Mom Swipes 20 Girls for Her Son | Versus 1

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(ding) (bright bass music) (ding) - [Female Host] So, how are we feeling today? - Excited. I'm, like, kind of nervous for some reason. - First I'm not, but now he make me. - She's not. Hi, my name's Brian, I'm 25, I'm a photographer and videographer here in LA. This is my beautiful mom. - I'm Cindy. I'm a nail salon owner. I'm very happy to come today for the show. - Yeah, she is, yeah. - And hopefully I pick one. Make Brian happy. - [Female Host] Mom, what are you going to be looking for today, in the girls? - Kind first, and very nice, and been positive in life. Beautiful from in and out. - I think I trust her, yeah. (bouncy drum beat) (ding) (ding) (ding) - Oh my God, they're so cute. There's already so many. (ding) (low pitched tone) (ding) (low pitched tone) - My mom kind of swiped right on everyone. I don't think she's ever even heard of a dating app. So, she's like, "everyone's so nice, keep going." So that was really fun to watch. (low pitched tone) (ding) (low pitched tone) (ding) (ding) (low pitched tone) (low pitched tone) (ding) (low pitched tone) (ding) (ding) (ding) (ding) (ding) (low pitched tone) - [Female Host] Mom, you kept a lot of people. - I love them all! (crowd laughs) All right but, only one I have to pick for the final. - Yep, good luck. (crowd laughs) (energetic piano music) All right, ready? - So, let's do like this. - Okay. (camera clicks) (crowd laughs) - [Female Host] Mom, left or right? (ding) - I'm going, like, cute, so like- - Cute. - Face me. - Okay. - Touch me, or, can we touch? - Can we touch? Sure, all right, so, cute. (camera clicks) - My heart's pounding. - Oh, same. (low pitched tone) (crowd laughs) - Damn. - Can we do like a side hug thing? - Side hug? - And then, like- - Like hover hands? - Yeah, like, well, like, like that. (camera clicks) (crowd laughs) (ding) - We're at an event, we're just, like, "Oh, camera." Hi, camera. - Oh, camera, hi. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay. (camera clicks) (ding) - So I was wondering if I could actually Titanic you. Just on our arms back a little bit. ("My Heart Will Go On" music) (camera clicks) (ding) - Nice, nice. - So, I'm, like, short, so would you be down to piggy back ride? - Sure. - Woo! (crowd laughs) (camera clicks) (low pitched tone) (crowd laughs) - Okay. (camera clicks) (low pitched tone) (crowd laughs) - Like a dinner and a cheersing. - Okay. - Cheers. (camera clicks) (ding) - Going through, like, a field- - Oh, yes. - One, two, three. (camera clicks) (crowd laughs) (low pitched tone) - Get low. - Exactly, there you go. (camera clicks) (low pitched tone) - So I kind of figured that we could just skip ahead a little bit. - Okay. Could you get down on one knee? (organ music) (crowd laughs) - Can't say no. (camera clicks) - Oh my God, yes! (ding) (crowd laughs) - Three, two, one - Three, two, one. (camera clicks) (ding) - Okay. - Go like this? (camera clicks) (ding) - Maybe we could do something to look like sidekicks. - You're like the hero. (kazoo music) - Okay. - I'll be the sidekick. - Okay, perfect. - All right? (camera clicks) (crowd laughs) (ding) - [Female Host] Good job, Mom. - I tried my best. (crowd laughs) (playful music) - Hi. - Hi. - I'm Charlotte. - Nice to meet you. I'm Fabiola. - Nice to meet you. - My name's Kirsten. I'm super nervous. - She's friendly, it's okay. - How are you doing? - I'm good, thank you. (Jeri laughs) - Go ahead and ask her. - Tell me a little bit about you. - So, my name is Xenia. I'm originally from Russia but I moved to Austria and now I'm here. So I've been moving a lot. I'm originally from Washington state, so I love the outdoors. - I go to Cal State Fullerton. I'm studying mechanical engineering with an art minor. I made these shoes, these are custom shoes. - Wow. - Whoa. - It's like my frat 'cause I'm in an engineering fraternity. - [Brian] Oh yeah. - I am also the president of the fashion club at my school. - Wow, that's really cool. - And then I'm very athletic and I like working out and like going on adventures. - I can tell. (Cindy and Fabiola laugh) - Thanks. - I'm a creative person, so I love painting, I love art, drawing, playing guitar, and I love sports too. - What kind of sport do you like? - Basketball. - Yes. - Who's your team? - Ooh, that's a tough one right now. - There's only one right answer. - Really? - Yeah. - I'm gonna say Warriors. - Yeah, okay! - Okay. - Where's your hometown? - Oh, my hometown? San Jose. I don't know, are you Vietnamese? