Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - All Special Episode Levels 100%! (Nintendo Switch DLC)

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what is up guys axe Scott here playing captain toad treasure tracker for the Nintendo switch and there is a brand new special adventure on this adventure captain toad and toadette are on a quest for a unique crown that's right down here now you guys know that I played this game pretty much entirely on the Wii U and then they came out with a special bonus level where you could play through Super Mario Odyssey levels and I played through that in July but now a brand new DLC has been released where you can play a brand new special mission and we're gonna check that out right now I want to thank you guys you guys left over 17,000 on the very the 70,000 likes that is on the very first episode of this series that was a long time ago in 2014 but it causes that episode to have over 2 million views so thank you so much we are now going to check out what's so special about this new special thing the search for the legendary crown we can use amiibo here but I'm gonna play it straight up we're gonna do this 100% I don't know how many pages there gonna be you know doesn't show you beforehand I don't think but here we go the search for the legendary crown shiftee shrine let's start it out and let's see what's gonna happen here all right time for adventure so you know we're gonna start off pretty basic it seems how do I play this game there we go all right and often we don't know what the challenges in bogeys oh no well okay you know I I can deal with that I can deal with that as opposed if you're gonna be that way be that way got it you got to get up there somehow get more coins oh wow I see that over there please don't mess with me it's really interesting how this how this works right look at this hold on there's something over there I gotta grab that I will grab that okay I think we're good oh it's a gym okay I don't know who's gonna be a gym I gotta figure out to get up there too there's another gym over there oh man let's go get this crown shall we I gotta be patient though this guy is in a chute thank you for shooting I'm up here [Music] all right that's ten coins how do I take care of these guys I don't even know right now all right hold on we're gonna go down over here I just wanna make sure you didn't fall oh geez well I got the key what do I take the key don't hit me don't hit me what do I think this key oh my gosh help oh the door over there of course all right hold on hold on I know I'm going I'm going come on kick it out check it out check it out wait okay hold on up to a slow start I guess okay the timing is a little bit different now I can't you know I don't know if I can climb up there oh I can go this way great can I pick him up yeah take that Oh with the key go with the key go oh [Music] okay reappeared over there get on one up just in case I need some extra lives all right now this is where it's gonna get a little dicey I can see I can either to bridge the gap over there go that way all right first we're gonna grab our coins excellent excellent so I can sneak up behind these guys basically and pull them out of there out of their shell so to speak and that may not be a bad idea I know they're not actually in a shell oh I didn't mean to get on the ladder there oh whoops oh no I fell again well great no I did it I'm fine [Music] goodbye to you and then over here [Music] don't worry we got this we got this [Music] goodbye [Music] No oh my god no all right we're fine maybe how do i I don't understand how I'm supposed to get up there though really and truly I don't I don't get it how do I get a key over there doesn't make much sense I gotta get the third I can't what chicken does that disappear maybe it won't disappear maybe that maybe I'm in luck maybe I have no luck whatsoever well then we're gonna try to throw it across the thing oh that worked or it seems to have worked at least let's go around there [Music] perfect as good as it gets frankly and that's the final Jim and then let's get up here somehow I think if I approach it this way though I'll have more luck now wait wait wait wait what I leave behind over here hold on is this another key what is this how do I leave this now this is a coin okay I'm just trying to be thorough because there are bonus objectives for this and they don't really tell you what the bonus objectives are until you're done so it's just always a little bit disappointing when you fail those but I got three gems and now the crown is coming my way there we go we got the crown nice of course clear let's see if I managed to get the bonus if it were a time bonus I'm probably not peel the posters you know I looked at the posters didn't even think to peel them okay so here's a quick tip touch - interacts with objects and stop enemies in their tracks you can also name the pointer and press the arrow to interact with objects to stop in their tracks on TV mode so yeah up next so this is you know you can play this alone or as a team you know I'm kind of going solo I'm gonna go peel those posters though really quick let's see how I do I did look over the poster and I thought about so I guess you got to do this what how do you peel the posters [Music] there you go you just trigger them okay I get it now okay so we found I know where it one more poster is at least let's just get in here and peel some posters oh geez excuse a meet okay are there any posters on the inside I'm trying to get a good game you know why I should be able to just spin things around and do the posters without even there's one I should be able to just do this without much effort cuz I don't have to lie I can spin this around I don't have to walk there's one two way down there I'll guys see it now right there as soon as that opens I'm gonna grab it got it alright three posters have been peeled [Music] all right let's be on our way then I think I'm gonna be fine if I just drop down at the right time oh there we go hold on we're gonna try to climb this don't hit me off the ladder all right things are solid I don't eat the gems again cuz all ready got him I got those three posters so that's how you do it this will be a hundred percent completion playthrough for you guys who were wondering so there we go we peeled the three posters got the stamp on that and then we got a crown capture at mushroom ruins okay number two time for adventure they say huh what's this what's the story okay this seems straightforward there's one I want to be surprised that this is somehow time to oh geez it is time to where's the next one I got a gym I don't know where the next one is oh great so I guess I got to do this all my first try where's the next one I was right here awesome and we gotta go up and I know I know oh the gym disappeared okay I didn't have to be that quick oh darn I missed that for sure but there's a gym here now so I missed the second one but I'm sure the second one will reappear and I would not be surprised that they had a thing like to do this right the very first time you know some sort of a bonus objective along those lines all right so let me go grab that then we'll fall down yeah yeah hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on don't don't do this to me and then we go up and then we should be able to there you go that's all five and then the big boy arrives again I want to be surprised if there was something something going on here all right let's see what the fine find the hidden gold mushroom so I didn't find that yet so let's see let me see I don't know where it's gonna be but let's go back in sure the hidden gold mushrooms gotta be somewhere right Oh dog my dog is looking at me the hidden gold mushroom my word let's look at look let's look around it's got to be here somewhere and once we find it then we're gonna be able to move on we see there's a regular mushroom I think it's like in here somewhere oh you know what about these posters that's a coin one of these coins have these posters have anything to do with it hidden gold mushroom where in the world would it be does anyone know something I don't hmm yeah this is a bit perplexing honestly oh there it is got it that was easy okay now we can move on and this should be straightforward I don't even have to grab the gems anymore there we go [Music] and then last but not least this guy over here awesome alright so we did the bonus mission there of course clear Wow all right there we go and we got the stamp awesome and so just to double check you know if we if we look back when we did the super mario odyssey levels I'm pretty sure I got the stamps on those yeah I did there was only a few stages so I got the stamps on all those okay good good good we're gonna do the same thing here I don't know how many stages are actually added to this this right here but let's go booze spotting at darkly Cove yikes I don't like I don't like the idea of Boo being here it's gonna be quite scary the tutu headlamps are better than one for taking out booze well I guess I'll have to ride this solo then I guess oh oh oh I see what you're saying hold oh my gosh come back come back why is white why is this guy over there oh my gosh all right this is not so great all right do these guys keep appearing turn over this way so I just realized there's a gym I got for beating all those boosts all right I really darn it at least a reappearing and cherry that's good right awesome I was gonna say like they're like two halves are better than one and I'm like I don't I don't have that capability so my analog stick won't stay tilted in one direction it's kind of a here we go here we go there we go Stace hey tilted I need to maybe get a new switch controller switch pro controller [Music] huh I'll have to figure that one out is this anything I know I oh whoa something back here oh gosh dang it oh no hold on okay great I wasn't expecting it