10 WEIRD Gaming Stories of April 2021

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the world of gaming is weird every month game ranks puts together the weirdest stuff that's happened because we love to gawk hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks the weird gaming stories of april 2021 starting off with number 10 police found a nintendo switch in the park and you might think the first instinct was ah how do we find the owner and when you think oh well that wasn't their first instinct you probably think did the police steal a nintendo switch well they did neither of those things immediately and i don't think this qualifies as stealing at all unless you talk about like stealing the show what they did you see is they beat all the high scores in all of the games and then found the owner of the nintendo switch and gave it back to them now this was in bountiful utah which is i mean good on the police department there for not taking the nintendo switch and just enjoying it forever beating all your high scores before they return the switch the 300 thing you left in the park that's that's a bit much guys come on leave the switch owner with some kind of dignity which is brutal guys at number nine the director of day is gone in a very i don't know i'm gonna call this like not savvy to the culture of video gaming answer to a question he decided that he was going to blame cheap gamers for if daysgone doesn't get a sequel which by the way is up in the air it's not something that we know is going to happen or isn't he doesn't actually have any effect on whether or not it gets a sequel either he left the studio so yeah so anyways he said this specifically i do have an opinion on something your audience may find of interest and it might piss some of them off if you love a game buy it at effing full price i can't tell you how many times i've seen gamers say yeah i got that on sale i got it through ps plus whatever he basically acted as though this is the reason why the game won't get a sequel if it doesn't that the game didn't make enough money which i mean given that it was published by sony interactive entertainment and that bend studio the developer is actually owned by sony computer entertainment keeping in mind it was a ps exclusive developed by a company sony owned it's not that's not the reason it's not gonna not get a sequel to be frank first party titles are always gonna be for pushing the sony brand and that's why ps plus exists so i'm sorry you're wrong do they like making money sure but those types of games are kind of an investment in their own platforms and like just basically blatantly taking a dump on people for not spending more money for a game when like people don't have like infinite money like i'm sorry we don't all have director salaries you know but whatever at number eight brazil might actually start fining developers and publishers seven hundred thousand dollars for including loot box mechanics in their games now the objective is to completely ban loot boxes from the country of brazil which good on brazil i gotta say that another thing that came out in april was some more studies that linked loot boxes to problem gambling showing that somewhere in the neighborhood of five percent of gamers generate just above half of the revenue from loot boxes which is insane a number of studies established unambiguous links between problem gambling and loot box mechanics so honestly like more countries i think should probably be following suit on what brazil is doing here but they are also just at the beginning stages of this it's an inquiry stage currently so i mean they haven't like been able to ban or find anybody for including loot boxes but this i kind of think highlights exactly how insane it is that for a couple of years like the gaming industry was just granted carte blanche to make as much money as they want getting kids to gamble more or less those same studies i mentioned a minute ago showed that over 40 percent of kids playing video games were opening loot boxes which again just to remind you is gambling it costs money it's a gambling mechanic that you can't actually win because the things that you win are intangible and unexchangeable for anything in the real world yeah just the whole thing sucks just and end that practice entirely at number seven i don't i don't know how to really describe this one this one is a really good april fool's joke like it's this fake test of fake new nvidia cards that just gradually gets more and more absurd like they've got this what seems like absurd nvidia card you're like that's not real is that real that can't be real and he turns it on it's obviously fake because you've got a friggin like coke can sitting on the table shaking and it's ridiculous it looks like something out of airplane way back in the 1970s and then after like stuff goes wrong the guy turns to another card which is like four times the size it's got like i don't even know how many fans on it it looks absolutely ridiculous he turns it on and it causes like the electricity to blink and all of the electronics in the room just starts smoking he starts coughing and what's annoying is that there are people who watch this video and like posted comments that say fake like duh it's fake of course it's fake they posted on april 1st it's silly it's absurd it's just a funny thing that somebody did you don't need to debunk it at number six the game's top ceo george sherman he's walking away from gamestop this summer with a 175 million dollar payout which is by the way much higher than the amount of money somebody gets leaving like an even much larger company than gamestop and you can probably guess why is because the meme stock thing that happened the huge rally that made gamestop worth way more than it was a couple like years ago i mean they've really had problems over the last few years and now they don't thanks to memes i mean it's obviously more complex than that but so what happened is before covid they decoupled george sherman's pay from the company's