sand ravine just randomly and got them leaded up as well grabbing a little bit more iron and coal and just a bit of the resources that we needed i found one of the desert temples that i had looted previously and grabbed all of the saddles that i had remembered i had left there finding an unloaded one shortly after with a bunch more saddles and more diamonds this is the primary way that i found diamonds for this entire let's play so far i found another random village and spent the night stealing their hay bales and crashing there before the morning of day 25 when i realized that they had two cows and i wanted two cows and i had two leads i bred them up and using the three leads that i had in my inventory trekked those cows across the desert past the fancy house and all the way back to my base making a little bit of a pen to keep them inside and having all of the cows there and now i have infinite leather literally day 25 is just the cow adventure but you know what it's a huge milestone for the world day 26 i took all of those saddles and ground them up into the leather which was enough to finally make a canteen which can hold as much water as five bottles this greatly increases my travel capability as well as breeding the cows together and then i did a little bit of trading and then prepped a bunch of torches to head over towards the crypt and thought you know what i should really enchant my stuff now so i went over to the roon another portal to get just a few blocks of obsidian from there as well as a book that i was able to craft from a random piece of leather that i had to make an enchanting table and finally get that down looking at the first couple enchants on my gear now that i was all purple and shiny i still had a few enchanted books that i had gotten from the crypt that i wanted to put to use so i needed to search around to get a lot of iron to build an anvil finding a patch of dirt which would be awesome i could set up more farming land with it when okay i know everybody loves making meme about me not paying attention but that totally just snuck up on me i cooked all of the iron and set up another row for melons and pumpkins to be grown bashing all of the zombies that we're coming across tag teaming with my iron golem friend here i was able to use a couple books to be able to increase my levels of protection on a few pieces of my gear and then on day 28 it was down into the crypts to attempt to make my way down to the third basement level i used a lot of one by one holes in walls and blocking up different tunnels to be able to secure my way through eventually finding skeletons with iron swords that if they had hit me one more time would have taken me down to practically dead on the lower levels i started finding more and more diamonds which i've still yet to mine a single diamond and i think i found maybe a half a stack at this point bashing zombies over walls and using my patented bucket trick to hold back the horde as it rolled over into day 29 i was in here for quite some time and very very surrounded there are a ton of spawners and a ton of pieces of loot in here including more diamond tools now i basically have the full set if i was going to be playing this world for a very long time this thing would be better than the octo chunk with how many spawners are active inside of this space i continued into day 30 finding more golden apples and more enchanted books working my way through and finding even more diamonds as i started hitting the lowest basement floor of the entire facility and the loot was just unreal and i've cleared five out of the six staircases down to the lower levels but i was out of water and it was storming again which meant we were getting tornado attacks again so it was time to head back to my village and do what i could to protect them from the storm and kill all of the tornadoes downtown before they completely eliminated my village and to do that it was time to upgrade my bow i immediately put a few of the books from the crypt to work to make my armor and weapons that much more power but on the morning of day 31 it was just me and jimothy over here just standing out in the middle of nowhere and then a tornado attacked and uh jimothy was gone as well as basically everyone else in the entire village in fact at this point the only one who had survived was the forester that i had trapped inside of their home luckily i had another village just relatively close by that i could potentially go and say hello to unluckily i didn't want to have to come all this way every time i wanted to do trading so on day 32 i was out in search for a lava pool i found my way back over to the fancy house grabbing a few of the supplies that were hidden underneath hay bales and behind cobwebs yoinking all of the books from the upper floor to immediately increase the level of enchants that i could actually do back at base i found a lava pool and committed every speedrunner's worst nightmare grabbing enough obsidian for two portals so i'd be able to set up a little bit of another highway to be able to get villagers from one place to another it's time to capture kidnap relocate a few villagers back to my home base coming through the portal and holding shift i was very glad that i did because i spawned right on a cliff over an ocean of lava as seems to be tradition for me i was looking out at the landscape and i was like yep that's the nether for writing down the coordinates heading back towards my village before establishing a second nether portal on this side however before i was able to write everything down i was attacked by a bunch of piglets forgetting to wear their colors when coming onto their home turf turns out the nether has goblin traders as well and i very quickly grabbed a few pieces of netherwart from them which would come in extremely handy before writing down the coordinates and coming up with a plan but i wanted some extra luck so i took one of the cows and just um just walked them over to the monolith and