there's a gym right there I don't even see that one so now we've unveiled all three gyms [Music] that's cool that it comes back there we go oh there's a platform there I thought I'd have to drop down from the top oh dear okay hold on these guys are easy all right we've done with them hopefully so I'm glad the cherries come back oh man gosh man I cannot stay turn to move one direction don't be skilled well how did that get laid they're all lit now what the heck I leave just telling me I'm done right all right two is better than one what's the bonus though don't get hit lit all the fires they do that I did nice okay so now we can move on to stage four Goomba galleon and let's do it this is so fun I'm glad they had a new content of this yeah that it's the coop capabilities and so goombah galeano look all those guys over there I look marooned all right let's just see what's over here oh nice oh gosh you better believe it [Music] I get it all all right I did I guess this is new okay so I see a couple rooms here there's a room over there obviously there's another hammer I can maybe pick up got bullets watch out for those [Music] there's some coins over here Italy the ship that's split in half any time all right do not worry oh that was a multiple one okay we're done I think all right excuse me and that little cursor is a little distracting I kind of wish you could turn that off at certain times there's a poster all right so clearly I can go down there maybe and get that but is there any is this what do you think do you think this is a hammer no it's a ten coins huh how is this gonna work [Music] you know what I mean like how do i how do you think it get over there but no geez well that's one way to do it I don't know how to get I don't know to grab that [Music] well we probably probably got to go over here sir way to zoom in hold on there we go I like that I need a little bit closer view for this one nice okay [Music] Oh and it has a pacman vibe I got all those fish out of the water there's a brick though it's break I don't even see the brick but the hammer comes back right it does thank you for the opportunity there we go oh Jesus oh that's how they crush me Wow okay so now they're just kind of up there in general can I bring the hammer through the tunnel let's see it's got a No I got a No oh yeah then I fell oh boy okay well it's gonna probably be waiting for me unfortunately I can't jump I don't get in there you think how about falling down most likely yeah I see him hey guys you guys got anything for me what's up hey hey hey the first Jim thank you this is a quite advanced stage I do worry about getting hit going over here but [Music] I know excuse me but maybe oh maybe I can grab a hammer and get them now yeah yeah that looks likely awesome all right I'm coming for you goombas watch out no life practice gonna save your life you got him and then now I gotta forgot to get up there also and go down here and I get some coins it's always a nice treat I do wonder what the bonus is gonna be though it's gonna be it's always a bit of a bit of a mix let's see if I can get all the way up here I know I somehow got to break that and get to get the next one I don't know how yet though oh yeah oh yeah hold on oh wow what oh the bullet that these moved oh no no they didn't what I'm dreaming oh yeah they sunk that's right okay it makes sense now here we go there we go there's last but not least huh all right so if I still want to go up over there and I think I do Oh close call actually no there is no up so I don't want to go up but I do want to go all the way over to here we go I'm gonna climb this nice and slow I probably want to drop off [Music] this is where angles work come in handy here so that should not hit me nothing should be here what how do I get up over there like really how do I get was it possible possible before but now it's not you know the type of thing I'm almost thinking that's the case okay all right uh well I got all the gyms I guess I gotta go up again up and around we're gonna wait for those guys to do what they do and I'm gonna go in here but I don't know what this does more hidden coins always a good thing okay oh yeah yeah well so yeah I do see an opportunity here except now I don't really know I can't drop off so I have to just grab it I missed those coins over there but I imagine it if I had to go over there maybe that do the completion I don't know but course clear I want to be surprised if it said I had to get somebody coins yeah 200 I did not get tuna coins um geez okay whoa what was that best coin run it's dragutin's gold rush should we do it I guess we should we should start off we should do this really quick and just see what happens the gold rush best coins whoa oh geez I'm up here on top of this guy I remember him but I barely remember what to do here [Music] I move his head or [Music] don't touch me I mean this seems pretty pretty easy to get coins [Music] what's the secret man how did I go up and down oh we did it three three two I'm happy with 312 Toth seems happy with it now I guess there's a possibility for more but you know is it worth it to do it again and again I don't know okay what's going oh ok so going back here collect alternate coins so yeah we're gonna to go through unfortunately get even more coins 200 to be exact how am I gonna do that I don't quite know yet honestly let's do it [Music] this is probably one of those is a little key to it right all right let me just kind of walk around out here and see if any hidden coins show up maybe I missed some hidden coins before you know I maybe not okay well so yeah I think I'm you just I need to figure out how to get over there and goodness gracious I don't know how how do you get over there I don't I don't know now I thought I knew the night is completely out how do you get over there is there is that latter important how do you get over there I thought I knew but I really don't know how to get over there [Music] huh well this is a little bit perplexing because I I'm a bit lost now okay so we were over here things were fine and I wish I understood so yeah so there's this you know was I missing anything else that's not enough but it's cool that that was there obviously any other posters nearby okay I found those just kind of clicking around on the yeah sorry I'm finding those but I would find those anyway walking through them [Music] how do you get up there yeah yeah everyone knows they're up there I move out of the way of them and we know that this one has like a ton of coins I gotta go time okay I don't know if that's enough but well we can go up here and see what can happen and you know sure I can go over here oh so I miss oh nice this is obviously is not enough coins for me - oh jeez oh jeez oh honey I mean oh come on oh no no oh great I think I might have to redo this just because of that cuz this might be like a mushroom Oh what is it it's it go much and that's good 50 coins okay I mean I have to redo it but I think I might cuz I doesn't yeah I might have to redo it how do i how do I go back restart I don't think I can I don't think I could take the hit because the part of this is when you get a regular mushroom you get ten coins know what I mean so let's go now that we know how let's go over there and do it [Music] all right hope that's enough so hold on I get 19 hold on let me see we just restart I get 19 at that point let's see what happens if I do it differently like is it can I get more than that you know what I mean all right here we go we're gonna do this manually all right no still 19 okay but now we know sorry for that detour there but we know now all right hold on I'm gonna go around sorry this was taking me so long it's this you know getting all the coins is a little hard okay got them all there there we go lucky me right hidden coins back here and then hidden coins up here and then we got to deal with the goombas that we can't let him hit us [Music] because there's that there's that 50 coin thing on top you know and now I got a wonder can I just walk up and hit them [Music] there'll be another test of this this thing here surely I can just walk off and stomp on them if they get you know close to me I guess there we go another three coins okay no no no okay I missed those let's go get those later [Music] oh yeah I don't forget about this okay [Music] grab those see that we want a fish to be the ten coins and not you know the other thing instead so that's good alright come on let's make sure there's no hidden coins these guys are gonna be asleep all right we want to be careful here too we want to make sure that we don't get hit by these fishies nice all right excellent and I also got a one up oh yeah I forgot I got a breakdown that thing also so now hidden coins here either sorry if I'm just like overly taking my time and so I'm really worried that I won't get the 200 you know all right and then we're gonna go back I'm gonna go back and grab that to go attack the goombas maybe Oh actually this that doesn't work that way we got to avoid them I know how to get them but we got to avoid them for now no no no oh yeah we could talk to these guys now I don't think that gives me anything I mean it's nice to get the gym again but I don't think that does anything for me okay I'm a little worried about this [Music] oh gosh oh gosh but I'm gonna get him thanks to this alright you better watch out I got all three awesome and then we're gonna drop down here there's a lot of coins to wear at 2:15 was 200 our goal because if 200 was our goal then we're set but I want to be darn sure and we've got everything and I wish that I had done this like the first time you know but that's okay we're learning all right nice hit again all right and then uh so yeah we want to drop down here we want to stick our head out to trigger them Oh we'd already did that go go go no not that we need this it just you know might as well for the sake of everything