100% Complete! All Trophies! ENDING! - Paper Mario: The Origami King - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 30

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[Music] what is up guys zack scott here playing paper mario the origami king last episode you saw the ending of the game where we fought king ollie and won and now today we are going to 100 finish this game complete it get all the trophies and then get the super special ending before we do i want to thank you for your support thank you so so incredibly much for over 1.2 million views on the first episode 1.3 sorry 1.3 million views on the first episode thank you so much for your support that was all due to you guys leaving over 25 000 likes now let's push this button get into the game see what else we got to do um how do i handle this do i load into my previous save as in my previous what are you kidding me hold on we got the okay so we can use this tunnel to get out of here has there always been a pipe here i wonder if it's connected somewhere outside so no there has not been a pipe here we got a bunch of notifications here bob pipes are your thing i'll be here when you get back so we gotta we gotta go back out what happened there was that you know there's a new pipe new pipe because we're gonna leave this place we're gonna see all the new trophies that we got we're going to finish up the rest of the trophies and uh i know two things for sure we got to do we got to collect all those coins in that river we got to do shy guys finish last perfect perf perfectly perfectly uh and then you know we gotta there's a few more odds and ends there's some trophies and stuff when we go to toad town here there's gonna be some collectibles that we can get first up let's see what trophies we have great news mario we received one or more of your trophies we got this trophy the coin collector trophy awesome we got this trophy the blockhead trophy [Music] we also got this sound disc collector yes so i don't worry about those sounds was so worried if my curator calculations are correct the number of trophies you have yet to earn is seven that's a lot of trophies still left to do uh one thing to do we'll look at this art gallery as well and uh i i knew i was gonna do it i was gonna do it off camera but i might as well just do it on camera we'll take a look at all that art today and then um uh what else do we gotta do let's look at the trophies here what do we have left because i'm going to want to know so this one catch the legend oh yeah we got to catch legendary cheap cheap and legendary blooper we'll figure out how to do that uh yes speed rings we got to do that every coin i said that already perfect score and shy guys finish last art gallery that's gonna be easy every collectible that's gonna be easy and the i think the origami character gallery is also going to be easy maybe we'll figure it out we'll figure it out what else we have to do this will be an edited video meaning like you know i'll kind of piece it together based on what i do first we're going to check toadtown for collectibles because that is one of the most important things to me let's go get it and then we'll figure out how to get the we'll figure out how to do all the coins we'll we'll go back and forth we'll go back and forth it'll be fun we're gonna have some fun today ah toadtown so [Music] let us see let us see oh my gosh there's one right there all right awesome origami cranes okay that makes sense because we just did the cranes in the boss fight oh one guy i want to check with well let's check the store see if there's anything more in store and then um also check with that that mole dude aha look there's another one look at that look at that all the stuff is right here right where you would want them sup my friend hi what can i get you spins please spin generously of course uh 35 000 that seems pretty expensive can i hold on do i have hold on i just want to see not that it matters too much because it's we're gonna in the post game content we only have collectible treasures here okay uh yeah we have the discount thing that's good we have all of the accessories not that that matters either but here we go hi what can i get through please spend generously yes we'll take that yes i will take that nicely done all right so um i'm gonna go check with this mole dude back here and see if uh [Music] there's anything else that he's selling this is good progress here all right sup my pal it's ready are you ready i got collectible treasure let's see so he has the stapler these are cheap by the way so yes i'll buy the stapler that's a new one for fighting the stapler as well and thanks pal you're welcome that's it i'm out of treasures thanks pal you're my best customer i'll never forget you in toad town we have like one more treasure i think it's in the battle lab we'll find out let's go over to the battle lab once we get all the treasures we'll be good solid gold we'll look at the art gallery we'll do that speed rings thing we're going to do everything in tow town first before we leave this area then i'm probably going to do the river thing then i'm probably gonna do shy guys finish last then i'm already forgetting what the other thing was let's go to the battle lab really quick let's save all right guys i'm in the battle lab doing speed rings my record is 15 it's got to be 16 within 100 seconds so let's see if we can pull this off this is gonna be a tough one this not this one this one's super easy but in general just this is a tough challenge to just have trophy to get [Music] it's hard to remember things just in general uh but no this one is it comes down to a lot of just memorizing how you did them before and so i've been doing the speed things trying to do it so uh last time was 15 let's see if this time 16. this one also looks easy and it is there we go that's three this one's easy too i mean it's not it doesn't look easy at all uh but it is deceptively easy deceptively hard easy how do you want to say it i don't know number five if i'm a little quiet through these don't worry about it i'm just trying to focus this one you kind of slide the blue guy in and there you go he's in you do want the blue guy in that position [Music] this one is a little weird but don't let it overwhelm you you just got to do that ten more left [Music] this one's easy this one's three moves i'm starting to recognize them now like i'm like i've done this one there we go [Music] it's number eight [Music] all right halfway there we got eight more left [Music] this one you move these to the outside and then you just deal with the outside and move them both in like that there's number ten [Music] this one uh this one i forget how to do there we go got it got it thought