If You See These Signs Near Your Door, Call the Police!

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[Music] listen up 10 tips to protect your home from burglary you know burglars don't care who you are they just want whatever precious stuff you have according to the FBI's yearly Uniform Crime Report in 2016 the damage caused by burglaries in the USA alone reached an astonishing three and a half billion dollars what's worse burglars usually try to get rid of stolen loot as soon as possible so the chances of getting your property back are slim to none about 20 percent Brightside is bringing you the most common schemes burglars usually stick by armed with this information it'll be easier for you to keep your property safe counting down from number 10 burglars prefer easy targets now to burglarize a house a thief can take anywhere from 90 seconds to 12 minutes most of this time is actually spent on just locating valuables and taking them out not the initial breaking into the home that's why criminals tend to choose easy targets for example first floor apartments homes with their windows or doors open and houses that are difficult to see from the street to avoid unpleasant surprises follow these recommendations always close the front door to your apartment or house along with the windows and the door to the balcony if you have one if you live in the 1st or 2nd floor put bars on the windows yeah it looks a little scary but it's worth it and always remember to lock all doors and windows when you leave don't leave your keys under the doormat or in any other stereotypical hiding places it's much better to give a spare copy to someone you trust also get an alarm burglars can easily pick most locks with the help of a screwdriver or a lockpick but in most cases an alarm will scare them off hey get a dog and it doesn't even need to be a huge threatening looking brave burglars aren't so much afraid of the animal itself or the chances of getting bitten as the are of the noise that barking creates it also attracts unwanted attention that they try to avoid at all costs so even a cute little ankle-biter will do the trick just get one with a really big bark now bigger than that yeah that's one that's a chihuahua Wow [Music] number nine burglars don't like difficulties criminals are ready to spend no more than five minutes on getting into a house or apartment after that the stakes become too high and they prefer to ditch the plan so to make these guys lives a whole lot harder and to protect your property it's enough to install some additional locks or a security system number eight criminals look for vulnerable spots people often overlook vulnerable places in their homes such as small windows or basement wells however burglars take advantage of these weak spots to easily get into your residence that's why you should install locks and grading on all the entrances to your home not just the big obvious ones number seven burglars love empty houses the highest number of apartment and house burglaries happen in July and August when most people are away on vacation how do criminals know the house is empty there are a lot of ways but the easiest one is seeing how much clutter has accumulated in the mailbox aha the more hands-on burglars may even stick a flyer on your front door or put a cookie under the doormat if after some time they see that the flyer is still there and the cookie isn't crushed it's a sure sign that the homeowners are away and what a criminal waste of a cookie to avoid this potential danger try doing the following if you'll be gone for a long period of time ask your friends or neighbors to look after your house and check your mail regularly empty the mailbox yourself and don't leave advertising leaflets hanging on your door shut your curtains or blinds if they're drawn wide open it's just way too easy for burglars to go window-shopping number sex burglars survey the house before invading it criminals tend to test the waters before committing a burglary a really common tactic is visiting homes pretending to be public utility workers this way they can check when the owners are out as well as make sure the house is even worth robbing they can even use a special system of symbols and hieroglyphics to mark doors or mailboxes of places that they've already checked man these guys have a lot of free time on their hands don't they these symbols can change and differ from country to country but if you notice something similar it might be a good idea to stay alert to keep yourself out of this predicament always remember this advice if you get a random visit from a plumber or electrician the best idea would be to call the managing company and make sure they really sent this person don't use the number you're uninvited guests provides it's probably fake watch your mailbox on the front door for any suspicious signs if you notice something don't hesitate to contact the police don't keep your keys or valuable things where anybody can see them one quick glance and the burglar will memorize their location Wow see these guys are seriously prepared but are they as prepared as telephone scammers who cheat people out of their money you can arm yourself with knowledge by watching this video about the latest telephone scams the link is at the top of the screen okay now back to burglars number five criminals hunt for small objects and know where