to it all right and that's gonna hit nice and then we're going up and then I think we're pretty much done I can't think of any other secrets here Oh God no God okay and then we just launch we're gonna get we're gonna end with 2:24 if we gotta get to 25 I'm gonna flip out [Music] was it 225 let's just pick it up I don't think it was 225 but it seriously if it's 225 I'm gonna flip out [Music] all right no it's 200 okay good so we did it perfect okay we get more than that maybe there were 225 available I don't know moving on though crown capture on the touchstone this should be really fun I don't know how many levels there aren't here oh this is gonna be fun okay yeah this is fun I remember this oh you know what it there's gonna be one that's like only hit it so many times I just know it so let's just do it the first time normally I already hit it like 20 times Wow okay got it [Music] at the first one where's the other crown no goodness okay okay oh yeah oh yeah we got this we got this we got this and then now this is over here awesome well that's staying there how do I get over there there we go I got I got it nice alright so there should be no I missed out on like all the gems okay well so one up let's see let's grab the crown because we know we got to get in and get the other gems let's just grab the crown and then we're gonna have to no I well I want to see what the challenges I think the challenge is gonna be really tough [Music] but we also get a go to this gym so I might play through clear oh nine touches that's not too bad nine touches cleared cleared course and nine touches let's focus on Jim's first cuz I don't know what the other Jim showed up you know so if we focus on the Jim I think that's gonna be the real key [Music] alright did a gym show up there it's probably after the next one sorry so yeah I kind of blew it there that's okay I blew the touches but I didn't I didn't yeah again oh there's a gym nice oh no no no no okay it's okay so we got the second gym that's good right oh oh yeah oh boy all right where's the gym show up there should be one more chim right am I going crazy here okay let's let's figure out where this is I guess [Music] the 1ups nice where's the other gym though I'm going crazy what everything reset oh my gosh I where is the other gym when does it show up I don't know any other gym shows up it's the last one does it show up after the fourth but not after the fifth is that how this works okay it's okay at the one up that's kind of cool Oh No okay hold on no okay yeah here we go here we go we got it now okay we're just gonna grab this we clearly didn't get at nine touches but uh but that's okay well we're gonna go through probably two more times let's do it let's do it crown capture on the touchstone so maybe after the fourth crown we're gonna be looking for the gym is that what's happening oh yeah over here oh right no no no got it so I hear oh there it is it's okay all right well okay let's get out of here oh gosh got it all right awesome oh okay that didn't need to happen okay all right now we do touches which is gonna be a little harder but we got all the gems [Music] and we're having fun oh great another coin thing that's okay well we'll do that in a well maybe I'll do it right now what is it coins galore let's see let's see time for adventure oh wow how does this work oh wow all right I'm ready yeah talk about a chain reaction there alright shoot 65 is not bad in my view all right all right now let's do nine touches on this stage here crown capture on the touchstone alright nineteen tuchis we got this I think I think we got this okay if I mess up I mess up we'll do it again it's not a big deal alright so right the bat a this one two [Music] three four oh wow all right there I don't know how many touches that was does it mean exactly nine touches I don't think that's what it means right was I even counting let's see that that had to be perfect right that had be perfect there we go got it I somehow lost count when I was doing that boo spotting at the shadowed in I don't know if I like that but let's spot some booze right this is already creepy alright hold on get out of your booze I need my twin there you go nice that's been set on fire the heck okay oh hey there's a poster there okay I don't know any posters there are let me scared you twins okay it's okay oh don't don't get me jeez okay great awesome [Music] there you go okay great let's uh let's get together again and this place is so dark awesome okay just worried I'm gonna get hurt there's another poster maybe this is another three poster one either one up nice and I didn't get over here yet oh wait there's a poster did I get this one there's three posters at least [Music] it's a good way to eliminate a whole bunch of ghosts right okay so in here the ghosts have been eliminated [Music] uh-huh there you go maybe that was the quest there's so much there's so many possibilities for what the quest could be still not lit up though right Oh akela I totally forgot about having to get these oh geez Oh crud Oh No what's happened to me Oh No I can't believe it oh my I didn't think I would die that's okay I guess let's remember to keep doing what we were doing no it's unfortunate I lost but [Music] all right so we hit this excellent we go down here get up oh my gosh no okay how do I just restart no restart okay I just died okay I have 22 lives so this isn't too bad I guess there you go [Music] alright alright this shouldn't be I don't know what happened to me so oh my gosh all right that's all lit up nice then we go over here okay there's another yeah one of those posters I have no idea what the but the bonus objective is gonna be yet so I'm just trying to do a little of everything is he gone [Music] great he's gone my dude is gone what should be like don't don't get hit that's like the buzz subjective it'd be very sad all right everything is lit up here there's another poster [Music] [Music] come on really hold on I'm one up see I gotta go get this again I hope it's not a don't die situation [Music] dang it's really no not the same room ah that's so annoying they're both small just look over to the left from the point left please dang okay this is lit up now finally okay we're good I think so we got only one Jim know so far so this is taking me quite a while now guy find you the big boobs there we go that was just the first gym believe it or not okay we're doing I think we're doing pretty good I really hope it's not like a no damage run like to get damaged and I'm also still missing a gym wait I miss that geez I'm missing a mushroom that gold mushroom I forgot to grab it here we go two big boos I mean that seems like that should have been in right I think does it go mushroom over here right yeah nice 50 coins whatever the challenge may be I'm gonna try to rise to the occasion why isn't that lit up though is there a room over here yeah we pin that way oh gosh [Music] please stay just alright everything's been lit up I have 200 coins the only thing I can think of is if it's like a no damage run or something then I have to redo it somehow but let's see I lit all the fires right yes haha I'm happy about that alright number 7 minecart scalding scaffold the minecart ones are hard I mean they take its time to aim get a collect all the coins I'm gonna be surprised at this like a coin collection but guys cute oh wait I do that okay whatever I just ditched those for some reason I mean you know what kind of restart this already like what did I do that restart because I didn't mean to throw okay alright we're good oh is that it okay I thought I'd take him out or something that's okay great nice hit don't block [Music] great alright so there's a bunch of coins back there [Music] all right [Music] what am I missing by doing all this move [Music] I just fell in lava oh hi [Music] all right oh boy stay right there okay this is a mess good even guy I think I think I'm just done oh wait well okay oh wait he comes back perfect I got to I don't even want to know what the photo don't eat me don't eat me don't eat now on fire all right so yeah it's gonna be something like it like 300 coins or something I don't know listen to be I got to get all of the gems and I also got to do whatever the bonus mission is I don't know what it's gonna be no 200 coins it's not bad I can probably pull that off I just got to get the other gem and then what are we looking at here where is the crown so this is the this is the first of this flip and the chapters is that the deal maybe so some minecart yeah it looks like this was the last one of this one cocoa meltdown interesting some minecart scalding scaffold we got to go back through and get those 200 coins but also get the first Jim the jewel whatever it's called so right off the bat you know I clearly I want to there you go let's to teach me that these guys can be stunned so of course I want to go ahead and grab that so we start with the seven coins oh yeah okay it starts [Music] move dang it I don't think I can do it without getting those [Music] there's only give me like one page there you go that's the first gym so the very least we got a okay the very least we got a we got a decent gym here so [Music] alright turn your attention back into this area all right so yeah I don't think I got anywhere near the amount of coins that I need out of this darn yeah so but I got the gym so that's a good thing I guess change for you what does that look like what if you alright awesome not not too awesome because we gotta do it again and get 200 coins of course clear all right 200 coins will be next hey a bonus round we could do that really quick more coins galore let's do one of these oh I don't think you do anything for me we haven't done one of these today oh this is gonna be crazy all right oh I didn't know I was on a timer [Music] okay well I thought it was counting down to time in which I had to start and then I realized