provided a little bit of a an offering a sacrifice anything to appease it so that potentially this next little bit would go my way you'll be fine carol don't worry about it don't worry about it you'll be totally okay just don't think about it too hard on day 34 i walked back over to the first of the two nether portals that i created because it was lower in the nether and it's far easier to dig up than it is to dig down knowing where my goal and where my start were i just started chewing a tunnel through trying to get from one portal to the other and i was successfully able to do so when i was finally able to talk to that goblin on the other side i traded in a little bit of netherrack just to get more emeralds because capitalism is king for legal reasons that is a joke for setting up a little area in the new village to entice a few of the villagers to make their way over i grabbed the working stations and a bed waited until night and then replanted the bed directly in front of the portal goading one of the villagers to make their way in and then blocking them in so they couldn't really go anywhere once i broke the bed they popped through the portal and then once i headed into the nether it was a quick trip through the tunnel leading a few villagers that had made their way through before gas came and blasted everything and started to really put everything at risk i was able to take it down and then successfully re-encourage my villagers to stay within the area that i had designated for them pushing them all the way through the portal and then plopping down some beds so that they would reassign themselves into my village instead of where their home was repopulation complete on the morning of day 35 i was trading with my villagers through the little safety hole in the side of their home cooking up all of the potatoes just to get a little bit more set up i accidentally let one of the villagers out and they just walked away into the desert just off in a random direction so i thought you know what what if i make my way all the way back to the village and break all of the potential workstations so that they'd stop trying to pathfind to these chunks instead and while that was great in theory and it allowed me to capture a few more villagers and transfer them back over towards the actual primary village it did nothing for the one who was just randomly wandering in the desert they stayed there out in the sands for the remainder of this 100 days but i transferred these few villagers over it took literally all day but finally the village was a little more popular oh no the tornadoes are back on day 37 one of my new villagers was starting to feel the call of the monolith and was being pulled towards it now i don't like being this close to it i feel this weird crackling in the air but the villagers seemed relatively unaffected even when i tried to trap them in a hole they basically just kept escaping my sand pit traps they're a little too smart i was able to use barrels to lure them back towards the village and get them reassociated with a new roll before trapping them inside of a house so they couldn't actually go anywhere now three villagers is not going to be enough so i started throwing a bunch of bread into that house knowing that they'll eventually make more if i just make sure they're well fed on day 38 i thought you know what it's worth the risk let's try let's see if they'll stay in town now nope nope they do not stay in town right now but i cannot live on just stolen hay bales alone it's time to actually start growing some crops to have an actual sustainable renewable food source for both the villagers and for myself i set up a 9x9 grid planting carrots and bone mealing the heck out of them to be able to get as many as possible plopped down the books that i had stolen from that big house with a little bit of wood from around here and then just farmed throughout the remainder of the day on day 39 it was really just making sure everybody felt the love wheat for the cows bread for the villagers trees for me so everybody had exactly what they wanted i kept working on the tower finishing up the last two corner posts and making it fully oak so everything was looking pretty good before doing a little bit more trading with my cleric villager and then hold up wait a minute do you see that i didn't do anything wrong to this person and they increased the rates on me they're charging me more they're charging me interest now is this because i kidnapped you from your home village and set you to work here in this village with no recourse or attempt or way to ever return home to your family hmm i'm on to you on day 40 it was time to head back into the nether and when i went there i found another villager and another iron golem i thought you know what they're feeling lonely i should pull them back over to the overworld and then they didn't have a job so i made sure that they had that and then i set up all the trades and then a vane goblin came through so i traded some carrots with them leading into day 41 where i was just spending all of my time making sure that i can do a lot of farming and trading to get a little more emeralds and make sure everybody's well fed you know and then i went to the nether and there was a magma cream there and then i thought you know what oh i could go back to the overworld and use that magma cream to brew up some potions of fire resistance and no i'm not stalling what are you talking about alright i totally was i'm always nervous about the nether especially with the mods that i install in these run-throughs but i went through and was finally looking around finding that's a fortress well now that i know where a fortress is on day 42 i started staircasing my way down and across and bridging over all of the lava mining up a little bit of quartz for experience and just to have some of that in the inventory before popping in and looking around and immediately walking directly into a blaze spawner the first few kills were