Trapped in a Box for 12 Hours with My Blind Date | Trapped | Cut

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i dare you for us to kiss each other on their lips and then tell the camera and i'll look away whether it was a good kiss or a bad kiss i decided to not do the dating apps anymore and i'm not really meeting anybody because i work so much and i'm very busy figured why not meet somebody this way oh cool hello hi i spent the last couple years kind of laying low just past relationship traumas and stuff so how long is this date gonna last today today 12 hours what's that the equivalent of that'd be about five to six dates are you nervous a little bit are you nervous i'm extremely nervous how are you going to pass the time i mean we'll find out i'm not really sure i didn't expect the box to be this small i didn't either what's the best case scenario oh we fall in love okay time is starting now it's 9 23 a.m sorry i didn't even introduce myself what's your name my name is crystal kwan nice to meet you meet you talk about if you're attracted to each other or not let's just talk about that um right off the bat i would say i love the hair sweat i like the bangs big nice smile thank you so yeah you're attracted i definitely like your sweat you have a very nice smile and i like your style so we are attracted to one another good good have you ever been catfished no i didn't really date that much so you dated a lot i mean like i would fit around but i had like one serious girlfriend how long were you with this person 10 months that was the longest gotcha what about you longest is five and a half years five years wow yeah it took up a lot of my time well here we are now here we are now in a box guess what one hour one hour that's crazy quan can you close your eyes on your hands one to ten how's the date going so far i like this question and then quan same thing after one hour are you falling for me what is your pet peeves in men people that spend all their free time playing video games hey you know i'm not gonna lie i i used to play a lot if i wake up at 4 am and i hear you screaming at the video it is so games i cannot i don't scream at it anymore if people have really weird feet i can't date them either oh i have like a missing toenail right now do you guys want to show each other your feet no i like feet personally well not like that i'm not just going to suck on a toe you know like randomly do you have a foot fetish no i have a foot appreciation here you want to see my toe no i don't want to see it it's not as bad as going back but look see it's missing right here oh [ __ ] no no yeah it's kind of gross i mean it actually wasn't gross you know your feet aren't that bad oh thank god can i use the bathroom all right yes yeah please now that he's not here are you attracted to him like physically yes but some of the stuff he said i'm like i'm gonna leave the room again see you guys hola are you comfortable like talking about like your sex life i'm really open okay cool all right so here we go have you ever had like any terrible like sex experience you know like like did someone like throw up on you or something like that you're thinking about it because it might happen okay maybe i'm not so open um i threw up on somebody no oh my god oh i know it was really really bad what about you this is probably one of the most painful experiences of my life during my whole face let's just call my whole face you know she's going down on me right and then she really bit it like what the [ __ ] my dick you know so okay what i don't know i'm thinking of questions hmm let's see you know it would be fun if we got alcohol right no it's too early on for that you don't want to see that what what do you like when you're a little bit on the tipsy side more fun like exciting i'm saying i'm not fun oh sorry that came off really [ __ ] wrong crystal you close your eyes out of 10 how are things going um no no i'm thinking i'm fasting so with your hands okay can i use the bathroom again now okay so you you kind of went down the last time a little bit it does seem like maybe he's not like super ready for like a serious relationship i think timewise would be like the second oh i should make ourselves comfortable maybe i should just lay down i'm trying to think like the best way to lay down um no favorite you don't even ask this on the second day i was gonna say favorite position i feel like i'm interviewing a poor person like hey what's your favorite position um i don't know the name of it like anyone describe it or like show me or like not like show me you know what i mean but like whatever the position is if my legs were on your shoulders ah it's like almost missionary but your legs on the shoulders right i know exactly what you're talking about i used to not be comfortable with myself really childhood trauma whatever yeah what's on your mind childhood traumas childhood trauma do i get into it now um oh no we don't need to go there maybe on the fifth date which is like eight hours from now yeah cross your legs over like this and pull yourself out this is a good one yeah that's a good one too your parents split you said when you were in the seventh grade well when i was 13 or so yeah did you split time between both houses or did you just stay with one parent one parent your dad mom and then eventually as time went by i got the opportunity to see them more and now just trying to make up that time my parents were so bad together like when they got divorced me and my brothers were like actually happy but my dad married the worst person i have ever met in my entire life she made like a fake facebook of me when i was in high school and put on there that i was like a lesbian and much like no problem with people who are but i was not did you tell your dad yeah that didn't go well did it he was like oh you're making this up because you want to go live with your mom so didn't really get along well with my dad because of that like when i look for a partner i'm looking for somebody who does not even remind me of him in the slightest bit [Music] do you normally kiss on the first date not normally no it's like the second or the third depending that's refreshing yeah what about you so you definitely you're like i'm gonna meet you and go home to your dirty apartment i would say i kiss on the first date five hours five hours whoa can i use the bathroom again hands where are you at right now do you think there's any possibility of it going higher maybe i mean we have several hours how are you feeling about the date what do you like about her she's actually really refreshing from the typical girls that i i would say i typically go for you know oh hello hello just don't turn my hair into a giant knot no i'll try not to be okay are you comfortable do you want to lay down no no if not i'm going to do it okay can i leave you back oh yeah okay um oh scooch so you can stretch out um next experiment stir it to each other's eyes in silence for five minutes i wait i can't with you at that angle eh five minutes are up it's a long ass five minutes it felt kind of short to me i was did it you're looking left right you just couldn't do it i cannot something that i i think we could have done a better job is just before any physical touch or anything ask permission to each other okay yeah you guys good for the last six hours yep all right halfway through okay hello what were we talking about this is what our like third date now technically after six hours with me um what's your