it through got it there's number 11. we got six more left oh this one again is a little confusing don't worry about it slide through reds [Music] all right there we go there was 11 here's number 12. [Music] this one just line up the reds typically when you see reds you just line up the reds all right 13. easy i'm glad they gave me this one thank you all right there's three more left 14 15 16 10 seconds for each nice i'm glad i got this one this one's a three moves [Music] got it two more ten seconds each still [Music] this one i like this one this one's uh this one i figured out just recently 18 seconds for the final one we can do this this number 16. oh yeah they they happen to give me an easy one on the last one thank you so much all right i'm just glad to be done with this holy cow and there's 16. we can keep going for another 12 seconds see if we can add in some bonus ones why not uh man i always forget this one this one's always difficult [Music] this one you focus on lining up the yellows that's right that's right this one you focus on lining up the yellows there we go we got 17 in a row i don't think we're gonna be able to squeeze out the 18th in 3.3 seconds [Music] uh well maybe no but that's okay we got 17 that's more than enough in a row trial finished i like that that's great news so uh there we go we did it we got that trophy and now there is a another trophy in the battle lap but not trophy sorry a collectible in the battle lap let me back out of here i will have gotten the trophy for that there it is there is a collectible in the battle lab you got to go in here and beat all the bosses that you've ever played against in the game again i don't know if king ali is involved but all the bosses and here's the thing i'm going to have a compilation episode coming out very soon which is an all boss's gameplay of my experience through paper mario the origami king that'll be out very soon so i don't want to double up i don't want to put in like another like 45 minutes of footage into this episode of me just finding the bosses again but i'm already going to be uploading an episode with all the bosses so i'll tell you what once i do this on my own time i will come back and i will uh i'll show you the trophy the collectible that he gives me because that might be one of the last collectibles so let's move on and do something else all right guys i did it i did it on stream for my members nicely done mario to be honest i wasn't even sure that was possible here you've more than earned this well there we go that is the bowser collectible treasure and that is the last treasure we have to get so there we go toad town is 100 complete and also uh that is all the treasures we see the doo doo da da right there dude whatever but we got it and so now uh we can move on all right next up we have to ride the eddy river rapids to get all of the coins this one's pretty tough i've been trying this a few times i haven't quite been getting it uh but i'll kind of explain my thought process as i do this because there's a few things that we have to that we have to do and uh one thing to note if you if you uh if you miss the coins you can just hit your boat until you die and then respond uh but this part right here i try to just basically line up the um the boat shadow with the coin shadow [Music] and you got to be careful you know to go ahead and go get all the 100 coins keep in mind what you're seeing now i i practiced i practice a lot don't forget to jump there to get those it takes a lot of moving the boat around to line it up properly um i find this i find that i'm crashing less the more that i've done but i'll still probably hit you know some rocks or whatever or walls a couple times it won't be a big deal i've yet to crash and die on here while getting the coins the only thing i've done is missed coins i have crashed of course but i i haven't crashed and died except for when it was intentional to reset so just line it all up this one takes a rather steep turn you grab it you line it up again and so far so good on this run typically i've gotten to the point where i can easily get most of those uh if you need a heart you get hearts here we're going to go down right after this drop so there we go down after the drop right there [Music] and uh let's see what we got all right this one this angle looks intimidating but it's not so bad [Music] and then this one's hard okay i almost missed that one but then you got to go right back up and pick up uh you know these are tight turns that we're taking here and then you got to go back down but you know you do this like 20 times you get the hang of it uh i might hit yeah okay that's okay there's a heart right here uh this next thing i tend to hit too because i try to squeeze directly in between these two rocks to get this coin quickly uh so i don't miss a turn that's okay i can i can take the damage here we're about halfway done with this at this point oh i didn't hit it twice but there's a heart up here that's okay and then just make this turn these drops i mean it'll line you up pretty much you jump when you touch the big coin that's how you know when you touch the bitcoin you make the jump this part's also kind of easy it's more lining up the shadow avoiding you know but you're going to avoid these if you're getting the coins you're going to avoid this anyway so i don't want to worry too much about this part just stay with it you're going to drop down here this is interesting you're going to see um you're gonna see like a heart that you're gonna want to get but you're instead you're like no no go up and get the coin and then this you go into the whirlpool section it takes you along as long as you line up the boat appropriately you can get these pretty easily this part i found pretty easy then you go up here uh there's two little there are big coins here i thought there was something here so i'm but i there's clearly not and then here we go this is the final lineup again if you just the camera angle changes a little confusing if you just jump when you see the biggest coins [Music] we got them all there we go i'm pretty sure we got them all let's see what he says i'm going to be so happy if we got them all phew some of those close calls were a bit too close for my comfort my pulse is pounding well shucks fella you nad all the coins yes yes all right up next will be oh you're a real down river expert mario i'll have the trophies at the museum for you congrats okay next up will be shy guys finish last the game show but we got to make it perfect and that's going to be tough all right here we are at shy guys finish last this is going to be a lengthy thing because you got to do all 12 rounds i've already failed it a few times uh i'll be honest with