pretty hard because they were setting me on fire a lot but once i had a single blaze rod i had brought the potions and the brewing stand and everything else that i needed i was able to brew up some fire resist potions which then made the rest of the blaze rod gathering trivially easy coming prepared makes this pretty simple i spent all day doing that and then on day 43 was basically walking around trying to find other resources that i could get in the nether i grabbed some more netherwart both from a garden and from a chest finding more saddles so i could get more leather and then realized i was running out of food so i had to eat a golden apple and some cookies grabbing a little bit of glowstone so i could use that for potions and i actually used that this time around before being attacked by guests and nervously running across the bridge hoping that they didn't just blow it out from underneath my feet a little bit of capitalism and then back through the portal finding a new zombie villager who has just been walking around so i can increase the size of my village i trapped them inside one of the blacksmiths and the golem was super helpful in just kind of killing them that sucked the next morning i figured out that was my cleric that had gotten killed unfortunately and i was not having the best luck in keeping my villagers alive so instead of focusing on them i focused on myself a little bit just enhancing the tower and doing another set of inventory management montage which i know is everybody's favorite part of all of these videos but on day 44 it's time to make sure the village is actually populated and there have been more villager deaths in this video than i care to admit i did a little bit of trading with all of them and opened it up hoping that they wouldn't run away and they actually stuck around this time while i took care of the cows but one of the cows tried to escape yeah i don't know what's happening there but now at least my village seems moderately secure and new villagers are being born so we can keep working on getting this all set up i set up i set up a lectern so that the new villager would become a librarian and i could start getting into enchanting and spent the night capturing endermen in boats and stabbing them repeatedly in the face and then finding some new leather just sitting around everywhere day 45 it's more pumpkins getting my first villager up to master tear so i can get golden carrots if i'm willing to invest the money in them right now bread is cheaper can't grind up the leather horse armor despite thinking that i could so it's still just relying on saddles and my cows for leather right now i did use the grindstone to remove the enchants from a few of the books that i was likely not going to use mainly ones related to water because there is no water in this world to build up a few more bookcases and increase my enchanting level throwing any food that i have left over on the farmers and on day 46 once that villager had fully grown up it was time to spend time with them to teach them the proper magics i was breaking and replacing this lectern for the entire day and got absolutely nothing worthwhile cursive binding yeah that would be great i buried them in a hole so they could think about it overnight and repeated the process the next day until i eventually got sharpness 5 which wasn't exactly what i was hoping for but is still a really good enchantment to have i locked in their trades and then spent the rest of the day just trying to raise enough emeralds and making a new sword that i could get it enchanted and then set it up with a sharpness 5 book on top of it day 48 i'm still farming but just because i have that one sword doesn't mean i don't want to look into some other weapons a giant flanged mace is an option and you know what i just kind of want to bash things with a giant flanged mace so i spent some time collecting more endermen in boats throughout the remainder of the day because i want to start getting ready for end game i found this spider which was thrown on its back and i'm just gonna leave this here because i laughed at this and you all should get to laugh at it too before walking into another random village that i had found in my exploration crashing here and on day 49 looking around and once again stealing all of their hay bales i am the desert bandit but it turns out they had a monolith as well and the just the feeling i get around these things it really kind of creeps me out i don't like it i walked around checking out a few of the other desert landmarks including this well just grabbing a few of the slabs and finding some free money and emeralds downstairs coming into another village that was actually being protected by its iron golem i have no idea what the ones back at my base are doing wrong they had a desert temple also right at the end of their village and as i went to walk up it exploded that's super unfortunate 850 i completed my rating runs finding another abandoned nether portal with just a couple things in its chest when i saw these fellas with their crossbows loaded and pointed right at me now i'm not ready for a raid quite yet so i can't kill the pillager captain by my own hand instead a fire will do but i was able to eliminate this raiding party of bandits i mean who would go around to villages stealing stuff unforgivable before finding another oasis with a second sheep and now that i have two this is huge i got them back to the base and i can have infinite sheep if only i could get some grass a51 i was doing research on how i could make grass grow in the middle of the desert the create mod looked promising infusing water into a dirt block in order to make grass but that relied on one thing that i wasn't gonna find kelp and there is no kelp anywhere in this entire world my only hope is a wandering trader and i don't think they're going to trade that to me my luck is not that good so instead silk touch is likely the way to go i made a ton of bread and threw it to