10 Weirdest Things Nintendo Switch Hackers Have Done

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the Nintendo switch is the best console to run Windows XP on yeah you heard me in fact you can also trick it into downloading the Android OS and basically transform it into a high-end tablet of course those hacks will probably tick off Nintendo if they catch you doing it but you can just bypass the switches region lock and stay in the clear in this video I'm gonna highlight all the cool tricks and workaround that hackers have discovered in the Nintendo switch this is the perfect place to start if you're looking to get more out of the portable console and by the end of this video I'm sure you'll be a switch acker in the making the first hack goes beyond just fiddling with the switch and involves hacking Nintendo as a company back in 2016 individuals got their hands on a Nintendo employees work credentials and got into the company's private servers this happened only a few months before the launch of the switch and these individuals leaked everything Nintendo had in store for the system on the other hand releasing Nintendo's roadmap was beneficial to consumers as it helped them decide when they should buy a switch on the other hand these individuals leaked private information possibly hurt Nintendo as a company and were prosecuted for doing so these hackers even went so far as to point out other vulnerabilities in Nintendo's networks so that other folks could exploit them yeah I can't wholeheartedly endorse what those hackers did but it's still pretty impressive sadly nowadays there's so many switch leaks and rumors flying around that it's almost impossible for us to say what the company actually has in store except for the switch Pro I'm fairly confident that it's eventually gonna be a thing you should probably check out our short video on it when most people think about adding a little personality to their switch they default to stickers or uniquely colored joy cons some crafty and nostalgic gamers go above and beyond though and turn their switch charging dock into a Gamecube Reddit user littlewolf one to eight went above and beyond by transforming the fairly bland switch charging dock into the classic Nintendo console by hollowing out a switch dock and the Gamecube they were able to turn the shell of the older console into a fully functional Nintendo switch dock even the gamecube controller Jack front work as there's enough room left over to add them in it's all a very snug package for those of you interested in something similar there are other builds online the best part is that a Gamecube doesn't necessarily have to perish in the making of the accessory there are other more aesthetic focused options available which is great because not everyone is on board for sawing through their childhood console to add a little more glam to their switch so this next hack is one that you definitely should not do but I'll tell you about it anyway there have been sporadic reports of people's a Nintendo accounts getting hacked and the hackers buying hundreds of dollars worth of games on the Nintendo eShop since a lot of people store their credit card or PayPal information on Nintendo's Network all hacker needs to do is figure out the email tied to a Nintendo ID and the password thankfully Nintendo is pretty good about refunding people under these circumstances if they contact Nintendo's help line credit card companies are notorious for hassling people over refunds and PayPal unfortunately isn't any better really this is just another great reason as to why you shouldn't store your payment info any storefronts checkout system if you are worried about someone lifting your financial info off of your Nintendo account don't fret too much you can remove a saved payment method pretty easily and then tend to accounts getting breached are also pretty rare occurrences and it's easy to prove that you didn't actually buy the specific games still it's better to be safe than sorry with information that's sensitive the Nintendo switch is far from the most powerful piece of gaming hardware on the market which makes it perfect for running less powerful operating systems case in point Windows XP homebrew user alfonso dingo torres while gary was able to get Windows XP running on his switch after first installing Linux from there he was able to virtualize the switches Hardware using QEMU and added Windows XP to the gaming system all in all this process only took them about 6 hours on my switch you might be asking well there isn't really a good answer to that after all it's much easier to install better operating systems on to the portable gaming system still though it's impressive that someone was able to manipulate the switch into running an obsolete OS that it was never actually meant to oh wait sorry Windows XP has minesweeper also solitaire and space-cadet 3d pinball No make all this effort worthwhile even if it does mean you won't be able to play any other games on your switch speaking of playing unexpected games on the switch you could do just that by adding an Android ROM to the console this process is actually super easy thanks to the switch using SD cards as external memory if you install the Android ROM onto an SD card and insert it into your switch you can trick it into thinking the ROM is an Nvidia shield app after that it's just a matter of downloading and uploading the ROM and then you should be able to play nearly the entire Android library on your switch fair warning though you do need to name and format files in a specific way for this to work so you probably want to use a guide if you're gonna go through with it while the switch does have a pretty great library of games it's always nice having more options the switch is more or less a high-end tablet anyway and this makes it perfect to play Android mobile games although with how things usually go for the switch a lot of those titles probably would have ended up on the portable console before