10 Tech Gadgets That Can ONLY Be Found In Japan!

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I know some piano no clearly not what's going on guys welcome to Dover no the channel which we rate products dope or no for we count how many words we have I don't have any one and it's on my finger and I'm removing it that it's remove no it's just annoying your boy likes to be perfect why not just fall off by itself oh yeah Paul did anyway today we're reviewing ten tech gadgets that are only found in Japan and the idea here is that we're gonna rate them dope or no so I wore my Japanese shirt oh you did yeah first item oh thank oh thumb extender for phone touchscreens wait what I don't understand no this is if you don't have a thumb no it's like for people like us who have the iPhone match where it's like so big that you can't like reach a top screen oh if you a small hand yeah so maybe like me cuz he and I just got a never Jam no you don't those are meat cleavers here mine are bigger than yours Joey you hate it when your fingers can't get around the screen on your phone fast enough well just slip on the thumb extender 4i for phone touchscreen I really want to say iPhone yeah no one else has another phone besides the knife a little exists I don't lead it maybe sorry I couldn't you allergic to my comedy yeah my brand yeah I just want to point out two things hey she has such small hands now this looks a little thumb to me honestly looks like it's like a blue van going through it oh yeah doesn't want to hear either one of them talk we still got a heart like distorted her arm looks though oh yeah she's double-jointed like her armpit is like one shader than her arm is like completely she's just double-jointed calm down you guys are making the wrong thing no it's not even her arm look at our shoulder and then look at her elbow yeah photos of definitely not Photoshop you guys are just making fun of this poor lady car Wow can you understand that thank Oh thumb extender oh yeah you're really good at reading this thank you actually really Janelle she gets all scared whenever so it definitely extended my thumb I'm gonna try and open up my phone here it's so dirty let's try to do something here nice it works check this out so I'm gonna try and add a little story here by clicking this little story icon [Music] you look how awkward my thumb looks looks like it's broken I hate this thumb looks thumb or with it see how it goes I'm two three I remember you have that what like kind of I fix it no your thumb straight keep your thumb straight brother no how do I say this word future now how do I say this word without it being bad you've gone that sounded worse way con it's not Spanish I only know Spanish in English you don't know Spanish I'm a mechanic yo quiero to Boca and my viewers like no Yukon whistle control maglev linear l0 toy railway train playset is this some of you like a bullet train I'm guessing do they have really fast trains in Japan based on the l0 series of maglev trains developed by jr central the few common features a unique operating gimmick by changing the way you blow the special whistle included in the set you can make the train start/stop and accelerate special whistle I just don't like the power it gives the child where it thinks if the child can just blow this whistle things will move on its command cuz I feel like it's gonna condition these children to go into public it's not serious that's what I would do I'm just gonna be upset if it doesn't include the costume if it doesn't come with a sailor costume I'm gonna say it's not a conductor it doesn't a sailor just conduct a boat No Add to Cart well look at that cool little train here's the whistle Tanner you're gonna control these yeah I'll control this no problemo we already had the doper dope team set up the track they're gonna bring it in dude you need the instructions okay can you go different speeds on that thing little harder in softer how did it go it's going stop thank you I want to do like a little kid would do it though hold your weight yeah it's fun can I make it go faster by blowing harder that just got more annoying and less fun I feel like a coach dude I'm getting a headache it works oh now it's going slow so now make it go faster oh yeah it didn't go faster I didn't I was just cause of the way the track is shaped I'll get to do it again right here well on that note I'm ready to dope I see there's a dope for kids and an absolute nope for parents alright guys this next product is a like to buy and if you don't know what I like to buy yet let me tell what it is alright it's a product that the dope dope team is found or one of us three lovely lads here it's really cool it might be expensive it might take a lot of prep work or it's just super cringy but before we buy it and we want to know if you guys would like for us to buy it prep it set it up maybe even do a club with another channel we don't know alright so today's like to buy product is a mystery crate that you can buy from holy moly let's see the dope or dope team had a wonderful idea of thinking let's buy this crate if you guys would like and do a collab with rest maybe destroy some things see how