I Gave Humans INFINITE Resources & Let Them Expand For THOUSANDS Of Years - Worldbox

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what happens when you give humans infinite resources let's find out we have our kind of world map here um I think I'm going to start humans in Northern Africa this time usually we start them in either mid Africa or Southern Africa but I want to try Northern this time just so maybe they can expand into Europe and Asia a little bit quicker we'll Town two little boys one two and we'll name them Adam and uh Eve and we'll give them some stars because they're they're special so I'm pretty sure how this works is see if we go to the Village I don't think they shouldn't have any resources yet oh I guess they do okay so how this works is I think every time they get a new resource they just get infinite of it so for instance if they started mining myth roll once they get to that point they'll just have infinite mithral and if they pick up a bone they'll just have infinite bones or silver once they mine silver they'll have infinite silver so they still do have to advance their cultures enough to be able to get some of the better resources but by default fault they already start with like infinite gold and infinite wood and all that so I think they're off to a pretty good start anyways oh they just had a little baby a little munchkin um where is he he must be in this tent here or maybe they just throw him in the fire I don't know my guy why are you why are you harvesting berries you have infinite resources because he just likes picking berries what is he doing now picking grass all right so Obed is our first Empire they're up to six population so we can already see kind of what uh what having infinite resources is doing because they already they already built two houses it usually takes them a little bit to do that and already working on a third I don't know where all their kids are though there's four of them apparently but uh we haven't seen a single one of them what I'm really curious about is if their nation is gonna have a lot of rebellions because I think that rebellions typically start when um a nation doesn't have enough resources I think more specifically like gold or food so I'm curious to see I mean maybe they just won't have any rebellions oh and here come the babies they're finally out Tammy where you going TV streaming strain a little bit too far from home here just watch a big vulture like swing by in and carry them off yeah their population is increasing so quickly um because I think they just having infinite wood they can just build so many houses and we have a king So Adam has been elected the king of of ruwersk or obag um at 29 years old okay we have our first uh first Soldier get Pope get go poo who was just 11 years old and off to war but you think if they have infinite resources they would have given her like a stick or something but uh apparently not all right reworkers grows larger at 26 population um let's take a look at the resources again uh so they got infinite desert berries infinite herbs infinite bread and infinite wheat um they're still pretty limited it seems on on what they can really get because they're just in the desert oh that guy just mined um mithril yo nice so did they just have infinite mithril now yeah they get mithril and silver though technically they're not going to be able to do anything with it for like 100 years but it's still cool and they just built a new Colony so we got uh ubonson up here yeah starting to kind of expand into Spain and Portugal um let's take a look at the cultures all right so they do have weapons now that's their newest thing but I guess that's why they that person earlier didn't have any weapons um because they just didn't have the technology for it and what is this a fishing boat you guys are supposed to be like cavemen how do you already know how to travel across water what the heck yeah they've only been alive for 28 years all right I'll beg up to 100 we just had a new Colony form so apparently this colony is just one one single guy that just wanted to get away from everything a whoppy he's 10 years old and and ready to build his own civilization good for him oh here comes some of his friends nice two three four man they got a lot of army yeah almost up to like about 50 Army oh there it looks like they're already getting Stone weapons what do we got here we got Stone swords I think they just have swords right now then you got this bald guy with just holding nothing he just uses the reflection enough his head to Blind his enemies oh is that bronze or copper I mean yeah they already got copper shoot yeah their armies are gonna be so overpowered they can just give everyone the absolute best like weapons and armor all right two new colonies just got founded we got mind sin over here and Eve e-vabe um over here so they're up to what five uh different colonies my prediction right now is that Evape is gonna be the first Rebellion they just seem like a rebellious Colony also what kind of name for a colony is e-vape all right but they're increasing very quickly almost already up to 20. they got like the weirdest shaped Colony it like looks like I don't even know what it looks like like a bird or something like an eagle yeah they're growing pretty quick um mind sin oh mindsen's got uh they got a big old transport boat I wonder where they're gonna go I mean it wouldn't be too far just to sail to South America and start colonizing that oh no we got a rain cloud going right through ubonson uh right like right over their army all right that was like best case scenario for Uber once and that totally could have just killed their entire army or just lit their Farms on fire alright let's see what