10 Women Choose His Perfect Match | Versus 1

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(gentle uplifting music) (digits whirring) (upbeat music) - [Participants] Hi! (laughs) - (chuckles) Hi, I'm Melvin. Nice to meet you, guys. How are you? - [Participants] Nice to meet you. - This is terrifying. I'm not gonna lie. (participants laughs) - I like your sweater! - (chuckles) Thank you, thank you. We'll name him today, he hasn't been named yet. (bright music) - [Producer] Now, ladies, if you would swipe right on Melvin you're gonna stay standing in your spot. If you would swipe left, as in no, exit now. (participants and Melvin laugh) - [Producer] How are you feeling, Melvin? - Better. (participants laughing) (smooth music) - Okay, who's popping the drinks? (participants laughs) - Guys, I'm 19. - So you can't have them? - I can't have that one, but does anyone want cider? I'm like the bartender today? One, two, three. - What's your favorite thing about yourself? - I feel like I can tell pretty good dad jokes sometimes. - Give us one. - Yeah, yeah. You guys want one? Okay. okay, what do you call a cow with no legs? - What? - Ground beef - Ground beef. (participants laughing) Okay. Okay. What do you call a cow with three legs? Tri tip. - [Girl] That was a good one. - Cheers. Cheers, cheers, cheers. Do you guys like movies? - Yes. Yes. What's your favorite movie? The top three. - As a kid my favorite movie was "Forest Gump." Just 'cause it was really like, it was really fun. - Do you like Marvel? - I do - Love. Love that. - Wait, who's your favorite superhero? - Spider Man. Spider Man. - Which Spider-Man though? - Andrew Garfield, I'm sorry. - Me too. No, that movie was made for the female gays. So I'm so happy that you said that. Who is your celebrity crush? - There's this golfer. Her name's Lily Ha and she's my celebrity crush. And like, if you're watching this, don't hit me up. Don't hit me up. That's what I was gonna say. Don't hit me up. - Are you currently studying anything? - Yeah, I'm majoring in PR at USC. And then I'm minoring in computer programming. - Oh nice. - Do you have any hobbies? - Yes. I'm into photography. And I've done some pretty cool shoots with that. - Have you been in any relationships? - I have. I have. - And how long? - How were they? - About a year? - Why did it end? - Yeah, so something just happened. I think I saw something that I shouldn't have seen. - Like through the phone type? - [Man] Through the phone, on Instagram. - So you go through the phones, you learn through the phones too? - Oh, I saw it on my phone. - [Women] Oh. - Yeah. - Wait, wait, wait. What's your sign? What's your sign? - Oh, like Libra? Oh okay. Yeah, yeah. - You said Libra? Me too. - [Man] How many Libras are here? Oh my God! - Okay. So do you have a hot take? - Okay. I'm gonna need a subject though. - Music. - When I first listen to him I didn't get the hype about Frank Ocean. I'm not gonna lie. No like it's good. It's good music. But everyone on Twitter is like, "Oh my God." They cry to him every day. - So what's your top three? - Top three? The Marias. I like the Marias. Black Pink. Baby Keem. I didn't go to Coachella though. I wish I did. I saw BTS that weekend though. - Oh, wait, you went to Vegas? - Yeah. - Oh, I'm so jealous. I was gonna go, but I went to Coachella weekend too instead. - Where are you guys from? - I'm from Victorville. - I'm from Colorado - Out of state? - Yeah. - Did you move here or? - Yeah, for school. I go to UCSD. - UCSD. So you had to drive here? - Yeah. - I'm from the Bay originally. Yeah. - See, that's a red flag. No I'm just kidding. - Oh, why? Oh my God - I'm from Orange County, like in a beach area. - Another red flag. No, I'm just kidding. - I'm from Fresno, but I go to UCLA which is gonna be another red flag because we're rivals. (participants laughing) - The door's over there. (upbeat music) - Jerry, you don't seem interested. Y'all gave me little buzz. - Well, that's my personality. - [Girl] Yeah. - I'm not, it's the age, but he's cute. (participants laughing) - There's some people that are pretty long distance from him. So that might be like a... - Does anybody think there's something wrong with the age difference? - I'm 23. So I'm a little bit older. - He's 19 you're 23. - I mean so far I'm like you probably have a lot more in common right now. Yeah, just a couple things. - [Producer] Is anybody like really feeling it? They're like like yeah I definitely want to stay for the next round? - Me. - I think we're all in love with him. (upbeat music) - I voted for myself. (laughs) - [Producer] Now at this point, does anyone want to self-eliminate? - I'm too old. (upbeat music) - How are you? - Good. - Hi. - [Girl] Are you ready to be done with this? - You know what? I'm enjoying every moment of this. - How are you? - Nice to meet you again. Oh, I'm good. How are you? - Good, good, good. Are you nervous at all? - Extremely. - Me too. I'm a little bit nervous. - Sorry. What are you majoring in? - Kinesiology. - Oh, like PT? - Yeah. Yeah. I do community college, but I'm a business major right now. Yeah business. - Are you planning on transfer something like- - Yes, not exactly sure where yet, but- - Consider USC. - Consider USC transfer. You'll show me the spots? - [Man] Yeah. - I go to UCLA, remember? We're rivals. I know a bit of a red flag, but distance wouldn't be a problem for us. - I'm gonna tell you a secret. UCLA was my dream school too. - Oh really? - I got wait listed. I don't think I got off the wait list, but then I got into the rival school and like- - Oh. - I went there. - I got rejected from USC, so. - It's