💰Sell Midjourney Print on Demand Wall Art on Etsy w/ Printify & Placeit

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wall art is a very popular Niche on Etsy there's many many stores that do really well with this one shop particularly stood out to me during my research which is this one right here they literally only started four months ago and they've already accumulated over 2 000 sales and when you look at their designs more closely it is very clear to me that they used artificial intelligence to generate these images and that's why in this video I'm going to show you how to use mid-journey to create these travel poster types of designs how to prepare them for print and then publish them to Etsy through printify first of all I'm going to give you a few tips right here on Etsy for identifying products or shops with demands so in this case this poster right here for Amsterdam is what made me aware of this store and first of all you can see how many people have added this to their cat in this case only four but that is still a decent amount this goes up to 20 plus by the way so even if 100 people have added it to their basket then it will still say 20 plus on Etsy and scrolling down further another good indicator for demand is if you click on reviews for this shop and change this from suggested to most recent if you see multiple reviews in the same day so here we've got the 7th of June three times in a row if you see that then this shop is definitely making a lot of daily sales because most people don't even leave a review for their products so in order to get three in the same day you need to be making at least like 20 sales a day for the most part and if you scroll all the way down to the bottom you can also see the favorites right here which also always gives you an idea if people really like this design if this is in the hundreds or thousands then the demand is usually really high for this product now from there on if you actually move on to their store you can get a better idea as well for how well this person is doing if you scroll all the way down to the about section so here it says they've been on Etsy since 2023 so obviously not very long and if you sort the reviews by most recent again and go all the way to the last page you will quickly see when they received their very first review which in this case is the 18th of February so that is not a long time ago since then they've made 2 000 sales and a quick bonus tip right here if you've got the Chrome extension ever be installed which I will leave a link to in the description this is essentially a niche research tool for Etsy then you can pop out this bar on the left hand side side whilst you're on someone's store Page and click on product analytics and this way you can analyze all the listings in the store at once so if we click on analyze more listings right here it's going to pull them all into this and we can list or sort this for example by views and this way what you will quickly get an indication as to which posters are getting the most attention the most traffic within this store you see all the names right here and the links the thumbnails so this will give you a really good indication of what to design first next up you need to head over to midjourney.com and create an account that you can then link to Discord now you need to have at least a 10 subscription plan with mid-journey to use your images commercially if you don't want to pay anything there is a free alternative called Leonardo dot AI this tool is not quite as good as my journey but it's still very decent and you don't have to pay to use it in case you're wondering what my settings are I'm just going to show you this so I'm using mid-journey version 5.1 and medium style very straightforward settings right there and the prompt we're going to use first of all type in forward slash imagine and the prompt is this right here which you can copy and paste from the description down below essentially Within These brackets right here at the start I've put various different sites from around the world now you can also put in city names you can put in country names specific Islands those various different travel poster types destinations that you can type in right here and next up we've got a few keywords that give us the travel posters style so flat design not too complex then I've added a color scheme of turquoise green and pink which you can obviously modify to your own liking you can change the colors you can add other keywords such as pastel or vibrant then I've also added long shot at the end to try and get sort of a long distance view or far out view of the subject rather than a close-up which would be difficult for a travel poster and at the end of this prompt I've added dash dash no and I've put a few keywords of things that I don't want to be part of the image to make life easier the aspect ratio I've changed to five by seven which is just one option that's worked for me you don't have to use this exact aspect ratio but in most cases you want your posts to be taller than they are wide once you hit enter mid June if you want to ask you whether you want to create six prompts you can also show them right here so these are the different ones that are going to be created you can change them as well so feel free to edit this template obviously change these locations these are just some presets so you can understand how this whole process works click submit If You're Happy and then yes to actually paste on these prompts once the images have been generated you can look through them you might have to re-run some of the problems with this button right here because not all of the images will always turn out perfect from the start you've got the option to upscale the images with these buttons right here with the U and you can create variations of a specific image if you like it very much so now we're going to get some similar ones to this one right here now a few things to look out for right here with these images is that you have a bit of very clean simple space either at the top or the bottom where you can put some text so this is if you want to add the location to your poster you don't have to do that but it definitely helps and bear in mind this is only one type of wall art niche poster Niche there is various other things you can do like very minimalistic Graphics you can do animals you can do more photography type of things if you're looking for inspiration in terms of prompts or what to create you can look obviously through the mid-journey Community Feed where you will see really really nice results and the associated prompts and if you're stuck for ideas you can also check display.com which is a really nice website or Marketplace for wall art specifically so that is going to give