Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - Before You Buy

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and we're back with another episode of before you buy that show we give you some straight up gameplay and our first impressions of the latest games releasing as usual it's me your old pal jake baldino and uh shout out to falcon for filling in for me for ninja gaiden i can only play so many games at once but lately i've been playing a ton of ratchet and clank rift apart now this was of course one of the first games shown off when the ps5 was unveiled and a lot of people are banking on it having some next-gen magic to it i was just hoping it was a good ratchet and clank game honestly it's of course developed by insomniac games the people behind the franchise that's been running since 2002 and while it doesn't always have the spicy attitude of the old games man does it have a lot of heart and some really fun gameplay now just so you know this was captured obviously on ps5 with performance ray trace mode on and there are no spoilers in this video any cutscene you see here is mostly from early game or insignificant to the story and man there are a lot of surprises and big moments throughout this one that you gotta see for yourself because rift apart is quite good also once again just want to say a shout out to the folks out there who want a playstation 5 but can't get one because of shortages and those damn scalpers i just wanted to point out we see you and we feel you and i don't think enough reviews and first impression videos acknowledge that fact but anyway ratchet and clank rift apart does one of my favorite things it doesn't try to become a massive open world game like it's not like we got to keep escalating now it keeps a ratchet and clank structure and it feels great to play you select missions on different planets with your ship and those missions often have little uh subquest side missions within them that you can pursue that might net you a few nice bonuses or a couple of extra minutes of fun now some planets have a big more open area where you can journey around to find secrets and little sub objectives think something kind of like the open area in uncharted lost legacy it's not crazy it's more focused and this is very much a focused game quality over quantity which i know many of you might find enjoyable compared to a padded open world game it's a nice break now the story sees ratchet and clank kind of just hanging out haven't saved the world in a while and until things go amiss thanks to clank repairing the dimensionator but dr nefarious gets his hands on it and from there the universe and time and space itself is ripped apart into multiple dimensions and you go through a world hopping adventure that's charming it's a little cutesy it's chuckle worthy and especially filled with some good character moments it doesn't necessarily have many of the edgier moments but it makes up for it with some really good moments between individual characters that straight up like warmed my cold heart dude early on rivet is introduced and you play as both rivet and ratchet with slight variations but their weapon sets and progress carries between one another uh also it's worth pointing out that if you didn't play the other games you'll be able to pick this up pretty easily and understand what's going on it's not too complicated of course it's absolutely heightened by playing the older games thanks to some really cool fan moments but even if all you played was the ps4 remake you're fine too this is technically a follow-up to 2013's into the nexus though but again it's easy to hop on board i'm gonna explain most of the game systems so if some of you longtime fans know some of this i apologize i'm trying to help out new players here too uh i will say i was really impressed with the new character rivet a lot of games do that thing where they introduce like another character like yourself this time it's you know ratchet the only lombax left in the universe but well now there's another one but it works and she doesn't suck when i found myself playing as her i never ended up being like oh come on where's ratchet let's get to that that's not easy to pull off and i'm very happy with that fact she's a cool character now combat wise it plays like a ratchet and clank game you shoot and flip and hop and use this new phase dodge during combat the weapons are all chaotic and creative and your melee with your wrench or hammer feels quicker and cleaner than ever and the game gives you so many traversal options it's nuts just to name a few you have a grappling hook you can wall run you can jump double jump glide grind and even utilize high speed hover boots after a point all of the movement and platform and zipping around makes this game a blast you can also now pull yourself through these dimensional riffs in the middle of a battle pulling yourself across an entire arena and instantly ending up somewhere else it works really nicely and when they get creative with it it's really something worth experiencing especially once the game kicks into overdrive and it gives you like these big set piece moments where you're zipping through riffs in multiple dimensions and areas at high speeds obviously really impressive video game tech going on here but it's especially the case when you're faced with environmental navigation and puzzles you can actually strike objects that basically switch out the entire area you're in for another and it happens instantly it's insane and it doesn't get old and you're doing all of this while fighting enemies grinding gliding and boosting it's it's a lot but it's very thrilling enemy shootouts feel really nice when there's a ton going on the game can handle tons of particle effects and enemies and minions and bullets on screen and the challenge actually ramps up surprisingly nicely occasionally the camera would screw me over which is definitely not a new thing for these types of games and i i do really wish there were some