Shangri-Spa! - Paper Mario: The Origami King - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 24

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[Music] what is up guys zach scott here playing paper mario the origami king and uh you know we did some things that we had to do last episode we got them done now we're back here we're going to jump into this yellow uh beam of light to go i think upwards and direction i want to thank you guys for over 1.2 million views on the first episode it's all thanks to you guys leaving over 24 000 likes so thank you so much for your support on this video series let's go up and see what's going to happen as we ascend to heaven i don't know what we're doing we're saving though so we're going in a new area i just didn't want to you know i didn't want to leave things unfinished i'm sure there's still some things that i left to finish but i didn't want to leave uh the great sea unfinished so there we go what is this place where are we it seems like we're up pretty high but it's too cloudy to see much hey there's the green streamer it just kind of trails off into the cloud should we try to see where it leads yes we should which uh which indicator should i have on the uh which alert i mean probably the hidden block i i think toads are relatively easy to find i'm just gonna keep the hidden black one on where are we by the way let's see this place is called what it's called shangri-spa okay with the shangri spot this looks like bowser okay let's go this way see what's what the shangri-spa how the clouds move here we go oh wow wow wow wow paradise found they talked about a path to paradise oh yes we found paradise do you know what that means because i don't but i'm excited it sounds so good uh let's see let's go over here [Music] all right i'm just looking over here you never know what you'll find unless you look i think you can make that jump i don't think i can but part of me wants to just try no i can even jump i thought i thought i would just fall but it wouldn't even let me try let's go in the shangri-spa or whatever the paradise here we go the toads with angel wings welcome welcome to the shangri-spa [Music] shangri-spa that sounds amazing what does it mean shangri kind of sounds like angry but these toads don't look angry they're almost too calm it sure is mysterious you guys want to talk you are always welcome in shangri-spa i just knew you clear the three trials to join us today i also predict you'll enjoy yourself our first customer is what feels like eon and what feels like eons and it's mario this is a blessed day did you get the special prize for visiting all the toad statues in the great sea i want to see it seek and you shall find come follow me to paradise someone at the front desk will be blessed to assist you are we in heaven oh no one ever talks to me um what do i say there's so much pressure um and spy your joy oh no i blew it did you enjoy the trials you passed to get here oh i hope so we just want it we just want you to arrive pre-entertained all right can i talk to the statue no no okay who knew you know i'm just looking around what's up front desk welcome to shangri-spa mario we're a place for you to rest reflect and be renewed through the power of hot springs hooray sign me up my mind and body could use all of those things the suggested donation for a mission is one thousand coins and it is mandatory might i suggest that you make that donation now yes i can't wait to be refreshed and renewed i don't know which one i'm looking forward to more thank you so much i hope you enjoy our services oh just one last thing before you go we've started a successes successive soaker campaign please take the stamp card with you as you visit our hot springs success stamp card visit all the hot springs and changer spa to fill this out so this is a hot spring spa in the sky if you collect stamps from each of our hot springs we'll give you a special prize just remember to get your card stamped each time and then bring it back to me when you're done that's it for me i hope you enjoy shangri-spa yay i've been looking forward to looking forward to something all right so what say you to return to the less relaxing but more real world please use the pipe beyond this door i'll go take a look what uh first before we do anything uh shanghai spa there are toads to rescue by the way what's this say [Music] grispa [Music] this work sup hey that seems familiar ah are you familiar with the ancient ones of the scorching sandpaper desert yes in fact their services here at shangri-spa day back even to those ancient times it is said that king shrooms as himself was a frequent visitor liked his towels pre-warmed if i recall in any case this relief was a gift from his kingdom thank you for asking me about it so how would i get over here grispa [Music] i don't know but let's go through this let me check over here what's this what's that hey look at that mario it's super it's a super marino toy toy super marino not at all this is a replica of the spa mourinho a submarine we use to escort our guests to the diamond island trials i actually have quite a lot more to say about it do you want to hear its fascinating history yes oh good i love telling the story so according to legend our little spam arena was once stolen by the mythical captain tioid as a sort of ransom he offered the sub back to king shroom's in exchange for the king's crown well that didn't sit well with king's shrooms as a major spa enthusiast and shangri-spa's most generous tipper he also liked being king so king shrooms is arranged to have captain tioid captured and frozen in a block of ice what a story right wow really being stuck in a deep freeze must have made captain t ode less of a hot head he seemed nice definitely not a king toddler you know all right interesting story do i believe it yes read sean [Music] i don't know what's going on let's i just want to see what's over to the right before we go over to the left so let us see this is indeed warp pipe five tear it off feel alive and uh i think we're good here i didn't get any notification bells about any hidden blocks so i'm gonna head over here makes sense all right is this a spa spring of purification effective against rips and tears ooh what is this this is the stamp booth for our successive soaker campaign collect one from each of our hot springs and you'll get a prize this is the okay yeah i'm ready give it to me how do i how do i did i get it stamped i know i know hold on hold on maybe i have to step in it sure looks hot do you think this one is one of the hot springs it doesn't look very springy [Music] consider me soaked [Music] is this all i have to do someone stamp my card [Music] how's the temp i don't want to cook in my own shell why you're one of bowser's minions aren't you it's awfully nice of him to let you take a spa vacation like this [Music] how do i actually get the stamp what is that coming off the water mario smoke maybe we should go take a look i did already didn't i oh there we go now i'm soaked you're so brave maro you just jumped right in with no regard for your own crispness and it seems like you're fine maybe even better than fine but what will happen to me will i get soggy my heart's