you if you want when you're doing this yourself and i might employ some of these tactics myself when you're playing this yourself if you want to uh pause the game you know maybe take screenshots of the game i don't know you can you can do it you can do it and uh i might do it a handful of times in this honestly but we'll see we'll see i'll let you know when i do i'll i won't do it too often but i'll let you know when i do because this is something that will take you forever i'm looking at this strictly from a time limit point of view you have to do all of them all 12 of them to get these this is bathmat i don't know if i'll have to pause this one or not here's how the game works it's easy just count the number of goombas remaining in the hot spring at the end right all right i can probably do this one we got one two three oh boy three are in there right now four three uh two four six five eight nine ten there's ten right now nine thirteen twelve 15. okay 12 15 16 17. there's 17 in there i don't have to pause it and plus it's the first round if i fail it it's fine so there's 17 in there and so uh let's let's arrange them all right you got your goon but yeah so 17 let's make a formula uh let's 12 plus let's do 13 plus four will be 17 and i'm pretty sure i get this one right all done that's it i'm pretty sure i got this one right awesome all right let's take a look at the scoreboard 50 points nicely done we're gonna do this whole thing though let's move on to the next challenge shall we we shall [Applause] this is gonna be tough it may not be tough it might be fine all right raise in place level one all right it's a day at the races this one's going to be easy all we got to do is pay attention to who finishes [Music] it won't be a big deal this does take a bit of time though [Music] all right koopa shy guy goomba ninji it [Music] makes me wonder if i should have edited out the hard stuff i'm not the hard stuff the easy stuff i only left the hard stuff easy got it he was obviously the first one clearly of course okay great so you know it's gonna get tougher as time goes on but that one was easy all right two two of twelve so these things have got to go faster for real [Applause] and once we do all of them then we get to uh do sudden death which i'm pretty confident on the lyrics at this point since i've done it so many times but puzzle is solving's to be tough okay okay keep so it's easier to keep track of the non ninjas because there's only two non ninjis you see them right there one above me one to my uh okay yep i got him i see him they're to my right i'm gonna be quiet pay attention to where they are okay if i was paying attention close enough i know which ones are the non-ninji's i know which ones are the ninjis and i the only reason i know which one are the ninjas because i paid attention only to the non-ninjis and that should be all the ninjis right there yes okay i did not want to redo that okay so i uh what i did for that one was i paid attention to the uh the shy guy in the goomba where they were where their boxes were all right 50 points so now we can do sudden death but we're going to skip it for now we have to wait till the end to do sudden death a really special surprise for you which may not be as much of a surprise as it was uh sun death so we're gonna say no to this but first uh we want to continue on with the perfect game so let's do that perfect game because prize money is the result for sudden death but we want the perfect game [Applause] let's see where we landed okay ring scramble level one's gonna be super simple all right easy they didn't do any uh they only did the rotation shifts so all i'm gonna do is line them up with the middle there there we go [Music] shy oh my let's open a can i think that's how it goes [Music] all right let's see what's next we're only a third of the way done with this all right race in place again pretty simple level two's gonna be pretty simple [Music] basically like you don't even need to pay attention to like this the first half of this man because you'll start getting getting into your head like who's gonna win and they'll get confused this is about the time to pay attention all right shy guy koopa sniff it and the other one [Music] shy guy koopa sniff it and the other one all right fourth the other one was uh goomba [Music] so let's put the goomba in the box because those other guys weren't they're never in the race i never see dry bones in the race done i'm so nervous not me i'm done i was a little bit worried that jumping on the other one would work there we go so let's do another one after this next one will be halfway done all right ninja skills this is gonna be super easy just to be me following like one ninji yeah one ninji so here we go keeping my eye on him this one's gonna be super easy there we go easy easy easy uh well we're at the halfway point so let's hope that we get this [Applause] all right bath math level two bath math let's see how we do one two five three five four six five six five uh one two three four five okay twelve twelve all right that was the time i actually made the cut right there i made a cut and looked at my video just to make sure i had to lose it this early and i was right it's 12. so we're gonna do a formula uh oh god oh no there it is okay yeah this is gonna be easy we're gonna do eleven plus one and we're gonna get 12. yeah i went back and reviewed the footage because i didn't want to be wrong this this late in the game you can't really afford to be wrong i was pretty sure it was 12 but i just wanted to make sure so that was the first time that i actually you know cut the video i stopped recording i went and looked at the video that i had just recorded and sure enough you know it was it was 12. like i said i'll let you know when i do it i just take so long that you would hate to spend all day doing this you know that's my point of view go there's no way around it for like some of the other stuff so you oh gosh race in place okay right there's a ninji okay make sure no one okay got him i know what to do [Music] oh come on sniff it rude [Music] ninji sniff it shy guy goomba okay easy now he's to line them up and uh no i'm not i'm not going to make any cuts because i'm not going to you know stop the video because i know which which order they're in so let's get ninjin the number one place there we go there's the first three and then goomba needs to be in the fourth i think there might be some interference though yeah okay well we can get him um [Music] please don't mess this up zach i'm gonna move him over then move him over and then i'll move everything back it's okay it's okay okay perfect that's perfect he's in four okay perfect ah that was close but there we go all done well