population they're up to almost 300 population they've become such a an advanced civilization in just 60 years um I want to see what the cultures are again so they're up to level 14. um already so they got house tier four um they are developing silver so we'll start to see some silver swords and things and obviously they have transport boats they have docks uh windmills which uh again don't really do anything for this oh no Eve just died rip is is Adam Adam must still be alive yeah here he is still going strong yeah he's got a cracked it honestly he's got his golden tooth he's he's wise now he's tough and he's got this just wild bronze sword defender of unego all right we just got a few new colonies lemuro anduva is that what that is lamuro down here and e duva oh over here darn it was like I was hoping that that it was somewhere like not in Africa but oh we just got a new king okay so I guess that means Adam just died but this guy's this guy's name is just dog I mean he's a good person for a king he's ambitious he's genius he's wise he's got a golden tooth does everyone just have a golden tooth in this game it seems like everyone does but it would make sense because technically they have a lot of gold you know what I would vote for dog yeah the armies just continue to become super Advanced yeah we have a lot of silver weapons it looks like they are developing axes too um no bows yet which is interesting oh no Doug just passed away well R.I.P dog and they just elected a new King Wu you will never be as good as him oh we just got our first Rebellion Realm of the have I must say they have about a hundred Army so I don't really know if they're gonna be able to fend off obag's Army um but we'll see yeah I literally have no idea what's going on Behind These trees here I think they're winning no no they're not winning rip yeah they're getting captured 60 okay so that one's down um so they still have mine sin do they have any army left oh okay they're doing a little sneaky so actually taking over this Colony while while uh obag's Army's distracted um 60 70 I think they're gonna be able to take it nice okay so they took that one oh if they were smart they would just go and try and capture like some of these colonies while their Army's gone okay eduva they could probably take that one as long as they don't get intercepted and what what just happened where did their army even go is this it right here I'm so confused they just had a massive Army right in this spot and they all just kind of disappeared um so I don't know if they got killed by some people or maybe they all just died of old age at the same time I'm not really sure rip okay realm that have has been destroyed so that did not last very long I'm curious because it didn't say they got destroyed so they build a new Colony oh they did okay so real they have there's they're still alive they're they're barely alive but they're they're still alive yes they got three guys they managed to get three guys down here all right so that's cool so they live to find another day we just got a new uh Rebellion oh these rebellions are way too small yeah this one's only only 80 population and 15 armies so I don't know if they're going to last too long yeah they took over this Colony it's just getting taken right back oh it was Evape that's so funny how do I know it would be them okay so I don't know where obag's Army's going I'm a little bit worried that they're getting on a boat to go kill have all right it's a little battle going on down here it looks like your Shadow actually um beat obag's Army uh so they're starting to take over rumors all right nice so your shuttle is up to 180. we got a 12 coming down is this Army still just chilling over here I don't know I don't know what they're doing oh no we got a 20 coming in oh rip this might be the end of your Shadow come on defend oh no yeah they're gonna take this over 30 40 50. oh okay a new Rebellion uh Realm of the the hyna dang it's another pretty small Rebellion I'm hoping between hyna and yushido they can just kind of double team uh oh big oh no oh big send a ship to uh to have oh wait no okay um they're going to the left yeah just just keep going that way leave alone and do they just land just drop some guys off uh uh no okay I think that was a glitch because they that boat had eight guys on it but then when they dropped them off they appeared down here rip so remember they have just got destroyed okay and a new Rebellion holy shy Shipe um with 37 population and 13 army how much Army does opeg have because it seems like they've actually lost a lot of their army let's see okay so Obed does still have 104 so they got a lot but definitely not as much as I thought they would have and it said hyena I guess has 33 looks like they're starting to try and take some colonies looks like chai Shipe is launching a little salt down here I guess yeah ubon sin dang it look at chai ship go they only started with 34 population but they're actually taking some colonies over so go good for them and then Hina just took over that one and what they're taking this too yeah they've grown to 270. oh but Obex got an army up here that's making me nervous oh looks down to just 400 now and we got chi-shype 275 Hina up to 260 and and kahina is about to take this one down here Kai thinks oh no you shiedell they get destroyed by obag um let's see what the Technologies are so they still have bows yet that's super weird but they have iron um they have axes swords and Spears um defense strategy way of life okay since that's nice so they get a little bit of a longer lifespan and then increases productivity of weaponsmithing oh no way okay ahina has a huge armor they just dropped off in America um let's head down to South