pounding but i guess there's only one way to find out there she goes there we go just two paper creations soaking in water not a big deal oh yeah i get it now just gonna bliss out for a little while don't mind me it feels so good so this is what they meant by refreshing and renewing your mind and body bad news mario i only care about hot springs now ah all right now can i get the stamp i just want the stamp there we go well boom right there perfect sorry you can't double stamp you've already got this one that's fine fine by me there is a legendary ham right now two of those by the way would be great to use against the boss of some sort [Music] so we're at the all relaxing spas of shangri-spa whoa this view is incredible we're actually floating in the clouds mario that is bowser's right up there it's so nice to almost forget about the green streamer oh darn i just remembered it and now it's hmm yep what is that horrible scary face doing here do you think it's part of the spa or it's not renewing my mind or body maybe we should ask someone like this groundskeeper excuse me groundskeeper can you help us oh that's kamek mario what are you doing here sometimes i forget you're a celebrity or do you actually know this groundskeeper groundskeeper i'll have you know it's not important as lord bowser's number one i have faced off against this meddling mustachioed marauder more times than i can count you may ha you may have heard of me i am known as kamek oh pleased to meet you my name's olivia mario and i are both traveling around a bit and trying to stop my brother's evil plan i'm sorry that i haven't heard of you mr kamek but it's very impressive that you're bowser's number one groundskeeper no that's not i'm not look the work i do for bowser thank you as lord bowser's number one groundskeeper i have some important information for you what is this info after escaping in the clown car lord bowser returned to his castle where i awaited his command but just as he arrived we were overwhelmed by folded soldiers bowser was captured again having heroically secreted myself during the attack i was rece i was ready to engage our emergency protocol but the button i pressed shut off the airship's engines instead it wasn't my fault oh no we put the engines off bowser's castle plunged straight into the shangri-spa campus yeah right into our banquet hall one must make a reservation to drop a castle on our banquet hall do you have any idea how far out we're booked i have no choice but to charge you a late fee an early fee an on-time fee a cancellation fee and an appearance fee how will you be paying today blue robed wizard coins credit or the blood sweat and tears of bowsers many minions excuse me robed wizard hey i know you can hear me over here he's being a groundskeeper uh never mind your your fellow minions are already hard at work so i'll just tack on an additional silence for you and leave you to it good luck all right well you heard the toad this is the statue this is the state of lord bowser's minions castle and life ah so that scary looking face is just a part of bowser's castle and we need to go inside the face to reach the green streamer you intend to enter bowser's castle very well perhaps i could be of some assistance follow me quickly now okay i'll follow you soon enough i'm gonna check all this [Music] so we did the front desk the spring of purification uh there's a spring sanctuary the spring of bliss and number seven the spring of jungle mist uh number whatever number eight is hidden in a way and then the banquet hall is number five got it oh wait can i go back here this way mario there's no time for side quests all right [Music] i shall follow you there's something down there [Music] they've got a swoop in the grass not even bowser makes us do that [Music] oh jeez thanks for helping me with that i've been trying to trim those leaves from the inside for hours [Music] all right so what what's the what's the deal [Music] one day you're leading an elite division of shy guys so next you're scrubbing the floor huh saved [Music] save complete then up here indeed yes here we are go right in mario yeah i don't know what are you worried about it's perfectly standard it's a perfectly standard mouth door do i gotta go in i can't you do the shangri-spa stuff okay i guess i have to go in let's do it then no choice i got i just got to go in okay i can even go up oh no oh no whoa whoa triple quadruple low well that confirms it there really is a lightning beast guarding the front door i'm relieved i wasn't just it wasn't just my imagination i suppose we don't have much chance against it from down here and those folded soldiers confiscated my flying broomstick how will we still get up there think comec dad there we go that's how oh it's the young master bowser jr i've never been so happy to see lord bowser's devilish spawn come flying recklessly out of nowhere in his clown car because we might be able to use that very clown car to reach the cloud you see [Music] uh-oh scissors scissors oh we'll find him oh no okay good they'll land in the same spot no young master your body your clown car [Music] oh i can't understand what he's trying to say young master if it's about your current state i assure you that we are aware of it unfortunately neither he nor his clown car in condition to help us anymore excuse me connect i know it seems off topic but have you been into any of the hot springs yet they're pretty rejuvenating maybe a soak would even help the young master here by jove you're right those uh obsequious toads in the lobby handed me a pamphlet about the restorative powers of the spring of purification is near the entrance there you go quickly let's get young masters shredded body into the spring of purification before the damage is irreversible if my calculations are correct he will be flying and wrecking havoc again in no time all right let's do it no other no other journey will work here we go so this way i do believe it's this way hurry to the spring of purification here we go backtracking just a little bit we must get him healed here we are oh no what is this no don't tell me someone else has reserved the spring excuse me would you mind terribly if we hopped in with our shredded friend here or are you guys also shredded and trying to heal now these are origami we're shredded all right oh ripped and shredded and so very angry let's fight these dudes we got him we got him these guys are going to be so easy oh boy maybe not uh so [Music] what's the deal then um we got three moves and [Music] so huh let me guess i think it's like this [Music] then it's like this perfect let's do some hammers on these guys i hope the flashy hammer works but let's find out we'll know pretty soon [Music] they're still in the game all right here we go another hammer hit all right they're gone now [Music] here we go [Music] maybe if i would have used the legendary hammer it would have worked oh wow anyways get a turn oof oof big oof i need those springs soon uh so three moves oh geez we did it in two uh let's try some flashy boots maybe of course they're hurt maybe regular boots would have worked just fine but i didn't really want to risk it here we go should probably use a hammer there we go