all arbitrary like that. - Yeah. - Whole process. What would you say is a green flag? - A green flag. Okay, this is a really specific green flag, but if they can cook, that's a plus. - Oh. - [Girl] No, it's okay. It's okay, you don't need to know how to cook. - I can make very basic things. - Okay. - Like a salmon bowl, I got you. - Ooh! - Other than that I think the most complicated thing I've ever done was like- - Cereal. I'm just kidding. - What are your hobbies? - I'm a rock climber. So I like being outside. - Huh? - Are you afraid of heights? - I'm not afraid of heights, but I just feel like I wouldn't be athletic enough to like- - Oh no, it's just fun. - Clime a wall. - I was about to say, I really like your outfit. - Oh, thank you. - Those boots are awesome. - Thank you. I was scared to wear them because I didn't know how tall you were, kind of a power move. - Where'd you get the skirt? - The skirt is from Depop. Shop second hand. I'm super into fashion. I saw your little bear. You still have to name it. - Well, do you have any ideas? - Honestly, I feel like Melvin junior was a good one. - Okay. - Style is fun. And you can tell a lot about a person looking at their outfit. - What would you say about me? - Okay, the black is giving a little bit reserved, mysterious, but then the Teddy bear is like, "Okay, well he has a soft spot." There's two sides to everybody. - You know what I've been trying to get recently? - What? - I want a racing jacket really bad. But I haven't been able to find one. - We gotta thrift, we'll find one. We'll find one. - So are you into fashion or anything like that? - Not really. Are you? - No. - I just wear whatever looks nice. - I'm not actually. - I have one question. Tarantino or Nolan? - Okay. Nolan. - Really? - I'm not gonna lie. - Really? - Like, I do find Tarantino movies really entertaining. - [Girl] Yeah. Yeah. - I just enjoy Nolan movies a lot more. - Okay favorite Nolan movie. - This might be a hot take. I should have said this earlier, but I really enjoyed "Tenet." - No no no really? Oh my God I love "Tenet." - Growing up I liked a lot of anime. - Are you still into anime or? - I honestly don't have time, but I read a lot of manga and I'm watching "Spy Family" right now. We should watch one together. - That's good. - Yeah - I wanted to ask what's your nationality? - I'm Chinese. - Okay, cool. - Yeah. Chinese, but I was born here in LA. My mom's from China and my dad kind of grew up in Hong Kong, so. - Oh nice. - Yes. - I'm Bostonian. But I grew up here. Yeah. It's just both of my parents are from there. I really like it there I actually lived there for a year. - Oh wow. how'd you like that experience? - It was so good. I feel like it's always nice to meet people that are the same like you and just really get in touch with your culture. - Do you know exactly what you're looking for? Long term, short term, just for fun? - Honestly, I'm still trying to figure that out to be honest. - Same, same. - I've only been on this earth for 19 years so there's a lot for me to figure out. - Very true. - Are you involved in anything on campus? - Yeah, so I'm a campus ambassador and then I'm also on a dance team. - You're gonna bust out a movie right now. - Oh my Gosh. No. - It would be crazy if you did. (crowd cheering) I think she should - Wait. I'll teach you the wave. - If you do it, I'll jerk. - Wait, okay I'll jerk and then you jerk. - Fine, I'll take that. - I don't know what else to show you. - That's pretty good. That's pretty good. That was good. - Your turn. Your turn. (upbeat music) Wait, that was really good. - Thank you. Yeah. So we could dance together a lot. - Okay rapid fire. So the weather. - Yeah. It's okay. Yeah. You said your parents were Chinese, right? - Yeah. - My parents too. Are you Canto? - Canto. - Yeah Canto, let's go. (speaking in foreign language) - [Man] It was nice meeting you. - Good and you. (upbeat music) - Okay. I have an opinion. I think you. - Oh really? - Yeah. - It's between Regin and I'm so sorry, Brianna. Yes. It's between like either you two or me. - I feel like you guys got along really well. - Yeah. - Your little conversation was so cute. - Good, good I'm glad to hear that. (upbeat music) - [Woman] Our ladies have selected someone for you. - Okay. - [Woman] Are you ready? - I'm ready. - [Woman] Do you trust these women? - I do. I do. - [Woman] Are you sure? - With my life. - [Woman] One, two, three. - Hi. (laughs) - Hi. Oh my God. - Are you surprised? - No. - Were you expecting that or was it a close call? - I was kind of hoping for it. - You were? I'm glad to hear that. - Thank you guys. You guys did really good. Okay, so after the first round I had Estelle, Regin and Brianna. - [Woman] And then our second round who did you have? - Guys look, it's kind of crazy, Huh? - Oh no way! - That would've been awkward. - We can go thrifting now. - We can. And you got to get me into USC. - Thanks. - [Woman] Are you settled on a name for the bear? - You get to name it since you won. - Brianna. (laughs) - I'll go with that. That's a good name. - [Woman] All right. Do you think we're gonna do like a number exchange? Instagram exchange? - Definitely. We're going thrifting! - [Man] Here you go. - [Woman] All right, guys. That's wrap. (participants cheering) - Oh my God! - [Woman] How you feel Melvin? - I feel great. I hope she feels great. - I feel awesome. Yes. (happy music)
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 3,655,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion
Id: ovL-u_o71FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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