OpenAI's GPT-4o Update: Insane New Model for ChatGPT! (Goodbye GPT-4)

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wave the gp4 model goodbye because open AI has just released their new flagship model GPT 40 and there are so many huge announcements with this model release it will affect everyone who currently uses chat GPT for the better now GPT 40 provides gp4 level intelligence but it improves on its capabilities and its speed amongst text video and audio and this Improvement is insane I'm going to show you some demo videos later in this video so you can see how GPT 4 is changing chat GPT forever but one of the most important things to understand right now is this GPT 40 model is available to everyone free and plus users and free users are going to be very very excited by this news because you get all of the capabilities that chat GPT 4 has to offer such as web browsing chat GPT Vision Advanced Data analysis and you even get access to the GPT store if you are a free user now and you want to utilize GPT 40 now paid users you might be like wait what's going on here why am I still paying for chat GPT well paid users you actually get 5x the capacity that the free users get so there is still an advantage of having the paid version of chat gbt but for free users this is absolutely insane because you automatically with this GPT 40 model unlock all of the features that GPT 4 has to offer such as the gpts feature chat GPT vision and so on now open AI claims that they've been working super hard these past couple years on improving the strength of each model but this update in specific is the biggest Leap Forward and ease of use that open AI has ever had but let's take a look at where GPT 40 improves on the model most which is the latency between conversations so when you're asking chat gbt a question especially with the voice feature how fast it can give you an answer back in the natural tones of the voice I mean this new voice feature is picking up on multiple different things from tone background noise is it can now see real time what you're talking about and what you're doing it can pick up on sarcasm make jokes you can interrupt the model now there's so many things you can do so first let's just hop into this quick demo video that I have on open ai's website and I think this video in specific gives a very good general idea of the new improvements of this GPT 40 model so this is coming straight from open ai's website I'll leave a link to this article down in the description so you can check out all of these videos and all of the capabilities and all of the improvements but I think this video gives a very good demonstration on what this new GPT 40 model is going to be capable of especially using the voice feature how quick it is pay attention that this person is talking to this thing real time it's picking up on things around the room and so much more uh so watch this I guarantee that you will be amazed so I'm going to start this now so we can take a listen and see what this is capable of hey how's it going it's going great how about you I see see your rock in an open AI hoodie nice choice what's up with that ceiling though are you in a cool IND dust rest style office or something well can you take a guess at what I might be doing based on what I'm showing you here from what I can see it looks like you're in some kind of recording or production setup with those lights tripods and possibly a mic it seems like you might be gearing up to shoot a video or maybe even a live stream yeah in fact we've got a new announcement to make notice one thing is how he can interrupt the model now when it's talking real time over here on the right you can see he has a video setup so it's like he's almost talking to chat GPT she noticed in this case that he was wearing an open AI hoodie that he had a mic on his hoodie the ceiling was an industrial office space he flipped the camera around showed his setup and said based on my surroundings what might I be doing and she said filming a video and he said yes now they're going on about this an but notice how we can pick up on those little things like that we take for granted every single day the tone of voice the things around us interruptions and speech I mean it's responding so quickly that's one of the biggest improvements is the latency reduction uh with this new model especially in the voice feature so let's continue this video has a little bit longer left what if I were to say that you're related to the announcement or that you are the announcement me the announcement is about me well color me intrigued are you about to reveal something about AI okay and also notice here the emotions that chat gbt has in the v in the voice here I'm going to play that back because that's just amazing when he tells chat gbt that the announcement is about her or in this case chat gbt I'm saying her because of the girl voice but when he announces that she gets excited uh take a listen again me the announcement is about me well color me intrigued are you about to reveal something about AI or more specifically about me as a part of open AI you've got me on the edge of my well I don't really have a seat but you get the idea what's the big news and see that she's also making jokes too chat gbt is now making jokes to this guy saying that this announcement has got me on the edge of my seat and then it stopped itself and said well I don't really have a seat but you get the point so it's having very natural humanlike conversation and this is going to make it very easy to use especially when it comes to things like language learning tutoring uh things like fixing things if you have your camera and you say I'm not you're talking to chat gbt right you're saying I'm not really sure how to fix this over here or I'm not really sure how to do this math problem this is going to be amazing for tutoring so we can finish out this video it only has about 5 seconds left I will just hit play and we can finish that out yeah we've got a new model that can interact with the world through audio vision and text okay so that's pretty cool but gbt 40 quite amazing on how quickly it can pick up on things how quickly it can respond you can interrupt the model anytime you want and say whoa whoa whoa don't do that do this now there's some other examples that I want to show you but first I just kind of want to get into the improvements how important this is and what is this going to actually mean for the future and for people who use Shad GPT in the future well I want you to keep in mind that before GPT 40 it took the model about 2 to 3 seconds if you were in bad connection sometimes even 10 seconds to respond uh when you were using the voice feature but now it responds instantly because all of these things the text The Voice the audio the video with GPT 40 these things are all happening natively so it's reasoning with the text the voice and the vision all at once the amazing thing about this model is they are bringing it and making it available able to everyone as I said that's one of the most important things about this is It's democratizing the capabilities of chat GPT now on this article that I shared with you in the description there are multiple different videos demonstrating the capabilities but this one I really wanted to show you with the interview prep because I thought it was very powerful on how it picks up on things and how it can kind of make jokes and just talk to you real time so I just wanted to play this one real quick it's a minute long and this is going to open your eyes to the capability ilities of this GPT 40 model much more than it already has if you aren't already amazed so let's take a look at this hey how's it going hey Rocky I'm doing great