they're done though and my flashy boots broke but we won that one not too shabby now let's heal including me right here we are this is where we want to be by the way we're here soak in everybody everyone soak now now young master be sure to soak your entire body well is it working there we go aha he's whole again perhaps i should rescind my one star online review of shangri-spa it wasn't me i didn't crash the castle this time i just came here to help dab but the next thing i knew i was all cut up into pieces and what's he doing here are we about to fight because i'm always ready let's go her name was olivia she lived in shangri-spa just an origami girl with an origami heart soaking and dreaming of the streamers keeping us apart wait young master we have more important things to do than battle mario for the millionth time if you want to help your dad you could help us enter his castle we require the use of your clown car do we get to fight someone i haven't fought anyone in over an hour let's hurry up and do this all right you can probably use another soak one more soak oh man this dumb thing's busted hmm so even though you're back in one piece you're still too creased to fly you're also wrinkled and filthy i hate to think what lord bowser would say if you saw you in such a state indeed it seems flying is still out of the question blast guys the wrinkles and the dirt and the creases just soak it all away in the hot springs okay then we can all then we can get all the stamps and the free prize that gives me an idea there are more of these springs around shangri-spa right and each has unique rejuvenative properties the answer is clear we must visit them all young master roll yourself and get on my back perfect come youtube we must find hot springs to address young masters wrinkles creases and filth there will be more soaking i promise all right i'm feeling good feeling good and soaked so let's head off to the rest and you want to make sure you don't miss any springs you can check the locations of all of our springs on this handy map i get the idea this is embarrassing don't worry about it oh please i carried you like this as a baby [Music] all right what are you doing the grooves in these columns are like a spa for mold welcome welcome i hope you're having a pleasant stay at shangri-spa these guys aren't i i joined bowser's army so i wouldn't have to get a real job i can't talk now that toad yells every time my productivity drops [Music] my section is cleaner no mine is cleaner what say you i'm so sick of sweeping i want to get back to my regular job of raking you want to buy something for 10 000 coins all proceeds go to get my right back in my hands sure there you go the sea tower collectible treasure number 100 wow i can't believe it this is going to help us minions pay off our debt big time you really are a hero whoa are you rich young master is not polite to ask you rich like you just spend 10 000 coins on a random i don't even know what it is i'm just like 10 000 coins sure all right let's go over here it ain't just the throwing hammer see [Music] all right just a coin there's another stamp what are you guys doing i actually like this janitorial work more than regular minion work i'm kind of a neat freak [Music] all right spa is looking good over here and look at this this is looking good too a thousand coins yeah i got it all back that's how i get rich is i just just find money that's that's the key to success just find money it's hidden everywhere banks all right uh let's go up here all full here scram yeah we'll scramble right doesn't look that full especially for a few pieces of flat paper and one origami why don't you try to find a little room in the corner mario [Music] let's say you oops dude why oh wave battle i think i was like dude why why'd you do this to me all right no big deal [Music] all right three moves [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's just no oh gosh um oh no easy what am i thinking there we go super easy my bad my bad for taking so long let's see what kind of do regular boots work on goombas let's just see i'm gonna try let me be mad if it doesn't but they do perfect don't have to waste any items [Music] i need to get my health up some more i know i spent ten thousand coins i didn't spend one thousand points i spent ten thousand coins on that treasure that's okay not one thousand so that one thousand i found did not did not make it up okay anyway last wave coming through line them up we got two moves that's one two let us uh smash them with hammers regular hammers will work right we're gonna bathe in the spa do not worry [Applause] [Music] boom here we go nicely done one of the toads back there is asleep [Applause] all right there we go let's bathe hold on i'm just gonna find some coins so what's what spa is this [Music] let's just soak it all in they all heal me [Music] here goes nothing i'm tired of looking like a wrinkly old grandpa well is it working young master oh bam i'm flat fine i'm ready to toe the line he's still wrinkled quite impressive you're as flat and sturdy as card stock hmm i'm sogging wrinkle then couldn't care less now then we still need to address young masters folds and smudges i don't want to take our chances with the cloud until he's back to full strength don't forget the stamp come on let's go let's get these bass over with so i can fight someone already all right good bath then down here uh we check and there's a stamp perfecto over here's a chest of some sort let's go see what these guys doing [Music] some of our vip guests have reserved these chairs you'll have to wait your turn [Music] got him [Music] all right tada oh it seems they've departed ahead of schedule please feel free to submit a request for a reservation [Music] we can scripted sniffets to run these shops and they simply disappeared how dare they [Music] why me i'll help you out don't worry [Music] all right god i was uh cleaning the inside of that crate guess it doesn't need cleaning anymore so [Music] thanks it almost looks like there's something up there there is there's something on top of there sniff the snip it's on top [Music] hold up what does this say spring jungle miss straight ahead [Music] do i have to fight him darn i can't just take him out [Music] all right we'll fight him we'll fight him [Music] here we go [Music] huh so i get the most confusing part about this okay i don't know let's cheer i want to see what the first move is i should do one move right all right then we still got another move okay yeah okay that's easy easy all right let's see about what kind of gear do i have okay can i put let's put some flashy boots in here let's see if that's enough there we go and then more flashy boots over here [Music] all right good deal we cleared him out and now we can check on this uh sniff it so i'm glad i didn't break those boxes hey i was on one of my two legally mandated 15-minute breaks oh he's running the shop now good he has a treasure there i believe maybe i can't break those okay oh i cannot break those okay but hey there's a there's a collectible souvenirs get your souvenirs come and get them well i want uh this one god so expensive shangri spot toad i can part with that for that many coins no oh man