all of my villagers and just waited for more to be born taking the time to practice my boat clutching and i am not dreaming for that i basically just spent the whole night torching around the village so few things would be spawning and killing my villagers so that the babies actually had a somewhat decent chance of survival on day 52 i found a chef that dropped all the way back down to diamond level which made me think i could actually know mine some diamonds at some point in time in this entire playthrough i'm over halfway through i'm almost in full diamond tools and i haven't broken a single diamond or block yet as i was running around i saw the most terrifying thing i've seen in all of minecraft to date and immediately pillared out thinking i do not have enough arrows to fight this thing running as fast as i could and i have no shame in saying that i stood in the middle of town bounced in a circle and waited for that thing to despawn but i knew i would need arrows which meant it was time to make a fletcher for the village now day 53 while fighting the husks that were attacking in the morning i made a big mistake i had accidentally bopped the iron golem while fighting the zombies and they almost one shot me down to just three hearts once that was handled i went over to my new fletcher and thankfully they were selling arrows right off the bat so i don't need to worry about finding flint and i don't have any chickens in this world i went back down into the mines and double checked that that little evil millipede had disappeared and instead was surrounded by a thousand creepers which are much easier to manage i know how they work i found some lapis and did the trick to finally break my first diamond ore finding a lot more shortly after that as i was mining down at one point i accidentally dug through a piece of bedrock yeah that's a sentence that you hear now and found myself in another dimension surrounded by deep slate on all sides creepy sounds and skulk growing as far as the eye could see this place was extremely unsettling and this is the deep dark or at least a version of it that is available in this mod pack the skulk blocks would randomly trigger and trap and i don't know if they would damage me or anything else but i'm not giving them the opportunity to even try i finally broke down into an actual chamber and found skulked zombies and multiple wardens these things move fast and i do not even want to see how hard they hit if this is anything of what 118 is gonna look like this is absolutely terrifying i saw enough so i ran immediately back up my tunnel broke the block that was above me popped it back into the tunnel that led me to the overworld made my way back up to the surface having spent three days on this mining expedition and banked all of the skulk and random stuff that just kind of felt gross day 56 i was teaching more magic this isn't hogwarts though so they're not exactly getting what they want that quickly so i had to spend some time also doing some melons and working on the cows i'm really gunning for mending right now just so i could finally get that book and be just have my gear last a little bit longer and i am not having good luck because in today 57 i was basically doing the exact same thing i made a diamond mace and a diamond chest plate to better increase my armor and my offensive capabilities smelting up all the gold and cooking a decent bit of food to be able to get me through these days i am starting to get pretty well geared day 58 i'm a few diamonds short to complete my set of armor and tools i want multiple pickaxes for both fortune and silk touch and i saw some diamonds down in the deep dark so i mined my way down broke my way in and found myself in another tunnel there's a bunch of diamonds embedded in the walls down here and i was able to get everything that i needed and more but before i got greedy i popped back into the overworld and then went exploring in a different direction in the overworld caves where those creepy sounds weren't constantly in my ear i found more diamonds in a ravine and then in setting my way across i found some unlit torches just sitting in one of the tunnels leading to a giant set of double doors which just looks super ominous the place was trapped and aggressive and had mobs spawning from the spawners even with light supposedly disabling it but then the spawner would automatically break itself i fought my way through several rooms of this little mini stronghold in a sense it looked abandoned and worn and weathered before eventually getting to the loot with an amazing bow on it which just that's such a huge upgrade as well as a good old-fashioned regular skeleton spawner my shield broke so it was timely finally upgrade to an iron shield and i went in and was able to bash everything and mine up all the bone blocks sticking a shaft directly to the surface now i basically have an infinite source of bone meal which means i have infinite everything day 60 we're almost two-thirds of the way through this entire video and i spent it basically farming i still basically have to rely on plants for all of my emerald generation so that i could go and get any books or do any purchases but it's hard to know what i can actually trade if i'm not keeping track of everything so between all of my supply runs i basically spent the last 15 minutes 10 minutes of the day just organizing all of my inventory on day 61 i saw both fortune but also efficiency 4 in the enchanting table and i figured instead of going for the certain thing let's risk it and go big i spent a little bit of time trading with all of my villagers and breeding up the cows just to get myself up to the proper level and basically worked on all of the houses to make them a little bit safer and then the next day i went back over to the nether finding several more iron golems that i just kind of disposed of before being jumped by two ghasts right outside of the portal and this was a bit of a problem i was able to bow the