many tests we can put these weapons to yanks I'm scared you guys like to see is buy this crate and do a club with wrecked will have one of the guys come on the channel I'll say give this video 200k likes because it will take a lot of prep and it's expensive so if you guys want to see this video be sure to click that like button down below and be sure to comment the word apocalypse these are all apocalyptic weapons that's product Fuli me chocolat digital camera louis it's a piece of chocolate what's that pink stuff chocolate it's pink chocolate strawberry chocolate strawberry chocolate you might just be tempted to nibble on this but don't be fooled it's not a snack no it's yet another super cute gadget accessory from the movie the chocolate camera a keychain digital camera the goats eating it is that even the process no it's not this monkey is 36 years old what does have anything to do Oh cuz you're taking photos of those thumbs with these yeah it's a camera to my yard we're so stupid it's not actual talk there we thought that maybe we're trying to look for the camera in those photos yes you can tell somebody that's not Japanese wrote this because of this thing it says key functionality has been deliberately kept simple so you can concentrate on the kawaii aesthetic why would you need to concentrate on the kauai aesthetic kawaii it's like okay you clearly do not even watch an anime non-stop last three months of my life so you could say I've been prepping for this video colors white strawberry milk chocolate strawberries not color silly milk chocolate is sold out don't worry about it quick quick quick magic magic your boys magic oh there it is mini toy digital camera look at this dude whoa that protrudes way more than I thought it would it looks like a roll oh here's the issue this is just the worst carrier you could probably possibly buy that looks pretty cool though that's the on switch this thing is gummed video impression oh wait no PC came Oh woah that is what that is it what who developed this that's beautiful look at that magnificent piece of software can you pull that picture up on the computer dude I want to post that oh that's gotta stay no your dad that actually looks like art okay I'm gonna I'm gonna have to rate this one a newsie no it serves no purpose it's not good chocolate it's not a good camera so what is it irrelevant be gone it's sound blocker Eco mode melody 8003 to zero one from a yeah pond or the toilet sound blocker so I'm guessing you play it in order to block the sound of either your tooth or the flushing of the toilet movie what's this scenario where you want to block the sound of flushing there's there's a scenario it's you guys ever heard of like a member the term for it but it's when you know you poo once and then like you're still there waiting to keep it you know you trying to finish the job but you walk don't like the smell out the room so you flush right away double flush courtesy flush yeah so you want to lock the sound of the courtesy flush though no one's like wow this guy needs the user courtesy you know you don't to admit to doing that why don't you just eat like men Musil so it just comes out fast she's gonna be this new one what one flush [Laughter] that's tiny I thought it was gonna be bigger yeah dude this is the sound of makers like that sounds like you're diving in the toilet you're gonna garden how do I stop okay so that to me sounds WAY worse than flushing that to me sounds like pretending like squish grapes in the toilet wait we read the back all right read the back it says place on the or you can hang it up or you can glue it on the wall I wish you could change the song you can program out a song it sounds like mumble wrapped all right let's go to get these screws out in case that was real easy founding partners you have heard my lay down say is that way she ripped the seat yeah suddenly stitching getting pulled up well that's so loud what was that brand that said we had a lot of immature contact I actually kinda have to to right now can I try it no no that's not gonna block this smell there's nobody that is overpowering the voice I think a normal part in mind that's not know I murdered people for it loud that's like an Arnold Schwarzenegger fart no this is a no you have to nope wait we got Kyosho egg interesting RC sugery should go out Sugoi Sugoi Michelle Thank You Chanel like for Chanel mop remote radio controlled cleaning brush Japan wait it's a radio and a RC radio control yeah it uses radio waves I thought it was like both of them like there's already in it and it was our C's there is no there is radio waves yes my love it on you I'm not laughing at you it's a radio and a RC radio control yeah it uses radio waves so essentially it's a remote-control mop that takes your ultimate laziness to the next level so you don't forget up a mop at yourself wait okay you can proceed we just got some new floors put into orange ways actually so let me take this thing out and test them and clean up the floors a little bit all right I wasn't gonna clean up that much man yeah why is it flipped up dude it's like Michael's had hair that moves bad that cleans and also shout-out to these fake