oh I can move so I had to go that's fine okay let's get the Twitter coins if we can I think we can time for adventure let's do this hey buddy alright so this is uh one two all right we okay we get seven here so yeah I got to get the key components when I drop down here it's so tough alright so starting off so clearly got it okay now this perfect awesome alright so what's the story of him stunned him over there alright good enough for me right this is only gonna be like three each but I'm at 150 okay Hey two more cocaine say I'll take him all right gotta be careful here how many coins are we at and I got an extra one that's okay get it 191 200 200 I got him I got him excellent let me off the boat all right 213 let's just keep pushing our luck right all right we got some dragons to look at awesome 214 not a bad score man even hit 215 after all this nope still [Music] 2:15 all right oh hey even more up there 221 not a bad score obviously there's room for improvement but we don't need to because we got everything exactly how we want it to be course clear murmurs all right like I said we're going for us 100% completion over here up next where is a crown good question where is that crown Coco meltdown where is the crown let's do it all right I'm ready I'm ready oh wow now this stage looks pretty cool I don't remember it what's happening oh wow yeah Coco meltdown for sure hey there's a gym over there I see it that's like a switch [Music] can I jump on those guys back hey Adam okay oh man there we go oh those come back maybe I don't really know so Jim down there well here's a test we kind of go see there any hidden coins over here and if not then I'm like I'm fine hold on this one nice okay you got a one up oh I need that that's why they keep responding as I need them awesome okay okay I'm pretty happy with this I think that drops down sure but after this we're basically safe take a break here [Music] there's wearing have you'll get that gem next [Music] oh you know it would have been a good idea to stay up there I'm fine all right now Oh after this what do we gonna do Oh mostly this drops down into here Oh No okay we're safe let me get a little bit closer all right I don't know I don't remember this stage but it could have very well been it's been you know years as I play this so I'm gonna get up here where it's safe for now go back and get those coins again I'm gonna take my time heaven forbid they ever give me a time limit on one of these there's a gym there [Music] while those not respond oh geez darn okay I might need a gym to throw in there I don't know hey let's make a move [Music] what okay I gotta be a little closer there's a pose can't believe I feel bad so these come back [Music] all right what am i doing something wrong oh I see I see now never mind if you look over there yeah there's a secret there's an alternate path okay that makes sense okay hold on this is taking me some time I to apologize but we're gonna get through don't worry about it nice are those bozos are out of the way still yeah okay I'm gonna carry this with me who knows with what I'm gonna face on the other side of that wall I can tell you right now okay nothing okay [Music] yeah got him I gotta be ready though hold on okay cuz we're gonna go down here nice those are right on target all right awesome I'm gonna wait I'm gonna be patient there's a gym way over there all right we're good we're good [Music] okay we pretty much got everything here how does one get up there how do you get up there I guess I see I see now never mind all right let's make a move all right up here safe for sure oh darn you know what oh my gosh you know what I probably need oh no I can't get that without throwing something at it but surely there'll be something over here thank you thank you can I reach it from here haha awesome oh I see I know what has happened I gotta go down here sweet I'll be ready I'll be ready to make my move very soon I don't know what the what the alternate challenge is I mean I really don't know what it is let's see I got the crown there though that's good course clear what didn't you think the challenge was huh I have a hidden golden mushroom okay well I know what to do to get it oh my gosh what the heck nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 wing goes double trouble so that's probably the end of it right there okay so cocoa meltdown we're half way that we're halfway done basically so to find the hidden mushroom I'll do it I'll do it it's probably on the ground somewhere I would imagine oh you know what you know what okay I bet I know I bet I bet I now that I'm here no one ever thought to walk on this today I mean I just now did alright I get it I get it there it is got it okay that took a long time I probably edit out my my going across combing through all of the dirt but uh there we go we got the hidden mushroom now we can move on bam bam all right all right hidden mushroom done [Music] all right crown capture at up-and-down Terrace this is a fun one oh yeah these are fun for sure oh boy but how am I gonna do it is the ultimate question I have no kind already I already want to restart if that's how it's gonna be I'm gonna restart ladies went up there and just boom hit my head alright okay excuse me there's another piece over there oh there's a gym I didn't see the gym until it's too late [Music] now where's the next one that's over here okay I don't get that oh dear okay well I got it and then the next one last but not least is over here right don't hit me don't hit me all right we did it we did it no okay well okay yeah I know [Music] all right one so after the second one we got to pay attention to where the for the gem shows up and it's right here and then we tried I mean we're not trying to take our time here but we were trying to hurry actually and then oh excuse me [Music] okay we can grab that real quick no no oh my gosh oh great okay we're gonna do we just have to take our time with this one I think and it would be great if these guys aren't here but they're here taking care of some of them though the first crowns over there okay hold on let me go grab this guy out of the ground if I can don't mind if I do [Music] okay easy one so after the third is when we got to go check it out right because that Jim will show up so after this one another Jim will show up I think right where's the Jim know I always see it yeah I already see it darn it okay yeah darn it we don't have enough time I gotta go back it's okay it's okay okay up here [Music] okay we got this I see now where it went everything's gonna be fine as fine as they can be really and then we got to be at the bonuses we don't know the bonus is gonna be great what I what did I really do that I did not do that okay hold on I did do that it's been revealed that I did it here we go over here one two and here's the third three no no I one two three all right it's okay it's okay I can maybe turn around and grab this there we go we did actually so that's good [Music] okay we have the gyms we got the crown what did I miss the what overall did I miss from this what kind of a challenge was I supposed to do you switches four times to clear okay that's not gonna be hard I'll be out in a coin all right even more coins galore let's do it time for adventure what do we want to do thank you yes let's do let's do this one again so I kind of messed up before oh this is totally different okay cool what the heck oh I see they're running [Music] we're all facing different ways okay so 234 coins that's not bad at least we're getting a lot of these coin challenges in here [Music] well there we go all right take his tact switches four times this is gonna be easy I think I just you know I do worry about getting hit I guess but other than that it's gonna be easy so we go up here all right you know I was wondering if I could just hit that one switch too nope nope nope nope nope three I mean this is exactly as expected I would think this is number four this is basically just don't do anything other than grab the crowns there you go four switches now we can move on Wow alright I'm happy with that for sure crown capture it up and down Terrace up next boo spotting at shyguy heights yikes but we can double up hopefully take out these boos and this one I can actually see in so I'm a little happy about that actually alright and I don't think there are any uh no there are torches behind you okay there we go here just heard a howl how scary is that okay I can't get those guys like that [Music] okay few coins sure come on let's the group group lap the wolf the wolf howling is like the worst part the scariest part rather that's what's freaks me out the most oh my gosh oh my gosh okay please please oh my gosh I really was really tough getting this camera aligned properly but it's one what how come only one okay let's see what's over here how do I go yeah up here let's get up on the ladder together something's gonna pop up up here surely great I'm facing all of them that's perfect oh that's a Jake Jake I forgot that we're also getting gems here by the way all right first Jim done we got these torches lit I want to be surprised at the bonuses to get all the torches lit but at the same time I don't know for sure not yet nice let's coins in case we need coins all right I remember the stage hey what's gonna happen they're gonna go through there we're just gonna face them as they come through this should be fine and we're shaking in their boots and then that lit up so that's good all right spooky I know [Music] we need to like an escape plan here this is huh okay good good we got that two second Jim perfect excellent no oh no oh hey the trees right here all right nice that lit up too Oh hold on I just missed oh there's a ladder in there hold on I even see this let me cool that was the bonus objective I bet the bonus objective is still gonna be to light the fires but I don't know I'm fear one words like don't