Guide to MidJourney AI Art - How to get started FREE!

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this is ai art art that is generated from a computer you type in a bit of text and you get images just like this and it's just like almost like a click of a button almost and today i'm going to show you how you can do that using a tool called mid journey which has taken off popularity lately and is uh it's pretty cool pretty fun to use and very addictive so in order to sign up you get a free trial first you're going to head to and you're going to want to actually create a discord account so you can log in or head down to register and add your details and once you've signed up and verified your email you want to head over to so here you do have to sign up and to join the beta and accept the invite and continue to discord now when you get to the big journey page here there is a bit of going on there's a few images you can see straight away that other people created there's also a little guide here to getting started if you want to read that but we're just going to get straight into how to use this uh as a with your trial so you can if you do go through and pay for an account at the end of your trial you can go to the mid journey bot and actually type and send in prompts that way but for now we're going to find a newbie channel and you're going to be sort of thrown in with everyone else so you're going to see the things everyone else is creating so the way it works is we head down to here got it all right so in order to get started we type in slash imagine and then we hit space and this prompt shows up and this is where we type in what it is we want to create so we can create a few uh nifty little things so we're going to start off with something just a little bit different so let's just say uh purple human with wings you will have to scroll a little bit and find your little highlighted um piece there okay so it's produced this little preview of a purple man with wings and we're going to go through a few different things you can do to also you know produce something a little bit different but uh you can see we can pick any one of these to upscale so we can go through and click any of these to upscale one two three or four or we can use these to create more variations of a particular image so i think this one number one is pretty interesting so i'm going to hit upscale 1 and we're going to wait for that to upscale you can slowly watch this image come to life and be generated it does tend to bounce around a little bit but around here we have our purple man with wings and i can click on that and have a closer look and this is what we've ended up with our purple man with wings but there's a little bit more i want to show you ways you can tweak it so we're going to try something completely different you'll notice we now have upscale to max which means if we want to we can actually upscale it again and make the image a higher resolution this one's only 10 10 24 by 10 24 pixels not only will make the image larger but it'll also add more detail so we're going to go down and we're going to try something completely different we're going to drop in imagine a cyborg skull with glowing eyes and we're going to explore a few different styles of that one prompt so you see here we have our skulls not super high resolution because it's still just the preview but uh we can choose as many of these as we want to to upscale but we're going to upscale this third one and see how it turned out so now you can see our cyborg skull and it has a bit of a painted look to it but there's a few other things we can do so what i'm actually going to show you is ways you can change the style and ways you can change some of the commands to get more customized results and anytime you do punch in commands you're never going to get the same two results so let's go through and try that right now so once again go to slash imagine cyborgs golf glowing eyes comma 3d render and what i'm also going to do is type in another command to make the image taller and i can go dash dash ar which stands for aspect ratio if you put two dashes ar and then you can make it say 16 to 9 if you want to make it say television size or you can make it say four to eight and that way it's sort of four units wide by eight minutes tall you can put whatever aspect ratio in there you want to get a pretty cool result so i'm going to go nine by 16 so we get kind of like a tv size but turned on aside and let's try that out so again we got these cool four images and you can see they are looking a little bit more like 3d renders in the preview and we'll get a lot more detail out of it when we upscale them i'm actually going to upscale the first and second so we can see how they look so you'll notice a much cleaner sort of rendered look as opposed to the painted look we had before which if we pop side by side you can see quite clearly so very interesting results now if we change 3d render to dripping ink sketch with the same prompt we also get a vastly different style again which is actually more of a drawing style and it's also pretty cool to further demonstrate this different style i've also tried colorful comic book style uh cartoon drawing as well as world war one found photograph and you can see the difference in each one as well as a stone statue look where i typed in hyper realism to get this effect so we can get a lot of different styles but what about the quality there's actually a command for quality which you type in dash dash q and you can go anywhere from one to five last time i checked so i did another version of the 3d render with a quality of three added to the command so this has tripled the render time and increased the quality which if you zoom in you can see just a bit more detail in this image and now we're going to add stylize the default is 2500 i'm going to add in 20 000 and this is going to further stylize this 3d render to get an even different effect as mid journey sort of stylizes it in a way and this is the result but let's move on to something a bit different i've actually got here an image of me that i have on one of my websites i'm actually going to use that to put it into a prompt in mid journey and get some results so let's take a look so you can see here i got the url of my image right here and i typed in colorful monster in the dark temple glowing because i wanted to see if i could get them to put a spin on the image to see what kind of result i would get and i got nothing to do with the image because what i need to do is add image weight image weight is dash dash iw if i scroll down you'll see it here it presents as one dash and screen but there's two dashes iw and the default is 0.25 and i'm not sure how high it goes i just popped in an image weight of 2 and you start to see where the image is included things like my beard and make things a little bit different if we scroll down i've got another set of images here an image weight of four where it was just a little bit crazier but kind of less exciting and um the final result of the first one is this which i think is actually pretty artistic and um pretty cool based off my image and then we've also got these ones here which had an image weight of five and you can see that basically almost tried to recreate my face so it's not as exciting to play with as i thought it would be but another cool feature that i think is worth exploring if you're looking to see what mid journey is capable of now if you do want to see more of the commands and codes i've used and added to the end of the prompt site on this video there is actually a complete list which i'm going to pop a link to in the description below along with also just a portfolio of just like some images i've created and to give you a bit of an idea but another place you can look is if you log into your mid journey account which at the moment you can see my feed if i just go to which i'll show you quickly you simply just sign in there you'll get taken to your account you can see all the images you've created so these are the images i've created and you can actually see this if you go into your account because there is actually a community you can access there's a community feed here these are sort of some of the like the hot items so the stuff that's doing that's really popular in the community at the moment there's also things like rising and new but the cool thing about this is if i really want to do something like this myself i can click on these three dots here and copy the command and copy the prompt which is just a prompt but the command also copies some of the codes at the end so you can go through and try some of the stuff out for yourself and see what results you get or modify something you like here to add something you like but it's also just a great way to get some inspiration and see some of the unique stuff being created on mid journey at the moment now the other thing is your account if you do decide after you've gone through this whole process tried out the trial and you want to actually sign up for an account you can also go manage plan down the bottom here you pay 10 a month gets you about 200 images or 30 which is pretty much unlimited but if you use up too much uh of your what they call fast time you'll be put into relax mode which means you can still keep going but just a little slower but uh i know i've got uh people i know using over a couple of thousand images just on the standard membership and uh just remember everything you create will be public so anything you're creating here is actually something that people can access and see on the mid journey in their mid journey account unless you go for there's actually some enterprise level plans here that you can or you can pay 50 for privatization there's a few different options there but essentially it's all yours to use one thing i will say too if you are creating any images using mid journey please make sure that if you're sharing them online just mention that this is ai generated art a lot of people have been posting images online without any saying anything about it getting a lot of bad feedback because it kind of does imply sometimes that you are the creator of that art but it's good to always just preface it and say that this is ai art generated with mid journey so people know that you're not trying to fill them so to speak but i've got links below check any of that out if you want to check out my journey for yourself the links to discord miss journey in mid journey below the links to all the codes are below any other information i've got in regards to the journey i will also compile down there so you can learn a bit more and find some resources otherwise thanks for watching the video i hope you have a great day
Channel: Wade McMaster - Creator Impact
Views: 268,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, ai art, midjourney ai, mid journey, ai generated art nft, midjourney art, guide to midjourney, dall e
Id: _WfDlJY1nog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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