Escape the Unbreakable Mystery Button Box.. All Buttons are Weapons!

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this is the unbreakable mystery button box chris and jeff are both trapped inside and every button they press will give them a mystery weapon to help them break out one of the buttons will give them an ultimate weapon which will help them blast through the walls and they will both be racing to get out chris press the first button all right let's do it hi jeff hi this is an epic box i don't think we're getting out i think this is the strongest box that ryan's ever built i'm scared that's pretty good all right pressing my button crap [Music] oh by the way guys you only got five minutes for each weapon so you better make it count let's get started baby safety first i'm not sure what i'm gonna do with this but you know oh by the way if you guys make it on the first button you want a free test what the heck bro really your time starts right now oh the heck dude i want to win tesla this is not gonna get me out dude what's happening sledgehammer isn't gonna work that's not doing anything i need to figure out if i'm going through the wall or through the corner i don't want to waste time doing both all right how thick is this ball maybe i can see this corner whoa dude this is deep don't do that that's so deep dude this is [Music] [Music] you guys got one minute left to win the tesla [Music] three two one time's up all right here we go angle grinder what the heck i honestly would need that later but it's definitely going to do me some damage here [Music] crowbar heck yeah that's actually pretty good i'm going to try and bust off this metal if you shoot sparks at me i'm going to be triggered roblox sick dude look at this that's a fantastic weapon you're so lucky here we go hey yay i don't know if i could do much without a ballot i'm gonna take off this bracket here okay so i was kind of taunting chris and jeff with that tesla prize they might be able to win the next prize though this box has four inches of wood bulletproof kevlar and a final layer of solid steel i've built tons of unbreakable boxes maybe this is the first unbreakable box i bet it would work if these guys weren't crazy [Music] i actually did quite a bit of damage with the crowbar look at that i took off some screws on this bracket and i chopped it out hey guys guess what what now if you make it within the next three buttons you want an xbox series x no way no i need to get the best weapon right now boom boom dude a pickaxe okay that's not bad i think i'll build you something we'll do that these prizes are insane have more scissors one of the outside layers is kevlar but you just got rid of the scissors i need that later i haven't made it to the kevlar yet kevlar scissors here we go okay i'm just going to cut these little wood pieces off [Music] these scissors are insane they can cut through wood dude this is a lot of damage bro oh i think i'm going to be getting this what what that is not good for me oh it looks like jeffrey's winning right now i need to get a better button all right let's try a button over here silly string that's hilarious would you say that silly didn't here we go your time starts well i think we ran out of silly string style i just said myself this one sucks bro [Music] oh hey jeff warning content's under pressure do not puncture or incinerate container well this box is so strong that a lot of these mystery buttons ended up not doing anything at all [Music] all right let me press my button i hope i get the ultimate weapon so if you look like a goober i've got problems chris did you get the ultimate weapon i did bro congrats oh my thank you bro holy holy cow dude check this out what the heck look it has a shovel blade that's gonna be damaged [Music] dang it's super loud i can only imagine how loud it is in there it's chopping right through okay this weapon was epic but it ended up turning chris's arms into jello dude i did a lot of damage but it's seriously so heavy oh my gosh whoa good job chris chris he did a lot of damage my guy yeah i did pressing my next button fireman axe heck yeah no that's a good one dude i'm gonna get some major damage with this puppy um captain america seal oh now heck yeah dude this is the hey this is legit metal it just doesn't do anything you're using your own what do you mean i'm not gonna tell you once i get it i'll show you shut up what else do you do with an axe what am i supposed to do to play with it or something i'll explain it when i do it just tell me at this point they've each made a considerable amount of damage i still think my box is unbreakable do you think they will get out if you think they'll escape comment who you think will escape first [Music] yes how do i use this thing i can't get it out i've got my hole started [Music] at this point they were almost all out of mystery buttons so please enjoy this montage of useless weapons because this box is so dang strong so they've now expanded all the buttons which means we're going into sudden death whoever has done the most damage gets to pick their three weapons first hey chris yeah i did a little bit of work here but then i decided to go in the corner and just check out all this damage kyle just looks like a dog with separation anxiety gun in here are we thinking about my box ryan yours is not much different this is a hard box i think chris is going the farthest oh chris what are your first three weapons that you want so i have an issue here jeffrey got the ultimate weapon stuck in the wall which i wanted to use so either i pick it but i can't use it but neither can he or i don't pick it and then if he breaks it out then he has a chance of being able to use it i honestly think he's not going to pick it i'm going to go with the crowbar the fireman axe and the kevlar scissors so i hope my asians right to get out of this box i'm gonna choose the hatchet the kevlar scissors and i'm gonna stick with this piston hammer because i'm gonna use the axe to get the hammer out and i'm gonna use that thing to get myself out oh shoot that was my worry we'll see who gets out first let's do this now we're in the final round you know what that means guys what if you get out first you get an iphone 13. and whoever doesn't get out gets a mega fart bomb oh and sounds stinky can we get out i don't know thank you now bro i gotta get a head start before jeff gets down check this out i think i'm gonna get this thing out i'm seeing metal and just like that they're off to the races man versus machine who will come out on top [Music] oh dude well i'm so tired but check out all this damage so much wood what the heck bro bro i played my cards well check it out i see kevlar we almost do the wood i'm running into an issue my arms aren't working anymore this is the damage i've had progress is all that matters all right so i think that i made a hole big enough to crawl through out of the wood so i'm going to see if i can come through this kevlar and then i have no idea what i'm going to get to the steel but maybe i'll figure something out this cuts like butter through the kevlar the final layer you're moving this here like feel like that that was the fatal flaw they didn't fill in the steel they just ratcheted it down can he fit no no no goodbye jeffrey why stink boy yeah yeah good job jeff whoa i honestly did not think i was getting out of that thing all right jeff here is your iphone right on jeff here's your iphone oh we hope you guys enjoyed this video click here for the previous one click here with the video that youtube recommends to you click into the note subscribe see you later
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 16,475,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 mystery buttons, only 1 will let you escape, mystery button box, unbreakable box, escape, escaping, 100 layers, dangie bros, challenge, preston, mr beast, carter sharer, unspeakable
Id: ZIjdg-P83_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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