take a hit cuz I mean like I keep getting hit with these guys wow these guys are full effect we're gonna sit here and stand here whatever don't shake really [Music] all right come on come on back gonna get him got him all right we got all three that didn't light up those so we didn't quite get over to get the guys at the top that's what we're missing oh great come back okay so we're gonna go up here together just trying to okay okay okay we think we're good here now we don't want to grab this we want something to pop up no no that's not what I want to happen no oh my god where's the cherry there's one okay we're little we're just scary okay come on now [Music] No oh my gosh see if it's gonna be one of the ones like don't get hit then I'm not gonna be doing too well here it's okay though no not again I gotta go I gotta go I gotta get the cherry again oh my goodness okay this is tough I trying to figure out how to get up there and then I need to run a certain way I don't know there we go all right all right good whoa [Music] it's so weird okay got it now I collect this I hope it's just too light all the fires because I lit all the fires I'm small too is that okay that you finish small where's that count against me I lit all the fires okay yeah we're good we're good is okay that even is small right it all looks the same all right flip panel panic fun stage let's flip those panels and also panic will panic as well don't worry plenty of room for panicking oh oh what the heck no no no no no okay I [Music] couldn't tell her that was gonna land [Music] this is a real mess here right oh no I see what the panic comes into play Wow [Music] okay it's fine yeah one of these you know what I will take the extra life no no no no oh my god [Music] thank you okay Wow wait gonna black me all right hold on I'm ready for the panic component of this now there we go Wow okay [Music] what the heck [Music] now [Music] excuse me I can't think I'd get that but I bet that city coins since they put that gold mushroom there I bet it's gonna be coins that's the only thing I can think of but now we ought to worry about the gems at least so let's see what a hundred coins that's my guess on your coins that's my best guess Oh didn't take any damage okay okay I could try that let's go in and don't take damage see I was afraid they're gonna do no damage run on with some of the ghost stages but that's not what we're dealing with here so this is fine great start okay redo redo let's wait till he throws it and then we'll run behind it I guess all right don't take any damage you got it just throw it thank you easy [Music] this gives me a good view [Music] okay this is a lot harder I think except we do have the benefit now of a leave the benefit of knowing what's coming up and also the benefit of me not having to do anything in particular [Music] okay that's good yeah this is good this is good not taking damage isn't as bad this now that this knock on wood because this part is harder I'm sure [Music] excuse me excuse me dang it ah what do I do in this case I got to plan this out I don't know what to do Wow maybe I just go for it or something I don't know get behind it and just go okay that's okay we know how to do the rest of this pretty easily all right I like what's happening this is good [Music] no I'd thought I was out of the way no damage no damage let's do this I swear I can do this there we go easy easy [Music] perfect you have a good view point here so all right the view point here is kind of provided by these buddies yellow blocks so to speak [Music] like we knew he was gonna throw that there all right even this parts a little bit easy [Music] okay yeah that's right this what this one's easy this was the hard one this one I couldn't figure out how to do it [Music] okay well that's that I guess here you throw it no not on me I think gonna throw it over me ah okay now I should have just gone okay well let me do it again cuz we know exactly how to do it now oh boy okay so that gets thrown of course alright no mistakes this time here we go [Music] okay solid now he basically we know what we're doing now right no wait [Music] all right and then this parts super-easy we just kind of let this happen and this doesn't even bother us then this part is a little tricky but ultimately I did it last time until the very end so [Music] alright then he's gonna throw it so I'm just gonna go you can chase me if you want but that's a no damage run right there guys oh gosh please okay thank you I thought it's gonna get me there we go no damage okay as promised we are smooth sailing through this 100% completion of these new stages I'm so glad they added these flip panel panics gonna take any damage perfect oh hey another coin challenge they should you'd like me to get these coins don't they let's go lay in the way back this is uh we've already done drag it on this gold rush okay so let's just kind of keep that there for a second we still got a few more stages left up here including a crown capture at Papa prairie town crown captors are always fun they're usually pretty quick [Music] so after the second one that's when yeah okay so that's easy so far so where's the there's wow you know okay where's the crown though oh it's up there perfect what am i doing okay this No does that count as getting it okay well I'll do it whatever I'll take that no excuse me drop down here oops he's after me it's okay [Music] yes no I supposed to drop okay whatever well I blew it it's okay it's okay man oh great okay it's fine no I didn't even grab it excuse me up top here then geez don't don't look don't look don't look don't touch all right perfect we drop down here almost whatever and then the next one's up here we know we got to go back in and get that right we do where it where is this by the way where's the next oh oh how do I get there I literally don't know how to get there right now it's fine we'll have a chance to get the coin I guess the heck [Music] that poster how do you get over there other stairs somehow okay can I see the stairs I don't know if going down there is worth it but okay I [Music] [Music] hold on hold on [Music] I see it [Music] got it okay so clearly I will what I do how I not get the second Jim darn it whatever okay so we're gonna fight and figure out the bonuses the bonus challenge we gotta get the second Jim anyway but what's the bonus challenge didn't take any damage okay I can probably pull that off I imagine I can pull that off let's do this crown capture at pop-up prairie town no damage I get the second gem should be easy right let's see if it is [Music] oh my god I tell those ran right into him there you go all right awesome [Music] what more do you once has a great run no damage second Jim and of course the crown at the end all right very cool up next we got boost button on the fright train the fright train okay but we'll do it well do I remember the stage the stage is really cool oh but we got a spot booth so that's even scarier okay that's fine I'm just so scared they're gonna do a no damage on one of these by the way I've said that numerous times [Music] it's okay all right I see the superior thing [Music] dang it okay does that count as damage I don't know if that counts as damaged honestly but still [Music] Kingston [Music] dang it no oh my gosh I'm just gonna restart I don't like that start okay and here I'm gonna hit this poster just in case [Music] all right [Music] climb up with me you're my twin brother [Music] No oh my god no restart I don't like I don't like getting I don't like getting hit so early I feel like I'm just failing at this this is definitely how I got okay [Music] alright those lit up [Music] all right yes perfect okay all right now that we've actually done that that's good we've got one of the gyms where they at yeah these guys are easy [Music] that's not lit up yet let's see what terrible things gonna be up here you got the coin alright there we go nice oh that is lit up now oh that's the second Jim perfect okay so that's lit up we've got two things to light up over here looks like a four this looks like a pretty big area oh my god okay [Music] there you go oh wow Oh God [Music] okay we're fine we're fine I think we got all three gems let's get these things lit up here there's gonna be a ghost battle I'm sure they all did they're all lit up oh but there's some more left okay it's okay this is gonna be an easy one none of them are easy are they [Music] there's just a sample hey buddy thank you and it's still not lit up let's go out to the front of the train and see what kind of big ghost it could be [Music] just like I thought Zen have to light it up nope gonna be one up here probably [Music] Oh No oh my god I hate this oh my gosh oh great great no I just failed it I think dang it dang it dang I need both of us darn that was going so well that's going so well ah [Music] still not lit up why not I'm perplexed but no I didn't light that up maybe I do to like get everything done I don't know yeah I got that I got all the gyms like it's still got a lot all the fires I truly don't get it like what did I do wrong [Music] oh wow I didn't even notice Wow [Music] they went back in are they coming back out don't worry oh my gosh I'm so glad I went and looked though oh these guys are now it's lit perfect now we can leave wow I just didn't realize you know [Music] I think just one is one of us if the crab tastes uh-hum in ghost hunting for real holy cow I didn't even realize okay but we got it we finally got it we lit all the fires I wish I would have backtracked but I didn't mean to grab the crown that one time so let's just skip the coin gathering for now spinning star maze this one was really fun originally I remember this one too I'm pretty sure I do this is real right oh wait I think this is real just jump if you could jump you could just grab the crown that's okay anything hidden over here watch it be like hey you didn't find