10 Unique Midjourney ART STYLES Vol 1. (Midjourney Prompts & Ai Art Keywords)

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you're looking to freshen up your AI artwork with mid-journey today I've got 10 different styles you can add to your prompts it's a simple case of grabbing the keyword or phrase I mentioned and adding it to the beginning or the end of your prompt experiment with those to see what you get and you get some pretty nifty results and what I've done is I've taken a handful of I've got some really recognizable characters like Darth Vader and Mickey Mouse a few scenes a few abstract sort of Concepts and I've tested it out on all these so we can see what it actually does some results are consistent some are less consistent but they're all actually pretty interesting so we're going to get started starting with double exposure which is a camera method for overlaying two images so you get sort of two images exposed over each other so essentially we're adding Double Exposure I've basically typed in and Darth Vader comma Double Exposure and gotten this cool result where it's kind of like a bit of Mustafar in the background overlaid over his helmet which is pretty cool and you can kind of see how sunny with the skateboarding puppy uh this is something I want to try to in order to see what it does with animals it basically has done a similar effect but not really the overlay however the rest a dark evil city is kind of overlaid something there uh it's not quite got the same result but it has created a really cool effect so uh sometimes it's not just about getting the exact effect You're Expecting but sometimes you can get some Happy accidents as you might want to call it uh now Mickey Mouse has done it it uh I chose Mickey Mouse because I wanted to be highly recognizable because that way you'll really understand if something is not quite right but this image has worked out pretty well it has double exposed and turned out it's got a pretty interesting effect now the waterfall has an interesting effect also where it's more of a design than a than a double exposure but has created that same kind of bordered effect around it so it's kind of got that border and something a little bit uh a little bit cool the layout's pretty nice abstract fund now I chose abstract fun because I wanted it to not be an object but more of a concept and it's actually done something pretty cool it's actually um sort of just overlaid a bunch of different things and popped a face on there most double exposure images will have a face of some sort not all of them but they're generally known for being something overlaid over a head that's kind of the popular version of it now if you get on astronaut we can see how it's kind of overlaid like some fire and flames there you can also try actually adding in a second element you might say astronaut and City and it will actually overlay a city over the astronaut so but I didn't in this case I just put astronaut comma Double Exposure and turned out pretty good fire in Flames again I wanted something abstract but this time something Visual and it's actually added in someone's face to sort of keep up with the what you would see in the most double exposure photos and created a pretty cool looking image now the next one is pretty long it's the longest in this list a flat scale of Doodles drawn on paper with black Magic Marker so doodling on paper that kind of thing like you would when you're in school and basically once again the Darth Vader image is cool hasn't really replicated 100 but instead of creating a whole bunch of Doodles it's actually popped him in the middle of it and then put a bunch of Doodles around that main subject so a little uh sort of abstract objects that hand-drawn look uh it's a pretty cool effect overall when you move on to the skateboarding puppy it hasn't done this as much but the detail and the bits and pieces it's added into the image it's done a lot of drawn detail within the image itself and I think that's pretty it's a pretty nifty effect now this one is more sort of true to the actual term it's kind of just got a bunch of you know sort of doodle buildings and that kind of thing in there and it's kept the same sort of mood with dark evil city so uh I think it's done a pretty good job with that one and when you move on to Mickey Mouse again Mickey Mouse is in the center and it's drawn a bunch of abstract kind of Doodles and objects around him and then when you move on to a beautiful waterfall it hasn't actually popped it in the middle it's actually kind of interpreted the layout of it in a doodly type fashion where there's lots of little objects little sort of circles and stones and running bits of water it's done a really good job of creating something very interesting from this sort of landscape and when we've got abstract fun once again we're going through those same bits and pieces and trying it on these same phrases it's created like a background something you can use in the background of a design you can even theme it you can say gaming theme now with this particular phrase I recommend adding it to the start and then having of so a flat scan of Doodles drawn on paper with black Magic Marker of Etc yeah a bike something like that now with the astronaut is drawn the astronaut and created a scene but it's created so many other little abstract objects and draw and kept that drawing style throughout you can see how much detail is actually popped into this image so I've really had a lot of fun playing with this one myself personally fire it's drawn the fire added a little bit of an abstract style to it ton of detail and I think the result again is is pretty cool character design sheet is a little bit different because you're actually creating literally a character design sheet we move on to Darth Vader we've got this different look here uh where it's laid him out several times on the page it's got the same pose on each one but different sort of accessories again the puppy we've got different sort of poses and slightly different looks to the puppy and when you move on to dark evil city it's actually kind of personified that City instead of having a city on there it's actually created a person with horns and kept that same feel to it which I think is really interesting because the city is not a character it's a place so it's done a good job of kind of converting that same feel into a person Mickey Mouse pretty straightforward on the left is missing some arms which I think is pretty funny but it's AI art that's all you expect but that