there we go [Music] so now um we got four four more left for two thirds of the way there let's see what we get all right but it's gonna be so easy all right number one let's do it one two four now there's three six five six five six seven eight nine ten there's ten eleven twelve minus one is eleven all right pretty cool i'm pretty comfortable with this 11. they're going slow enough that i could tell all right now i gotta use the formula uh oh man don't mess us up oh god 16 minus 5 is 11. there we go only had 16 seconds left that was actually not as easy as i thought it was going to be i got the count right easily but that part was going to be tough all right [Applause] consider me happy that was good all right we got three more left here we go [Music] okay level two ring scrambles easy um last time i attempted this whole mode i actually did this one just just recently off camera well i was on camera but it's not included in this video because i ended up messing up on a different thing this one's easy uh you basically move them all in then you rotate them all easy right so give me some time okay now we just rotate lining up everything with the bow tie there then the eyes line up with the eyes lunge line up the head line up the hand perfect all right i'm i am a little bit worried about all this but we're doing good let's do another one [Applause] okay ninja skills so this one's gonna be how many ninjas are there okay i'm gonna pay attention to the two ninjas that are here and get them lined up they shouldn't be so hard i'll be quiet as i follow them foreign all right this one will not be hard [Music] all right perfect all right one more left don't be surprised if i end up like cutting the video and taking a look at my footage just to see how it's lined up because this is the level three ring scramble i want to make sure there's also they also limit the amount of moves that you get so i want to make sure i can pull it off the right amount of moves so let's pay attention okay move those two and then okay so we gotta do all the rotations first all right i made a cut i uh i went and looked at it really quick so here's how we're going to do i'm going to line up the the bench here or not it's on a bench it's uh it's like a staircase in the background it's like a fence there it is we line this up and then that's all the that's all the rotations we need now we need to slide these there's one perfect okay last one so i did i did go look at my footage for that one too just i didn't want to mess it up i really didn't want to mess that one up so that's okay you complete the perfect game congratulations i mean am i going to spend like 40 minutes on each one you know and then like fail it at the end i don't think so i don't think so so just one question stands between you and the title quiz master and if you blow it it's game over no pressure so the songs i'm comfortable with i'll probably take a look at the puzzle off camera just to uh sudden death because the the i want to hear i know i do not want to hear how it works here we go here we go indeed this is scary all right feeling kind of sappy now it's like i'm super happy now i'm feeling big and burly and must have surely been you the good old days oh yeah anyway it's burly we know it the thing that's gonna throw me off is the puzzle because there was one time i did this in which i i got their lyric right but i couldn't solve the puzzle so as soon as we get a view of this puzzle all right i'm gonna i'm gonna pause it for a second let me just look at it all right i looked at the puzzle we're gonna start off here this is actually takes two moves i was really worried about messing this up so let me just yeah rotate this there we go and burly gets us to you know that'll get olivia to be for burley and we got it and we got it okay we're not gonna mess this up i'm gonna hit the button mario i hope you're right after this we have some fishing to do gotta get a big legendary cheap cheap a big legendary blooper but we did it very good sudden death complete you've done it you've cleared the perfect game and the sudden death i'm now quiz master mario you better believe it i got a crown on my head and now to celebrate your achievement we'll be sending your quizmaster trophy directly to the musee uh in toktown and before we get here's the prize for completing the sun death round is three thousand coins all right we did it guys took a few attempts on my part also you know some rewinding of the footage and that's okay here we go springer rainbows enjoy the springs of restorative powers and don't soak any longer than i would see ya mario all right guys we're fishing at the moon island in the great sea and basically you just keep catching fish the larger the better and as you build it up they'll start there it is there we go there we go this is a legendary blooper let me catch it let me focus on the noise okay that's it that's it we got the legendary blue but that was easy uh i've been here a while but i mean that was the first legendary blooper i've seen and uh it's okay it's plain to see this one rules the great c that's a 400 centimeters so now we gotta basically do the same thing except we wait for the cheap cheap to appear so you know i basically just wait here until i see a lot like a giant cheap cheap appearing and then i pull it in and then we're good to go oh there's the big one right there you could say i was going for a smaller one but this is the big one guys listen to the sound all right we're pulling it up the legendary cheap jeep nicely done another 400 centimeter and now we're going to return uh back to tow town and we earn the cheap cheap print all right guys i just caught the legendary cheap cheap and the blooper so let's go to the museum and see what else is left because uh i i think i might have a few well i'm lost i might have a few things to do still i know i have to finish up the art gallery which is just me purchasing everything in the art gallery and unlocking it uh but let's go over now to the museum and actually see where we stand just so we can kind of get inventory on where we are because i think i'm almost done so let's go ahead and uh talk to great news mario i received one or more of your trophies of course so a fish finder that's good uh speed ring king i haven't catch these in a while coin captain [Music] a quiz master [Music] uh collectible collector a lot of trophies here okay i have only yet to earn two trophies one of them is oh there's the big print right there that's big that's my 400 centimeter uh that's pretty cool so let's go look at the ark out i know i have to finish this up and this is basically just me unlocking everything and going through we can take a brief look at it as well as we do it uh