to find them let's get one thing straight burglars are interested in money jewelry and electronics but if they catch a glimpse of your favorite designer clothing and bags expensive perfume medicines or weapons they won't say no to those items either to avoid this threat keep your money in the bank as for jewelry and other valuable belongings it would be better to find a safe place for them and don't even think about throwing them in a cupboard sock drawer shoebox or bookcase criminals are well aware of these common hiding places and ransacked them first however they would be unlikely to rummage through all the food in your fridge or kitchen cabinets well not unless they're really hungry burglars save the serial number of all your electronics mobile phones computers gaming consoles etc in a separate file mark the most expensive objects with a UV mark it'll help you identify them if they're found this way you can slightly increase your chances of getting your stolen items back number 4 criminals are social media savvy whenever you upload your latest vacation pictures on Facebook or Instagram remember that they can be seen not only by your friends and family but also by those who would love nothing more than to explore your empty apartment and it can be easily located based on the geo tags on the photos you took at home also burglars can use social media sites to decide whether or not your apartment is worth their time and effort to avoid this situation you really need to control yourself on your favorite social media platforms don't reveal too much personal information about yourself on the interwebs don't write about your travel plans and don't upload pics while you're still at your vacay destination don't upload photos of your valuable things money or big purchases just the picture of that triple scoop hot fudge sundae you had for dessert don't friend people you don't know it's harsh but that's reality number three criminals can use your own stuff to get inside the house burglars are opportunistic so they'll search the vicinity for any objects that can help them get into your house if they can get their hands on it they'll use your own screwdriver or a ladder to break into your house and steal your stuff how bowl they can also use rocks bricks or heavy tools to force their way in and garbage cans stools or ladders left outside are great for climbing over the fence or into a window if you don't want to assist in the burglary of your own home put all your tools ladders and yard equipment in the garage keep them in a shed or just take them inside don't leave anything that can be used to break into your house just lying around outside then includes big sticks or tree branches rocks and bricks number two burglars can come up with different excuses to get in one of the schemes criminals may employ is coming up with some crazy or pitiful stories in order to get into your home I mean these guys invent hieroglyphics create stories why don't they put their talents to good use anyway they'll come to your door tell you that their dog has just run away and asked you to check if it's somehow got into your house if you agree the best-case scenario is that they'll get a visual of your home but in the worst-case scenario you'll be missing your wallet or purse after their departure if you're not so willing to part with your precious fence never ever let strangers into your house no matter how desperate they say even if you decide to help search for the probably non-existent dog inside your house you again well be sure to lock the door first and don't let the visitors in and number one distraction burglaries are on the rise a distraction burglary scheme is simple one criminal tries to occupy all your attention while his accomplice secretly gets into the house actually the lost dog store is one of these types Oh knock it off hey where's my stuff anyway another distraction scheme that's even more popular is the emergency situation a person pretending to be a utility worker will appear at your door looking frantic and inform you that there's a water main break nearby or a gas leak or whatever so they've come to save the day and turn off your supply while you're taking them to let's say the basement their partner will empty out your house right behind your back or above your head you get it so here's what you can do to prevent this situation don't open the door if you aren't sure who's knocking even if you're mostly convinced with the story still call a trustworthy neighbor and ask them to check the perimeter of your home if you're persuaded to evacuate your home lock all the doors and other entry ways into the house windows balconies and so on have you heard any other stories about the sneaky ways burglars get into the house tell us in the comments below share this video with your friends so that they can protect their homes to remember to give us a like and subscribe to our Channel because there's always loads of interesting videos on the bright side of life you
Views: 1,926,495
Rating: 4.8179121 out of 5
Keywords: protect your home, burglary, security system, burglary fail, burglary tricks, security home life hacks, protect home from thieves, safety tips, safety rules, burglar-proof your home, keep home safe, survival tips
Id: rCXPSrcnozk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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