the hidden golden mushroom those just right here there's another one these posters I'll hit the poster sure all right are we good I think we're good okay let's go [Music] oh yeah I remember this barely though what I do remember it wait wait a second wait is again I can't get over there yet I'm pretty sure this isn't hold Stacy am I going crazy don't answer that [Music] actually yeah yeah give me up to know you don't want me in there oh I don't think I don't think this is a stopping point yeah the stopping point okay whoa those guys are here I remember these guys are on the prowl now okay here we go this might work oh there's a giant no my god okay what is happening okay we cut what is this can I go through that no but I can turn it okay I got it I gotcha Wow hold on these guys are here then I'm over here what the heck my supposed to go okay not quite I think that's the right idea I think I don't see oh wait hold on oh right oh no all the way back here huh okay okay now this is a little risky right here right cool okay Wow so now I grab the hammer maybe right I'm gonna go tonight I go get those guys oh my god no I mean yes no I don't think I can okay all right we know what to do I guess I'm gonna try to take it to those blocks where the blocks oh yeah over there got him perfect what all right I think any of the gyms yet that's the quick way out collect 100 coins and I didn't do that unfortunately but I I got a try and I got to get those gems as well there are three gyms I'd missed all of them what the heck all right hopefully you know there were those coins back line here that's a good number to just get initially but it's like 11 total cuz there's the ten and then there's the poster 11 11 coins Wow okay so no I don't want to go down there yet I got something big sure how that's for sure I somehow have to know those we've been there okay how do I get that blue one over there what how do how does someone get that [Music] no one knows yet okay cool I literally don't know how to get that yet that's okay that's cool it's over here oh yeah that would be one thing to do once we get the hammer go that way instead okay I don't get these coins something I gotta figure out to get on top of this and get that golden mushroom okay watch out for these oh [Music] what's that's easy okay I'm not gonna complain though that's that's okay with me easy is good [Music] even more coins if I get to that green thing then yeah I'm set right how do we do that probably if I can flip it yeah yeah that'll be what I use if I if I decide to get okay yeah I got it I got it okay we're fine I gotta get that mushroom though because that's worth another 10 so I'm gonna do this really quick whoa whoa whoa where am I oh my gosh that work actually worked okay cool I really didn't think that would work but it worked oh you know what huh hold on maybe I can go in there yeah okay [Music] okay so what's the secret with this anything into the blue right how do I get up top to get that mushroom though hundred coins well okay okay here we go [Music] okay gonna grab this oh no no no no that's fine [Music] oh yes so for this for this Jim [Music] got it all right so the notice has a glass top here [Music] so I do get a break one of those okay I got it I got it I understand I think I understand at least I'm gonna get the hammer this time again and then I'm gonna go try to break like one of the bricks maybe like not all of them face it what I'm saying I think this is one will do the trick right [Music] Oh alright guys I have an idea I've been practicing this but I haven't pulled it off yet so I don't know if it's gonna work but it seems like it should work I just haven't been able to pull it off yet but basically we go up here and I don't remember if this stage is actually from the you know the previous if it's been around or not but then once we get up here we can now have access to the top the problem now and this is a big problem is how do we get it to rotate how we want it to and so I start by kind of going down and then this is this seems good got it got it ok so we have over 100 coins now I just gotta drop down into here let's make this happen right so we already have a way down please don't hurt me there you go there you go we got it guys ok we got all the gems the crown and then of course the goal of collecting 100 coins thanks to getting that mushroom so wow that was real tough that's ok though boo spotting at multivator mayhem it could work let's see only got a couple stages left in this whole thing how many oh it's two for each of them ok how I'll do to breach are there further I don't know if there's anything to set on fire but [Music] these are the different businesses like the muddy type there may not be the same type of goal here that there was before [Music] all right let's just do what we gotta do [Music] Wow okay yeah I get it there's a lot of things here there's a poster uh so what did that do oh there's a big booth how do we know when we're done I mean I'm just looking for posters and really see the other [Music] okay well that's a go over here excellent this coins I don't know I don't know if the challenge is gonna be but I guess we want to be sure that we get everything done right anything over here there is a way up over here and I don't know if that elevator thing is all about but it sure seems like we should do it okay here we go dang it I might just restart this one maybe not though cuz I need to to get up there and they don't give me there's another poster they don't give me the I think I need to to get up on the elevator right or is it only to go down yeah the second poster one should be another poster challenge will be crazy no I only need one okay perfect I'm happy enough I guess two of us again I thought I'd have to just restart but I guess not oh yes [Music] okay the the boo the big boo seems to punctuate the event so like when he's seen and he's gone and it feels like mostly done okay we won't fall off there okay good a little worried honestly all right we got a mushroom not bad I hope it's not a coin challenge but whatever [Music] what is this over here what's the point of this so the Crown's appear so we didn't even get no we shouldn't grab the crown quite yet [Music] there we go because we don't even have all of the sea just it's like I try to turn a certain direction and it doesn't happen there we go there's a second Jim okay so yeah we're doing good go with them oh [Music] jeez what the heck Wow lucky me that's a really tough one one a mushroom okay so we got a path down here to try to figure out oh geez so that just takes us down I want to do that of course I want to believe it's something a little more than just these funny ones look this way we had them we had them but thank all right here we go got him there's a third gem these guys respawn is that the deal seems like a dead end of sorts like I can't tell if they're just responding or what let's see what the suit that bonus challenge is gonna be oh cool we're gonna back down perfect I was actually worried about this okay great so now we go back up tag me up I think it was so scared still alright man alright [Music] I literally don't know what else it could be to do maybe it's like if 200 coins thing I really don't know I feel like I did everything though let's see what the goal was defeat all big boos tell me I did that yes alright good I don't have to do that again that one went down really well and this could be the last thing wing goes double trouble let's see two wing goes just me though or do I get to double myself let's see let's see hey guys how's it going guys having a you have something for me right thank you a 1-up I could use that let's go it's been awhile since I taught Wingo but uh hopefully it'll be too hard looks just like one for now I don't remember how this works honestly okay now there's now this - oh gosh oh gosh I already hit me [Music] so it's very dismissive all right I get it I get it all right my man this guy always gives me a 1-up mushroom he's super cool he's my friend all right the hard part about this well there's a few things I haven't quite figured out the patterns yet but I've lost several times were there two birds one does win and one drops turnips and dealing with the turnips is tough enough but the wind there's another issue I got him sometimes you don't know whisper to hit that wasn't the right one to the turnips are falling you really got a freaking weight that wasn't here no I need these all right who knows got him now the lightning happens and then just Lord the same basically little more MORE and this is on board [Music] darn it he took that away all right I have this I'm ready to go is it you it's you now I took some damage so it's probable that the bonus objective is to do it without taking damage but I got ya oh boy so yeah there's the crown now I probably have to do it again probably [Music] all right beautiful I'll take it though I'm sure I just gotta be that's gotta be the bonus objective is no damage so don't hit fake Wingo dude I don't know if I hit fake Wingo what is going on here what is the hunt continues [Music] okay that's fine but so don't hit fake Wingo so I could take damage I just can't hit fake Wingo how do you not hit fake wink how do you tell which one's real and fake that's the hardest part all right we're going back in I figured it out after a little bit of trial and error the real one is right there with the gold pendant around his neck the fake ones over there to the right as you can see because that is that is a fake pendant at some knockoff jewelry [Music] fake to the is the real one boom gotcha where's the ruin now drilling sound as the fake ones to the right so we hit twice already that's fantastic now we just got up kids do it again basically real went to the North probably sound oh my god don't fall off please they do like a double doozy of wind against me right there I wasn't expecting that real