first one down when i was attacked by a murder koala walking along the ceiling and then jump scared by the gas right behind me only a few hearts down i dropped my bow in a panic losing it in the fire and then being reduced to just two hearts i ran through the portal boxed myself up recovered and realized that that awesome bow that i had just gotten like two days prior and shot all of twice was now completely gone i spent the rest of the day mining up quartz just to get myself up to level 30 so i can enchant my diamond pickaxe and then found a piglet and threw a bunch of gold at the making them the wealthiest piggy on this side of the block and trying to do a little bit of trading looking for some resources that i could really use got a lot of boots and some black stone but nothing too awesome i returned home and had a vaingoblin trader actually follow me and they wanted carrots for emeralds one for one so you bet your butt i spent all day making a ton of carrots and then just threw them into their face i started looking up other ways to make diamonds and those crushing wheels that i never get to in create but are always recommended me were really tempting but i had quite a few already so after doing another day of capitalism i made myself another diamond strengthened longbow this thing takes a little bit longer to draw but it hits like a truck on day the best console ever i enchanted my pickaxe and was able to get silk touch which means i'm gonna be able to get dirt i spent some time also enchanting my bow and then using my new pickaxe to break melons far more efficiently grab a bunch of clay pots and grass from over by the fancy house and then ran my way back throughout basically taking the whole day to make the whole trip that i had grass i could actually breed my sheep up and get infinite wool because they could actually regain their coats but i was so far out so late in the day that the sun set and i was too far away from any beds and had to fight a bunch of mobs all the way home to make my way back to safety it was chaotic at some point but i don't think i was ever really at risk of dying i was pretty well equipped in diamond armor and protection enchantments i found my way into another random village i got a little turned around in the desert at one point looting their blacksmith finding a ton of diamonds and some other weapons and the zombie virus trapped inside of one of their houses oh well they're doomed their local ruined nether portal didn't really have much to speak of but their desert temple had quite a few golden apples and a lot of bones that are gonna come in handy they also had a crypt full of zombies and i knew i didn't have the time to clear this one fully so i just looted the first floor torching up as much as i could and bopping everything for a little bit of free experience and getting myself back up to level 30 so i could do more max here in chance once i returned home i found yet another desert temple that had a lot of iron and some decent mid-tier resources more golden apples is always nice and on day kill all the jedi i remember the sand is coarse and rough and it gets everywhere but i was able to find my way back to the village building up a little bit of a potato reserve considering i didn't really have any of those up to this point banking all of the saddles and weapons and other items that i had collected and spending the day just decompressing back in the village day 67 i wanted to avoid more golems and villagers making their way into the portal and getting stuck in hell so i set up just a little bit of a gateway to block that off taking full advantage of a silk touch tool to be able to trade melons much more efficiently or bread for all the villagers meant new people that i was going to be able to trade with the following day and i used the forester to get a bunch of different woods leveling them up to master tier as well finding some diamond tools that are good but not great i took one roll at a level 30 enchant and got only on breaking bit of a bummer trading a lot of emeralds for a lot of bows that i would just never use to level up the fletcher and get myself back up to level 30 wrapping my first protection 4 book from one of my other librarians but instead of hitting max enchants i realized i needed to repair my boots with feather falling because i do not want to die to gravity the next day it was time to set up the sheet pen and i set up a little bit of grass between all of the palm trees that i wasn't really harvesting right now making sure that they had everything that they needed and breeding them up so that way we would have more wool and you know what at this point i think it's time to find the stronghold i've spent over two-thirds of this world now and it's time to go out and search i found another wandering trader that was trying to sell me cactus in the desert not the best economic choice following the eyes of ender off in a direction that i hadn't ventured out at all i came across another desert temple that had some ok loot in it but nothing really too amazing to speak of and then was tag teamed by a creeper and an enderman just watch that was honestly way too close and that set the tone for this trip it was gonna be a tough one under haha funny number i ran into another village stealing a little bit of their gold another temple grabbing basically just the gunpowder and spent almost the entire day just wandering off in the desert going as far as i could at one point the eyes started pointing down and i dug in and yeah these strongholds are a lot cooler than the vanilla ones i dug into a gigantic library infested with spiders and was able to deactivate the spawner running through to all of the crypts finding bone meal and prison cells and a ton of resources and loot that really just make things so awesome there was diamonds sitting around here in some of the graves that was totally not a bad thing that i was desecrating right and then oh wait protection for diamond chest plates just