so let's go and check it out so red streamer we've already unlocked everything you know these are nice little pieces of art i kind of wish that i would have uh unlocked them all off camera but that's okay that's page one uh how do you change page like that so yeah so yeah i guess what i will do is i'll unlock everything uh right now this is a bunch of artwork very cool concepts i don't know that i'll i'll look through everything right now but pretty cool concept art how they put it all together of course that's uh always an interesting part of the game and so now let's uh let's go to the blue we gotta unlock several streamers so okay yeah i'll do it i'll unlock it switching here because i've rescued all the toads nicely done so i can't i wish i could cycle through and unlock them at the same time i wish i could just do an unlock all honestly so yeah i think what i'll do is i will unlock everything off camera maybe or on camera one of the two maybe off camera it'll save some time or maybe we'll just do it one one by one so we kind of get a look at this art as we go maybe not necessarily zoom in on anything but uh or everything but just kind of take a look kind of remember go down memory lane you know what we used to be doing here lots man lots of things yes again i wish there's more like just open up the whole page please i think there might be i don't know i don't know if this is true but there might be some enemies they still have left to fight so here we go all right so we're done with that we're done with the red streamer [Music] yellow streamer will be next oh memories poor bomb i wonder if they have any artwork dealing with the explosion of the bomb there's the crater that the bomb left there's olivia being sad shroom city that looks pretty glorious look at that that's awesome gotta love the concept art of this game different rooms oh wow so yeah unlocking all of this artwork is a bit of a tedious process but you know once you do it you're gonna get a trophy and then i bet you anything there's some enemies i'm missing that i haven't fought yet because i did skip a couple enemies but we'll find out where they are and then go fight them and then get that covered if that's even what we have to do i'm not sure all right so this streamer is complete purple streamer here we go that's the the princess peach ship lots little odds and ends here it's been it's been kind of whoa that's neat it's been kind of draining uh going through oh nice that's i guess a bunch of the concepts for the san marino or whatever it's been kind of draining going through uh especially getting all those coins that was tough and then of course getting perfect on the on the shy guys finish last it took me a couple times i didn't finish that by the way so it's a bit nice to have a bit of a relaxing part fishing wasn't that hard it just took a while just took me about 20 minutes to fish to finally get those things and i saw some people upset they thought that i did all this on live stream but i didn't i only did the uh boss fights on a live stream because it just was basically the repetition of the gameplay that we've already seen with the boss fight so it took me like three hours through the boss fights i forgot about how long that took this is nice look at this and then we got a green streamer oh characters we got a lot of characters too so i guess they separated all the characters shangri-spa all right not a big deal that'd be good we're flying through this part of me is like well i've already seen all of these the other part is like well the art's kind of nice but i do want to get this completed so we can beat the boss again and get to the the new special ending see what's different i may not remember exactly what's different this is the fourth page here the green streamer section there's bowser's castle then we got the origami this one's a short one only two pages for the origami castle there's the uh air fighting section there's the peaches castle on top of everything and of course you're probably gonna get to see something cool about the like the origami castle once it was transformed yeah there it is right there it'd be funny if i somehow didn't have enough toads for all this i'm just like what that's neat all right characters are next [Music] probably got four pages of characters oh that's neat that shows how they actually made them i bet they actually made some of these out of paper i want to be surprised i do wonder like which ones i might have missed by now oh wow that's the paper macho stuff right there paper macho the blooper fight oh there's some of the oh that's enter this is the internet this is what i like about it like you get to see the rough draft like look at how developmentals used to look compared to how they ended up looking now that's the earth elemental this is the water developmental very cool this man they made him look serious down the bottom there oh wow i mean he looked really scary at first they used to have a lot more personality in their faces that's pretty cool yeah fire of elemental going everywhere i like how they kind of simplified them in a way but still made them look kind of treacherous there's olivia and oliver i remember that fight well we'll look at these two these are this is like these are the things i find most interesting different versions of peach on different animals instead oh different toads there we go different versions of how mario might have looked lots of different versions of mario really interesting lots of different toads sniffets and whatnot goombas all right did we get that all done [Music] yeah we did so we got the trophy for that and then i bet uh if we take a look uh which one's which what's what's this one we're gonna be toad gallery becoming character gallery let's just take a look at this maybe i'm missing some [Music] so this is after yeah after you defeat folded soldiers in your battle you're gonna see these so i'm missing uh at least two things uh one from the purple streamer i gotta find out what enemies these are then go beat them so from the purple streamer i'm missing someone here i'm missing one and i don't know who it is but i'll look it up and then we'll go get them so one from the purple streamer we'll figure it out and then uh number 43 and then one from uh the green streamer so purple and green more towards the end of the game oh interesting oh wow yeah i'm missing something i might just ran by him so 43.89 we'll go take a look and then go uh we'll go fight and then we should have all the trophies after that all right apparently the fly guys are up here yeah there they are there they are so i never encountered these uh let's see how i can encounter them and then once i do it should be fine nice [Music] there we go