10 WORST Xbox One Games of All Time

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this console generation has brought us some great games but it's also brought some stinkers let's talk about the ones on Microsoft's console hi folks its Falcon into down game ranks the top 10 worst Xbox one games of all time number 10 is Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 oh is there so many things that you could say about Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 but I'm just gonna say the one that bothers me probably the most the fact that grind is also basically like a super mario but stomp that's the main thing that's the main problem I have with the game I mean the controls aren't very tight it doesn't consistently do what you think it's going to do which is a big problem in a game that's based entirely around basically performing combos well accounting for the game's physics I mean that's literally what Tony Hawk's Pro Skater as a franchise is and even when the games themselves are a little bit questionable and they're framing that's the thing they always get right and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 did not get that right or even kind of right or even right enough to not hate the game because I hate it it's such a bad game partly because it was hyped up to be returned to form a back-to-basics Tony Hawk game but the modes were boring the levels weren't fun the online multiplayer was horst at best and it felt low-budget Tony Hawk both the person and the franchise deserves more than this game and not in a this game doesn't live up to my personal taste way or in a way where I'm just like I need Tony Hawk to be exactly what it always was in order to like it know I can accept some changes but it has to work and not be changes that are utterly bizarre and interfere with the controls Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 just it does none of that it pretty much in every way just seems like nobody cared about the project at all it sucks number 9 is fighter within a game you may not remember but I do have you ever thought hey you know be great a Kinect fighting game well if you didn't before you may have just thought it now I know just saying that question actually sounds like a decent idea and in truth the Kinect itself almost kind of sounds like a good idea to neither are but they kind of sound like it so when you play fighter within you don't feel within the fighter you're basically watching things happen as you maybe trigger them to happen and I say maybe because the best way I can say this is good luck the Kinect is certainly capable of doing a good job tracking gestures but this game isn't and it also proves just how much of a disaster a Kinect game that isn't like pick up the ball and throw it at the background can be oh and did I mention it has a story yeah it does I'm gonna actually stop there it would be better for you know genuinely it's that bad the game is actually fun because it is as bad as it is although when games are so bad they're good it doesn't last as long as with movies number eight is Ghostbusters and no I don't mean the Xbox 360 Ghostbusters game that the Xbox one is backwards compatible with no the 360 game genuinely enjoyable the 2016 Xbox one game that literally has nothing to do with any of the film series original or reboot I mean sure you could make a case that it has something to do with the reboot but just because it mentions the reboot very briefly and decides to have the reboot bad guy despite the fact that they I think killed him I don't know I'm not gonna even try to pretend that I know what's going on nobody who has anything to do with any movie is anywhere in sight other than the bad guy and I don't know why he's there but that's just the confusion that is the story I guess have you ever played like a twin stick shooter that wasn't made with love or care well if that's the experience you're looking for then ghostbusters for the Xbox one is the game for you there is nothing of any value in this game it is a waste of time and the developer went bankrupt three days after it came out gee I wonder why number seven is road rage a game that was a successor to Road Rash Road Rash being an old Sega Genesis game that was released on several other platforms through the years as a series and frankly was fun it wasn't brilliant or artistic it was a motorcycle racing game that you more or less battled with the other motorcycle racers with bats and stuff road rage I guess isn't alright title but it sort of removes the thing that makes it specific to motorcycles the title Road Rash is specifically referencing a kind of burn you can get if you fall off of a motorcycle whereas road rage is just something you get when you're annoyed and you're on the road it's pretty symbolic for exactly what this game is versus the original - it takes everything identifiable from the original gets rid of it and you end up annoyed on the road I guess on a motorcycle like way back in the day a game didn't have to have perfect physics but the way old games kind of simulated physics bayi cheaply was always predictable and workable ya know throw that out that's gone it's not predictable it's not workable the physics in this game are just downright bad that's kind of one of the highlights of why it's unplayable but it also doesn't look very good and it really doesn't sound very good basically it's a game that looks kind of like it might have worked graphically on the original Xbox although I'm guessing the gameplay would have gotten panned there as well number six hey did you know it's possible to have good ideas and do them badly that's right it's Alekhine's gun this game felt ambitious the atmosphere of it is good you've lit KGB operative taking part in covert operations during the Cold War it's a stealth game that promises to be somewhat like hitman in some way but well the aesthetic is good the graphics aren't well the gameplay ideas are good the execution isn't and although the story actually doesn't flounder the overall experience really just doesn't get anywhere near living up to that the game itself is actually just bad it's not good at all it's got a bad menu system it's got a bad HUD the controls are very awkward for instance there's a move in the game that lets you see where other enemies are just for a short period of time but activating it which you would think would be like clicking a stick or holding down a trigger in slow doing it from like a wheel menu or something no it's actually a button combo which if it was a fighting game would make sense I'm exaggerating a little bit not only a little bit it's really a bad controller layout