you a lot of ideas as to what to sell just ignore the section with the Branded products such as Marvel Star Wars that sort of stuff you're not allowed to sell yourself unless you have a license next up we need to download the images that we're happy with and upscale them to make them better quality for prints so if you're on your mid Journey profile is a quick way to download multiple images in bulk so if you click this arrow in the top right corner you can then just click and hold and select multiple images like this and once you're done with your selection you can then open the downloader and download them all together as a zip file in order to increase the quality of our images to make sure they actually print crisp and don't get pixelated we're going to use vectorizer.ai this is currently free whilst in beta and apparently the beta is going to last for another few months which is really good news so just drag and drop the images from your device onto this website and it's going to process this it only takes a few seconds to turn these into Vector files which are infinitely scalable now vectors are ideal for these sorts of flat illustration types of designs however if you're generating photography with mid-journey or very detailed designs than using an image upscaler is probably your best choice and I'm going to leave two free upscalers in the description down below that you can test for your images as you can see right here if we zoom in vectorizer's done an amazing job and actually on the right hand side producing a very crisp clear image or vector of our original terribly pixelated mid Journey file and all you have to do now is click on download over here I like to change the shape stacking option to stack shapes on top of each other right here and then just click download once you've turned the image into a vector you need to open it up in your design tool of choice I'm using Photoshop right here but you could also alternatively use photopia which is free and fairly similar to photoshop itself and all I did here is literally just add some text at the top I used this empty space or negative space right here which is always really handy to have now if you don't have such a clear background as in my example you can also add a bit of soft shadow in order to make the text more easy to read but don't go over the top here too much Shadow can look very very horrible the fonts in case anyone is wondering I'm just going to show you these the top one is called build titling this is the Bold version I'm pretty sure that is a free font free for commercial use that is and the bottom font is Bieber's Neuer which is also a free font if I remember I will leave a link to them in the description if not just Google the names you will find a download link and my thinking thing right here with the font itself was first of all I want to have quite a bit of space around the words if we make this really big like this and sort of crammed it into the corners this would look a lot less professional because in design you want to have some negative space you want to give the words some room to breathe kind of imagine it like a a room a living room you don't want to have every corner of the living room cluttered with Furniture right you want to have some space around the furniture to feel like you can actually breathe in the room also this is going to help us later on with the different dimensions of posters that we're going to sell as well as with the mock-up side of things if we need to cut off a bit of the side of the top we will still be able to see the text clearly an alternative option to display this text if you struggle with making it visible is this right here this is what a lot of people do with travel posters just have a bit of a wide frame and then put the text in matching colors to the design so I matched the purple trees right here and this sort of violet dark color as well for the bottom text so that is an alternative option that can work quite well in many cases just takes a little bit longer to set up but remember once you've got a template configured you can use that same template for all of the other locations and destinations that you use you just have to swap out the actual Vector graphic change the text and that's it and one important thing to note is that the dimensions I use right here are 7500 pixels wide by 10 500 pixels high that makes sure that even some of the highest biggest poster sizes are still going to be covered and have a high DPI make sure to save this as a JPEG file export as is the function in Photoshop that will get you these large dimensions I've got the quality set to the highest number seven then just click export down here at the bottom now that we've got our designs ready all that's left is actually publishing them to Etsy so there's two things you need right here first of all an Etsy store so if you're new to Etsy and you want to open a new one it usually costs 20 cents per listing but if you use my referral Link in the description you will get your first 40 listings for free which is highly recommended it will save you some money when getting started once you've opened your store you also want to create a printify account which you can then link with Etsy in order to fulfill your orders automatically I will leave a free sign up link to printify in the description as well and I will jump into the dashboard right now to show you how to start listing your posters so the first thing you need to do in printify is connect your store so you can do that in the top right hand corner right here click add a new store and then just use the Etsy feature right here to connect that is very easy and straightforward once that's done you can head over to the catalog over here on the right hand side got posters also notice there's another category right here called canvas that's another type of wall ad that you could publish once you're done with your posters it's a bit more expensive but more of a premium product that some people would be happy to spend more money on once you're inside of the posters category you get a lot of choices in terms of what to pick right here there's framed posters there's different types of them but I would usually just go with the best seller right here at the top you can also see the difference in pricing so with the free printify account you've got the 4.66 option for the printing if you are subscribe to printify premium you get 20 discount on all of your products so that is what you see in green right here underneath once you've clicked into the product of your choice you will get a list of fulfillment Partners In this case there's only one option so the choice is fairly easy but if you have a longer list you can check the rating right here and obviously the pricing in