ready for another battle huh [Music] all right so [Music] uh how do i do this because i move that one yeah oh my god uh i'm forgetting how to do this already oh i know how never mind [Music] i think i think this works actually i don't know you know what we're just gonna cheer we're just gonna cheer because i have a bunch of uh a bunch of coins and i'm not gonna use them on anything else i should have just cheered all the way here we go okay that was it yeah i had the right idea i should have just moved it twice instead of trying to think about it i have the right idea it's okay okay there we go great lineup i'm assuming we attack with uh let's attack with uh gold gold boots will those work here we go heck yeah and then uh up here we're gonna do gold boots again i think actually oh man those have propellers those are gonna hurt me no they're not never mind okay but we got them beaten so uh that's one and then now we gotta go get i think the fuzzy from the green streamer so let me uh let me go do that all right the fuzzies down here i i remember seeing them on my way to shy guy finish lasts i said i said that a little bit incorrectly but whatever shy guys finish last there's the fuzzies oh what does that count maybe i have to it does count we got all the enemies that's awesome all right so now we're gonna return to toadtown and i'm glad that counts as an encounter just like boom hit him in the head we're done so assuming that's all that means we'll have 100 of the trophies and that means we can now go um we can now go fight fight the boss again which i'll include in this video and get the new ending or the the additional ending or whatever it is i i didn't look it up because i didn't want spoilers for myself but it's gonna have another component to the ending or something that's what i understand so that means we're going to fight uh the king only boss fight again this might be a long video but uh once we do that it should be fine so let's go over here i i'm not gonna break the recording because we're almost there here we go and i'm glad that didn't take very long some of the stuff to do this took a long time specif specifically the boss the like the boss rush mode oof but here we are let's get out of here and let's see what we're gonna do i'm pretty sure we have all the trophies great news mario receive one or more of your trophies so this is the art collector trophy which we got from just unlocking all the art and then this is the origami aficionado trophy nicely done you've done it mario you've earned every possible trophy now that i have the complete set i can i can charge double the emission finally musee champion uh will take its rifle place among the most prestigious museums in the world whoa i didn't know you were so nakedly ambitious it's cute oh well thank you we should really both be thanking mario he's the one responsible for making my dream come true my dream of curating the most complete and expensive museum in the world there we go congratulations we completed it 100 they're both just saying congratulations and thanks altering back and forth but now this means that we have one oh now they're totes here awesome so all that stuff in the museum is from you right wild you're wondering about this pipe right well let me explain oh it's you mar you already know so yes indeed we got all of the uh everything done and we will take a look really quick just to briefly recap um briefly recap uh all the trophies that we that we got we've really been busy haven't you well congratulations you made our humble collection the best it can be and then so the trophies are now complete everything's complete but here are the trophies just in case you wanted a recap of what they were this is the battle king which is uh which is what we got for doing like a certain number of battles coin collector certain number of coins i think 300 000 coins uh getting all the question mark blocks getting those big fish doing the the ring thing man no no this was the scuffle island there we go this was the ring thing in the battle lab this is the speed rings in battle lab this is coin captain all the coins on eddie river sure master we did that way early on the better veteran shuriken hal uh hurler uh in uh shogun studios this is quizmaster doing uh shy guys finish last our collector we just saw that us unlocking an origami collector collecting all the toads collectible collector collecting all the collectibles uh origami aficionado um that was all the enemies sound discollected that just happened by beating the game battle king that was doing the uh the the the battle all the battles i think coin collector block yeah so yeah we got them all we got them all we're good i'm confused on exactly no no no doing it doing all the boss battles got us another trophy i'm sorry not trophy collectible thus finishing off our collection to get us another trophy so now it's time to move on let's go fight king only one more time let's see what the ending is alright guys we are back uh with bowser ready to fight king ollie i'll skip through any excessive dialogue since we've seen it all before uh but what we're really into is trying to get to the ending so let's see what we got this shouldn't be too hard we've done it all before [Music] i hope it's not too hard at least all right your adventure ends here mario we know we know the drill all right fire don't want to deal with that do we no we don't don't lose mario i'll try not to all right let me get the idea [Music] all right we've beaten him once we meet him again i do have a lot of experience fighting these things so both and feathers are here we want to extinguish them if we can i hope i have enough items i don't even think to look at my anyway here we go he's gonna do something big and bad to us we need to get uh yeah there we go uh let's see so if we could conceivably are we gonna get three moves all right hold on hold on hold on i thought we'd get more than three we're set to walk through fire yeah we're just gonna have to walk through the fire it's okay oof that's actually very damaging i thought it'd be a little bit easier than that but that's okay [Music] all right mario's turn i'm gonna put it all out with the water here we go here we go he's not gonna like this now he took zero damage but he's gonna have a hard time he can't regain the help kenny okay what's he gonna do [Music] use the arrows now huh okay hold on [Music] there we go and then honestly i don't remember what to do do i hit him or do i just use my move again i should probably just use another move right i guess what do you think do you think i hit him this time you might bring all those feathers back let's just do this i'm not really sure what to use honestly uh maybe the can we use