ChatGPT COULD be saving you HOURS! (7 Insane Methods)

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Chad GPT could be saving you hours of your time and it's just a couple of clicks away listen time is the most valuable thing that we have as humans and over the decades we've invented things like tools machines and systems in order to help us save our precious time Chad gbt is one of those revolutionary tools that you can utilize in order to do so that's why in this video I'm showing you seven ways you can utilize chat gbt today in order to start saving time for your future and it does not matter what Niche your in or what stage of life you're in in my private chat gbt Community alone I've seen this help scientists doctors police officers construction workers regular people looking how to utilize AI to become more efficient and many more people this can help all walks of life save time and engineer their day now before we get into this video I wanted to show you a way that you can learn chat GPT to its maximum potential this is my private chat gbt Mastery course and Community allinone platform and the reason I'm showing you this is because the students who have went through all of the modules have said that it's been the best way to learn chat GPT so I wanted to make this option available to you this is the community section we have a place where you can come in here you can ask a question to the community you can give your GPT ideas such as Jonathan did here so you can ask questions post your findings of chat GPT and you also have a classroom section with over 50 plus modules in chat GPT going over everything you need to know from the basics to actually utilizing all of the features that chat gbt has to offer to their fullest potential now if this is something that interests you I'll be leaving a link in the description or the top pinned comment you can go and check it out I believe it's the best way to learn chat GPT as well as the students now let's get into the rest of the video now the first way you can save time in chat GPT is by utilizing it for task automation let me show you how I'll set up a GPT in order to automate a small task now the cool thing about chat GPT is when you have the plus version you have the ability to create these things called gpts and gpts are a way that you can manipulate chat GPT to be your custom assistant to do things for you so what I'll do here is I'm going to hit explore gpts and I'm going to create a GPT in order to help me automate a specific task that takes a lot of time when I do it on my own and this GPT is going to help me convert my notes my rough draft notes whether I've written them on paper or typed them in my computer into a nice format for my notion account so what I'm going to call this is notes converter I can upload an image I just uploaded that little image of myself and then I can give it a description so I say converts audio transcripts or rough draft notes into a refined note and the description of your GPT it doesn't really matter it's just a way for you to organize them and to see what your GPT does so now you can see on the right here that we have our nice little notes converter it converts audio transcripts or rough drafts into refined notes and I have my little image here this is looking great but what about the instructions how do we give this GPT the data in order to perform the task we want well that's when we use use this instructions section over here and this is where task automation can be done to save you hours of your time because you list these instructions in the back end one time and after you do that it can perform that task whenever you want so what I'll do is I'll type in some instructions here and I'm only going to spend about 3 to 5 minutes typing out these instructions but these 3 to 5 minutes are going to save me hours in the future so I've given it some instructions and these instructions like I said are very basic this is an 8,000 character limit so you can really go in depth and you you can even connect it to your calendar connect it to a Google Docs an email whatever you want but that's when you get a little bit more advanced this is just going to be completing a small task I say your job is to convert rough notes and audio transcripts into a more refined note let's say I quickly jot items down but I want a nice refined version of it so then I tell it when I upload the transcript or rough note you need to look through to find the valuable information based on the overall topic and then label it in a specific format so maybe I want to format my notes in a way that is consistent across every single note that I've ever taken but doing that myself would take hours right I would have to find the valuable information myself and list it in that proper format myself this way we can just upload the rough draft to chat gbt and it can do it all for us then I give some instructions here on how I want this to be labeled I say the title should be a three to five-word relevant title based on the main subject of the notes or transcript the content should be filled with main points with relevant emojis as bullet points choose the Emojis based on the main point and don't include the brackets with the emoji and then I give a little bit more instruction here and then I give an example format of how I want all of my notes formatted when I upload them to chat GPT I say you can format the note like this title Emoji here Maino one emoji here main point 2 and Emoji here main point 3 so this is going to be a very custom way that I can create every single note on chat GPT then I can hit close and if I want I could go into all of this stuff I do dive into how to create a much more advanced GPT in the chat GPT Mastery course but for now the will be a great way to Showcase how it can automate very specific tasks so now in the upper right hand corner I'm going to hit create you might not be able to see it cuz my face is behind it right now but we're just going to hit create and then I'll show you this in action so I'm going to hit only me and share and now let's say that I have a very rough draft no I'm just going to paste in this information here and let's say I took this note on how to focus for work better maybe I was listening to a master class or I was watching a YouTube video and I was just quickly jotting down some information in paragraph format as you can see in my bar here I have loads and loads of information but it's unorganized and it's very boring to read so what I'm going to do is in my notes converter GPT that I created in about 3 minutes I'm going to send off this prompt and in that format I told the notes converter to put my notes in what it's going to do is label that very specifically so as you can see it's labeling this note in a nice effective way it's saying effective Focus strategies it's using the Emojis as bullet points and it's picking a partless no and automating this task for me doing this on my own would have taken hours and look how beautiful it is it gave me all of the main points with these cool emojis and the thing is is you don't only have to do this for notes but you have to get creative what content generation task could you use there's a retired police chief in the chat gbt Mastery community and he actually utilized it to create police reports and that's a huge long process and it was kind of cool to see how you can utilize it for different niches or maybe you do estimates for construction projects or you have an strategy that you utilize that's very specific and you want things labeled in a certain way maybe you're a marketer you have to really get creative with task Automation and utilizing these gpts but when I tell you it can save hours it definitely can save hours of your time the next way you could be saving hours using chat GPT is by creating routines and schedules and this can either be from completely nothing or from past routines or past schedules that you've had now it's important when you're doing this to be very specific