America gonna try and take over a tie odd which I feel like they probably could have dropped them off closer but what do I know so I'm worried by the time they get there tyod might just have a huge Army if I Shipe has grown huge so they took a ton of obag's colonies they're up to about 740 obeys down to a measly 400. yeah so they've definitely become the new kind of world world superpower here and they just keep Marching In on uh oh big yeah they get some just massive armies coming down and uh he now managed to take over the South American in Colony tie out over here so that's cool and chai ship has moved pretty far into Europe and the Middle East for the most part has been colonized all right we just got a new Rebellion ooh leish oolashi I don't know but they got 250 so they're I think they're an offshoot of oh big or was that or not obey uh chai Shipe were these chai shapes colonies I'm I don't really remember all right Realm of the Hino just made peace with obag they're one of the few Nations that aren't at war with with Obed right now or I guess I guess there's not really a lot anymore it's really just chai shape because hina's not worth them and ooh lashy are they they're not at war with anyone not even who they rebelled against that's that's weird okay and we just got a new we got a few things that just happened uh so we got a new Um Kingdom holy hot oh obek which just made peace with holy Chase okay so that's big so I don't think anybody's at war with obey anymore okay and then thirdly we had Remo the Hina District war on truly holy shy Shipe all right so that should be interesting them because they're pretty um evenly matched I think at least as far as population goes they're pretty similar and as far as armies go yeah pretty even armies but I think chai ship is at a disadvantage because they aren't war with holy hatch so they're gonna have to fend off Hina and hach um at the same time so we'll see how that goes oh heena colonized the Iceland yeah Hina seemed to be kind of the uh The Adventurous Kingdom because they're the only ones that that seem like they're actually colonizing things nobody else has landed on any new continents all right try Sharps down to 580 so they've dropped below ahina he is up to 700 yeah definitely try Stripes kind of getting overwhelmed with having so many enemies holy Hawks managed to take a couple of their colonies I think Rye was part of a chai Shipe before they took that one and Hina took this Colony up here a RAV RAV Keo all right anyone got had a Mantine yet we still on iron we gotta get out adamantine fairly soon well I guess we don't have a mithril yet we need mithril first I'm surprised they don't have mithril yet oh the uh the South American colony rebelled from Hina oh we just got a a kind of a sneak attack from from hatch um hatch and Hina just dropped off guys um on the kind of the northern seafront of of chai ship they both did kind of a sneak attack Hodge managed to take this over and then and then Tina dropped off a full 50 here nice they're definitely gonna be able to take some colonies uh Hodges took over RAV RAV Keo awuku I didn't realize they were still at war with Hina but um but they launched a little assault to the mainland to Africa to take over one of hina's colonies so this now belongs to uh owuku and they're up to 300 population now whose Army is this who dropped him off on this tiny little island it was apparently 18 guys here in this tiny little square I don't know I don't know why they put them there oh Hina just took overtook chai ship they just took a few of their colonies up here so they're up to 800 now um also we just got a war I think yeah oolish is apparently at war with uh Hina now and I think I saw yeah they landed in America too so really it's at a awuku and ulash versus Hina right now okay yeah they definitely have some some allies yeah because chai Shipe I forgot they're at war with Hina right now so we got chai shape ulash and awuku against China and then we got holy hatch at war with chai shape we got ulash with just a massive Army down here oh this is so cool because all of them have like full armor you know their armies are just so loaded I'm so excited for them to get out of Mantine I feel like that should be soon um heeda's already dropped a ton in population at 600 now all right maybe not they're back up to 700 750 and oh bag just declared war on shy Shipe so we might see an Obed comeback that would be something because they've been around literally since the beginning of this game so it'd be really funny for them to start to establish themselves as like an Empire again oh and I didn't realize uh they're colonizing Australia oh and chai shape how the mighty have fallen they're down to 200 now yeah obey definitely chose the right time to declare war on them if they had done this like a couple minutes ago chai shape try shape would have just destroyed all of them okay and ulash has become I think the most powerful Nation 1200 population sheesh okay so I guess obey did end up getting destroyed um obed's still alive though they still got this Colony over here um that we got a war just cleared ulash versus awuku see who did who are they at war with Hina and awuku I think those are the only two um so Hina is about to get destroyed I think oh I guess they still have Iceland um but once ulash I think destroys awoku's like Mainland colonies or at least African colonies um they're 100 gonna go start sending boats over to South America oh yes we have adamantine stuff now yeah these soldiers are so P 137 critical hit um 40 armor 34 damage 107 attack speed only do have bows now finally oh all right two new rebellions we got the hod and great yabib so that was so the hod was an offshoot of the you lash okay