earth see if earth will do it doing these sort of tricks here [Applause] i think he's gonna use all of them right [Music] only that's zero okay that was not good then my bad my bad he gets a turn is he gonna be able to hit me though oh he lit them all back on fire darn oh yeah he got him all back my bad okay that was pretty hot let's go back and uh let's let's do the same thing again sorry my bad we gotta put him out and then we gotta probably hit him with i don't know if he hit him with our hands or if he if we just keep on doing the water to him i don't know [Music] all right uh take a little burn damage that's okay we're back with the water of elemental ability i think maybe we do use the hands but i'm afraid that he'll heal but i don't remember what he does look at the water developmental again there we go [Applause] i don't know if i just hit him with it i don't think you hit him with the water again i think we should use our hands though maybe i don't know uh one let's try this this might be a failure but let's see what happens if we hit him with our hands there we go [Music] that didn't do anything oh my wait oh yeah we plucked his feather thing that's right we can only damage him up to half because then he wants to spawn a new entity that's right i remember now earth ability i think we use uh where we'd use ice on him i think so [Music] all right here we go so i guess it's been about a week since i last faced off against him let's see if ice does the trick i think it will and then we use our hands to flip him i think is what happens yep i think he can't move so then i get to do my move which is use my hands to flip them [Music] oh i meant to do hands oh geez okay well let's just do ice again maybe just in case oh man i might okay i don't know if this will re-freeze them or if this will just break the ice i don't know i meant to do my hands though this will probably probably break it anyway it's okay re-frozen maybe i don't know one one point damage do you think he's gonna break through this time i don't know is extra frozen okay okay now we can use our hands so i totally forgot my bad okay that's the ticket and so yes 1 000 fold arms is gonna happen here [Music] and then now i get to just he might be done for him we might already move on to the next phase if so that'd be great [Music] the next phase is bowser and him fighting and i gotta get over here and basically just do that try to run him off essentially i gotta try to get behind him i mean i'm trying to do yeah that was not great i mean i have done this before but it's always tedious to try to [Music] to try to get him off this this thing man oh god that hit me pretty hard all right all right what do i do i forgot to do this no wrong button run freaking button all right trying to get over there this is one of the hardest ones on my arms [Music] man this is a bit of a tough fight all right here we go again all right we got him and in this next phase is the is really tough [Music] i don't know how tough it is he has beaten me here before this one's matching it up which is awful uh all right here we go i know i know i know we got this here we go oh crap farewell all right cool [Music] too soon now surrender no thanks [Music] okay i almost got something here we go nice all right one last [Music] [Applause] got it here we go [Music] [Music] you all right mario gets a big turn here [Music] nice all right so here we go this boss fight was actually a little bit easier than i thought it was going to be she turns into the hammer then we knock him to his senses but not really so now we're going to see if the ending what the ending is like this is going to be the last bit of the video just see the the ending with 100 completion so no more skipping around i want to see if there's anything new anything i recognize i'm sorry brother i had no choice oh but you poor your poor body is all crumpled now maybe i went too far no olivia that hammer attack was divine you put everything into it and it was enough to awaken me from this dark dream i was too proud too entitled my heart was blissed my path was creased i was a mess wait what's this on your belly oh it hurts to move but that is the cause of all of this madness this careless scrawl that toad marked me with read it for me will you i must know what is written there what words or gibberish mark this foolish body please i could use one last laugh okay um let's see so this part's not new so far dear sally may you grow into a fair and kind king it's not just a scribble it's a very sweet message from the origami craftsman he just wished you the best as a new king [Music] oh i've been a terrible king to think this is how he paid his kindness i just became so blinded by rage i did so many unforgivable things i'm so sorry that princess peach and mario became caught up in all of this [Music] olivia there's something you must do for me please accept these 999 cranes and then fold my body into the one thousandth when the last fold is complete you will gain the ability to have any wish granted i don't suppose it'll make up for everything i've done but it's all i have left i'm begging you olivia plea do this for me so then the toad comes right and then she folds the crane and then [Applause] she's like brother mario i have something to confess i don't know how to fold a crane maybe all he could have taught me after all he folded the whole castle even me but look at him now and then the toad comes here with luigi right that's my memory of it aha there we go hey guys i hope i didn't miss too much i found the origami craftsman maybe you can talk ollie out of all this nonsense right because he's the one who originally folded him ah yes i remember this paper well such a lovely royal purple and olivia so good to see you making use of the giant hammer technique i folded into your design wait there are an awful lot of cranes here is one of you attempting to forbidden 1000 crane technique yes but i promise i won't use it for evil can you teach me how to fold the last crane i want to fulfill my brother's final wish and complete the thousandth crane myself very well i will teach you i suppose all this trouble is my fault in a way after all i was the one who originally folded your brother this will be my last fold of life then olivia prepare to fold as you have never folded before so then she folds the crane and this is the sad part when we first did it last episode [Music] well done with that the technique is complete you may make your wish olivia okay my wish my wish thousandth crane grant me my wish [Music] may all the origami folded by my brother be undone and that includes her which was the saddest part of the ending a tale of sacrifice basically so i'm not going to skip because i don't