sitting out in the open thank you i also realized that i had done this entire trip without pants on so i finally popped those on spending over a full day and fully filling my large backpack and my pockets with more loot than i could possibly carry these strongholds are something else i did eventually find the end portal itself breaking the silverfish spawner and realizing i was gonna be one eye short because there was no eyes in this portal making my way up to the surface and wouldn't you know it the tornadoes were attacking i quickly headed to sleep so i didn't have to deal with other mobs and on day 71 started building a little bit of a forward outpost at this side of the location storing all of the inventory that i didn't need to carry with me 100 of the time and building a nice little arch and some chest storage and a little place to camp out on this side of the track to the stronghold i compressed a lot of my resources into blocks so i had a better idea of how much i could carry and set a water elevator down into the stronghold doing some more looting and just finding everything that i could there's a ton of stuff in here and i mean a ton i could probably spend 20 days just looting the stronghold i barely scratched the surface of this thing but as the tornadoes continued to attack in the night and in today 72 i was primarily targeting endermen to get the last few pearls for the last few eyes that i needed when i came across another village on this side of the desert and a ruined portal i looted the village for anything that was valuable and checked out their desert temple basically just finding a lot of gold before sleeping here and then on day 73 putting the effort into completing the nether portal and popping over to the nether now i had waypoints on all of my other portals so it was really easy to just know which wall to dig through and work on a two by one tunnel getting myself from point a to point b i had a bridge over lava at some points but it really was just a matter of doing the work to find my way back to the village on day 73 where i banked a lot of the resources that they have and then just started preparing a care package for the end i set a lot of firework rockets in my inventory once i found an elytra i wanted to be able to fly everywhere grabbed a bunch of blocks for bridging between the end islands and you could tell i was going into this fight confident the dragon was going to fall i filled up all of my arrows ran back through the nether towards the stronghold portal grabbed a few more sugarcane just for some additional paper down into the stronghold threw in the eye and jumped through into the end it was time for a dragon fight i immediately set up some enderman safety huts before looking at any of them this time so that way i wouldn't just get bopped into oblivion unexpectedly and with a longbow and a pretty good shot that i had been training for some time it was quick to eliminate all of the crystals the only problem i had was not only endermen were spawning in this world the farmer zombies followed me to this dimension as well and the dragon herself was leading me up into the sky which was my main source of taking damage but a dragon fight if you've seen it once you have seen it many many times the difference is in the details i was shooting her as much as possible once she perched i would just teleport behind her with an ender pearl and just stab her in the throat repeatedly i guess bash her in the throat since i'm using a mace that's bludgeoning damage right but at one point she threw me up so high it was going to be instant death because i didn't have a water bucket in my inventory so i landed on one of the towers saving myself from going ker splat but having to block zigzag my way back down to the surface in order to actually engage in any combat i got a few pearls in my inventory from that point forward just to make things easier and from then the battle was sold with a trusty diamond longbow doing additional damage on top of being enchanted this fight was over in under two days sniping her out from the middle of the sky collecting all of the experience and grabbing the dragon egg heading back to home i respond back in the village of victor immediately wanting to put the dragon egg on display i built up a little pedestal just to keep it on thinking you know what this is great i should remind the villagers just how awesome i am refilled on all of my arrows because even though i had this egg i was not done with the end right now i was afk for a little bit just googling something quick i forget what it was when i was attacked by a tornado in the middle of the village throwing me around but i'm not scared of these storms anymore i've killed gods i did a quick jaunt back to the nether down into the stronghold and back into the end it's time to go get our wings now i've modded the end that it looks almost unrecognizable from the barren landscape that you would normally see in vanilla minecraft there's a ton of different biomes and creatures and also apparently giant virophasias that are just flying around trying to infect everyone social distancing please i found my first end city and parkoured my way through it using the levitation to get up to the top tier loot but unfortunately this one didn't have a ship that doesn't mean i wasn't here for multiple things the gear at the top was definitely nice and shulker boxes would definitely come in handy at one point in time i ended up pearled inside of a wall which was a little strange all of the loot at the top was honestly pretty great there was a bunch of the different spartan weapons with different enchantments and allowed me to have more versatile tool kit depending on what combat i was involved in but with no ship i went from the first end city to the second using ender pearls to teleport across some of the gaps something that i normally never do and then at one point i was just surrounded by a ton of farmers at every angle in the water this is