8 Signs Someone Is Fighting Their Feelings For You

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they like me they like me not do you find yourself in a similar head space when you think of that one person understanding someone's motivations in a world where words can be ambiguous and feelings are hidden can actually seem like solving a puzzle a tricky mystery that defies simple analysis so to help you solve the mystery here are eight signs that reveal when someone is fighting their feelings for you they tend to avoid emotional intimacy as crushes can be unrequited and in inating people avoid becoming emotionally vulnerable encapsulated by never-ending uncertainties it's not an easy task to let someone in or even engage in deep conversations with them this avoidance of intimacy can allow them to protect themselves from developing intense feelings and getting attached to you this can take the form of surface level conversations wherein they keep communication light and avoid any discussions of emotions past experiences or future aspirations further they can be obs OB erve deflecting any potentially vulnerable talk and might even resort to humor or sarcasm as a defense mechanism for the same they joke about potential relationships as they struggle with their feelings for you they may find themselves joking about potential relationships with others this Behavior allows them to present a nonchalant front and divert attention from their true emotions they might try to distance themselves from the possibility of revealing their true feelings for you by making light-hearted remarks or teasing about romantic involvement with other people this allows them to downplay their emotions and maintain a sense of emotional Detachment they use metaphorical language the sad truth is crushes are often one-sided and are commonly kept hidden from the person they are directed towards leading to difficulties in communication as a result it is not surprising that individuals resort to metaphorical language as a means of expressing their true emotions that they may be too afraid to articulate directly however even such indirect communication can reveal true feelings in 2017 Professor GA and her team at the University of electronic Science and Technology of China conducted a relevant study they found that men who use metaphorical compliments regarding women's appearance often show higher levels of artistic creativity masculinity and intelligence additionally women were found to prefer men who used more metaphorical compliments when dating conclusively woman's responses to such Behavior tends to fuel its occurrence as well as confusion in understanding whether they actually like you or not they might avoid direct contact you're surrounded by your group of friends having a delightful conversation but there's that one person even though you can see them pay attention to every little detail you mention they rarely speak to you directly you might find them talking to the group or someone else but just not you from their perspective being straightforward with someone whom they have feelings for can be extremely intimidating this can even take the form of indirect playful teasing and light-hearted mockery becoming their weapons of choice masking the depth of their emotions they put on a facade of confidence in their attempt to conceal their feelings for you they might unintentionally adopt an overly confident Persona as a shield against vulnerability in group settings you might notice them boasting and bragging about their accomplishments trying to paint themselves as irresistibly desirable their voice might ring out and they might enter a room radiating self assurance however there's a hidden struggle going on behind this bravado a battle to keep their true emotions hidden fostering a safe and non-judgmental environment from your end can encourage open and honest communication obvious body cues while some people may try to conceal their true feelings the body has a way of betraying them body language plays a significant role in communication accounting for a whopping 60 to 90% of our human interactions that's an impressive amount of credit to attribute to our non-verbal cues therefore people's body language can reveal underlying emotional struggles as they attempt to repress their feelings this can be read in the form of subtle Smiles or smirks fidgeting or restlessness involuntary leaning towards you frequent glances or stolen looks prolonged eye contact or even a giveaway blush they display hot and cold Behavior someone who likes you will most probably have a hard time not complimenting you after all they're quite infatuated with you but don't think of this as typical full-blown hearty comments all the time rather this behavior is sporadic in nature and can be seen oscillating between moments of warmth and distance in the absence of compliments from their end Behavior like withdrawal aloofness vague answers or becoming distant become their weapons of choice masking the depth of their emotions this inconsistency arises from their efforts to push away their growing feelings or create barriers to prevent their relationship from progressing they seek information about you indirectly ever wondered how they always seem to know what's happening in your life even when you two aren't talking well chances are that discussing you with other people uses can be emotionally intense making it difficult to suppress genuine feelings their Relentless curiosity about you drives them to seek more information reaching out to those close to you to uncover your unique qualities and interests love is a complex Journey but by keeping an eye out for these hints and trusting your instincts you can navigate it with confidence if any of these signs resonate with your own experiences let us know in the comments below and in case you feel a potential connection and want to to enhance it be sure to check out these videos for helpful tips until next time Psy to go is Happy decoding
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 118,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crush, does he like me, does she like me, dating, relationship, relationships, does your crush like you, does your crush like you back, does my crush like me back, dating tips, attraction
Id: f-9hlwQxeXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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