know what's new or not you know i don't i don't know but plus we can see the ending again right not a big deal to see the ending again you've said through this episode long enough now we just get to enjoy the ending as is the cranes flying all around we'll get to see if anything new happens there's a lot to undo including this whole castle in olivia [Music] [Applause] all right look at all those cranes [Music] all right there's peach would be a real treat as if we saw olivia come back somehow but her wish seems permanent we'll see what happens my goodness what are we all doing here princess peach you're back to your old self wahoo wait we're missing someone where's olivia yep sadness indeed or is there a treat for us no treat not yet at least so let's see what happens i could have skipped all that i just didn't know because i don't know if you know they're gonna slip anything in or you know because i don't know what the point of getting 100 is you know all right i'm so happy that everything is back to normal tow town is bustling with an origami festival [Music] everyone is discovering the magic of origami [Music] yes indeed everyone seems to be getting along [Music] together [Music] good to see everyone getting along together good to see the whole cast and crew in one place i think they were all here before in the original ending though [Music] ah mario peach come take a look at my masterpiece is finally finished you see it's a miniaturized origami castle just like the one ollie made oh good memories good vibes mario are you thinking about the origami girl who saved me yes she was so brave to do what she did we owe her everything [Music] i just know she's with us in spirit i wish i could thank her [Music] gather around everyone it's time for the big finale [Music] to all the origami thank you except for you ali [Laughter] so yes so far this ending seems the same there is a big skip button and knows i've seen this i was thinking that i i shouldn't skip it just in case they slipped in something new but i'm guessing all the stuff that i could have skipped is stuff that i've seen before that's why it has skip because you know i've seen it before all right let's see what's up how is this going to work okay people are the origami king i should have looked up beforehand what was new in the ending i just didn't want to find spoilers so all right so we're driving through we're gonna see the credits and you know let's just let him roll again because it's been a fantastic game these people deserve credit i also there's no skip button i could probably skip it though if i tried so yeah i don't know what new was new for the ending surely we'll see something though maybe after the credits there's got to be some reason that we 100 completed the game [Music] some sort of reward baked in i hope [Music] so this is the last episode of paper mario the origami king unless for some reason which i doubt they will but unless they come out with some sort of dlc i don't think they will but i had a tremendously fun time playing this sorry it took me like another extra week to get the final episode out after after beating it it was just a lot to do it really was [Music] it was like three hours of fighting all the bosses again which i did on the members only live stream and the reason i did it on the members only live stream instead of just posting it publicly is i didn't want it to compete with all my other videos like basically i fought all the bosses in the series and we've seen that furthermore uh i i uploaded the episode that was edited together by my friend xanator which shows three hours of all the bosses so we've already seen it twice and i didn't think that a third time publicly would be good but if you're a member of the channel you can always go watch it it was a three hour live stream we had a lot of fun and then uh the rest of it i just did on my own you know like uh a lot of stuff the most annoying was probably the the river rapids and then the shy guys finished last [Music] and then i was lucky to have already done some of the stuff uh particularly like the stuff in shogun studios [Music] and then uh you know of course doing the battle lab stuff was not a big deal the speed rings was a little tough after a while but uh man [Music] toughest was up in the bosses because it was just it was it wasn't hard to do it was just tedious and i'd already done them and so it was just kind of i was kind of looking at like uh i don't know if i want to do it again but i did it again [Music] so yeah i'm not one to just like lock content that you've never seen before you know from a game behind the members only stuff that's not what i'm about so uh let's see what we got going on here huh [Music] so far i haven't seen anything new i've been looking at the pictures the uh [Music] it's something's gonna happen it's gonna happen very soon [Music] sun's rising [Music] keep your eyes on it is anything gonna happen okay there's that aha this is the new stuff it's the craftsman toad [Laughter] oh he made he remade king ollie and olivia and hopefully they are kind but he i guess did he not do the fold of life into them whoa that's 100 indeed it is thanks for pointing it out all right so that must have been like the that must have been the ending yeah okay that was it just a little secret bit at the end and uh hey i enjoyed this game 100 we did it thank you for watching uh be sure to come back next time for more of course i will cover any new mario games that come out for the nintendo switch or any future consoles so thanks so much for supporting this channel i really do appreciate it i will see you all next time for more i'm zach scott subscribe if you have not if you like this video and want to help the channel grow all you got to do is click the like button below thank you so much for watching you can now join on youtube and become an official member of zack scott games and if you want cool shirts like this visit zackscott.shop come back next time for more
Channel: ZackScottGames
Views: 616,044
Rating: 4.8939142 out of 5
Keywords: Paper Mario The Origami King, Paper Mario Origami King, Paper Mario The Origami King Gameplay, Paper Mario The Origami King Walkthrough, Paper Mario The Origami King Gameplay Part 1, Paper Mario The Origami King ZackScottGames, Paper Mario, The Origami King, Origami King, Paper, Mario, Origami, King Gameplay, Walkthrough, Game, Review, Commentary, Guide, Let’s Play, Playthrough, Part 1, Ep 1, Full, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, ZackScottGames, ZackScott, Zack Scott Games
Id: Wa-a5q6Hflc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 14sec (5294 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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