Which Model Makes the Most Money?

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(upbeat music) - I think you should stay there because you have a very just clean look. Your hair, your skin, your height, your eyebrow. Yeah, your bone structure. - You have like an overall like, model vibe. - Yeah. - I love the confidence you all have in me. I appreciate it. I'm glad to stay here, but- (all laugh) - I agree with everybody, but I think Jaelynn should be first. (all mumble in agreement) She is the stereotype of American beauty. (all mumble in agreement) - Yeah, and I hate to say it, but I feel like because she's a girl- - Also because you're a woman. - Because girls make more than men, more than men in modeling usually. - Okay. So we can switch. - All right, sure, yeah. - I think you need to move- - I don't know, - Need you up here too. - Aw, thank you guys. - The smile, the hair, - Smile, yeah yeah, the height. - You got the tattoos, you could definitely could book the fun but also edgy. (all mumble in agreement) - Yes. My vote for sure. From how you look for - Sure. - And diversity, so that's- - I feel like you also though could be booking a lot of beauty and hair campaigns. - Thank you. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Why don't you come next to me first? - Yeah. - And let's also- - I'm gonna go this. (mumbled discussion) - I feel good. - Are we good with this? - I feel good. - I feel comfortable. - Okay. - Yeah. Alright. - Alright. (upbeat music) - It's a Vulcan magazine. - Okay. - Beautiful. - Wow. - Oh my God. - It was actually one of my first shoots and to this day it's my favorite photo shoot ever. All right, you go ahead. - Okay, so mine was a campaign with Tommy Hilfiger. (all ooh in excitement) - Oh nice. - This was an exciting moment for me, seeing my photos like all over the store. I was mad hype about that. - Mine is this campaign with skins. (all gasp) - Okay, congratulations. - Go off skin. - First time in a bikini. I don't even own one, which is kind of weird. It was kind of like uncomfortable for me. But it was, it was great. - So mine is a video. - There's me. - Verizon? (excited chatter) - Okay. Lines. - That's what I'm talking about. - For mine, was like an American Eagle campaign. It was overly shot in Mexico. - Wow. - Yeah. - Beautiful. - I like that one. - Mine is for Instagram and Facebook. - Oh that's, that's amazing. (excited chatter) - That's fire! - And this was on billboards everywhere. - Oh my gosh. - But I've been modeling for like 10 years, so- - Forever 21, which I did this year. And it was like their full rebranding that they did like, different. - I saw this! - Oh my! (excited chatter) - It's just really recognizable, and also it was in Times Square. So, it was like super fun. - I love that. - Okay. - It does not make it any easier. Because everybody's book, I was like, oh! Where are you placed? - I'm placed at Ford models in LA, Miami, Chicago, and New York with Wilhelmina - LA I'm with Wilhelmina, New York I'm with Society, San Francisco I'm with Three Model Management, Chicago I'm with Option One. My mother agent is IMD and I'm also placed in Miami with Wilhelmina. - You should get in the back there. - Yeah, let's switch already. (excited discussion) - Wait, what? You got stuff too? What you mean, why? (all laughing) - I'll also say based on the campaign- - Based off of that, yeah. - Like the Tommy Hilfiger and like it being in stores is like a print option. Like there's a lot of money. - That's big, big money. - Yeah, that's big money. - Okay. I'm actually not signed and I, you know, network like crazy. - Yeah. - I don't even think I'm supposed to be here, low key. - That's hard. - But I'm here so we're, you know. - So I have my mother agent is NTA and that's all. That's all who I'm represented by, so, that's it. - I'm with Wilhelmina LA, New York, Next Miami, MGM Germany, I Love Milan. We have the same mother agency in IMD, Shadow IMD and- - You need to move that way. - I feel like, I feel and working in Mexico - Maybe right now and in Mexico. - Oh my God. - I feel like you should go in front of me. - The travel. - Yeah, travel is like- Yeah, the travel again. - Next to him for sure. - I'm signed with right now Wildflowers. It's a commercial agency. - I feel like you should move up because your ad was so cool and you said you've been doing this for 10 years. - Yeah, that's true. So I feel like you're like, know the game. Everyone agree with that? - I agree. - I'll concur with this sentiment. - I think this is good depending on- - Well, since you're not rep'd, I feel like you should- - I should be last. - Second to last. - Second to last, okay. - I don't know. How many ads have you done? - Yeah. - This year? 20. - Okay, you need to come up here. - I kind feel like you should be up here. - Yeah you've done 20 ads are the big money. - The ad that you just did was highly recognizable. Your face in the Forever 21 campaign. Yeah. Yeah you should. - I think you should get in front of me. (upbeat music) (whispered discussion) (camera shutter clicking) - Y'all are