when things started to get weird one of the viruses tried to get me as well but thankfully they're not a waterborne pathogen just like the endermen who can't bot me as long as i'm sitting in one of these fountains but as i started to run out of water good water and i was out of arrows it was time to turn around and head back home wingless only for now on day 80 i was storing all of the loot that i had collected from all of the different end cities and with an almost full backpack again that took a full day of inventory management montage i spent some time naming my pickaxes so i would knew which one is silk touch and which one is the money maker and was re-upping with all of my villagers and all of the supplies trying to get another round of librarians born so i could learn new magical spells when i was filtering my water and i noticed something had changed wait wait wait wait this was not like this before this this was hmm that's this was not like this before oh great there's an eclipse wonderful um oh mighty obelisk you have accepted my offering um i don't know how close i should get to this thing that that was made out of something else before i killed the dragon right right that was not that was not this would you shut up [Music] thank you i'm concerned i'm concerned the obelisk is now officially freaking me out but even if i was freaked out work had to continue on on day 81 i enchanted my axe hoping for silk touch but just getting efficiency harvesting all of the crops for more trading with the villagers and then started building myself up a little bit of a final resting place for when this challenge would be complete it's desert theme so i'm gonna go with a lot of sandstone and make a pyramid but i want to make sure that i'm using smooth sandstone so it looks awesome and on day 82 i built up a bit of a pyramid and it looks uh looks really dinky as my new librarians were finally growing up the first one gave me mending on the first try which was awesome because some of my tools were starting to run on the low side i quickly grabbed the first amending book locking that trade in and setting my chest plate to be the first thing that would never ever break on as i kept just trying to figure out what was going on with the monolith i was continuing to build out on the pyramid and realized i didn't like the current design so i set up a few spires around it and set up a bit of a vertical wall kind of similar to regular vanilla minecraft pyramids and basically building my version at about the same scale on day 83 that was the main thing that i was working on using a combination of smooth and regular sandstone to have a lot of texture in the walls even though i don't have a lot of space to work with once i had actually put it all together it was starting to look good but i wanted to mix in some red sandstone as well thankfully you can grind up granite to make red sand which you can then craft into red sand stone so i went down into the mines harvesting up a bunch of limestone and a bunch of granite just some beautiful decorative blocks all together but this pyramid was gonna look pretty empty on the treasure side of things so i thought let's go back down into the deep dark where i can get a lot of diamonds very quickly now i just want to say this in general there are two problems that i have with the deep dark as it's implemented in this mod first off those sound effects that are constantly playing in the background are ridiculously creepy and had me on edge for the entire time that i was down here and secondly either i had the absolute worst luck or the diamond ore that are in the deep dark are not fortunate which is very not fortunate for me who wanted a ton of diamonds but i spent several days down here working my way through all of the tunnels collecting any diamond ore that i could see which was a lot mind you and eventually finding my way into another large cave system down here there was a ton of these purple candles which despite being not lit were still glowing creepy as well as these awesome blue crystals which glue all the time which just those were cool i wanted all of those right away i went and i harvested as much diamonds as possible to i had basically a stack of them sitting in my inventory before marking my territory and heading back up to the overworld being surrounded by alligators but thankfully able to juke them pretty quickly day 87 i started grinding up all the granite into red sand so i could integrate that color scheme into the base as well and then replaced all of these smooth sandstone towers with limestone using all of the different textures available through the grindstone to come up with something that just looked really unique i placed four of them around the pyramid at all of the corners and then used all of the smooth sandstone that i collected to completely finish off the roof of this thing on day 88 integrating in a little bit of deep slate tile and then starting to store all of my riches inside it's not much but it's honest work using the crystals to add this little bit of ambience and glow and magic and then finally getting the smooth red sandstone integrated into the walls to set up a little mini ankh pattern that matches the vanilla minecraft pyramids day 89 i realized i should probably just go all out and went for stairs across all of the top to make it look that much more detailed which took a good chunk of the day mixing in some regular sandstone stairs so the thing still looked weathered and real and not just perfectly smooth and pristine where this desert would be buffeting against it for quite some time i harvested a ton of sand through the remainder of the day so i'd be able to do some terraforming on day 90 making sure that the thing would actually look like it kind of belonged here and wasn't just plopped down on the surface i moved my bed and stacked all the diamonds that i currently had all the redstone and all of the lapis and iron which primarily did fill the space but it's a little