hand-drawn look is still really cool and the waterfall it hasn't converted to a character but it's done several versions of the waterfall I think that's cool and could be used for concept art inspiration and things like that abstract fun a bunch of abstract characters very cool design I love what it's done with this when you move on to astronauts so we've got like a front side profile and then we've got this other weird robot thing where it kind of has his feet attached to it so but pretty cool result overall fire again that's created a character it's created some gibberish sort of text at the top but overall very cool concept and layout and uh yeah really interesting effect that character design sheet has had on these words now knowing photography you've probably seen this is very popular at the moment with mid-journer users that's again I've got Darth Vader it lays out a bunch of objects and things that match his tone you can see we've got the Stormtrooper mask off to the side uh bits and pieces of what could be from his suit sort of just laid out the table which I think is really cool when you move on to the Skateboarding Dog get these really long skateboards a few caps and bits and pieces uh dog slapped in the middle uh really cool effect the dark city I love this because it's actually laid out buildings like flat objects and other little bits and pieces that you would see around the city including Gates uh little Bridges and bits and pieces really cool effect with the city laying it out on a board just like a nulling photograph Mickey Mouse again it's got some other random object placed around him I don't know how they relate but it kind of matches the theme the waterfall I think looks awesome once again it's a scene there's not a lot of objects but it's still able to break it up and create something very artistic and you might not necessarily think of yourself and the way it's broken up the bits and pieces of grass into sort of columns I'm really impressed with what is done with the waterfall to be honest now abstract files tend to go with just some abstract bits and pieces mostly vehicles but you can see how it'll sort of find something to place in there which I think is it's very interesting the astronaut we've got rocks and bits and pieces of what would look like his suit so uh that's pretty cool I think there might even be some spaceship parts on there it could be wrong Fire and Flames has kind of gone with a bit of a camping theme I think but you notice if you look around here everything here has a lot to do with fire or cooking or camping or some kind of sort of elements that are around the idea of fire now the next one is discombobulate this one is a bit different not really consistent but the idea is it creates a very quirky kind of like layout now with Darth Vader it actually hasn't done it but it's still done something quirky with him sitting at the table this was really it was just Darth Vader comma discombobulate we've got this cool result hasn't really done anything with skateboarding poppy so it's a little bit hit and miss the dark city it has kind of done it's not quirky it's still dark it's still brooding but the layout is very much like this combobulate where if you put this combobulating by itself you might see what I mean but essentially it has all these various sort of bits and pieces laid out in a very sort of cartoony fashion the layout that is not so much the the shading and the look with Mickey Mouse so it's added a ton of bits and pieces to the Mickey Mouse picture and this is probably the best representation of it is the beautiful waterfall where it's added so many levels and pieces to the scene it's really detailed up the scene but given it the layout again a little bit quirky worth experimenting with this one's a little bit of an open sort of adjustment which I think is worth basically just experimenting with the abstract font it's made a an abstract art style but really kind of exploded it out and broke it up into all those various little bits and pieces the astronaut now compared to other astronauts I did this is actually a quirkier look but overall there's actually nothing too crazy but it has it has modified it slightly fire it's done a bit of So Fire and Flames would discombobulate it's uh broken it up and altered it in a way that's a little bit interesting this one is probably for some the least interesting for others the most interesting because you get different results with it almost every time so see how you go with that discombobulate moving on to isometric this is a very consistent version where we get an isometric style Design This is Darth Vader looks like he's inside uh maybe his house or Mustafar or something like that but you see how it's got that that real neat 45 degree almost video game look to it the the skateboarding puppy yeah the skateboard's a bit messed up but uh the look is basically there I really love the dark evil city that really looks like something out of a video game that uh in that that sort of 30 degree angles or I think it's 30 or 45 I don't haven't really checked but uh it's a very cool look and you can see how it carries on with things like the Mickey Mouse the waterfall once again looking very much like a video game graphic something you see in SimCity abstract fun has just created something out of abstract objects I think that's really awesome the astronaut now there's no real clear Pad but you can see how it's worked with those angles uh so there's it's really got a nice neat appearance to it and it's great for creating very consistent Graphics if you want to put that particular look to it the Fire and Flames is really cool the way it's created the rocks and bits and pieces around the fire not what exactly what I expected but still a pretty interesting effect and the next one is layered paper cut out so everything is great out of like Bits of Paper that have been cut out in the layer so you can see how with Darth Vader you've got the shadows and the bits and pieces so it's almost like every piece of detail is a single piece of paper cut out and layered on top the same with the dog it's an interesting effect like it actually almost looks like someone has really cut this out laid it out in the table and taken a photograph and even the dark evil city it's the amount of detail it's able to add like the amount of time it would take to do this in person is insane however it would be very impressive because half of what makes art interesting sometimes is the effort that goes into it however this can be good especially if