there's no choice okay fine yes excellent choice expensive you spent more than 50 000 coins here take this gold membership card you've earned a tough through spending all right so i got a gold membership card give you 50 on weapons and items [Music] that membership card is top tier you won't find any better bargains i'm glad that card is in your hands out of all my customers i dislike you the least good thank you now those are some fancy looking boots now hold on what i know we still don't do all that stuff but how much are those boots really quick let's see let's see items accessories [Music] oh i still yeah i'm still walking [Music] let's try how much it's pretty cheap [Music] yes all right thank you all right i'm good now let me uh let me go back to my group my confetti collector [Music] might as well write all right [Music] free money so what was down here down here is a chest and it's a water developmental idol all right let's continue on this way i saw that there's like a little hole here i'm not sure what this is [Music] here we go let's do a treasure in a lot of treasures here and that's the fire developmental idol [Music] then let's drop down here [Music] and then [Music] i can't go like that okay let's venture off this way [Music] and what does this say this is the spring of jungle mist there's some something in the bridge here the sniff it i'm no shirking i just uh slipped i'm not shirking i just slipped yeah that'll that'll play so he's probably going back to that store or something springer jungle missed official path where's the unofficial path the spring of jungle miss is one of our most secluded hot springs good luck and enjoy your soak thank you i don't know if there's an unofficial path somewhere look at this place oh wow this is big oh wow look at the size of that tree what kind you think it is there's something weird about it do you think the hot spring is up there that would be so cool this place is kind of odd but let's destroy a bunch of stuff if you want to i want to oh the bridge is out why are all the bridges broken everywhere i know something weird is going on with that big tree but we can't get across to check it out from here do you see that path perhaps there's another way to get there see an unofficial path that's what i was saying an unofficial path is this it this could be it let's see what's going on okay yeah we're oh wow oh it's so lush and tropical in here i expect nothing less from shangri-spa at this point they spare no expense for their customers in any case i suspect that this route may help may yet help us reach the other side of that down bridge kind of sounds spooky though doesn't it so many plants we have to destroy oh hmm looks like we have a choice to make i think we should go this way call it my origami sense is that so well i think we should go this way call it comex sense well i mean i trust her do you trust me mario yes oh i thought for sure you'd go with kamek's idea now i'm kind of worried but if you thought his this way was right maybe it is i mean can we oh jeez did you guys hear that was it just my imagination we can go both ways right eventually we might need to it's okay we can always backtrack or whatever oh dear this definitely wasn't the right way maybe my origami sense was just tuned to find the wrong path uh oh let's fight these guys it's a wave battle [Music] so many fights so don't use hammers on these that's what my memory says [Music] we get three moves that sure seems like it could be one [Music] wait [Music] [Music] all right what's the first move [Music] sorry i i i'm running out of time the time pressure's getting to me so they move it like that okay they move it like that so that we could um okay i get it now i get why they did that i thought it was something like this there you go it makes sense there we go so the attacks line up let's now use our flashy boots hope this works let's see we go and flashy boots here too [Music] this jungle is beautiful [Music] all right last wave we got another wave but we have this uh this thing that we can uh we can transform with our elemental power magic circle on there we go eyes of elemental power in a fight i don't think i've seen it like this that was sweet dead all right we be done 990 coins [Music] so then let's move onwards this was the right way another path i think it's definitely to the left let's see since i was correct last time and every time i might add i assume you will follow me she wants to go that way i see blocks over there hear me i know i was wrong before but i have a super strong feeling in my folds about this way it's this way you can count on me hey i assure you that this is the correct way have i been wrong before well i'm pretty sure it's this way because i see the items over there you trust me even though i was wrong before yes yay okay let's go oh geez what is that that wrestling again oh it's kind of scary what is that noise this is my first time in a jungle and mysterious our mysterious crashing noise is good we at least had to come this way [Music] but you know now that we know that this is a way to go let's also try come x-way really quick just so that we uh cover all bases oh this way looks like a way too [Music] i don't like this guy [Music] oh my gosh this way is dangerous okay stop [Applause] well this was a way too [Applause] and this way had a treasure maybe they're both correct but the other way okay yeah we got a treasure the sweet sap logins oh i thought that was just a shadow oh oh oh dear all right legendary i just bought some of those come on let's go back around because i i don't think i was finished with her way of going whoa hold on what is this look at that oh is this a puzzle i think this is a puzzle all right mushroom bag heart flour what is that and mushroom so we know that the mushrooms here we got a shiny mushroom bag bag flower is this one the flower yes and then this one over here is the hand there we go still got one more [Music] heart heart all right let's do it first up we got a lot of coins by the way second up 1 000 folded arms oh cool there's a treasure there and it is uh oh it's bowser jr okay nice [Music] ha that's me i look pretty sweet like i'm about to do some kind of awesome move in front of dad all right i'm glad i saw that i maybe wouldn't have seen that gotta be keep your eyes out in this forest we also also got to go the other way although the tree fell but i don't i think i saw some stuff yeah more bees oh my gosh a lot of bees what the heck what are they doing here here we go okay it's okay we got this i always forget how this works so we got three moves [Music] [Music] it's just a mess all right so what we would want to do are you kidding me we got three oh what what oh oh i see i see he's here this doesn't help what's the first move [Music] 200 coins is that enough for a move okay all right so we got two more moves ah interesting oh no oh no what what there's not enough time undo well no surely that's that's that's part of it i just don't know what to do with this guy whatever we failed it it's fine let's do flashy iron boots maybe i don't want to get stung [Music] that's fine once more yeah i don't know that was a hard puzzle he did nothing okay great [Music] [Applause] and