performance because they obviously knew that the performance was going to take a hit i guess to be fair to the guy who was already gonna take more money home than everybody else in the company whatever but i get it i understand the idea behind it so they gave him some stock instead and you know what happened with the stock so now he's sitting on an absolute ton of stock and he has more money than all of you watching and myself will ever see in our lives combined memes at number five a guy playing as a hobbit in the lord of the rings online a 14-year strong online mmo decided he was going to reach max level without killing anybody and he's been doing this for a long time the name of the player is cooking with sim who has either been cooking batches of 15 000 pies at a time or has been out collecting the ingredients necessary for pies he's baked so many pies at this point so so many pies but for all of you who thought that was not possible well it is it's entirely possible i actually hadn't even thought of it at all like i think most players probably don't go is there some way i could bake pies to reach max level i think that's just not something that enters most people's brains but congratulations to cooking with sim for not only having the idea but delivering a lot of pies at number four a thesis that came out of boston university claimed that mario kart can teach us how to reduce world poverty and improve sustainability i think the paper itself is the weird news i don't want to argue against it or anything because i i i think anybody actually trying to think about how to reduce poverty is more or less good i think that is a good thing to do but uh it it argues that a competitive cart racing game especially the parts that make it addictive can serve as like a blueprint for economic and social programs that would supposedly help create equity and beat poverty and as much as i want to say like yeah hell yeah man they used a game to figure this stuff out ah hmm it that's silly it's it's weird that you would think ah yeah this game this game's got all the secrets to making the world less poverty oriented when again it's a competitive racing game competitive being the key word here one side has to win and one side has to lose i wouldn't use mario kart as the basis for removing world poverty is what i'm saying nothing against this guy again hearts in the right place but not sure you got it man at number three a streamer by the name of carne jared who is by the way a phenomenal guitar hero player 100 percented a track that was created in 2011 as a impossible to complete guitar hero song the track was created literally as a joke you were not supposed to be able to beat it it was not supposed to be something anybody was ever gonna do this with when he completes this thing he can't even believe it himself he just has absolutely no idea how he did it and i mean if you watch the video i don't know how i did it either it's insane what is going on the fact that he could intentionally do any of that when in in all actuality it just seems like random crap going on i i can't even mentally comprehend what is happening and he 100 did it that is amazing well done carney jared congratulations seriously just well done at number two somebody actually created for 22 dollars in parts gloves that work in vr way better than anything else like the thing that's a problem in vr with a lot of it is this problem in which holding things is kind of weird either you hold a hand controller and pull a trigger and that closes a hand which is clunky considering the immersion that you're supposed to be feeling or a few other games have tried different solutions that are frankly kind of weird too a guy named lucas vr tech made a open source alternative that uses strings and motors and does really good finger tracking as well as actually like restricting your hand motion so it feels like you are holding something that is compatible with half-life alex uh like in all honesty look at how this thing works it's honestly it's brilliant and the fact that it's open source is just it's cool as hell good job lucas and finally at number one some leaked evidence pointed to electronic arts pushing fifa players to purchase loot boxes using some frankly questionable language now ea for their part has denied they said this is a sensationalized story with a misrepresentation of facts and they defended themselves by saying we don't push people to spend in our games and claims to offer a safe and fun experience blah blah blah but here's the problem in these leaked documents that people recovered this was just blatantly forwardly said players will be actively messaged and incentivized to convert throughout the summer now if you know anything about business convert means convert someone who isn't a customer into a customer for the most part it may be used in some other context but just to be sure that you understand even though they're like yeah it's sensationalized i mean that's a pretty blatant example of the thing that they're being accused of is it not i don't think anybody really likes over monetizing games and we all know ea does the hell out of it so eh but what do you think leave us a comment let us know if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now is a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week the best way to see them first is of course the subscription so click subscribe don't forget to enable all notifications and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 368,467
Rating: 4.9410729 out of 5
Keywords: weird gaming stories, true gamer stories, crazy gamer stories, things gamers created, funny gaming news, hardest working gamers, weird pc gamers, pc gamer creations, funny gamer stories, bizarre gaming news, weird pc gaming news, weird ps4 gaming news, weird xbox one gaming news, weird nintendo switch gaming news, weird ps5 gaming news, gameranx, weird EA news, falcon
Id: ZyTYpjZ6egU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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