10 Things You Didn't Know Your Nintendo 3DS Could Do

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By now owners of Nintendo 3DS Systems are aware of most of the games and features the system has to offer they may also be aware of a few extra tricks included on the 3DS But they certainly can't be aware of all of them here are 10 hidden features on the Nintendo 3DS That players might not know before we get into these Nintendo 3DS Features be sure to hit that subscribe button and ring that bell to stay up to date with fresh content from the gamer (INTRO) No 10. Hidden Games. Nintendo is pretty well known for including secret levels in their games, especially when it comes to the Mario franchise so it's no surprise that they would include a couple of hidden games on their 3Ds systems as well a gamer in Japan Found the First hidden game when they decided to play the mario theme on their 3Ds They opened the browser and tapped in the first six notes of the famous theme from Super Mario Brothers players are then treated to a breakout game clone that they can play for those not familiar? Breakout was a popular arcade game back in 1976 players would use a ball to knock down as many bricks as possible with the highest score to date being 896 Points if the game seems Unimpressive keep in mind It was created by Steve Bristol Nolan Bushnell and Steve Wozniak another game That's more overlooked than hidden is Game & Watch Soccer for Older Nintendo Fans They may remember a time when the company created a series of Handheld electronic games If a player pulls the blue string in the middle of the screen when they're on the 3Ds music player screen they'll be treated to A variety of visualizations while most people may think these animations are simply a way to watch the music They're actually playable games! No. 9, Ok Go. Everyone at some point is guilty of putting off a system update once in a while unfortunately It's a necessary Evil if the user wants to ensure their system is running smoothly perhaps Nintendo wanted to encourage users to keep their system up to date when they included this easter egg going to the system settings players can Select the system update option and the 3DS will go online and begin downloading and installing the latest system update. It'll also start downloading something else as well. Players will be treated to a 3D and 2d version of the white Knuckles music video by the band ok go Yeah, the treadmill guys. There's no real explanation for why this music video is included with the up It's possible the band wanted a new avenue to explore their innovative music videos after all that's kind of what they're known for Nevertheless players are gifted this video whether they like it or not if a player wants to keep the video They should be aware that the video will Self-destruct after installing a new system update since the video was already released about a full year earlier No one really knows why this self-destructing video was offered with the system update in the first place, maybe Nintendo Just wanted to try something new number 8 tour the louvre Nintendo is often known for trying new things even if their attempts are sometimes unsuccessful they still continue to push ahead in order to innovate the video game industry their Determination to be at the top of their game is admirable enough to set them apart from other video game companies Korean air decided to try something different Themselves in 2012 they sponsored a program at the loop where museum attendees could utilize a special 3Ds as a sort of interactive tour guide Nintendo helped out as well by donating five thousand handheld systems to the museum using the 3DS Attendees have three different options for exploring the loop the masterpiece tour guides attendees through the works of art with audio Commentary and ensures museum goers don't wander off their course Attendees can also use the must-see tour or the interactive map each option comes with commentary in multiple languages Unfortunately some users reported the program did not keep up to date with the ever-changing Museum which could pose problems for attendees for the most part it appears as though users were pleasantly surprised with the ease of use whether Or not this type of technology in a museum will catch on is anyone's guess number 7 Import mieze one of the most fun aspects of playing on the wii U is being able to create meet some players spend hours either Creating these who look just like them or creating entirely unique mieze either way most players are pretty attached to their mieze since they've spent So much time customizing them it's to be expected 3Ds Owners can also create mieze on their handheld systems as well the setup for creating these on the 3Ds is essentially the same but what if a player wanted to keep the meet they've already created on their Wii u Fortunately Nintendo Obviously thought of this conundrum and created a way for players to bring their Wii Yumi's over to their 3Ds to import already Established me's all players Have to do is enter the Mii maker menu from they can access the me channel We option the 3Ds will then transfer to me over from the Wii U players can also generate qr Codes to share their me's - there are other systems through email or with other friends for players obsessed with creating and sharing their me's the 3DS offers the perfect option to do so number 6 home menu most owners of A 3Ds are aware of some of the little tricks Included on the system nintendo always seems to find a way to add something extra to their gameplay one popular method for the 3DS is The use of the microphone for something other than listening some players have already discovered How nintendo integrates the use of the microphone and many 3Ds titles for instance players can blow out? Torches or blow bubbles in Game by Blowing into the 3DS Microphone of course the results of blowing into the microphone varies from game to game and some games may not utilize this function at all Nevertheless the inclusion of this feature is an attempt on Nintendo's park to try something new with their gameplay and for the most part it Works while on the 3Ds home screen users can blow into the microphone and the logo will spin Several users have noted that some game logos do different things if they blow into the microphone some of the logos may spin around entirely other logos may have the characters near the logo spin around while the logo stays static while basically Nonsensical it's still a fun trick to try once or twice number 5 there's Some players may not be aware