then what is he going to do he's going to do a bumble bump i tried why surely i blocked that all right gosh these are such complicated puzzles dude uh so what is this [Music] okay those are okay okay why is this such a hard time for me [Music] dude i don't know what is wrong with me still counts it's a great lineup so let's uh go with it flashy iron boots for these guys all right i did my own lineup i did my own let's try the flashy hammer then for these guys boom got him okay oh last wave this is a wave battle right great [Music] man so complicated oh this is easy i gave us an easy one thank you great lineup let's smash it all i think just flashy boots will work with these guys maybe we'll see indeed and then what's gonna happen right here we're just gonna use a flashy hammer there we go [Music] they're gone okay we got some coins that's good i mean i kind of did it pretty well right so then yeah so i i guess i did get the hole olivia your way doesn't work okay so who knows kamek i guess was right they didn't really have any dialogue explaining who was right who was wrong i assume that tree fell that it would have fallen before i got to it and thus would have not been able to pass so let's head this way wow oh this is a fight okay goodness gracious there's a lot of things in this jungle all right so this looks like a one move i get two but this looks like a one what the heck what sorry i was confused [Music] okay okay yeah that's fine all right attack power up so we do have to use our flashy iron boots for these they're looking straight up at me beautiful what one of them's not what why are you joking kidding me what happened [Music] all right i don't know how come i didn't get that guy what thank you but how come someone's just stronger than the other ones [Music] all right i think boots would work just fine with this guy maybe oh geez he's turned upwards thankfully connect with his magic did the trick i think he would turn back up to me sorry all right it seems to open up here considerably but i don't see any sign of a hot spring is this the end of the path no way this can't be the end oh gosh gosh darn oh man bees he be following me i'm gonna see if i can just not deal with you know not get hit with [Music] the heck so i guess i got to defeat him wave battle man they have me fight these big time a lot of new enemies today thanks to the jungle [Music] [Applause] [Music] this seems like it should be a two move oh i see the problem hold on oh yeah this is a problem oh man uh i did it i did it i'm the greatest flashy iron boots for these guys probably got them all oh then that broke of course uh let's try the flashy hammer for this i might need a hurl hammer for darn it they're still alive i bet regular hammer will take care of him all right there we go nice i want only one still alive blocked [Music] so i'm gonna use the hammer here we go mario's gets a turn [Music] boom next wave though we got a whole other wave [Music] um [Music] it seems easy enough all right attack power up let's do uh let's let's do the the flashy hammer right here [Applause] i mean that just seems like it's so good what all right let's look at my gear i had so many flashy iron boots we're gonna use these i also have legendary iron boots we also have a legendary hammer i might have to do the legendary hammer all right let's do the flashy iron boots [Music] man they're all still alive i'm not dealing as much damage as i want to those guys are gone enemies turn sure enough i blocked it [Music] all right they say that's the perfect lineup but i say that this is the perfect lineup so that's how we do it uh let's do shiny iron boots here we go these uh these fights are lasting a little bit longer oh there's another wave oh wow okay what's the trick about this like it would seem like that but it's not [Music] um there we go let's see about this let's see about [Music] i'll use flashy iron boots on these dudes [Music] then hopefully connect finishes them off [Music] and then over here i'm going to use the legendary hammer this will be the first time i use the legendary hammer so let's see how it goes excellent hit with a legendary hammer there we go there we go we got him holy cow that was a big fight we got over 2 000 coins though nicely done look at that confetti now we can use that [Music] to do something of course i will be looking over here you know it would alert me if there was a hidden block grab that yank it down now we have a little bridge there we go that's all we needed again it would alert me oh no oh no we barely missed it it's a big chain chomp here he's mad favorite macho's chained should we just go fight him or no he's gone oh boy oh boy what was that is that what was rusting around out here wow i'm so glad i didn't know it was here the whole time it's some kind of hideous corruption of one of lord bowser's fiercest and most loyal minions bowser would love it i'll order him a few as a surprise oh but but yes so we must certainly avoid this one we'll be dashed to confetti instantly if he bites us all right so here we are where are we going i don't know where we're going but i'm happy do you like to be happy me too this is great this is oh no help me okay well they got me what doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter doesn't matter it doesn't matter we're going to leave we're going to die we're not we'll be fine um three moves it always gets me with this this one is always a trick i never know i never remember how to do this all right what's the first move again let's cheer [Music] show me the first move okay it's to move that all the way over okay now i remember no no i don't remember do i that was the first move oh yeah yeah this is this is just completely rotating everything okay yeah when it looks like that you just have to oh no oh no what's the next move show me the next move dude okay so that was the first move then it would almost seem like this was the next move oh boat but wait [Music] and then yeah okay there there we go that's the kit that's the ticket got it i don't know why that one always gives me such such trouble let's try flashy boots with these guys i don't know if this this will work i don't know it does they've been taken out good and then these guys we have hammer shiny hammer and legendary hammer let's use shiny hammer in hopes that quebec takes them out [Applause] boom nope don't need him greater coins i should be able to do that pattern next time i see it [Music] oh my gosh break me out here we go this is scary this is this is a long part of this stage okay we got a save spot here so there must be something coming up maybe the paper macho chain chomp i don't know yet another fork in the road these shangri-spot toads could really use a groundskeeper to advise him on path manito three passes time what will we do we go this way now now young master we mustn't simply guess we should listen to quebec who has been correct every time so far well you're not gonna like this but i have a strong feeling that we should go this way i think max is like ah we go this way and i assure you this is the way follow me they all say i'm gonna go her way all i have is my instinct but it says to go this way do you still believe in me mario yes oh mario