funny. (all laughing) (camera shutter clicking) - Whoa! - Erm, this is about the pants. - Pants. (camera shutter clicking) Oh, oh okay. Oh, chic. - I try my best to not think about what I think I look like because that's how you get very nervous. So I just imagined what, like, I'm trying to present to the camera. - I'm gonna do some, some commercial. Be like, "hey yo, what's up? I love you. You're so, oh my God, this phone is crazy." Like, oh wait, why am I doing this? This is the kind of phone we have now. I don't know, I was just like, because I, I don't take myself seriously so I was like, this is what I do mostly. And it's so silly and it's so cringe. But I was like, at least I can show something different than what everybody else is doing. - Mine's really easy but I don't think any of you can probably do it. (all cheering) - Like, I always have my hands in my hair and then we like flip it, grab it, you know. And then we do this back one where we like, look back at it while grabbing the hair. - So for me, I like to go close to the camera. I kind of wanna, I kind of like to do this. (all ooh) I always like to show my shape. - Okay, yeah. - Like this and sometimes it's just my face right here. This, this. And my hair too, it's always straight. So I'm always like flipping it, like this. - Yes. - It's always up in the air. Holy shit. Did I know how to pose? Absolutely not. I just worked with what I had and just did it. - Anyone's mind change about the ranking. - I personally, after that I would still say that I think that you're second. - Those poses were- - Yeah, that's a solid. (excited chatter) - I think she should be number one. - I think you should be number one. - Wow. - These be clients, you hear that guys. - I'm gonna hang out right here. - I'm home! - But like she's so cool, and I was like- - Gabby, I feel like you should maybe go back one. - Yeah. I expected this. - It's the wheely. - I was thinking Monica, 'cause we were all, like- - You said your hair is normally curly. - You're probably booking so much with hair and beauty. - That's what I'm saying, like. - That's what I'm saying, like it's, especially if it's like your go-to. Like it has to be. - Yeah - I'm gonna voluntarily do this. - Yeah. Yes. There you go. I feel like your posing was really good and because you went up close, I'm like, oh, maybe she's doing a lot of beauty. - She kind of is, yeah. - Okay. (all murmuring) - I'm chill, let's, I mean- - Okay, maybe let's just see how looks. - Okay, let's see how it looks. - Your pose was good. - Second or third? - Oh sorry, fourth. - Fourth. - I think fourth. - Do you guys agree with that? - Yeah. How do y'all feel about this so far? - I don't need to overanalyze it. - Yeah. Yeah. - Okay. (laid back music) - Modeling. Is it what you, you can live off of a year? - Hell no. - No. - No. - So everybody, mine? Yes, so. - Whoa. - Oh, if you said no back up. - I can live off of. - Okay, let's switch. Let's switch, yeah, yeah. - Can you live off of my money? - No. - Oh, but it also depends on your, I guess your lifestyle. - Oh yeah, that is true. - Oh, so if you live, if you live frugally or like- - Or with your parents - Or with your parents or like anything. - Okay. Wait, then I should, okay. It is sustainable, if you minus that. - Do you feel comfortable like- - Living? Yeah, do you feel comfortable? - Like is you're like having relatively happy with. - All right, let's move back again. (all laugh) - Can everyone name like the biggest brands they've worked with? - Christian Dior, Nike, Forever 21, I'd have to go Tiffany's. - Yeah. Instagram, Facebook, Target, Adidas, Nike. And then two this year for in Europe. So I did Sinéad O'Dwyer Runway. I was the first paraplegic model in London Fashion week ever. (all applaud) - Based off that, I feel like you guys should switch. - Absolutely. Please. - Yeah. - Our biggest brands I've worked with is Verizon. Obviously Target, Amazon, I've done some stuff for Sephora, Tom Ford. - Okay, I'm coming down. - [Off Camera] Would you guys say that the modeling industry can sometimes be exploitative of people. - It's extremely exploitive. (all chatter in agreement) - When you think about it like, we make good money. - Yeah. - But when you think about how much money the brand makes off of you. - Exactly. - It's like, they're making money. Like, they can pay you this. - Yeah. - Yeah. Have either of you done any travel commercial work? - Oh, I have. - You have? - Yeah. - That's like a huge thing. - I can definitely say I have not been flown out of the country for any commercial work. - Okay, so swap. - Same. Yeah, I think you should be first. - Yeah. - Okay. - Okay. That's maybe guys. - That's like three on the front. - Yeah. - Yeah, I like that. - [Off Camera] Could you guys maybe speak a little bit about how body type or ethnicity comes into play with casting? - Oh let's talk. - Oh it definitely comes into play. I've been fired for gaining two inches on my hips. I've had emails going like, "Oh, you gained half an inch on your hips. I need you to take this more seriously. Consider