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, There's a lot of Vietnamese people there. - Yeah. I have relative live in San Jose. - Oh yeah, It's really nice. It's similar to Phu Quoc Dao. - Yeah, yeah. - Oh, you're Vietnamese? - Mm-hmm. - [Brian] Okay. - Oh. - [Estelle] Yeah. - I love music and music festivals and concerts. - What was your last concert? - I just went to Coachella actually. - I was there too. - Awesome. Weekend one or weekend two? - Both. - You went both weekends? - I had to work there, so that's why I was there. - Oh my God. - What's your plan for after you've done school and you're going to do the design? - When I graduate, I plan doing like engineering, like solar panels and stuff. After I get enough experience with that, I'll just start designing my own products and then I'll have like a clothing line on the side too. So- - Busy. - Stuff like that. - Yeah, got a lot going on. - Yeah. - Entrepreneur stuff. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Very good, business minded. How many relationships do you have before in the past? - I've had two, like, serious relationships. One actually was with a woman and I broke up with her a little while ago. We were just both not mentally stable to be taking care of each other in a relationship, so we're both better now. (Brian and Lola laugh) - Oh my God. - Are you uncomfortable? - No. - No, I'm not. - It's good to know. - I'm just waiting for her to ask something. - No, very nice to tell me about that. Your honest to tell you- - Yeah, yeah. - About the past. Yeah, I like that. - Thank you, thank you. Yeah, I like to be honest. That's important. - Yeah, that's good. - Yeah, good. - Are you ready to date? - Who? (Jeri laughs) - In, like, not, okay, in general, in general. Yeah, that was like, that sounded crazy. Not like that. - I mean, yeah. If someone is, you know. - Oh my God. If someone worthy enters the scenario, which they haven't, but we'll see. (lighthearted guitar music) - Thank you. (low pitched tone) - I picked her. - [Female Host] Oh you liked her? - Yeah, yeah. (ding) - Keep this side? - Yeah, keep is this way. - Oh. (ding) (ding) - Thank you. (ding) (ding) - Thank you, it was nice meeting you. - Yeah, very nice. Thank you. (ding) - Bye. - Thank you. - [Female Host] Left or right? - Oh, I forgot again, I'm sorry. Yeah. (ding) - Right? - Right, right. - Okay. - Yeah. (ding) - Okay. - Okay, nice meeting you guys. (ding) - Nice to meet you, yeah. - [Female Host] So how was that? - You okay? - Yeah. - Brian, are you okay? - It was all right. - [Female Host] So, Mom, is there anything you wanna say to the girls before we pick? - That you are all so beautiful and if I don't you other does not mean I don't like you. I still like you a lot, but I cannot get all. This time my heart pound. (crowd laughs) - How was it? - Good. - Good. - I'm curious. - I picked this one because she was left minded, you know. - Oh yeah, you love that. - Creating, artist, yeah. Artists to me, and then about fashion. - Yeah, yeah. - You know, we love fashion, right? - Yeah. - That's why. - She always said, like, if she had a daughter, she would take her shopping nonstop. 'Cause she loves fashion. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Female Host] Love it. - Yeah. (crowd laughs) - We got it. (smooth techno music) - Hi. - Hi. Hi, how are you doing? - I'm good, how are you? - What was your name again? - Fabiola. - Fabiola, okay. - Were you surprised? - I had, like, no idea. So, it's like, this is awesome. - Cool. (Brian and Fabiola laugh) - Great pick. Yeah, for sure. - Do you like it? Like, do you like- - I mean. (crowd laughs) - [Cindy] I think I picked the one I like more than him. I'm sorry, my son. - Oh my God. - Hi babe. - Family hug. - You happy, babe? - I'm happy. - Family hug, family hug. - You're happy, good. - She said "fashion and business" and I saw my mom, like, lit up. But she's great, she seems really cool. - [Female Host] Is she who you would've selected for yourself after today? - Probably not, but I'm open to anything. She's super creative. I'm super creative too. I love to chat, see where it goes, so. - You said you like to shop? - I do. - She has, like, 10 closets. - Because since back home I was a dress maker when I was very young. Work, I always dress up. I always, you know. - Yeah. - Customers say, "I never see you wear the same thing for 17, 20 years," you know?
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 2,726,267
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Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, Jubilee Ranking, Jubilee dating, Jubilee mom picks date for son, mom chooses son's date, mom chooses girl for son, mama's boy, mom son, jubilee dating, jubilee dating mom, swiping girls for son, jubilee swiping, swipe left, swipe right, Mom Swipes 20 Girls for Her Son | Versus 1
Id: uh3nNX9BZ3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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