ones to the right they're both doing turnips [Music] got him I don't think I hit the fake one at all so this should be good I'm imagining this is good I'm hoping that this is good and then we got it as we saw us two more stages I thought this is gonna be the end but they sure have packed this game full of content fake crown all right let's grab it I'm pretty sure I'm at the qualifications for not hitting the fake wing Wingo was it the name Wingo all right yes I did not hit the fake Twingo all right so moving on the hunt continues we got ground capture and wondering woods looks like there were some ghosts here so there's some boos so let's do it let's see what we got hopefully this doesn't take too long there's a poster right there Wow Wow now there is this is interesting because it combines the element of the doubling what the heck oh you know what I can still beat you though there you go I know I just don't think I'm gonna be able to get over there in time okay I don't have a double yet what [Music] okay hold on how many of these are there [Music] how do I get over there Oh what do these always show up like this like am I not supposed to darn it I didn't mean to take damage okay I was terrible alright so I don't think I can kind of I don't think I can you know just kind of hang out here let's uh let's do what we got to do I guess oh yeah there's this I don't know if these matter but sure I get the poster so yeah this is weird cuz I gotta [Music] all right go I don't think I'm gonna make it I'm gonna try though yeah well you know what's good about this what's good is that I now the double so I should be able to get through this hopefully pretty quick there we go dang it gosh no all right sorry this is just stressful I'm gonna try to make it over there I don't think I will though gosh really not even together so I got one of the gyms hope do you think that would please be the secret that'd be amazing that with the secret because I just know something upon that all right we're good right no no no wait any both okay this is no good we both we both please all right there you go both in dang it really what's what's topic already got already got the first Jim all right good good job so far so I got that Jim already so this is almost like a void to go then the Jim's over there and somehow there's a big boo I don't know how I'm supposed to make it over there though yeah look to figure that out soon so I got the second gem no oh I see how I think yeah I know how okay I got it [Music] all right this is the next crown [Music] okay oh crap [Music] how do i oh man I'm trapped how do i okay well I just had to wait for this ghost thing to be over I think okay so I gotta go over here I got all of the gems what I forgot those hurt me alright fine I gotta just go up bond though okay well there we go let's make it work I guess it's like all the gyms this time right no all right up here [Music] [Music] then we got to go that way [Music] Oh God okay what okay hold on all right well well okay I don't have to think of that but I hope it's the gold mushroom I really do hope it's too cold mushroom which is the secret I really do hope that that's what it was is this was I did it but please tell me was it gold mushroom so dumping go back and do it again all right what was it no didn't take any damage a new theater fix me one like that okay but that's a you know why I can easily but that I was worried about for proper ghost well this is not a proper ghost one this is one that's a lot quicker so don't take any damage is a lot different this time and I don't know what damage actually means so I'm gonna you know I'm gonna go over here we're gonna start with this of course we're also going to get rid of these ghosts right off the bat there we go there we go this is good this is good this should be pretty straightforward honestly does that count as damage I don't know let's find out let's find out I don't know if that causes damage but we'll find out all right what's fine all right all right like I said we'll figure out if that actually means damage or not [Music] because if getting hit like if I don't actually shrink does that mean that I took damage or what let's find out either way well we might have to do it again but it'll be okay uh hi I didn't count oh wait oh dang I thought that I was gonna go visit check instead it gave us ah it did count it's gonna give us like a bonus right okay so let's not take damage easy enough probably starting here so I don't I don't like going over here yet let's go over here so yeah getting hit once even if it's not you know it still counts as damage so let's keep that in mind okay so let's grab this alright we're still good in my view it's a little bit of and this is completely you don't do anything here alright we're so good so good so good no come over here please great great great great great okay we're actually still fine all right awesome all right all right easy right all right perfect actually no damage this is good this is good no damage no damage that they can't be damaged right all right course clear all right no damage awesome awesome awesome awesome so now we got chaos in the grand labyrinth this might be the last stage we'll see how it goes but chaos and the grand labyrinth oh this is funny plays mummy took whoa oh no all right what happens here oh jeez oh yeah he follows my footsteps isn't he great one what's the one mean what the heck I don't know how this works - what I totally forgot this works all right three hit it okay for I'm so confused I don't remember how this game-mode works five [Music] six what the heck [Applause] this guy's chasing me oh Jesus I guys the shy guys so these rooms look similar I guess oh don't touch me don't touch me great there's my guys are chasing me now okay oh great so great where's the big dude okay man this this mode I forget I forget have this mode works oh wow hey I'll take that okay I got another one all right and a one-up I totally forgot this mode works holy cows this has following me they're freaking me out dude why are you following me up come X here oh my gosh oh my gosh come back guys still following me giving me so many coins oh [Music] wow okay I don't even know what like this side quest can be to come X [Music] rates to come X no I'm gonna have to try to intercept this guy alright thank you for triggering that I don't even remember I remember this mote came and talked [Music] holy cows my guess 15 [Music] today is still following me I do appreciate it though what are you gonna do for me I'm gonna follow me - how many stumpy levels I don't remember this mode [Music] igz oh my gosh scary now two guys are following me around giving me coins is there an end to this if there oh my gosh I don't even know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow this is like a giant coin mode basically oh wait where the one guy go one guy's gone now oh there oh he died ah so no more were following me around I guess alright that stage 19 Oh finally took some damage there it's not like I was looking forward to it okay Wow [Music] there we go there we go that's what I'm talking about [Music] Ike how many how many coins Mike on for you that's good Sam almost got mm mm there you go 2007 what's up my dude you're gonna follow me to this room as ghosts [Music] oh Jesus oh he got him no great excuse me this might just be a bonus you know this might just be a bonus stage like I don't know how far you can possibly get but you know I don't know how far I'm expect you know I don't know what to anticipate I don't know if I last time I had this opportunity if I if I did this you know what I mean all right all right oh geez don't don't let him touch me oh gosh you got me okay not great not great at all oh geez oh geez oh geez oh geez Oh No so see I finally died there and it's like how far can you go all the way back to one so this is the bonus mode right like there's just no there's no way that I mean maybe I there's a way I don't know I can look up and see how long something like this would be I don't know but see now that I've already come this far like I already don't want to like now that's a redo it all over again I don't know where the end is I don't even know if I ended up you know beating it before like when I did this a long time ago but this is like a bonus stage but have a bonus round right so let me let me just exit course and so that's the last one cleared with all of the brigades so alright guys I didn't think I'd be able to do this but I have instead played numerous times and I'm down to the point where I think I can actually do this I think I could beat the game with all the brigade and so that's what I'm gonna try this is probably my 10th 12 15th time trying this but basically I'll try my best to describe my strategy here the first set of state is the first five are pretty easy this is the Piranha Plants you got to avoid and boom you're done I like to take the hammer straight to the next stage you know if you want to do a coin run you can I'm not doing a coin run right now so you can knock out the shy guy like look at that okay now let's go ahead and get this alright great thank you this next is just you're gonna dodge the shy guys not a big deal it doesn't really start getting difficult until next round in which you actually have someone behind you one of the brigade toads behind you and so you know I wanted to make this video a 100% completion video so that's what I'm doing that's what I'm doing I'm actually gonna complete this 100% I'm gonna complete it with all the brigade everything like that I hope you guys do enjoy and I hope that this time is the time in which I actually do it okay I'm just gonna go the long way to avoid the shy guys hopefully like I said I'm not prioritizing coins like I maybe did the first time through Jesus oh gosh oh no okay off to a rough start hey there's a hammer let's see if I can make it through this I've been playing