thank you for believing in me let's go what gives i know that's okay i know i'm right so we'll go this way really quick and we'll see if this is the dead end we still got to go the other ways anyway oh that could be it let's try to go this way then you never know they might have some treasures some items dead end [Music] what no way this would totally be the right way if it weren't for these rocks who rigged it against me if i might young master i told you so oh this is delightful uh-oh creepy oh my god game over what okay all right let's go uh comex way maybe uh just to see what there is we know we know how it works all right i'm going to try come x-way just to see i i trust in her but i just want to see what happens if we go this way [Music] if it looks like there's going to be a dead end oh this is a death sequence [Music] oh we're running we're running oh boy we're running there we go he look at the terrible thing actually i couldn't even look it's too scary so this is the source of the wrestling my goodness the mouth on that thing is indescribable that thing is out of control and sure to attack indiscriminately but i think we're safe for now can i pop him in the face please you see it's become wedged under that branch let's continue before it becomes unwedged so what was what was olivia's way because olivia had away i do gotta wonder man now i wonder okay let's just go this way uh there's probably something something awesome over there there's no way for me to quickly load is there well finally we made it across what a relief who's ready for a hot spring and has two triangles for arms this gal oh but before we move on you were right about which way to go every time connect how did you do that it was amazing yeah what gibbs you were cheating with magic weren't you magic young master not at all i simply rejected the emotional choices you two made in favor of ones using bloodless logic yes my logic based system along with timely retreating and tactical cowering has gotten me far all right but in a way doesn't that mean i was making the right choice every time you wouldn't have known which way to go if i hadn't made the wrong choice first ah she's got you there okay okay my thing is like i still want to go her way now because that we'll have to figure it out there's probably like an item or something there ah we're here this is so cool i've seen big trees before not even all that long ago but this might be the biggest one yet yes yes it's quite impressive but what do you make of that other tree the one with water flowing from its base wouldn't that be the more logical spot for a hot spring no way how are we supposed to get there it's almost like they don't want us to get to that hot spring but perhaps we could survey the situation more effectively from up high ah but this ladder is just out of reach another job for the shangri-spa groundskeeper but you're the groundskeeper how are you going to reach the ladder mr groundskeeper good question i can't jump up here can't jump up here either although it seems like i should be able to now i can we got some holes to fill in is this hold on is this area the spring of jungle misses its entirely own area oh well there we go aha oh i have to match it with something else probably there's a treasure here we got a stamp booth collectible treasure there is a block somewhere [Music] it's right here there's some more legendary boots i bought one of those some whatever okay there's got to be another leaf oh there it is it matches [Music] so let's pull that ladder down there we go now we can climb and look at this what's over here hold on before we do anything i like to backtrack okay and then whoa whoa whoa whoa something down here too i'll hold the cover and we got all the holes in this area and then um a save spot it's probably gonna be a boss fight i wouldn't mind if it was just a paper macho boss fight we still gotta clear out the spa here's a block got all the blocks i don't know they're toads to rescue maybe and there's a treasure and we got the connect collectible treasure my goodness finally some recognition for my years of loyal service the memory of this will help me get through the next decade of thankless toil and all the treasures so we just have like a toad left right no we're done there are no toads so we did not need to go towards olivia's path thankfully so let's head up over here here he goes we gotta run we gotta run help us i'm trying to run oh my goodness oh my goodness climb ladder climb ladder thank you just in time ee that scary thing can climb trees we're not safe anywhere if this is what it takes to get to the hot spring i'd say this jungle isn't very welcoming at all hey what's the big idea running away like that you could have warned us at least uh sorry about that as i said earlier timely retreats have been a key to my success since we are working together and you have shouted at me much less than my usual co-workers i will try to do better okay that was easy maybe i should be your boss back to work come back i like that all right let's head this way oh jeez don't mess with me don't mess with me uh oh [Applause] man we got to stop him somehow i don't know how go he didn't say anything olivia was on point though so here we go there we go whoa okay see ya and now we fling ourselves over here to the spa i think there'll be a stamp here maybe well there we go i'm sorry mario it was so scary that i just did the thing that i told quebec not to do it's easy to act without thinking when you're scared isn't it but no matter our frenzy dash and mario's heroic leap seem to have saved the day and now at long last we're here reed spring of jungle miss effective against dirt and spots looks like the chain chomp used to be here oh hello welcome it looks sad you're standing in the fabulous spring of jungle mist known for its incredible cleansing properties unfortunately right now it's also known as being out of border we can't find the drain plug are you you can't be i mean where do we even start with this first are you aware how difficult it is to even reach this place i resign as groundskeeper effective immediately mario let's find the plug take a bath and get out of here i want to say it's up there here is this the pool which gets us a coin is this a separate area this is the same area there's still spring jungle missiles we don't got to look for collectible treasures we just got to go find that drain plug hello dude you guys know where the drain plug is i'm pretty sure it's not back here but i've just got a feeling about the spot you know i know i see it up there let's pull this there we go we can use the hands the arms or whatever folded arms let's reach up and grip the drain plug and boom hit it into place [Music] awesome it's over here you want to get off this island no not at this point i bet i have to hit it in with my hammer or something there we go and now with the spring fill up oh thanks for taking care of that the guy who usually does it requires three weeks notice now you'll just have to wait for the water to fill up easy enough i can wait till we'll a while to get here there we go all right the spring and jungle mess is ready for your use sorry about that well everything and here we go