more enemy types after a while you know like a big bad guy showing up in the music queue made me not really feel as much because i had fought that same big bad multiple times and now i'm just fighting two of them it's not a massive issue because the game is paced well and shakes things up decently pacing involves the two characters different worlds crazy set-piece moments open areas playing as clank in a puzzle type environment and even playing as a little hacker bot there's a good amount going on now the loop involves leveling up your weapons the more you use them then at stores you can spend all the balls you collect to buy new weapons or upgrade them the more leveled up your gun is the more purchasable upgrades you have access to and purchasing upgrades to these weapons is fun and satisfying because they get better and more useful as you go significantly and if you unlock enough you also crack into bonus modifiers so by the end of the game what was a simple shotgun blast can turn into a crazy electric particle-filled incendiary mega blast thing and that is really cool to see and put to use along with that though side objectives and areas and challenges net you new armor pieces that you can equip however you want and make yourself look really cool you can swap out the colors as well i found myself giving rivet all this cool crazy armor but i hate to say it i really just enjoy ratchet's traditional look but there's a lot you're also collecting the gold bolts of course that can give you more options and little bonuses too there are 16 weapons not counting the secret ones and the game takes advantage of the dual senses adaptive triggers by making it like a typically a half pull gives you a standard fire and a full press gets you the alternate fire think shotgun blast then double shotgun blast think short grenade throw and long grenade throw single fire and then rapid fire it does get crazier than that though thanks to the classic inventiveness of ratchet and clank's weirder weapons i don't know if these guns reach the heights of some of the really other weird weapons in the series but there are one or two i think that do that i won't spoil they are crazy now graphics wise i've kind of just been hinting it throughout the video the game does look great there's an amazing amount of detail the speed of the world's jumping in all the effects on screen the ray traced lighting on certain surfaces the frame rates and of course the ability to choose between multiple graphics modes what you want to prioritize it's really a polished game and i only had a few random issues of clipping where objects would disappear now also uh the flexing is also helped by the photo mode just wanna always give the photo mode community the love and the respect it deserves dude insomniac and sony really have blown out these modes and rift apart has a ton of photo mode options from camera settings to poses to adding more or less lighting it's nuts and it's really comprehensive i always say it but i wish every game had photo mode and i wish they all had photo modes like this i'm not even creative but it's still so fun to mess around with this stuff lengthwise expect 11ish hours if you're only dabbling in a little bit of side stuff but if you're a ratchet and clank person who wants to see every corner expect a handful of hours on top of that it's definitely a game you're going to want to try and savor you know what i mean um it's also worth highlighting that the game has a a great new game plus mode called challenge mode that ups the ante it gives you a few more surprises and lets you bring all of your guns from your previous playthrough rift apart has some musty moments and the story is pretty good i don't know if it's the best ratchet and clank tail but that's of course extremely subjective and opinion based i do love dr nefarious though uh he is on his a game here in this game and like i said all of it is pretty heartwarming i recommend rift apart if you have the means to play it it does feel like an exciting big new thing and it's a blast and most importantly it's fun to play it's really simple that's all there is to this one but of course that's a before you buy you know how i do this by now i give you some pros some cons and some personal opinion so now we definitely want to hear yours before we even talk about this what's your favorite ratchet and clank game because if you think about it there are quite a few i would love to hear that but i also want to hear what you're thinking about rift apart if you've jumped into it so far what do you think of rivet i was surprised how much i don't hate her let me know what you think of the story overall maybe kind of keep the spoilers out of it let me know your favorite gun and if you haven't been playing the game yet let me know what's holding you back or if you're just waiting like i don't know let's talk anything ratchet and clank rift apart down in the comments if you enjoyed this video and you found it informative maybe it helped you out clicking the like button is all you got to do guys that really helps us out we would appreciate that of course i'm jake baldino you can find me on twitter instagram and youtube at jake baldino but thank you guys for watching as you know you should consider subscribing if you haven't already because we put out videos every single day thank you for watching and we'll see you guys next time enjoy e3 hmm safe for now
Channel: gameranx
Views: 526,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ratchet and clank rift apart, before you buy rift apart, ratchet and clank review, ratchet and clank ps5 review, ratchet and clank rift apart gameplay, rift apart ps5 gameplay, ps5 gameplay, ratchet and clank game review, ratchet and clank rivet, Gameranx, Jake Baldino, before you buy, ratchet and clank 60fps, before you buy ratchet and clank, before you buy ratchet and clank rift apart
Id: R3cVCikK5Es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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