*GIANT* LEGO Build Off Challenge!

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[Music] what is up guys and welcome to battle universe my name is CJ we got Tanner Sam Brian and Connor back there and today we have a super special video for you guys that is right the giant Lego build ah Wow we bought a bunch of giant Legos look look at this thing entirely made of Legos we're gonna have two teams Sam and Tanner versus Connor and Brian I'm gonna name a random object they're gonna have five minutes to build it up to the best of their ability and then I'm gonna decide who wins for the first round you guys have five minutes to build me a cup of coffee five minutes starts now go Connor looks like he's already getting into it how do we make circles out of these okay sure whoever wins this first round is gonna get a freeze bonus into the next round in the second round you can shout out fries and the other team has to stop building for one minute remember that coffee cups also often have a handle on them so you can hold them teener pull I will pull pulling oh okay let me get it nice we're trying to build the handle the handle okay so we need to go out a little bit more do we have skinnier boys like that I'm not supposed to be partial but I I like this one but I have high hopes for them that works a handle hey as long as you believe it I believe it too like that do we have any colors that can like replicate like a smokey look like it's coming out of the top oh man look at that there we go filled the whole thing just size matter I don't know I ain't enough coffee I think we should have seen great ones for like smoke oh yeah one minute what oh man look at that you guys I feel bad I said you guys are struggling and you guys did really good hit that pole right there to tell us which coffee cup you guys think is the best Brian and Connors or Sam and Tanner's I have it are you oh yeah you go great just a few more just a few more three two one run one over time all right you guys let's judge this thing Wow yeah so we gotta handle right Wow it's one of the new innovative panels handled that feels like it came straight for mighty smart coffee cup Annika you go okay this is good we know we heard you like a coffee black just Colombian Colombian good smell dark roast oh that is a dark that is a dark road this is a ceramic finish I really appreciate that hold on yeah that looks great okay all right guys great job temperature is about 130 as well so hot burn it all right let's check in with the other team mahjongg welcome to the museum the Tanner and Samantha okay today we have a very nice exhibit who is a quasi cook yes very modern Wow it's still steaming smoking up it's just steaming Steve isn't great it's toxic steam bro this is the lip this is the this is the handle right here this is your handle yes we decided to make it flush I thought this was gonna be way easier and I'll just be able to pick this is way harder these are both really good ours is also triple I mean I am Arizona too they sleep in this size think about it there's just steaming so much that you can't even drink if these are my off-camera judges we have Christian and Hannah here so they have theirs she has seen handles like that I've seen handles like this she's in France okay so creativity-wise this was a very hard decision to make we had to not only take in creativity but also the people themselves and what they were able to do so I must I must award the first round to Connor the first winning thank you and I want to let you know that you guys really pulled through I wasn't expecting this clean of a product from you guys hey hey now hey now be a good sport for this team I'm gonna award them the fries bonus so guys for the next round you could shout out fries at any moment and they have to stop building for one whole minute now the question are they are you guys gonna cry about it when we do it yeah for this round if you win you will get the helping hands bonus one of our piays will come in and help you for a minute and the third round to help you build your stuff you guys have five minutes to build me a computer build whatever you want but it better look like a computer have any I don't know what to do with this one I'm gonna be honest this is like the base right and then it needs to come up and then the computer because the monitors have legs on them they're not just like are you trying to build a surface studio here or something well no it's like a monitor a computer monitor we're making a computer like you asked CJ nice nice I might have to give these guys a helping hand if they're still struggling there we go yes now we're planning we're just planning oh okay I already see what you guys are doing there I like it hey you're about halfway there on your time just say guys know should we freeze them praise these give us a chance for organized Tanner and say I'm have to freeze for one minute and they cannot build on this thank you just organize and brainstorm and visualize you guys have one minute to finish I don't know what Conor is doing oh my goodness even with the freeze guys first we need to fill in these areas with these skinny boys show you what the border at that border with 30 seconds left good we need two more two more skinny five boys right huh what are we doing it for air on top what's up guys hit that pool right there to tell us which computer you guys think is the best salmon Tanner's Khan and Brian's mine I don't know I didn't even make one we haven't splurt cogsa leg goes down oh good job guys good job all right guys what do we