crews like four hours in this game I got my mushroom back all right I like to collect the brigade guy then grab the hammer that way I can least walk into the next stage with a hammer and of course he gives me coins the more I walk this one isn't as bad either you just got to make sure connect doesn't hit like if you have your back face that connects the green toad is behind you and you don't want to connect to hit em all right dodge that I might get quiet here soon trying to focus all right oh this is okay this last one of this whoa geez just please give me the box look at the hammer I'll take the hammer oh geez don't hit him don't hit him please there's the box there's the box okay we're safe it's almost safe all right great all right gonna go get the next one this one's also a little difficult because the bird guys can stop on your brigade and that's never good so I tend to stay on the outskirts because the birds don't go to the outskirts though the border of the stage they don't and this might take me a long time and a lot of courage to get out but basically the birds don't go this way I'll see they're right almost right there oh no no no no no no no no okay good good good so you kind of have to I'm gonna go a long way haha I was scared of the mummy - don't forget that mummy station the whole time alright and this is uh so this is what is the first part of this so yeah they're like several stages here that's okay alright if I save the outskirts everything should be okay oh the mummy you don't read the mummy I'm kind of waiting for the thing to come over here cuz that would be nicer if it just showed up over here on this side if I stay on the outskirts got it good luck to me right alright I should just billion this boxes no no no oh I thought there's an attack us okay okay this is why you stay on the outskirts since that bird can stomp on your Brigade and there's not much you can do about it if you lose a brigade member you've lost the challenge so [Applause] I don't really care about the 1ups anymore as you see I have 99 lives oh my gosh this is the hard part and just waiting for this thing there it is oh it's so close excuse me mummy just waiting for it to get close because you don't want to cross the birds I don't want to cross the birds man where is it I don't want to go out into the middle of this to be no no no no okay gosh see how close it was I'm just gonna wait for the thing to come down here I guess those lucky me like eat me lucky me okay the next next one's a little bit toffee coz there's several and they can get chaotic I'm just gonna wait for something to come over here cuz there are several options look at all the birds see them now that they move you can move in nope okay okay I mean every move I can move in got something what is it yes see that could have easily been like a mushroom now you just had to wait a little bit cuz there are the birds here we're gonna move in yes okay now this next part is a little tough because you don't really have another room to go in and plus you have an extra brigade member and I really haven't made it past this point so I might I might kind of be quiet here [Music] alright how do I deal with it ghosts the ghosts are on a kind of a pattern right Oh perfect perfect note no what is the pad I don't know I don't know the pattern of the ghosts yet okay yeah I'll kind of move in this way that's okay can i okay so that is okay thankfully I took out some of the ghosts already with the hammer oh the oh how did I miss got it got it got it got again you gotta move and I gotta make sure the ghosts aren't in the way oh no oh thank you thank you oh my gosh what what pattern do the ghosts do this time if I stay I mean I don't think the ghosts come to the outskirts similar to the birds so if I kind of just go on the outskirts [Music] [Applause] it's gonna be really hard to get in there the ghosts are making this one really hard so I can't displease in because it goes from getting away right I'm not confident my ability to take out to go see there with my flashlight so I'm just gonna okay oh boy all right the money shut up again geez that could have been bad to you man this is these cows how do I get in here how do I squeeze in just good dude no huh darn it I didn't feel safe going in okay this one might be one of the hardest ones yeah I don't know I don't know I'm gonna get this I kind of see like there's kind of an opening in here but then the ghosts show up Oh No look I grabbed it can I grab it oh this could be it there's no dang it well I'm sorry I don't know how to get in here I'm just kind of waiting for me to stumble upon it again see we know that if we follow behind the ghost oh my gosh how long is this one taking this one is taking me forever I'm sorry but if if they if it ghosts hit anything it's curtains for me oh oh oh oh so I'm behind the ghost behind a ghost The Mummy okay okay I think we're set oh my gosh but how many more rounds of that yeah I'm not able to take out the ghosts oh did you see that that was scary that was scary cuz they almost grabbed blue one in the world is oh god no no no okay I need to stop being so risky don't be so bald that's mine like I could have that I can have that yes yes I just need to wait for the ghost to leave let's go around thankfully the ghosts aren't on the outskirts so it gives me gives me a good opportunity here oh jeez hold on they're coming they're coming for this right oh gosh okay we're safe we're safe okay just that one more round like this but there's no nevermind I was wrong that's right that's right oh my gosh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I've never made it this far with all three toads I've made it this far so low but not with all three toads and I don't think there's a relaxation room next round with a hammer that's my memory but again I've been doing this for like an hour maybe uh maybe I don't know obviously the full hour is not gonna make it in here uh-huh my opportunity now we just got to slip in here somehow I don't know how excuse me no not there either okay I think we could slip in here oh please please please please please ah okay Oh No okay the bullet the bullet bills okay perfect perfect we're not in front of the bullets that's fine oh geez oh geez oh wow lucky me lucky me I'm so lucky that was Raph the bat okay which way which way [Music] we've got him okay no bullets firing this way that's a real treat we might actually do well okay a couple more stages oh boy so a bullet does fire this way so I can't stay on the outskirts is kind of my trick but if the bullet flies to the outskirts it's not gonna be a good a good move for me I'm trying to get a feel for the map really quick Oh No okay you see that bullet flying my way [Applause] doesn't get each other right there and that hits that and this one doesn't have anything oh okay okay we're safe it's okay I'm just freaking out it's okay a man what even do I do those two bullets hit each other some and I don't have to worry about that I'm just waiting for a chance whether the thing swings by closely like like right now announced my chance right let me just go all the way around and this music is great pencil pen pen pen pen pen and pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen anthem I think we're good oh geez oh geez maybe oh okay this is good this is good here we go [Applause] there are no bullets in this stage so I just got to avoid the mummy I said to avoid the mummy okay that's good hey what are you doing yellow what was he doing you gonna pass with a game oh my gosh let's get out of here we did it we did it let's smash this open we finally got the crown with the whole brigade let's just pick up some extra coins while we can I'm out of hammers no no I'm not let's grab this last one [Music] right extra coins and of course toadette is here with the crown we are gonna get it absolutely Wow guys we did it we got the whole brigade with that look at us course clear look at us yes the credits we've seen the credits before though we played this game before I thank you guys for watching though we have 100% completed this special episode thanks for playing oh wow okay what a real treat what a real treat I'm glad this came out that was super cool and so now um holy moly there we go clear withal brigade there we go fantastic this book is complete very awesome so thank you guys for watching uh wow what can I say it's been a doozy we've done the the odyssey levels but now we've completed this look all the check marks everywhere nice look at that very cool very awesome very nice I like what I see and then we can do of course go back in and do a gold rush we wanted to the search for the legendary crown huh thanks for watching guys it's been a doozy come back next time if there's ever more come back for more I will see you then goodbye and thank you for watching I'm Zack Scott subscribe if you have not if you liked this video and want to help this channel grow all you gotta do is click the like button below thank you so much for watching you can now join and become an official member of zackscottgames and if you want cool shirts like this visit Zack Scott dot shop [Music] you
Channel: ZackScottGames
Views: 902,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, Captain Toad Treasure Tracker Gameplay, Captain Toad Treasure Tracker Walkthrough, Captain Toad Treasure Tracker Part 1, Captain Toad Gameplay, Captain, Toad, Treasure, Tracker, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Part 1, Review, Trailer, Boss, Music, Theme, Game, Commentary, Guide, Let’s Play, Playthrough, Nintendo, Wii U, Nintendo Wii U, today, ZackScottGames, ZackScott, Zack Scott Games, Zack, Scott, Games, Super Mario Odyssey, Nintendo Switch, Switch, Captain Toad Switch
Id: Aewi0CiHyd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 38sec (9698 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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