terms of shipping and printing as well as average production time will play into your decision once you've made your choice click on start designing next up you need to drag and drop your post design into the printify window so it gets added to your product and to your library and once that's done you want to head over to product variants up here and make sure all of the sizes are selected and if we hit update now we've got all of the different sizes over here and we need to do some adjustments because these sizes essentially have different aspect ratios so we'll configure the 9 by 11 first we can just move this down a little bit so we can see the text more clearly and then for the other sizes we're going to always hit make a specific design for this size so if we click this we can now realign this and it won't interfere with our original placement we'll do this for 12 by 18 as well move this up to the top as you can see we've now still got some gaps right here so a quick way to fill this out is by clicking this right here fill to placeholder there you go as you can see some of the edge just get cut off but that's not a problem next size make a specific design for this here it's actually not too bad we can just move this up a tiny bit and you want to complete that for all of the other sizes as well make sure that the DPI by the way is always over 300 ideally that's why you want to save in quite a large pixel size to begin with once you're done you can hit preview over here and then if you're happy with the results click on Save product in the bottom right corner next up we need to select our primary mock-up and the thing is a lot of these mock-ups are not very good looking they're okay I do quite like this one to show sort of a close-up of the printed poster right there but besides that these are not very great so in order to fix this if you want to have better looking listings which is a massive part of actually getting sales you can use the service like place it to get way way better and more professional looking mock-ups as well as video mock-ups and there's even some free ones that you can get from playset so I'm going to show you how to create those right now so here we are on place it I will leave a link to this site in the description down below if you want to check it out for yourself and what you can do in the search mask up here is essentially type in wall add mock-up and then you've got a few options you could put free at the end to see their free range which is not massive but it gives you some options you could also put video if you want to specifically look for video mock-ups but let's just have a quick peek at the free ones for now so there is definitely some better ones here than the the printified defaults but you don't really have a massive amount of choice in terms of video mock-ups there is a few options and I actually used some earlier on in this video to show you an example this one is quite nice and the benefit to using video mock-ups is that once a customer hovers over your listing a video starts playing and I'm guessing most of you prefer watching a video than looking at images that's why you're watching a YouTube video right so that definitely helps with getting some more clicks through to your listing there's some cool options right here obviously you will need to have the right format if it's landscape that's not ideal and I'll show you how to actually create one of these videos in a minute if you just want normal images type in wall art mock-up and you will see a variety of good examples come up right here there's 277 results I quite like this one right here in the top left corner these two are quite good but if you click into some of these you will also get more suggestions on the right hand side where you can also sometimes find some real gems so in order to create one of these video mock-ups just select the one that you want to use then you need to select an image from your device obviously you'll want to upload your poster design but they don't accept very massive files like seven thousand ten thousand pixels so you might have to save it in a smaller scale and what comes up here is essentially the crop for the mock-up so in this case I need to increase the size slightly so it fills out this highlighted Square essentially so once you're done hit crop at the bottom the Audio I would just mute because that's not necessary for a mock-up you can see a quick preview image right here but in order to actually preview the entire video you have to click on play all slides and then it's rendering the video out right here which is very quick usually only takes about half a minute right and there we go the mock-up has been finished it looks really really neat and it's definitely a bit of an eye catcher if someone sees that in the search results if you want to download it just click this purple button underneath it'll get added to your queue up here and you will also get notified via email once the mock-up is ready to download now one thing to note here is you can't upload the mock-up directly to printify you will have to add it to your listing once it's been published to Etsy and then you can just delete some of the old printify mockups which you don't want to keep so when it comes to creating your listing data there's a few ways you can help with finding keywords right here and creating a good listing so first of all the obvious one is looking at best sellers within your Niche on Etsy see what they're using in their titles and use that for inspiration secondly you can use something like top bubble index they have a free Etsy tag generator you just type in a primary keyword and it will give you related keywords to use within your listing and thirdly you could also use everbee which is the research tool for Etsy that I showed you at the beginning they have a keyword research tab where you can type in specific primary keywords and it will show you Associated tags with the related surge volume so here it's really handy that you get the search volume as well to make it a better choice for which keywords to include in your own listing if you want to learn how to create and sell pattern designs with mid Journey then make sure to check out this video next where I walk you through my entire process foreign [Music]
Channel: Philip Anders
Views: 24,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: merch by amazon, print on demand, mba, t-shirt business, t-shirt, design, tutorial, increase sales, teepublic, redbubble, graphic designer, zazzle, etsy, teespring, spreadshirt, amazon merch on demand, amazon merch, merch on demand, on demand, tier 10, teir 10, tier 25, low tier, passive income
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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