you're a designer if you want bad effect in something you're creating and you don't have the time to spend days cutting things out Mickey Mouse interesting bit simple but you get the idea the beautiful waterfall I think this worked out really well and creates a real sense of depth with the waterfall being at the back very cool sort of use of this concept abstract fun again abstract objects working out pretty well and then of course moving on to the astronaut the way it's framed it used it it's uh it looks really incredible this was if this was done in real life but pretty impressed and maybe there's someone out there who can do it again Fire and Flames another cool layout framed up nicely good effect with the layered paper cut out so have a play with that and see what kind of results you get the next one is highly detailed pen drawing adding this to the end of your prompts can create these really highly detailed drawn thing uh pictures once again Darth Vader we've got it looking there's a ton of detail in the background even the reflections on his armor there's detail in the reflections the dog you can see every strand of hair it looks like it's been drawn with pencil has that real artistic look to it uh even though it's supposed to be a pen drawing the dark evil city again very interesting tons of detail and uh very cool now Mickey Mouse this is this one I find interesting because it actually does have that focal point with him in the center and then a bunch of detail added around him you kind of got the Disney looking castles and bits and pieces there the beautiful waterfall this just looks like a nice hand drawn scene of a waterfall something out of a fantasy book or something like that I actually find it funny that despite pen drawing it looks like pencil but anyway the abstract fun you get those cool sort of abstract same similar shapes to what we've already seen the astronaut this just looks like a really well drawn uh image of an astronaut I noticed the flag on his shoulder is inaccurate but who knows that's AI art for you sometimes and the Flames I love the way it's Incorporated a bit of an evil face you can see some teeth on the left there and then up again some teeth and kind of what could be an eye but it's all drawn and colored like it's actually like a hand-drawn piece of art the fact that this is done with AI I think is really impressive however fashion mood board if you want something again completely different check out this it's made Darth Vara woman and put a bunch of fashion around it now a lot of fashion mood boards have pictures of women in them so it actually tends to lean that way a lot of the time now the dog I think this is a very interesting look with the dog and the skateboard very abstract bit different but you can see how it kind of has bits and pieces cut up and chopped around it again that handmade look where you've got elements laid on a board the dark evil city something a little bit different um it's just got some pictures of city and someone who was dark and you know kind of evil looking Mickey Mouse again's made Mickey Mouse a woman it's uh got one arm with two hands so I think that's pretty interesting the also the photo next to Mickey Mouse is a woman with Mickey Mouse ears on so the way I've sort of found those elements and put them together and kept a good use of color is really interesting there's a beautiful waterfall now we've got a woman in front of a beautiful beautiful waterfall and some elements cool looking layout could be used for a design very interesting abstract fun just some abstract bits and pieces again with a model on the front so it's obviously just kind of referencing something generic there the astronaut is cool we kind of got like a bit of a planet type thing in the background some bits and pieces around him and uh some pretty interesting effects now the Fire and Flames a little bit less interesting but still pretty cool the way it's framed it up and the hair sits over the top of some of the images on the right now Pixar character this is the last one where you can take an object so you can take Darth Vader turn him into a little Pixar character he's very neat very cute very 3D looking the same again with the puppy on the skateboard and I think it does a better job with this than a lot of photo realistic stuff because it's simpler uh the dark evil city has popped a character in there a very Pixar sort of character within the city which I think is interesting but makes a lot of sense because it would read it as a Pixar character dark evil city so it'll kind of put the two together now Mickey Mouse this looks like something out of a Disney movie it's a pretty good looking image and very sharp indeed now the beautiful waterfall this looks like something out of a movie as well very cool effect popping a character in there again abstract fun I actually really love what is done here the way it's sort of it almost looks more like a nulling photo but the way it's worked out is really cool an abstract character the teeth everything just looks really pixar-like cartoony and fun and the astronaut again a Pixar character a lot of Pixar characters are children because those movies are typically aimed at families and children so that's a pretty cool effect that has done with that finally the fire and the Flames has turned the fire into a Pixar character which is very interesting and cool I love the way it's worked with that and uh the smile just looks like something out of a movie which is very interesting so that's it for the 10 styles for today they're simple powerful you can add them in and really transform your imagery that you generate with mid-journey so have a go at that and uh see here you go otherwise this video for today guys if you like it please uh give it a like if you have any styles that you want me to try leave a comment below if anything you found interesting and we'll check it out and maybe pop in another video in the future otherwise I hope you have a great day and we'll see you again soon
Channel: Wade McMaster
Views: 6,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney art styles, midjourney prompts art styles, midjourney keywords for art styles, ai art midjourney prompts styles, ai art, midjourney ai, midjourney tutorial, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney prompts, midjourney prompt, ai art generator, ai generated art, midjourney art styles prompts, art styles for midjourney
Id: paGOaP-9EtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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