two buzzer here you believe something cool is gonna happen who does them all right so you take it out on the hardwood floors you guys making more of a mess than its cleaning yeah yeah yeah let's take it okay so let's look at the bottom right now you can see the bottom is relatively clean let's go out and then see if we can pick up some dust it's been raining so there's gonna be a lot of trap a lot of dirt from all the traffic coming in yeah yeah yeah a lot of traffic from the dirt yeah all right so you can't really tell by looking at the ground right now but this flooring was just put in and it is very very dusty like I'm sure I can just like do this and yeah there's actually dust on my hand yeah again you can see it's quiet didn't work cause it is moving to the side I see an enormous flaw immediately if you guys see it it's like the Roomba where just bounces around the room maybe it's just Michaels navigation so we there's dust right here so you can get that oh you got something what's he trying to do we're in a race robertson like yeah this little thing is the bottom of a RC car it looks like a Corvette think smarter not harder I'm gonna have to say no no cuckoo air conditioned camouflage jacket that guy is this Samurai if I don't look like that look at how that guy's list and look how they're standing there like actually figures yo low-key that black gray and when you're fighting your enemy in the field of combat you want to blend into your surroundings but still keep cool are they gonna explain camouflage is part of the best-selling Jofuku series of fan-cooled clothing the jacket is available in gray or green designs and features twin integrated fans on either side that will keep your torso at a cooler temperature even as the heat of battle soars yo the gray jacket is kind of dope I don't like the grey one though it's like an aesthetic eyewear that was some nice weight kick I've seen these air conditioned jackets before they're like plastic air conditioned jacket makes no sense it's just cancelling out where no jacket no no air conditioning insulates yeah what do you mean well just not wear it and just wear no jacket insulation can keep things cool oh okay it's not even a response how about how about an air-conditioned shirt them then you have to insulate it for air conditioning to not DIF insulates your skin even more effective what Add to Cart I got I like it thank you holy cow holy cow lowing cow I like that look at this it's just a family look at all those wires though just a fan it's our biggest fan is the pocket used up oh no that's the battery right here's the control no stop so you have to remove all of the cool air inside of you to turn it on and off fatal flaw hey that that's on the inside no I'm saying because it's gonna are you president for the sleekness you have a different reason I'm saying it for even when it is closed even when you're circulating air that's still gonna insulate like touch your body unless it's gonna the battery heating up is going to warm you up did you say that exact thing what are you talking about this battery I think it's used more it's going to that okay let's turn it on that's gonna keep you cool though it's cuz you're in cool air right now no it's because of the laws of throwing actually yeah yeah technically thank you think I have evaporation evaporation is what make your skin cooler and that's why you sweat so that if you are sweating this will be operation you mean perspiration what do you think person evaporates from your skin put this on Tanner yes that oh man you look like a little kid I haven't even closed it yet it's really cool it is puffing up they feel like really really sad and I love it I'm trying to cool my neck I go in this position and if you turn around you can see some wires hanging out if I run so I can see here turn around come here turn around I come here okay I just turned off your oh this is pretty good it called you but boy oh boy do you have to be done to wear this because it is allowed a man when it's hot it's hot I would say it's a dope dope I'll say so because it does work and it's not actually that ugly like I could've just been my costume no it's hospital you don't watch enough anime Yamaha Honda Yamaha is amazing anime I love that one premature says like senpai kawaii what is that it is as I say a signing board it's a singing keyboard you know I said signing the every single time I read it did you really I'm this no you just it's a little keyboard does that say vibrate of vibrato ah why would you do it yourself what your thought I brought her was a wavering of notes yeah well well cuz the piano will do it the piano will waver between its notes like what I know I don't know what this does yeah because I thought it's just something that helps you sing though just like projection there's nothing to do with the singing the board is singing you're not singing PA keyboard piano I don't know I've been distracted from this anime girl the beginning so the idea is that you're gonna press on it and be like yes oh yeah I see that it has those little receiver things right there these Keys whatnot she's standing on the receiver of your fingers [Applause] pump