The UNTOLD TRUTH About The Nintendo Switch

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the switch has been a huge success for Nintendo and is their big comeback into the gaming world after the disappointment that was the Wii U while the Nintendo switch has style and a pretty impressive library of games the console does have some secrets and untold truths fans likely have no clue about if it's your first time visiting us be sure to hit that subscribe button to stay up to date with the gamer and ring that bell to become a part of our notification squad so you never miss a video but before we get into some of the untold truths about the Nintendo switch have you ever seen our friends over a crafty hackers they'll teach you about all the awesome things you could do with everyday objects so check them out without further ado here are some untold truths about the Nintendo switch burying the Wii U Nintendo has always been all about innovation and delivering unique concepts the NES and SNES helped lead the way for newer and better consoles like the n64 game cube and eventually the wheel while Nintendo kept from rolling out hits they never expected to run into problems with the release of the Wii U unfortunately the Wii U's stumbled upon release is not one of Nintendo's finer creations with the release of the switch the company not only aimed at getting people to go back to the company but they're trying to rewrite the whole history of the Wii U a number of switch games are simply ports of Wii U games with updated graphics and better features the switch represents the company's chance on a do-over and many gamers didn't even get to try these games the first time around when they were released on the Wii U near the launch of the switch games like Mario Kart 8 and pokken tournament DX were released for the console later on games like rayman legends definitive edition and Donkey Kong Country tropical freeze made their way to the switch these games work just cheap ways for Nintendo to make money they effectively made the Wii U obsolete and allowed more players to focus on the new system from now on people will be asking Wii U who when it comes to talking about Nintendo consoles browsing the web just like the original Wii the Nintendo switch was developed purely as a gaming platform while the ps4 and Xbox one promote themselves as Home Media solutions with things like blu-ray players Netflix streaming and live TV options the switch chose to take a different path while offering Hulu the console is still a dedicated gaming system with a ton of emphasis put on playing games this concept also applies to built-in browsers even though there's no Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to explore you still have the option of accessing Facebook through a neat little trick built into the switch in the system menu click on the link to connect your Facebook account once Facebook loads all of the links on the bottom of the page will work if you click them check out your news feed visit Facebook pages and chat with friends directly on the switch navigation may be a little tough but you'll find your way around one of the coolest features is the ability to access video posts on Facebook the video links play smoothly and offer great quality for anything you click to play it's probably not worth your time to go on Facebook too much but it's a fun little trick to show off to your friends lock screen noises Easter eggs have always been a part of Nintendo's history and it's no different with the switch some of the more clever Easter eggs found within the Nintendo console include sound effects when you're locked out of the switch you have to tap three buttons to reach the home screen or the previous screen you are on when topping the basic input buttons you'll hear basic beeps but if you explore some of the other options you'll be in for a nice tree Nintendo engineers have programmed each button to create a different sound effect if you use them to unlock the switch the CL button sounds like a light tapping on a drum symbol with the volume blasted up try your hand and tapping the Zr button it sounds like like an old-school bike horn and is definitely a fun way to annoy everyone in the house the special sound effects built into the switch are nothing new for the company the little Easter egg and association with the Z buttons is actually a classic Halbach to the Nintendo GameCube on the Gamecube Start screen players could use the Z button to create different sound effects like a child's laugh or a character yelling out Yahoo the key to unlocking those was by pressing multiple controllers at the same time bargain-priced console when the Nintendo switch first launched it was stuck with the price tag of $300 US with tax on it on hangover 300 bucks for a gaming console is no small chunk of change and many players complained at the high price the system came with one controller but there was no packaged game like previous consoles had so not only would you have to pay the $300 but you had to purchase a $60 game on top of it while it seems like an expensive price adjustments to inflation and comparisons have revealed that the switch is the third cheapest console of all time even though players initially complained about the launch price they quickly realized the hybrid nature of the console was worth it why buy a separate 3ds when the switch allows you to play at home and on the go Nintendo was smart by luring people in with a lower price then both the Xbox and ps4 once people owned it they actually feel like they have some extra cash now to spend on games and accessories with Nintendo switch on law and launching for only $20 a year people will start giving up other game passes to jump on the Nintendo bandwagon and enjoy the switch for a cheap starting price Nintendo switched commercials Marketing goes a long way when it comes to gaming and Nintendo made a lot of smart decisions when it came to promoting the switch not only did the company purchase their first Super Bowl spot ever but they targeted Millennials who may use the console while at home hanging out with friends or on the go while the commercials are catchy and features some top games they also have hidden secrets in them as you see gamer's use the switch outdoors or in other locations all of the on-screen content is actually rendered later you aren't looking at real-life gameplay captured in the street the commercials have to impose footage for a number of different reasons and one of them is production-wise when shooting indoors lights glares and angles make it nearly impossible to see the screen properly footage has to be superimposed another reason is that the games may not be completely ready for the console yet early as showcased The Legend of Zelda breath of the wild well before the release date naturally if the game wasn't console ready the actors couldn't play it live for the cameras at the time take these commercials with a grain of salt and get your hands on an actual switch to understand the true playing experience becoming obsolete in the world of video games binding competition with other