plop right on into the middle everyone rest i just healed from the chairs but the the the spring will do too [Music] finally i can't wait to get the smudges off my clown car you think they offer waxing too young master you're spending quite a long time under there is everything all right all right ta-da how do i look ah terrific the spring works is advertised i was beginning to imagine the horror of returning you to your father in a smudged state yeah looking good feeling good it's all good and did i mention how soft my folds are getting so soft uh yeah should we consider getting out of the hot spring at some point all right here we go young master your greens are vibrant and your yellows are reds and are radiant let's get a move shall we now i like this one i'm going to take another dip okay you still got to do your folds your creases or whatever young master it's been a long enough we must get going oh no [Laughter] spooky i thought i was staring at a ghost all the color drained from my typeface just now how unfortunate we worked so hard to restore you yet here you are here you are uh here you stand reduced to mere line art i don't feel great i don't have enough energy to fight or even have uh or even to complain about uh not having the energy to fight i can't imagine your energy has melted away along with your color well now what do we do this hot spring has been a curse a relaxing rejuvenating curse that has really opened up my pores well we can't even soak them so i suppose we'll just have to move on for now let's make our way to hot to the hot spring that will address young masters folds and don't forget the stamp i'm tired of all these bass dad has never taken a bath and he's doing just fine god just hurry up and get me to the next one so i can get back to the action all right i don't know how to get his color back but that's okay what's up with you i'm gonna sneak into the hot spring as soon as i've got the grass nice and smooth nice and smooth all right there we go that is our third stamp of four sorry you can't double stamp you've already got this one that's fine i'm gonna go back to where we came from you want to get off this island yes it just just throws us it's a slide so we got that place 100 complete [Applause] and so now we just got to go back uh to where we can there's one more spring and it probably shouldn't be a big adventure like this one was this one was quite the excursion and then uh my custom paint job is ruined what's over here maybe this will teach you what's this this is coins and a treasure i like that it is a water buckets okay sometimes the treasures are kind of uh what's what's the word excuse underwhelming let's go over here all right so this has been good progress so far let's go up over here i want to see can i go up and get that i know that there's a thing over here can i go ahead and you just man dad's castle is the best all right thousand coins wait is this something over here no i know that there's a treasure up there as well [Music] there's a hole over here [Music] looks like there's a uh if i could know how to get up here oh probably just walk up there whoa oh man i cannot even get up there yet such a shame to deal with that later i don't think i can get up here either i think i need to uh [Music] yeah okay we'll figure it out later oh wait what's this this looks important don't hurt me [Music] all right let's grab this treasure [Music] this is the ice filamental idol and then um now maybe there's something i could have knocked over here i don't know maybe not i just didn't think i could make that jump but maybe i can make that jump no i don't seem to be able to make this jump i'm trying to think how i can get up there and i don't know man [Music] this doesn't seem feasible does it this doesn't seem like i can do this okay we'll we'll deal with that later i don't know if i get it yet but we'll get it later and then there is a path of something over here [Music] oh hello is he selling accessories oh i'm not stranded here i i was just taking it all in oh he's with us okay yeah let's return him to the shop maybe he will sell us some accessories then finally i'm saved he went down this way there he is right here hey hello fun funky and functional accessories for sale uh so they got a lot of stuff here okay i'll get the retro sound box [Music] and then we got the um the gold guard plus [Music] and then we got the uh the uh gold heart plus [Music] all right so about all the accessories thanks thank you for your incredible support thank you let's check with him really quick before we do anything else this tree is already pretty clean but i've got a good thing going here aha ah customer i'll be right with you what does he do i got something real good for you it's a max apart it's yours for 10 000 coins what you don't need more hearts i do i do i'm having to spend all the coins i got from that question mark island but i'll take the max apart 185. my attack should be a little more powerful now i think your hp just increased again and mario you seem a bit stronger to boot uh i know i know we're fixing junior's fold uh let's uh shangri-spa still some stuff to do but let's equip the new accessories and this is interesting [Music] i need the steps because i still need more steps so i'm going to keep the uh the old school sounds for just a bit [Music] that's funny what's up with you over here by the way [Music] hey mario the shangri response staff are actually serious about making us minions work off our debt we're selling we're selling a one-of-a-kind item for just 10 000 coins okay bye geez they're selling me everything holy cow another shangri-spa fountain or another treasure i mean well i wasn't expecting to make the sale without even saying what i was selling or generous yeah so well are you rich yeah i'm not anymore i'm gonna buy all this stuff here we go this way this is a uh this is a uh it's a coffee shop or a lab a sensor lab it's a coffee shop let's go in don't have too much fun in there i don't know if i ever do no it's it's pretty good in here oh wow a bunch of these guys all right uh oh mario welcome this sounds i'll probably revert the sounds after a bit may offer you an organic all-natural detoxifying spa day latte sure here we go [Music] now this minions are so good at tidying up i never would have guessed no kidding you haven't lived until you've seen quebec work his non-literal magic with the broom he even sweeps my the corners i want him to clean my house wonder what his rates are you can tell they're always stuck cleaning bowser's castle and his messes must be epic it's gonna be a hard life but thanks to their hard work a lot more toads are in here taking actual breaks i hope these minions stay forever [Music] oh ah my latte don't worry minions got it it's okay thank you bowser's minions you're the mvps of shangri-spa all right relaxing relaxing [Music] i need more confetti so um the sounds i think i'm doing the sounds let's revert the sounds back to normal and uh we're gonna use there we go these two these two still gonna walk a lot more steps before the prize can be claimed i wish i would have remembered to have that on throughout the whole jungle phase but that's okay [Music] walking isn't too big of a