have here oh our we have our keyboard here trackpad here and then there's also a power slot right here this is where we go ahead and put the power good job guys I think you did good you utilized all the flat pieces can we look at this the centering of this I love the set of it I love the trackpad it feels good can we just talk about how this is like a 1930s laptop it's chunky it's chunky chunky if that's if that's your only rebuttal I think we did a good job I think but I got a check out theirs we went more for a desktop you know more efficient way of working I do like the size of it is this a wireless wireless keyboard wireless mouse it's an iMac what's everybody laughing at everybody wants to one of these IMAX this trackpad is nice nice look at mouse - keyboard ratio wow this is really hard we built this for you you're a gamer you like to play games look how big this screen is almost twice the size of that and they didn't even have a mouse near a trackpad how you gonna slay some believes with a trackpad we have actual keys these are mechanical keyboard right here a mechanical keyboard for you so when you're playing your game there's dead accuracy when you're playing for tonight you're trying to build some speed walls that maybe a couple 90s dead accurate dude all right this was another tough one you guys honestly I'm really impressed with your lego building skills this is the first lego video we've done these guys are doing great let's see if my thighs can tell you all right so Matt the challenge was to build a computer don't say anything that's poor right don't say it looks like Sam and Tanner win the first round on to the next round for the tiebreaker round Sam and Tanner you guys get the helping hand bonus Colin Christian and he's gonna help you guys for one minute on your bill you too Lou you get nothing all right guys the last and tiebreaker to signing of the winner item to build is a flower Christian come here all right crystal we're picking you right now all right Rose yeah okay I'll start so it looks like they're utilizing Christian the way to get a good idea for what they need to build all right Connor this is all you meant you you dog my design last night whatever you want we build Wow done read part on it what it's totally gross wow you guys are already making it's about to blossom alright okay okay okay were you like that yeah not a little bit one more over more it yeah I'm excited for this one folks I love the helping hand has ended Christian is no longer helping them I'm gonna give you guys bonus points if you build a nice base around your flower but you're saying bonus points are something they already doing well they gave me the idea how about you start building the base I'll build the hurt if you build the base oh this one looks like a Mario flower give me another leaf on top of that one so you guys are going like full 3d so I could check out your flower at all angles this is definitely postmodern you guys ever stepped on a Lego before what about these Legos okay here's one Maura I would need tomorrow's there's another two minutes left what's this you're outta here Brian water go ahead and hit that pool right up here guys and let us know which flower you guys think is the best and who deserves to win this entire challenge 30 seconds ten nine eight seven six five four three two one time's up time for the judging portion Connor and Brian what do we have here got ourself a rose as you can see like we added layers to it in a way obviously when it rose on petals so the petals are they're not even they're not flat so that's what we did there oh you added water in the vase it's what it it's flooded that's gonna die hey on your own time a lot of water on your own time in abyss it is symmetrical it looks great it looks straight out of Super Mario I love this and well watered and well watered let's go check in with the other team so your typical rose is overdone oversaturated its commercial you know so you want it to go for more of a modern cubism Cuban yeah more of like a da Vinci or a mom oh I see it like a modern turd I see it all of their creativity is just overflowing and it's really hard to turn down their beautiful creations I'll put my by my ecocide I think the other ones better even though I did give the idea for the base I think okay you know they took that idea and pronounce it so we have our we have our one thing so all right well guys well why are we in front of theirs because they want I know the contouring Brian you guys really killed it this child I'm impressed the water was the saving grace yeah as well as the overall symmetry and size of your flower hi I'm very we get it they did okay you guys did really good in the first two rounds and I'm impressed thank you guys so much for watching and go ahead and check out the don't shoot too soon video that we upload it and check out a video right over here that YouTube recommends for you always don't forget to subscribe and comment down below every single Lego idea that you guys have that you want to see made out of these giant Legos we'll see you next time high five
Channel: Battle Universe
Views: 671,184
Rating: 4.8604984 out of 5
Keywords: Battle Universe, Nerf Battle Universe, Nerf Challenge, epic nerf battle, team edge, hi5, high five, hi5 nerf, hi5 studios, hi 5 studios, matthias vlogs, nerf, nurf, nerf battle, giant legos, lego, base building, fort, diy, build, build off, speed build, speed build lego
Id: smeWGIFmVn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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