it like an athletic competition." I was pressured to lose more inches even though I was already naturally underweight. Tried to get there and not knowing what, you know, the right steps were for wellness. Thought it just meant like eat less and work out more. And I was just deteriorating my body, actually, reversing the goals that I wanted to reach and just developed this eating disorder. It was really, just a really unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. After I got to a place where I felt really confident in myself I still wanted to go back cuz I did enjoy modeling. So I am gonna just be me. I'm going to eat and I'm going to be confident. - I have like have had the opposite problem because I'm kind of in between sizes. A lot of times people think that I am plus size and then I show up to set and they're like, "Ooh, you're not big enough." - I still think Matt should be first, honestly, because like, Matt could be a diversity hire but you also have like an all-American look. It kind of sucks to say but I feel like Asian men are still not at the forefront. We're not as popular or trending. I definitely don't- - Trending is a good word. - Yeah, tending in a sense. And modeling is trends. It's all about trends, what's popular. So I feel like Matt should still be first honestly. - I agree. - I agree with that. - For a lot of stuff. - I do believe Jaelynn should be after him because she's a woman and she books really, really high brands she can't talk about. Ivan should be next to, in between these two, I think because you have to travel. And they do not compensate for a lot. - I'm not traveling if you're not paying me. I agree though. I do agree but I am not traveling if not paying for it. - Okay cool. - [Off Camera] Do you have any last minute rearrangements you want to make? - I just started, I kind of want to move down. - Yeah, I think you should move down. - Oh yeah you did just start. - Where do you, where do you do your groceries? - Costco - I shop at Trader Joe's. I'd rather be second. Y'all said don't move so I'm gonna stay here. - I shop at Whole Foods I'll move up. - Okay, you know what? - Yeah, that's fine. - I love Trader Joe's. (upbeat music) - [Off Camera] In seventh we have Emily. In sixth, Victoria. In fifth, Monica. - Oh we're doing good. - Kinda, yeah. - Yeah. - [Off Camera] In fourth, Gabby. - Whoa. Oh okay. (excited chatter) - Kinda on it. - Maybe we become agents. - [Off Camera] In third, Ivan. - What? (excited chatter) - [Off Camera] In second, Jaelynn. (surprised chatter) - I told you guys. - Okay. - [Off Camera] In first, Matthew. - Nice. Yeah. - Wow. (all cheer and applaud) - Yeah. So what I'm trying to change and why I model is because I'm forced to live off of SSI, which is different than disability. If you were a young person born with a disability or if you became disabled before you could pay into social security for five years, you're forced to live off of less than like, $850 a month in the US. Yeah, I'm not allowed to earn any money. So I just do this for fun and for my friends brands and to also be like a visibly chronically ill and disabled person who's modeling. Even if I made the most amount of the people here I would not be a able to survive off of that with having to pay for private health insurance and caregiving. - I'm including things before tax. So I would say about 5K this year, cuz I just started. - I am gonna say 25 and that's because I feel like I haven't booked that many things this year. - I'm 50 K this year. - I'm at like 90 K this year and that's mostly because of a few blessings. Companies that worked with me like a lot and like one couple of big jobs that really pushed me over the edge. - This year I've made probably 115 or 120 K - Woo. We tied, I'm also one 115. - Oh hey. - That's hilarious. - Yeah, I put 110 for the average on the thing. - Oh shit, okay. (laid back music) - It was really difficult cuz everyone is obviously really beautiful and we all have our own things that make us all unique and is the reason why we book. - This is really giving me perspective in, you know, pursuing this full-time. - And I think it is important for people to realize that there are exploitations in the modeling industry and it's important to be educated about it and like watch out for it. But, at the end of the day like, it pays great for what it is. It's very enjoyable. The pros outweigh the cons still. - I'll hope you blow up off this video. - Yes. Blow up. - I'm gonna go follow her. - Yes. - I just like the clothes. I'm like really about clothes, if you can't tell. - Just make sure you're secure in who you are. Don't try to fit in a box that is not meant for you. Just follow what's natural and the right doors will open.
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 2,911,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, models, modle income, super models, models rank by income, model ranking, models jubilee, ranking jubilee
Id: 4yWV8VIhkn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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