how about you I'm awesome listen I got some huge news oh do tell I'm all yours well in a few minutes I'm going to be interviewing at open AI have you heard of them open a huh sounds Vaguely Familiar kidding of course that's incredible Rocky what kind of interview well it's for a software engineering role but I just need to know do I look presentable professional well Rocky you definitely have the I've been coding all night look down which could actually work in your favor maybe just run a hand through your hair or lean into the bad Che spine Your Enthusiasm is what's really going to shine you I don't have a lot of time so I'm just going to throw this on what do you think Rocky that's quite a statement piece I I mean you you'll definitely stand out though maybe not in the way you're hoping for an interview okay I got it I got it so that's just insane it's making jokes it's responding it's laughing it seems like this is becoming to a point where it has emotions and it can pick up on things like sarcasm and it seems to me that the do side of things or the actual image generation capabilities have vastly improved when utilizing this in the new GPT 40 model I want to run you through a couple of examples that open AI has done when exploring the capabilities of an input to an output within chat gbt so let's get into it I'm going to first select poetic typography as an exploration of capabilities and this is just amazing how it can do this now I don't remember it ever being this good at generating text to picture we are just scratching the surface because this has barely been out for long enough to where we have explored the full capability so as you can see the input gives a poem right here and then the action command is a poem written in clear but excited handwriting and a diary the text is large legible and clear but stretches as the right Muses about Sight and Sound and then as you can see it has this text it looks very very humanlike and it couldn't do this before it was not this capable of producing stuff this good in this cursive sloppy handwriting that looks very believable and very very real now we can take a look at other examples of their capabilities using some of these new enhancements to their existing features so one that I think is really going to be powerful is this one right here the uh meeting notes with multiple speakers so what the input was here is an uploaded one minute file of some meeting notes and this was just an audio file so I can play that really quick okay good morning our first morning morning I'll be your project manager so they're just kind of going out it's a little bit of a meeting there's multiple different speakers and the input is how many speakers in this audio and what happened and it gives an output of there are four speakers in this audio it sounds like a project meeting and then it gives a transcription based on the input so it says can you transcribe it with speaker names and the out outp put is the entire transcription of the audio and just the images have gotten so much better this is a really cool example that I thought was going to be revolutionary for designers as well the concrete poetry example so the input was the open aai Logo and they attached the logo of open Ai and then the input here was a concrete poem in the outer shape of the open AI logo composed of the word Omni and as you can see they made that concrete poem in the outer shape of the open AI logo with that word that they wanted and they're doing it in a dark mode with rainbow text it's getting very specific with the image generation capabilities and also the auditory capabilities where they can actually hear different voices the background noise sarcasm jokes it's becoming much more advanced a lot less latency and a lot quicker now when is this becoming available to people and when can we actually start using the voice feature the very sought after voice feature which everyone is loving right now uh based on the demo videos at least well that is going to be their next step right now the GPT 40's text and image capabilities are starting to roll out today as we speak and they're saying we are making GPT 40 available in the free tier into plus users with up to five times higher message limits and it says we will roll out a new version of voice mode with GPT 40 and Alpha within chat GPT Plus in the coming weeks so in the coming weeks we're going to have all of these capabilities with the voice mode the real-time interaction the zero latency the ability to interrupt and communicate but in the meantime free users now have access to gp4 capabilities Advanced Data analysis which was previously called the code interpreter feature chat GPT Vision you also have web browsing and you have access to the GPT store which is amazing if you're a free user I'm sure that's very exciting and developers can actually access gp4 in the API as a plain text and vision model GPT 40 is two times faster half the price and has a five times higher rate limit compared to gp4 Turbo so if you're a developer you're probably celebrating right now that is amazing savings and much improved capabilities now there are tons of different demo videos that I could show you but I will leave this in the description for you to check out I highly recommend watching all of these because there's an example here where this guy has two AI talking to each other he has one chat gbt talking to another chat gbt and based on memory these gpts have a conversation about what's going on around them and it's like the AI are communicated with each other in this example which is quite amazing I highly recommend you check that out there's also another example in here for language learning uh right here where they're actually showing the chatbot the items around them and they're saying they're trying to learn Spanish what's this item called they Point their camera at the item and it says it in Spanish so this is going to be absolutely huge for language learning and just being able to get personalized recommendations and opinions on real-time things that are happening around you it's going to be quite amazing and I'm going to make plenty of videos on this GPT 40 model in the future but I hope this gets you excited and if it does then I highly recommend not only joining my chat gbt Mastery course which I will be covering all of these features more in depth in the near future but also uh join the weight list to my AI Community where we're also going to be covering this uh very in depth now this is something that we've been building for a couple months now so it's very exciting so I highly recommend you go check those two things out with that being said the GPT 40 model is one of the biggest updates that open AI has had since GPT 4 and it's amazing because it democratizes the features of chat gbt uh the plus version to everyone so it's very cool now this one's a lot to take in I will be making more videos on this in the future so be sure to subscribe and hit the Bell notification so you can always stay up to date with the new updates and be in the know about artificial intelligence that's what we're doing here at AI foundations all right with that being said please drop a comment letting me know your thoughts and a like on this video and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: AI Foundations
Views: 67,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, openai, gpt-4o, gpt 4o, new gpt model, new chatgpt update, chatgpt new update, chatgpt new model, new model chatgpt, ai foundations, chatgpt update, chatgpt gpt4o, chatgpt gpt4o update, what is gpt4o, how to use gpt4o, gpt4o update
Id: Q21Gf8RyFq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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