consoles is only natural and has been a part of the world ever since the 80s while Nintendo used to leave the pack back in the day companies like Microsoft and Sony have really stepped up to create dynamic gaming experiences the Xbox one X and ps4 Pro both feature 4k gaming state-of-the-art graphics and amazing processors to help run games with the Xbox and ps4 already out on the market the switch had a few extra years of development to get ahead of them but in a bold move Nintendo chose to step back and not worry about matching their gaming specifications without worrying about being the fastest and best Nintendo could focus on other elements like innovative games and their patented hybrid technology they essentially released a console which would be considered obsolete when compared to modern technology but it doesn't matter games like Super Mario Odyssey and breadth of the wild feature great graphics which look crisp and clean both on the big screen and on the handheld version of the console Nintendo chose to avoid 4k competition and in a world where retro graphics and games like Minecraft are the norm they understood exactly how to reach gamers tiny cartridges after converting to disks for the GameCube Wii and Wii U Nintendo shifted gears for the switch and went back to their roots by releasing games on cartridges the move only made sense because the cartridges were essential for the portable mode of the switch Nintendo 3ds players were already used to the small cartridges anyway and their use helped speed up loading times in a number of games because of the small nature of the cartridges Nintendo understands how they can be a choking hazard and something they don't want players to put anywhere near their mouths to help prevent this each game cartridge is covered in a bitter ant solution known as denatonium benzoate not only does this solution prevent young children from placing the cartridges in their mouth but it prevents pets from trying to swallow the small games as well the smart move on Nintendo's part will help stop many disasters and as a nice safety feature built into their games for some really bad game releases not only does the game look bad and play bad but it tastes bad as well thankfully even if you do own cartridges most switch games are available digitally making the whole cartridge Fiasco an afterthought switch menu options the base menu of the switch is simple easy to navigate and features large icons ideal for both the doc and handheld mode besides the base menu with the bright white background there are some extra options built into the console to completely change the way you navigate and see your home screen building a game collection is done easily thanks to digital downloads and a lot of great options for players once you've reached to the magic number of 13 games or apps your home screen menu will come with a completely different option by scrolling all the way to the right of the screen you have the option of expanding the menu to a grid mode instead of just the vertical line in the grid mode you can easily navigate through the large library of games this feature is great once you've surpassed 20 games and have a ton of different options to choose from another menu option to select from is a dark mode the white background on the switch menu is extremely bright especially if you're using the switch in hand by changing the background to the darker mode you have the ability to have a screen that doesn't hurt your eyes and saves you a little battery power along the way pro controller Easter Egg one of the more innovative things about the Nintendo switch is the ability to use a variety of different controllers the console already comes with two wireless joi cons which can be used three different ways but those are not the only options the switch also has the ability to be played with a pro controller and a Nintendo GameCube controller among other things on a tag price of around $70 u.s. the pro controller is a pretty big investment and Nintendo is seemingly aware of this not only did the controller designers go out of their way to create a fast and comfortable controller but they included a small Easter Egg for gamers to enjoy printed directly on the components inside the controller is a small message that reads thanks to all game fans while some people completely took apart their controller to read the message you really don't have to break open the expensive device to find the message simply pull down the right analog stick and angle the controller the right way to see the message through the controller it was brilliantly placed by the designers and is a fun message to be discovered if you weren't already spoiled by it who knows what other secrets and hidden messages Nintendo has included in other pieces of their hardware enjoy con gaming the joy Collins on the switch can be used in so many ways and have added a lot of versatility to the console using a single joy con horizontally has allowed for more multiplayer games and is great for a number of classic games the way these controllers can act is through bluetooth technology giving them stable connections with a good amount of range built into them what Nintendo doesn't reveal to its gamers is that the joy con controllers can also connect to a number of other devices thanks to their Bluetooth capabilities not only can you connect to your switch but Android phones and tablets may also linked directly to the joy cars this means that the small joy con controller can help serve as a great portable controller for apps like minecraft or grand theft auto vice city action games on Android make a huge difference when using a controller and the joy cons feature a great analog stick along with a number of input options button mapping with the joy con is pretty simple and automatically done in several cases along with Android phones the joint cons can be connected to pcs with Bluetooth technology and a number of mock products as well though we hope you enjoyed uncovering the truths about the Nintendo switch and now you should uncover some fun by checking out our friends over at crafty hackers if you like crafts and DIYs you should definitely check them out they have this awesome video about how you could turn everyday objects into amazing toys make sure you check them out and leave them a like click in the corner to watch and there you have it what secrets surprised you the most is there anything that we missed let us know in the comments section below and don't forget to subscribe to the gamer for more videos just like this one thanks for watching
Channel: TheGamer
Views: 737,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 0918, TheGamer, Nintendo, nintendo switch, nintendo switch secrets, nintendo dark secrets, nintendo switch things you didnt know, nintendo switch top 10, nintendo switch untold truth, untold truth about nintendo, nintendo darkest secrets, nintendo dark truth, nintendo switch things they dont want you to know, nintendo switch wii u
Id: RmNVBg2w3Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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