How To Know If You’ve Met "The One" | Russell Brand

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73% of Americans believe in the concept of a soulmate is America far from being a secular nation where church and state are separated and in fact still a spiritual country where the very notion of spirituality has now been redesignated into the search for love a chivalric idea if I may say so when the Knights of old would look for love in human form knowing though that it was an emblem of sublime divine love what does it mean a soulmate that your soul is going to be connected where would you traditionally look for a connection for the soul why would you try to be absolved resolved and redeemed through love when there is a more direct crew a route to redemption and what does it do to you psychologically to believe that there is one perfect person out there these ideas are constructs derived from a romantic tradition and as I've said already the chivalric tradition it's not an organic idea there are many cultures to this day that believe in arranged marriage a practical approach to marriage or from this orb and you're from this sort of background you've got these sort of needs you've got this sort of need it'll be good for our families get together work it out among yourself so the Western mind this seems appalling we believe so much in the individual but God how many marriages end in divorce all of mine do now only half of mine do so like the very idea of romantic love being a solution it doesn't mean that it is somehow more essential somehow more true in my experience a partnership and it's not you know forget that maybe the very notion of the nuclear family and a partnership might just be a contemporary construct that could be amended perhaps we ought to live in tribal units polyamorous who knows is certainly not some macabre suggesting to my wife but it's a possibility the idea of the soul mate I think is a yearning for connection and love that people would have sought in previous times through a connection to nature or a higher power and I would suggest that that is a more appropriate direction for that impulse to be guided along because if you make a person a soulmate a redeemer your to quote the Depeche Mode personal Jesus what are you gonna do when they ultimately get crucified what you aren't really gonna do when they let you down what is a soulmate really what is relationship at all other than a reflection of yourself do you ever really know a person or do you just know the aspects of them that you interact with have you not known someone for a long time and then discovered that they had a whole second life a second wife that you didn't really know that much about them at all of course you have happens every day the idea of a soulmate is the materialization the physical ization the secularization if I can use all these words of an impulse that belongs in the realm of the sublime all I mean by that is you can't epitomize it you can't symbolize it you have to live it we can't continually look for objects of fulfillment whether they're relationships or jobs or training shoes what we have to look for instead is a new relationship with ourselves as beings who live in time not beings who live in space not a solid object but an ever-changing entity if you are an ever-changing entity if there is really no self just an experiencer of data traveling through time and how could there be a perfect one for you because there is no you you are continually evolving continually changing continually remodeling and remaking yourself in experience moment to moment what is this need for a soulmate other than our inability to face the fact that the vini and beauty are available everywhere but instead we choose to see limitation fear low systems I don't blame you how could I why would I for living in all low-ceilinged world with low expectations tangled in taxes and mortgages and rent voting for political parties that can't ever help you but I will say there is an alternative way to look at love not as an arrow but as a spiral a circle an ongoing thing which we are participating in instead of looking for a soulmate being mate your own soul house good was now I'm getting good at least aren't I kill mom come at go go straight on a mug couldn't it instead of looking for a soul mate be a mate your own soul that we can be knocking them out in the website in no time at all what I'm saying is is that all things are possible within your own consciousness and if you practice certain things spiritually you will find that you don't need to look externally for anything least of all using cultural tropes such as the soul mate to fulfill timeless yearnings the yearning for union the yearning for connection the yearning for oneness there seems to be present in all all of us what is this reaching out what are we looking for really who are we trying to become so when we talk about soulmates really what we're saying is I want to feel connected and when you're in relationship my experience is find someone that you can embark on the project of being alive in the material world knowing that you're both going to die and everyone you love going to die and they are mageddon is coming and that you can handle that with that what might be more helpful criteria rather than some whimsical claptrap you've dragged out of Bridget Jones or Byron or wherever you get your romance from because really love and oneness is for all people not for one individual people person hello I'm doing these new videos more frequently now please hit the notification button at the end of this video then you'll get a like a little bell when there I post a new video and I'd like you to get a little bill when I post the video then I can I don't know be buzzing away in your pocket sounds like I'd be like a little pocket mosquito anyway subscribe click the bell to want more people to watch their YouTube videos you specifically
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 276,014
Rating: 4.916584 out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Trews, Russell Brand Trews, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand revolution, Russell Brand politics, news review, relationships, russell brand dating, soul mates, finding the one, mindfulness, mindful living, spirituality
Id: IV3xlYrpt6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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