Never Let Go Of Someone With These 9 Character Traits

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[Music] hey psych2goers welcome back to another video to start off we'd like to thank you all for the support that you've given us psychedel's mission is to make psychology and mental health more accessible to everyone now let's begin are you trying to find the one you have trouble figuring out whether your partner is right for you while there are many factors that lead to a healthy relationship there are also some qualities to look out for in your partner that are beneficial in fostering a long-term healthy relationship and even though the ones we will mention aren't the only qualities to look out for they are some of the major ones that would be most beneficial to a healthy relationship so if your partner has these nine qualities you should not let them go number one they're supportive does your partner encourage your dreams validate your feelings and make you feel secure having a supportive partner who can provide you with the emotional and mental support you need is essential for a lasting relationship researchers from carnegie mellon university had even found that supportive spouses played a role in increasing a person's chances of success their reassurance and support had encouraged their partner to take on more challenging and rewarding tasks in the long run these couples showed an increase in personal growth and happiness number two they engage in your personal growth do you have a partner who encourages new experiences that allow you both to grow as individuals and develop new perspectives another important determinant for a successful relationship is self-expansion which is the desire to strengthen or increase your potential efficiency experiencing new things together makes you feel happier with your partner and more committed to them even if you don't have time to engage in new hobbies or activities with them simply witnessing their self-expansion can boost your level of happiness too 3. they're emotionally intelligent is your partner an effective communicator who can express their emotions and understand yours emotional intelligence is the ability to use understand and manage your emotions people who are emotionally intelligent often have great social skills acknowledgement and regulation of their own emotions and an understanding of how others feel licensed mental health counselor carrie anne brown even states that emotional intelligence in a relationship can help couples express and manage difficult emotions that they may confront which helps forge a strong and lasting relationship 4. they are understanding is your partner able to relate and empathize with what you're going through as mentioned by dr bernstein in his self-help book understanding between couples is vital to a relationship a partner who truly understands what you're saying and expressing can connect with you at a deeper level and strengthen the bond in your relationship number five they're kind is your partner kind and generous towards you psychologist john gottham studied newlyweds and found that the key to a long-term healthy relationship is rooted in kindness and generosity couples who were kind to each other were able to foster an environment of love trust and intimacy it allows couples to emotionally connect and become comfortable with each other which helps them overcome conflicts and disputes and maintain a healthy and loving relationship number six they're respectful does your partner respect your opinions experiences and boundaries it's crucial to a relationship that you and your partner see each other as equals you each have your own interests opinions and feelings that are valid and should be respected an unhealthy relationship however will involve one partner dominating the other they disrespect any ideas or opinions that go against theirs by telling them that their opinions are crazy dumb or worthless therefore the ability for both of you to speak on equal terms and be listened to is vital for a long-term healthy relationship number seven they know how to compromise are you and your partner able to meet each other halfway when you're in a disagreement compromising does not mean that one person wins and the other loses both partners need to be heard and understood to reach a happy medium especially when confronting a particularly difficult problem you and your partner both deserve to be heard and a healthy compromise helps you and your partner become the most authentic versions of yourself it promotes each other's personal growth and leads to overall happiness in the relationship number eight they accept your flaws does your partner accept your flaws and differences without judgment or annoyance someone who accepts you and your flaws is open and emotionally honest and is able to see the perfect in your imperfections there is less resentment and more peace in relationships where partners accept each other this acceptance can also encourage more personal growth and high levels of self-esteem in yourself and your partner and number nine they share your core values do you and your partner share the same set of values while it's normal to disagree on the minor things such as your favorite show or takeout order it's much more important you share the same core values where they stand on topics like marriage family and religion can be important in determining the compatibility and durability of the relationship if you and your partner have opposing core values and are unwilling to compromise on most of these topics future conflicts may arise does your partner show any of the qualities we mentioned tell us about it in the comments below if you enjoyed this video please like and share it with others who may find it helpful too don't forget to subscribe to psych2go and hit the notification bell icon for more content see you soon
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 3,466,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: relationships, relationship, dating, dating advice, Never Let Go Of Someone with these 9 Character Traits, Never Let Him Go, Dating tips, never let her go, man, qualities, good guy, boyfriend, couple, signs, psychology, soul mate, woman, happiness, love advice, advice, girlfriend, love, soulmate, tips, personality, date, personality types, romance, psych2go, character traits
Id: a3a8ilFpfM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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