too long anyway why stop at just Android programs though why not make it as though your switch can run any program that it's physically able to to do this you'd have to jailbreak your switch which essentially just means removing the restraints that only let the system run authorized programs you usually hear about people doing this to their phones but it can also be done by the switch although this is a bit more complicated and comes in different forms the easiest way to jailbreak your switch is to remove the programming that keeps you from playing pirate it games there are a bunch of different guys for this online but this process can vary depending on the version of the switches OS that's currently in your system it should be noted though that jailbreaking your switch falls into a pretty murky legal gray area if you want to try this out proceed at your own risk and don't expect Nintendo or a retailer to ever let you trade your switch back in no not even for store credit they could probably still sell the joint cons for a decent chunk of change on the more legal side of things and an idea that Nintendo should totally embrace you can print a one-handed joke on setup right now from engineer Julio and wreak a reto Vasquez this 3d printed device lets you use a full joi con controller setup with one hand while there are a lot of ways to play switch games all of them require two hands even using a single joy con as a controller requires the use of two hands that have a full range of motion this makes it almost impossible for gamers suffering from an injury to play most switch games this is doubly true for other abled folks who have trouble playing with traditional controllers making games more accessible has been a major conversation in the gaming industry for the past few years with the exception of Microsoft though most major gaming companies haven't made too much progress on this front that's why it's so inspiring to see someone create their own solution to this persistent problem seriously Nintendo make the right call embrace this tech and probably offer vasquez a job making more stuff like this for you it's the right thing to do speaking of Nintendo and 3d printing you can expand your lab ou experience by 3d printing new cards to use in the lab Oh piano cards used in the lab of piano all represent a waveform that the lab Oh piano software turns into audio however the system is smart enough to recognize and create audio for cards not from the bass lab Oh set this means that so long as a 3d printed card has the right dimensions it is made from a readable material people can make their own audio cards for the lab Oh piano Hunter Irving is leading this front and created a template for others to create their own unique audio cards even by the standards of this video this is a pretty neat Shack still though it's impressive how many people are able to bend and stretch even Nintendo's ancillary gaming peripherals there are already stories about people modding the power glove so it probably won't take too long before someone does something cool with the Virtual Boy either as long as Nintendo keeps putting out weird stuff people will find a way to make it their own and have fun in the process if you didn't know already its astonishingly easy to break the Nintendo switches region lock all you need to do is set up a new profile in your Nintendo switch and set the profile to a region of your choice like Japan or the United Kingdom from there you can access that regions versions of the eShop and download whatever titles are exclusive to that region this trick even works for physical versions of switch games and lets you play whatever switch game you want wherever you want well so long as you know how to speak the popular language of that region you see a lot of switch games aren't localized until they hit international markets so while you can technically play a game like persona 5 scramble right now you probably won't understand most of what's happening unless you speak and read Japanese if so kudos fear for being multilingual everyone else will need to wait for the localization process to finish to get the full experience these games though still though if you want to check out a game before it can break out of Japan's clutches this is one of the easiest ways to do so if you want to surf the web without jailbreaking your switch or downloading a new operating system there's a solution that'll keep you in Nintendo's good books there's actually a hidden web browser in the Nintendo switch you can access after some fiddling around it's best to use a guide but basically all you have to do is manipulate the DNS field and Wi-Fi on your switch to get into a Google search from there the whole internet is yours to explore at the palm of your hand the switches lack of forward-facing web browser is odd and frustrating while Nintendo has never been great about utilizing online features in their hardware this is strange even by their standards the switches may be the best portable device ever made and most people expect to be able to browse the internet on them still with all that the switch does right it's hard to get too upset about what turned out to be a pretty forgettable feature with all these incredible switch hacks it seems like only a matter of time before someone makes more PC games playable on the system which of these hacks did you like the best in which future ones would you like to see please let us know in the comments section below and remember to like and subscribe to the gamer for more insights into console hacking coming soon thanks for watching we'll see you next time you
Channel: TheGamer
Views: 826,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Switch, Switch Lite, Switch Hacks, Switch Tips, Region Lock, Jailbreak, Switch Games, GameCube, Nintendo eShop, Nintendo Labo, Joy-Cons, Joy-Con Drift, TheGamer, The Gamer
Id: 3qTADl6bznU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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