of the augmented reality games available for the 3DS Every system came equipped with several games and cards which were to be used in conjunction with the ar games there are also several other Games players can unlock as well these titles include games like archery mini golf fishing and me picks Some of these games can be unlocked by beating other ar games while some need to be paid for with play coins one ar game available on the Handheld system is globe in Globe players can view a model of the world and their Location on it players can make the Earth bigger or smaller and they can explore different Continents one feature of the game allows players to throw a ball at the globe by pressing the a button if the globe is hit with balls enough times It'll turn red if a player hits it with even more balls the global eventually Explode and the 3Ds. Will issue a warning about taking care of the planet after that if players want to play globe again? They'll have to purchase it from the store for one play coin It's certainly a strange way to remind players to look after the year number for cuckoo They're strange addition to the ar games available in the 3DS Is the clock game less of a game and more of an unnecessary feature clock is swell a clock to be more specific? it's an augmented reality Cuckoo clock that displays the time like most clocks this cuckoo clock has an hour hand minute hand and a Secondhand what else does this clock do aside from keeping players punctual? Well if players press the a button a cuckoo bird will appear from inside the clock and sometimes it will be replaced by a head The difference between them is the hen will make barking sounds which is more in line with actual chickens obviously while this feature may seem somewhat pointless there is one more thing the cuckoo bird can do if a player gets too close to the bird while pressing the a button the Cuckoo will pop out and crack the user's screen Virtually of course if a player does this multiple times the cuckoo will crack the screen more until it eventually explodes Once this is done the Cuckoo bird will turn black and won't be able to break the screen again until the clock feature has exited Although this feature is somewhat. Odd it might be fun to see in at least one number three helpful, Pikmin Nintendo Always goes the extra mile to include fun and exciting easter eggs and nearly everything they do there are also fans of including fan favorite characters and Crossovers, whether it's the Super Smash brothers? Franchise bringing characters together for a fight or including pictures of Mario in a zelda game nintendo loves to bring their brand together as often As possible it also seems like players love the idea of Nintendo Crossovers and perhaps have come to expect it if a player decides to perform a system transfer between their 3d s and another Nintendo system They'll be treated to another crossover Anyone familiar with the Pikmin games will immediately recognize the little leaf headed characters who appear on screen during a system transfer these tiny characters? Are often helpful in games? so it makes sense that they're called in to help during a transfer as well after all they're used to carting around large items to Help out during the transfer users Can watch the tiny Pikmin carry their files from one system to the other it's adorable for sure but not Necessarily practical Perhaps Nintendo wanted to find a way to entertain users while they deal with the tedious. Task of a system transfer number 2 gyroscope photos the Nintendo 3Ds includes a camera users can utilize to take photos or video the 3DS is also capable of taking 3D photos by using the two cameras on the back of the system as opposed to using the single camera on the Front this is especially fun for users who want to try out all the features they can the three? Yes camera also has some special features users Can explore one feature is the capability to use the camera on a timer some users may like the stop-motion? aspect which uses photos and merges them into a video then there are the special graphics that users can apply to their photos such as Sparkles which can be applied by blowing into the microphone on the 3Ds. The Gyroscopes on the 3Ds makes these graphics even more interesting while moving the 3DS around the graphics will fall or move according to the rules Of gravity turn the 3Ds on its side and the graphics will ship to accommodate gravity according to the gyroscopes That's pretty impressive considering. This is a handheld system It shows that Nintendo put more thought into their camera features and simple overlay graphics number one favorite color Nintendo users love creating me's whether those me's match the player or are an amalgamation of different features Drawn straight from a gamers? Imagination creating these is simply fun this is probably due to the diversity in me choices and the different results players can get while creating their me's when players create their Me on the Nintendo 3DS They're asked what their favorite color is players may have noticed that this causes their me sure to change to their favorite color while this Is a nice change most people probably think that this has no effect on anything else regarding the 3DS Actually the color of amis shirt does cause a change in the gameplay on the 3DS Most specifically it relates to streetpass quests depending on which color a player chooses as their favorites their street Task quests may have different conditions or magic which can be used in battle for example a red shirt would unleash fire magic during a player's quest a light blue shirt color can Unleash freezing Magic every shirt color has different abilities to use in the street pass quest the fact that Nintendo went so far as to Give different shirt colors different abilities as impressive it just goes to show that they care even about the smallest detail in every game So did you already know your 3DS had a hidden game? Did you discover a 3d a secret? We may have missed let us know in the comments and as always don't forget to check out our playlist. Thanks for watching
Channel: TheGamer
Views: 4,302,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10, List, Fun, Funny, Family, Kids, Friends, Video, Movies, Popular, Entertaining, Entertainment, Video games, Games, Glitches, Glitch, Hidden, Secrets, Boss, Super Mario Bros, Pokemon, Nintendo, 3DS, Wii U, Miis, OK Go, Breakout, Soccer, The Louvre, Pikmin, Easter Egg
Id: S0pFhpWGGAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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