the volume Paul this star gonna be our new toy in the office dude it is a keyboard I know some piano no clearly not I do know some piano this is some like SNES music I hear I'm gonna be honesty this is extremely cool this is lit in my opinion hear me out Megiddo I'll say it's a joke I'm not giving it a megan pulse it yeah yeah you can definitely have this Paul and I are jammed I'm just gonna be an opposite arts map on communication toy that's enormous phone interactive companions well I don't understand what's happening why is it so big I don't know it's a companion that says oh no the second picture it's actually small they just had a huge life-size wait what why it's for the iPad place the cute employee map on on your phone and he will answer you tell your fortune and even play games with your phone and this cheeky chap is your new companion to entertain you he only speaks Japanese but whatever your language skills he will amuse and surprise you every day in fact if you get more than one there are several colors they will even talk to each other and the best thing snap-on need batteries what a horrible name smack down on that's for the iPad there are no customer reviews here nobody's bought it all right let's out at the car and see if he can really make this laugh even though we speak English and he speaks Japanese alright so here it is a little sensors on the bottom that read your display alright so please put it towards the front of the line of smartphone dog it does speak English let's eat you too alright it's like your phone brought into real life it's like it's how I got you through a phone yeah it's like a pokemon that fell I'm just feeding him you fed him through but I wonder if you fed him through his but oh you're gonna live donor he's Frank I love this toy alright what else we got love what's that what you doing testing our love compatibility means one of us loves the other but the other one doesn't love the other all right so it's the microphone I suck Tanner sucks doesn't work copy me how it doesn't know move on Michael move on with your life I'm gonna say this is a dope that's pretty fun for like to give to angry I'm actually curious if Luna will like it it's a dope and we're giving it to math bias to give to Luna mathayus beauty voice trainer oh gosh look at the picture of the one on the bottom the second cake on the bottom on the corner helps you helps you what helps give you the dole set was a little sad I've never heard of that word but for the iPad sweet and soothing sweet and soothing sounds dulcet I like that word in just five minutes a day the system works in three ways without training the human throat is restricted the specially designed mouthpiece positions the tongue to open the voice passage allowing a much stronger sound oh I see repossess here's the thing we shouldn't test us on you because you're a good singer already am i wow that's nice we should test it on one of us that we can see if our I know your vote if you want put this in your mouth and suck it go ahead Add to Cart beauty voice what's this was I supposed to be able to poke it through here it's actually a try me yeah tuning fork yeah this is supposed to last longer mmm it's a very solid G and you want to try you want me to try it I'll tell you man should I put this in water first why would that do it to get all the weird gunk off of it no the weird gunk is what's supposed to be in there this make any sense yeah yeah okay what I put my tongue on my mother in it you go their tongue goes on the bottom oh I don't want to see you it's not a kazoo do you find it helping just go through the nuts go like a cow [Music] [Laughter] you know video Oh what is this this is for one people in Japan and like China are sick they wear these because they're actually so polite and correct me if I'm wrong Chanel but they wear these because they're so polite that they don't want to get anybody else in it not because other people are sick and they also are a fashion aesthetic we have Haitian a what's poppin meet a man and Matt here we want to say thank you for joining the dope one hope squad if you guys want to join us and become part of a family you sure got a duel button down below thank you guys for joining us if you wanna have some more or less this video right here is a video that's only for the laziest people do not click it if you're not lazy if you are lazy click it or I guess maybe you click it eventually in this video right here right here is a video that YouTube recommends just for you so if you did enjoy this with a family member or a friend let us know down in the comments below what part you like best and we'll see you next time peace
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 3,644,204
Rating: 4.966291 out of 5
Keywords: online shopping, funny, fun, comedy, hilarious, online, diy, 2019, best, unboxing, unbox, fails, amazon, matthias, dope or nope, hi5 studios, reacting to, cringe, cringy, gadgets, tech, best tech, cool tech, new tech, on amazon, japan, japanese, only in japan, japanese inventions, funny japanese
Id: 0CcSpxiN5qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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