he uses some conventions and then just throws some other crap at you which considering how bad this game is at keeping track of where things are and how easily enemies just sort of forget that anything's going on at all it's bad and it sucks because it's one of those games where you're like this could be good it sounds cool but then when you play it you're like ooh I was wrong number 5 is troll and I Oh roll and I the puzzle platforming action adventure game so I'm gonna go ahead and say like I really love the name troll and I I think that's a great original sounding game name and I wish more developers and publishers would spend time trying to come up with naming conventions like that genuinely I do mean this but this is a game that looks like trash doesn't make sense and disorient you a lot it makes you craft stuff but not give you much to use for crafting and like you can break stone walls with wooden Spears and you've got this big troll companion that looks like something off Nintendo 64 I guess xbox360 style fire sometimes it feels like it's trying to be uncharted and then it's like nah actually you should summon a monster and the monster will do something for you now what I'm describing could possibly be a good game but it's not and I don't think I drag on the graphics if the gameplay was good but it's not like alkine's gun it has the potential to be a good game with some really cool ideas but so is this it you'll wanting to kill me too legend says you eat people it makes sense I eat you eat me the execution of ideas and some strange design choices some really strange design choices just hold it back besides that kind of waste of a crafting system the co-op implementation doesn't take advantage of to character dynamic even a little and any action involving the troll just doesn't look or feel good which again because it's something with potential is just a huge bummer number four remember how agony looked good and then like anybody who played it for a short period of time was like this is bad this is very bad I have talked to so few people who thought this was a decent game and everybody kind of had sky-high expectations for it because the stuff that we saw prior to release was this very high concept violent gory bloody kind of sexualized hell but the game itself is so much more of all of that in a way that actually is less appealing than it sounds like when you go in for a thing and they've got like way more of that thing than you expected and you actually don't like the thing once you're in there that's what agony is I don't know how to put it in any other way it's trying so hard and it fails its stealth based but the enemy AI is so unreliable and there's not much to go on that it feels like a really broken stealth game especially you can't see anything and you get one-hit killed a lot stealth can of course be challenging that's kind of the point of a lot of these types of games in general but it has to be fun - and here it felt tedious and tacked on number three is Metal Gear survive which yeah probably one of the best series in the history of video games - its creator + zombies with unicorn horns yeah I know whenever I think of this game I just my brain overloads nothing about it is good and this is a game that like I think was kind of gone at with the kid gloves like if you look at reviews there's elements of this that are good no it's just a incredibly tedious survival game it is somehow found a small community and respect to them the mechanics and engine of Metal Gear Solid 5 are obviously amazing but cynically forcing it to be a survival game just rubbed a lot of fans the wrong way including myself number two is past cure hey do you have nightmares do you really hate creepy porcelain men without like features I mean those can kind of be scary if you're not pissed off at how loose everything is like other than the fact it has kind of cool graphics but it kind of wants to be the evil within and quantum break at the same time I guess I mean I'm sure there's other influences because it seems to want to go in every possible direction at once and being it never picks up momentum in any direction it never does anything it's a game that I mean you could write it drawing plot beats out of a bucket it sucks there are a few interesting parts but mostly it's just not fun to play through it feels like a chore and gameplay wise it loses steam pretty quickly after starting fairly decent and the payoff is just it's not worth trudging through at all and finally number one is gene rein Gears of War ripoff with a timeline that just jumps around like hey you don't really need to know what's going on that's not what a story's about and hey also you know what the subtitles don't have to match anything this is being said at all also pressing the cover button doesn't always do that it doesn't always enter cover isn't that wild guys it's not got terrible graphics I got to give it that it's an interesting original looking world but the story's bad the acting is worse there are technical problems that actually aren't fully bug oriented they're just kind of shoddy planning I will say this is the one game on the list of the dialogue and just how bad everything is makes it just kind of funny in a way that makes it kind of worth going through at least some of it so like if you like the room this game is well let's just say it's the equivalent this is as close as it's going to get to so bad it's good in a game because that voice acting just wow open the memory of black hole we want to get all of these people q just a cause of memory of 20 years ago fine put down your gun I will give you these memories but if some games the best then some have to be the worst right what's the worst game you've played on Xbox one is it one of these did you dislike something else even more I mean it is a taste issue so your opinion is relevant here leave us a comment let us know what you think if you liked this video please click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week in this way to see them first of course the subscription so click Subscribe and the notification Bell as always we thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter at Falcon hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 2,246,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worst xbox one games, bad xbox one games, worst video game voice acting, terrible xbox one games, xbox games that suck, bad reviews xbox one games, worst reviewed games, worst gameplay xbox one, worst graphics xbox one games, gameranx, falcon
Id: CvxN_PUWh3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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