so they actually lost a pop a lot of population on that one so I guess they're still kind of in the lead and then great you bib I think there were a billion of holy chai Shipe um that would make sense because they're literally sending all of their armies to go kill them right now they literally are sending all their armies look at look at this they're sending like 500 armies just to go kill like 80 people wait maybe they're not at war with them wait hold up yeah they're not yeah so I guess holy shy Shipe is just Gathering their army here just to get on this boat that's hilarious well I want to know where they're going they're loading up so much Army on this boat looks like obag has conquered a lot of uh Indonesia down here oh oh that's where they were going oh yeah they're totally just gonna destroy uh obey also did you guys see that I think like four kingdoms just all got found at the same time I'm curious to see the realm of the debaita um Oz Kingdom holy session was already here and great ashy um are all new kingdoms oh and a great effa yeah that's so weird okay we got a lot of new kingdoms all at once man I'm surprised obag has survived this long honestly because they literally are the first Kingdom I mean they've lasted what about 200 years now and things are starting to get a little bit chaotic we got a new Rebellion the hegemony yeah this game is definitely getting pretty chaotic I think let's go ahead and go 25 more years we'll go to year 225 and then we'll just see who has the most population and just kind of consider them the winner because we're starting to have way too many kingdoms to keep track of um you got ulash is actually conquering a lot of North and South America oh no yeah awoku is down to only 400 population um Realm of the yibu do we know about that one um they're starting to be kind of a contender here up to almost a thousand population um holy hatch up to 800 1800 see what year are we on 206 they might actually pass up the ulash yeah if they could I mean they could we got 20 years left um holy hotch could easily uh over attack take the ulash so we'll have to see and uh holy tri-shype is still up there um they've conquered a lot of uh Australia as well as Indonesia oh yeah they're taking over obed's last Colony rip oh big oh okay try sharp they're really catching up I think it's gonna come down to uh chai shape hatch and ulash though my fingers are crossed for yaboo because they are doing really well wait okay holy try shrite they just passed up the ulash so they're at two 260 who launcher at 250. um dang okay so they grew up really quickly um we're at year 213 just 12 years if they can hold it just for 12 years they could win the game we'll see chai shape 2100 ulage 220 40. oh okay they just lost a big Colony that must be yeah I think they had this colony who who even is this this Hina oh Hina whoa okay nice they came out of nowhere I feel like they were stuck on just Iceland for a while but I guess they made a comeback um they got a few big colonies in uh Canada and now uh North America that I guess a wuku has been pushed back to kind of just Canada and Alaska area um let's go Hina yeah they just took another colony ulash is losing guys quick all right year 217 how are things going try Shipe still in the lead holy hatch not too far behind okay and they just cleared war on great F I think that's a tiny one yeah they just have this one little Colony um they should be able to take that but holy Hawk versus ulash that'll be interesting to see because holy Hawk they might actually have a chance if they could conquer great effa um or at least take a few of the ulashes colonies they could probably pass up chai shape ulash what are you doing they're just declaring Warren everyone the whole world hates ulash right now they probably could have won if they uh didn't just declare war on everyone a new war Realm of the Hina versus realm of the awuku because that'll probably primarily go on in uh North America let's look at the numbers um Charlie totally chai shy 2260 and holy hatch at to 22. oh they're so close yeah they keep just switching off who's in the lead chai ship is starting to pull away a little bit they're up by like 10. okay yaboo up to 1900 they could potentially catch up we got four years left okay Charlie has pulled ahead though so they're up to 2500 uh okay never mind things are changing so quick uh holy hatch is actually in the lead now um we got three years left okay two years left tri-shype is in the lead um but things could change quick holy Hodge is like sending all their armies just to this one Colony that that Colony would put them in the lead though if they can make it there in time okay that's that's 224. oh I don't know if they're gonna make it in time um they got eight months left seven months left okay that five percent a year eight year nine year ten come on guys you're so close 10 11 and no they're not gonna do it they got one month and yep that's it um but they might have taken another Colony we'll have to see 27.75 um you Boos 1669 and shyshype is 29.06. all right well try Shipe officially wins
Channel: Mellon
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worldbox game, worldbox update, worldbox pc, worldbox new game, god simulator, world box, worldbox gameplay, super worldbox, super worldbox war, worldbox new unit, tabs, dangerouslyfunny, world box game, new sandbox game, world box sand box, worldbox on steam, new worldbox video god tycoon, world simulator, alternate history, worldbox god simulator, simulated worldbox, gorg worldbox, worldbox mods, powerbox mod, worldbox new traits, druuuwu worldbox, worldbox, worldbox mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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