light on the diamond side no judging then on day 91 i realized there was one challenge yet in this world that i had not yet accomplished and that's doing a raid i know i could try to kill the wither as well but i don't think i have the time to get enough wither skeleton skulls so instead i started moving the fletching table over to the tower having my source of ammunition stored where i plan to hold up basically and then seal them in to make sure they didn't get lost or go to a different bed i did a little bit of trading with all of my villagers to get emeralds that i then turned into a ton of arrows slept through the night and then just spent all of day 92 preparing for battle calling a lot of the cows to make another set of water skins two of them so i could heal that much more without having to stop to refill and then blocking up all of the windows that are currently available and sealing all of the villagers into their homes so that way whenever a pillager did come they wouldn't be able to get through the door day 93 i ventured out to the pillager tower that i had found almost 50 days ago at this point and immediately bowed down the captain the first one that i was able to see i thought you know what why don't i try a level two raid i spent a little bit of time bouncing around the tower and bashing all of the pillagers that i saw but another one with a banner didn't spawn right away which made me think maybe i should just do level one this is a sign i ran back to the village watched the progress bar fill and it was time for a battle and this time i was doing the raid boots on the ground you've seen me snipe at enemies from on top of a tree several times over now or use a farm where i'm just biting at their ankles this time i wanted to make it interesting and face everything head on standing right in front of them the first wave is practically a pushover it's only three or four mobs so when the ravagers come in that things actually start to get pretty challenging thankfully with a flame bow i'm able to do a decent chunk of damage from a little bit of range while still being somewhat at risk i got to wave 4 where evokers started spawning on top of the ravagers and that's where things got even riskier see from the angle that i was shooting at a lot the ravagers were tanking a lot of the hits meaning that the evokers were able to spawn multiple waves of vex which is something that i usually try to avoid whenever i'm doing a raid those little flying rats will absolutely be my death they got me down to just a single heart and i'm holding the totem in my main hand thinking if they hit me again at least the totem will pop but thankfully i was able to get off a golden apple and get myself pretty well regenerated running around fighting off the vex throughout all of the night until the morning of day 94 when i found the final pillager trapped in a hole and i just kind of shot them anticlimactically and the raid was over i released all of my villagers banked all of the totems and took advantage of the increased trading rates finding that i had taken some casualties throughout the night one of my farmers was gone several of my librarians had also taken a hit it must have been the vex that had flown through the walls to do that damage since none of the corporeal mobs could actually go through so i spent the day just watching the sunset and tried to think about what i was gonna do for the final five days in the ocean i could just build a boat to sail away and now i made myself basically a tomb was it some kind of subconscious thing was i gonna just lay down to rest here forever i didn't want this to be the end i have so much more that i still want to do as the day started to come to a close and i was starting to prepare my plans for the next morning i heard it [Music] thunder in the desert just doesn't happen i'd spent the entire time here those storms never make it this far into the hot arid climate and i was walking around waiting to see what happens the lightning was striking the monolith i started feeling this pull this call to go closer to investigate to see what was happening while still being attacked by random mobs and having to defend myself things started to accelerate pretty quickly all right um uh okay what's going on here yo yo yo what is going on what's what what no no no no no no no no what's going on what is going on what is going on what is going on what is going on what is what what is going on what is going on no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no as i started flowing up further and further being pulled higher into the sky there was a flash and what happened next well you're gonna have to wait until the next video to find out i hope you all enjoyed this video if you want to support my channel go check out my patreon just like the names that you see on screen right now they are the supporters and the first 100 people to back the patreon will have your name as a mob that will be hunting me down in my next 100 days included in the world i'm also probably live on twitch right now twitch.tv you know come join me for a lot of fun we have a lot of fun in the series 2 world and it's great to always be able to connect with you all directly that's it for me i'll see you in the next chapter everyone take care of yourselves be good to each other and bye
Channel: Legundo
Views: 1,584,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days hardcore, 100 days, 100 days of minecraft, minecraft 100 days, legundo hardcore, minecraft hardcore survival, legundo minecraft, minecraft hardcore, hardcore challenge, hardcore minecraft, 100 days in minecraft, minecraft hardcore mode, 100 days challenge, 100 days ocean, minecraft desert only, desert only world, 100 days desert, 100 days desert only, 100 days minecraft zombie apocalypse
Id: VobfTYVRIsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 14sec (4034 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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