impression i think after six hours i can tell that you are very positive you seem fun to be around but that's really it right now okay what about you from what i can tell you just seemed like a genuinely kind person thanks yeah so it's refreshing i don't really have these conversations you know talk about charama really no i bottle that [ __ ] up and just toss it right there do i have any red flags and that's okay you can be honest with me um yeah a couple the fact that you haven't been in like a real long-term relationship [Laughter] still unsure about the video games oh really i feel like maybe you're toning it down a little bit um and general a sense of like not sure again if you want something like serious no i get you that's a it's a pink flag is there like a normal like how many dates does it take before you normally sleep with someone i definitely like to take my time with it totally makes sense oh does that feel better on your back yeah [Music] truth okay um i feel like i'm gonna regret this but dare i don't want to make it too obvious you know like oh i know you to kiss me that's looking super lame you know what i mean yeah hmm switch socks with me for the remainder of the episode okay just one though just one just one your feet are pale i know well the rest of me is pale looking like raw chicken like raw chicken thank you truth give me three reasons why i shouldn't date you i shouldn't date me i'm still a work in progress i still have insecurities that i'm dealing with if i'm having like a really tough day or like a day it's tough in general it's easier for me to shut it out and then kind of ignore therapy i'm going through it slowly i'm doing my own therapy self therapy all right i dare you for us to kiss each other on the lips and then tell the camera and i'll look away whether it was a good kiss or a bad kiss and then we'll just do the same thing i'm going to skip on that one for now okay okay fair enough that was that would be my last year okay that's fair enough do you think you're happy i wouldn't say happy but like i i find happiness in small things what about you um i'm really hard on myself for example i don't celebrate my birthday what i'm just too hard on myself you don't celebrate your birthday never maybe does your family or anybody try to make you celebrate or like no i'm already on my birthday last year oh my gosh did you want anything to drink i would love an alcoholic fish sure oh thank you so much two thirds of the way through let's go eight hours eight hours okay i'm gonna do the thing okay where are you at okay you remind me of someone oh your ex yeah what was the reason you guys broke up again because he's an [ __ ] but that's not why i think you that is not why i think you were like him at all i'm still friends with him so hmm okay well i'll take that with a i'll just take that you know what my favorite insult was when i was younger it was a cum-guzzling [ __ ] waffle ah i like that one waffle soggy waffle you know what that is sorry waffle uh so a group of men are like in a circle have you ever tasted your own cup no that was a very quick no never see i don't believe i got very close to trying like tasting another person's but let me explain this so i was almost in the threesome i was going down like kissing her down all the way from like her boobies or mommy milkers and then all the way down to her stomach and i saw the creek you did not say that the mommy milkers these are so the mommy milkers i was kissing those and went down her stomach and i saw that glossy look or like a liquid looking thing [Music] let me stick for thumb more for now okay whoever wins there's a prize i would gladly take a foot rub i wouldn't no would you would you a hand massage one two three four i declared them more see you can't get my thumb down because if it's ah [Applause] here we go i just need a minute to collect myself okay i'm not really how do you feel about our time here together we're sharing this experience together so that's something that we can definitely bond over with like the relationship compatibility that was tough i think we've gotten really close to one another in the past nine hours more than you can imagine like i don't tell a lot of people that kind of stuff and i'm sure you don't tell a lot of people this kind of stuff one of my life goals which i don't think i'm going to be able to accomplish is to like buy my dad a house no because he grew up poor yeah you know like get him in a comfortable living space and i just don't think that's going to happen it's just something that's just something i think i'm going to fail at i don't know i wouldn't think of that as losing though i don't know if it is [ __ ] you're doing okay yeah i'm all right i'm all right that's it yeah we are at the 10 hour two more hours yeah has your score changed since the past couple hours it's been moving oh it has i won't tell you where that's okay i don't look for the good in people i always see the bad for some reason really i know it's a bad habit and i'm again trying to fix it therapy you know what would you say is wrong with me it seems like you avoid some big stuff and you just just hide it with a little yeah it's like bury it you are a very mature in the sense that you were able to collect fine outlets you're very comfortable with yourself and meaning like being an introvert is more powerful than you think you're very comfortable with yourself you're very self-aware of yourself you know what you like you know what you don't like okay so i'm proud of you thank you god my ass is hurting someone i know oh i don't remember how much time we have left that's okay why are you dying to get out of here no [Music] a okay can i use your lap as a pillow please yeah am i the type of person you would typically sleep with i think at this point in my life where i may be at different different parts of our lives yeah we want different things yeah so the answer is not right now i think a few years ago the answer yeah i missed my chance so basically a couple years back we would have had a time of our life maybe after we leave this box i'm gonna have a little it's like man that's gonna be kind of sad it's like oh man we are talking so much and just kind of like your presence here for 12 hours now it's gonna be missed yeah you know what i mean yeah this doesn't really happen often yeah so it's like now i wanna come home i wanna be like oh i can't just talk to her about something random this is how i know this works i have enjoyed being in the small space and getting to know you i did enjoy getting to know you why why are you laughing there every time i say something serious you laugh and i'm like a coping mechanism for what feeling awkward did i make it off no you didn't make it awkward i will tell you what you telling me i need a therapist i heard it i need to give it a shot no but i heard it i heard you okay see i heard you a new friend yeah met somebody new a genuine connection i think yeah about yourself apparently i need a therapist guess what we did [Applause] if i do it will be on like a friend level i think we'll get some fun friend dates out there and do some fun things out there i believe so [Music] you
Channel: Cut
Views: 7,157,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, party games, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, college, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty
Id: otYupxFlQpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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