10 Signs You've Found The ONE

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[Music] hey there psych2goers welcome back to our channel we're so glad to see you here and we're very grateful for your ongoing love and support psychtico's mission is to help everyone learn about self-help and mental health in a more digestible manner now let's continue with the video did you know that sixty percent of the population believes in soulmates they say someday you'll find your perfect match someday you'll find the one but how do you know when you've met the one or what if you already have to make sure you don't miss your perfect match here are 10 signs you stumbled upon your soulmate 1. you share strength in good times and bad soul mates offer each other strength when your partner needs you you are their rock but when your life spirals out of control they'll set aside their problems and be there for you too your soulmate will always be a shoulder to cry on and always give you a hug when you need it if you found the one you found a lifelong source of strength 2. you connect emotionally mates understand their partners better than anyone if you found the one you and your partner connect on a deeper level you understand their emotions you know what makes them smile and laugh you and your partner may deal with your own emotions differently but you truly get each other and you stay connected in deeply personal ways number three you challenge each other your soul mate will be your biggest fan they will love you respect you and admire you they want to see you find happiness and success so they'll challenge you to better yourself soul mates aren't afraid to give constructive criticism or help their partners overcome bad habits sometimes tough love is the greatest gift one partner can give another if you found the one they'll celebrate your victories and they'll also push you to greater heights number four you really apologize you apologize just to end the conversation do you say you're sorry to get your partner off your back when soul mates apologize they mean it they say they're sorry because they recognize what they're doing is wrong or hurtful they aren't looking for shortcuts they won't lie to calm you down the one will mean it when they apologize because they want the best for your relationship number five you put in equal effort are you doing all the work in your relationship if you found the one your partner will be just as eager as you are you both put effort into the relationship because you both want to see each other it may feel easy to organize time together as well on the other hand if you're the only one texting calling and planning you may not have found the one six you've crossed paths before have you crossed paths before do your lives seem to effortlessly intertwine some say the universe naturally brings soulmates together even if you don't believe in this power this sign is incredibly important if you continue to cross paths it means your lives blend together your schedules and lifestyles fit like two puzzle pieces it's rare to find someone whose life mirrors your own if you cross paths again and again you may have found the one seven you don't hide anything in the early stages of a relationship you may hide your true self you show your partner the best version of yourself while hiding your deficits and weaknesses but as the relationship grows you're faced with a difficult decision do you keep playing pretend or do you show your weak spots to your partner if you feel comfortable exposing your vulnerabilities and being yourself you may have found the one eight you share values do you and your partner have the same values you two may come from opposite backgrounds your lives may have unfolded very differently yet you view the world through a similar lens you may share the same ideals morals and values similar experiences have shaped you as like-minded people if you and your partner have these fundamental things in common you may have discovered your soulmate 9. you openly express concerns do you feel comfortable expressing concerns to your partner soul mates are open and honest with each other they're not afraid to talk about anything from the highest highest to the lowest lows this unspoken faith requires a strong trusting bond otherwise expressing your honest concerns may damage the relationship if you feel comfortable coming to your partner with anything they may be your soul mate and number 10 you plan ahead do you and your partner agree on the big picture when you imagine your future is your partner a part of it if the answer is yes you may have found your soulmate soulmates plan ahead with their partners in mind they can't envision a future without you in it to show you how important you are the one will look into the future they may for example invite you to an event next year planning so far ahead means they see you in their lives if you feel the same you may have found your perfect match so have you found the one for you why or why not tell us about your experiences in the comments below don't forget to click the like button and subscribe to psyc2go for more psychology content if you found this video helpful share it with someone who would also benefit from it and as always thanks for watching see you soon you
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 2,486,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 Signs You've Found The ONE, relationship advice, relationships, dating, is he the one, is she the one, is he the one for me, is she the one for me, signs you have found your soulmate, the one, soulmate, love, twin flame, twin flame signs, love advice, boyfriend, girlfriend, marriage, soul mates, romance, couples, soulmates, happiness, date, true love, relationship tips
Id: 80DaQjCWvs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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