deal in this game well what was he selling okay [Music] let's go over here really briefly let me save really quick i just want to see if the other shy guy returned to the leftmost booth over here and he did but he's just selling some more stuff that i don't need so let's get a move on then and we're gonna head over to look so happy let's go to this final spa i believe this is the final one careful i hear a lot more screaming than you expected a hot spring so hold up why isn't this guy pouring out it's only red no i had them all stacked there's something behind here though clearly [Music] what okay i guess we gotta fight guess we gotta the blue pipe is broken that's why so we need to uh fix it here we go these guys are going down [Music] [Music] uh this seems like a no-brainer but [Music] but it's not but it's not uh what's the first move [Music] i don't even know if i'm gonna move at 190. let's see i do and that's the first move okay okay yeah that makes a lot more sense my bad done all right let's do flashy boots i think will be enough especially since my strength is up a little bit [Music] there we go and then once more i'm glad there wasn't a boss fight but we might have to fight that chain soon or that thunder god whatever battle bonus there we go [Music] what's over here that's the others side of this uh okay never the mind we will get this this color will probably return since there are red and blue is being poured in we got to fix that blue pipe of course just gushing out everywhere almost like water but i think it's ink [Music] all right awesome let's have a rejuvenating spa cleanse up here we're in we're in let's soak let's get all soothed a lot of colors here here we go clown car ball i hope these colors do the trick young master is it working oh huh check me out flat as the day i was born i'm back baby that is a big improvement i was skeptical but this hot springs really doesn't numb unfold tacoma's not colored now i'm all good right uh not quite you're still as wide as a sheet oh i forgot that your sheets are black and have bowser's face printed on them the point is you're not quite there with your recovery young master well since we went all to all the hot springs isn't there supposed to be a prize for that other than the radiant skin and a total zen like comment in your soul let's get that last stamp and find out yeah they definitely owe me a prize for having to take all these baths sorry i suppose you're right i don't know what the price would be and i can't imagine it will be useful but i suppose it wouldn't hurt to go claim it at the front desk i can also lodge a formal complaint while we're there mario look at olivia oh no we need to get her out of the hot springs immediately [Laughter] oh boy her folds are starting to disappear she'll be regular paper in no time if we fail to take action this is like cpr i have some experience folding lord bowser's laundry let me see what i can do yeah she's looking more like one of dad's shirts already is that right i can't remember exactly what she looked like before ugh thank you kamek whew guess i was just getting a little bit too relaxed i was completely unfolded [Music] oh but now that i've been freshly creased i feel terrific i'm back in the hot spring bandwagon dear quebec thank you so much for helping me fold me yes yes don't make a big deal out of it i'm i'm not used to receiving praise for a job well done all right so we're gonna we're gonna go ahead and uh get the fourth stamp and then hopefully get our cool prize whatever it may be hey you got the last damn congratulations just head to the front desk to claim your prize indeed i will hopefully it's a paint bucket from color splash that'll be cool that's all i can think about it's like well what is it going to be what can recolor him and i just keep thinking about color splash you know but let's see how fun [Music] give me give me we're heading back don't worry we got our stamp card full and we're gonna jump up here [Music] and then return to that front desk with hopefully something amazing and hopefully get something amazing i mean all right we've done it [Music] ah welcome back did you i wonder if that's why the totem is in color because they've been having hot springs a lot did you manage to get uh your stamp card let's take a look indeed i did all four stamps confetti congratulations you've done it for some reason many of our clients seem to have a hard time making it to all four of our springs no matter no matter without further delay allow me to present you with your reward it is a spring of rainbows vip and take it to the most exclusive and hard to reach spa uh what what is that i don't mean to be ungrateful but we had to try pretty hard to visit all those hot springs and that's just a piece of paper that's no mere piece of paper my friend that is a vip pass to our most exclusive hot spring this spring of rainbows the restorative effects of the spring of rainbows are the stuff of legend ah but there's no need for me to prattle on about color restoration and palette cleansing you can experience these effects and more for yourself did you hear that young master that could be just the thing to restore your vibrant colors ah and my anger i can't wait to get angry again now as our most exclusive spring the spring of rainbows is not as easy to find as some of our others in fact i'm not even going to tell you where it is that's all part of the fun well when you put it that way i guess it does sound fun i love a good mystery especially one that ends with the soak in an amazing secret hot spring hey there goes the anger already i i'm tired of being all faded i'm i gotta i'm gonna find this thing right away all right i have no idea how to find this by the way reed is this anything sean i don't get it all right so the spring of rainbows [Music] let me head back out and look at the map because the map had some info but i don't remember exactly where we were [Music] it was maybe in the clouds is that the thing huh so it might be up in the clouds i don't know but it's to the left so come back next time for more we will go to that brand new spring i'll see you then goodbye i'm zach scott subscribe if you have not if you like this video and want to help the channel grow all you got to do is click the like button below thank you so much for watching you can now join on youtube and become an official member of zack scott games and if you want cool shirts like this visit come back next time for more [Music]
Channel: ZackScottGames
Views: 862,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paper Mario The Origami King, Paper Mario Origami King, Paper Mario The Origami King Gameplay, Paper Mario The Origami King Walkthrough, Paper Mario The Origami King Gameplay Part 1, Paper Mario The Origami King ZackScottGames, Paper Mario, The Origami King, Origami King, Paper, Mario, Origami, King Gameplay, Walkthrough, Game, Review, Commentary, Guide, Let’s Play, Playthrough, Part 1, Ep 1, Full, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, ZackScottGames, ZackScott, Zack Scott Games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 21sec (5541 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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