about what you've got going on what you want included in your schedule then have chat GPT do the rest of the work for you in order to organize your day or your workout routine or your diet or whatever it is in the most efficient way possible let me show you a couple of examples of me doing that right now so what I could do is I could type in a prompt and this is a very quick and easy prompt I'm basically telling Chad GPT to create a healthy schedule for tomorrow and this is great because number one planning ahead of time is the best way to get things done that day you have to plan tomorrow today and that usually takes quite a bit of time so removing that friction by putting the workload on chat GPT is a good way to go about it I say create me a healthy schedule for tomorrow that will help me get everything done in an efficient manner here are the things I have to do for sure so I'm giving my tasks that I need to do tomorrow record two videos and I say that'll take about 3 hours of work read five chapters of the Bible clean my office go on a two-mile run and do an upper body workout everything else in the schedule make it so my day flows well and is optimed best for success I want to wake up at 7: a.m. and I also only eat dinner let's say I don't eat breakfast or lunch I'm putting in the very specific things that I want in the schedule but I'm not creating the schedule I'm letting Chad GPT do the engineering of the schedule in order for me to be very efficient it's also kind of fun because it makes your day a little bit more spontaneous and you're not planning it and you can kind of revise the schedule at your needs but it's a cool way to use chat gbt and it helps me Save hours because planning takes a long time but as you can see when I send it off it says here's a well constructed schedule for tomorrow optimized to fit all of your tasks while maintaining efficiency and focus and it's just going through and listing out this schedule for me I can even make this in a checklist format to where I have boxes that I can check off and I can export this or I can copy and paste it into a Google doc or an notion account or wherever I have my schedules and as you can see Chad gbt created an in-depth optimized schedule in about 20 seconds this would have taken me about 30 minutes to an hour to come up with on my own and Chad gbt is engineering it for success and look how long the schedule is has everything I need to do in it and it also takes into account everything that I told it that I need to get done like recording my videos my upper body workout my Bible reading my office cleaning and it also has my morning run it has everything I needed for the next example let's say that I want to do a workout and I don't really feel like creating my workout routine well what I can do is I can take past workouts that I've done throw them into chat GPT and have a new workout generated based on those past workouts so what I've done is I've uploaded two images here they're sideways that shouldn't be a problem but I have my Monday workout my chest workout then I have another Monday chest workout but they're two separate chest workouts and let's say I want to combine some of the elements I'm just throwing in past data to chat gbt so it knows what workouts to utilize for this chest workout that I want to get created in chat gbt now that's a mouthful so it's better if I just show you what I mean so I can say create me a chest workout that f focuses on upper chest based on my previous workouts and I can send it off and it knows that I'm talking about these two previous workouts so what it can do is it can create a routine based on past events but as you can see it created me a nice workout here uh six workouts I can revise this in chat gbt revise it on my own but it does it very quick so you're taking the friction and the time spent doing the things that you've done multiple times and you're just throwing it into chat gbt to automate it a little bit better this next way that you can save time with chat jbt is one of my favorites and I pretty much utilize this one daily that's ideation and brainstorming in chat GPT there's multiple things you can utilize you can utilize the regular model you can create mindmaps to brainstorm that's one of my favorite ways because I'm a very visual person and I know a lot of you are visual people as well and visual Learners so I'll show you a couple of ways you can brainstorm and chat gbt and some of these I've already shown on the channel but I like to put these in here in case you're a new viewer maybe you're a designer or a social media poster for a certain company and you need help brainstorming some post ideas this is a very very basic idea of brainstorming you can run through advanced protocols you can brainstorm anything for business practically sales scripts which I'll show you a little later so this is just one example but I told chat GPT I need help brainstorming social media posts for my artificial intelligence education company help me think of three post ideas so I can send that off and you can get three post ideas you can ask it for more variations you can ask it to change things but it's going to give you these post ideas very quickly and the main idea behind this is to let chat GPT feed your brain with information that way you can take that information and either use it or use it for inspiration for another post so this is a really good way to stop writers block or artist block if you're struggling to think of things to create so that's great that it gave us all of the posts it gave us a three interactive quiz educational series post and success story highlight but let's say that I want to go a little bit further while I can type in a follow-up prompt in order to brainstorm even more to help me out and support that previous output from chat gbt for example I can say something like what visuals should I utilize for the pictures of each post be specific on how these posts should look on the picture side of things what words I should use to draw attention and also where I should position everything think one post at a time I can send it off and then it's going to give me visual styling advice for each one of these post so I'm creating this whole system in chat GPT where it's not only giving me my post but it's giving me what I should put in the picture and it's going very in depth so for post one it's giving me visual elements text placement and style and composition and it's doing that for each one of these posts and it will be finished in about 30 seconds this is going to help me complete this job much much faster than if I were thinking on my own and getting ideas from thin air so look at that it gave me visuals that I need it gave me my full post idea the content of what I should do and I completed this all in about 1 minute now if you're doing this on your own I'm telling you it would take hours I used to be in social media and that would be one of the hardest ideas is coming up with post ideas for this company in order to contribute to their success so if I'm not using these ideas directly what I'm doing is I'm building up a foundation of inspiration in order to help me utilize it to make my own post and I can even ask chat gbt to create me an inspiration photo I could use for post number three and if you have chat GPT plus what it's going to do is use di to create an image and you might even be able to utilize that image for your social media post and remember I keep using these hypers specific examples for certain niches but think of how you can utilize this in your own niche as you can see this is insane what it did was it told me the visual elements to put in there it says use professional photos of the highlighted students and then it says at the top use a headline from our classroom to their career and it gives me the composition as well now it didn't create exactly what it told me to but look at this completely AI generated image that it created me for this AI education company it provided me exactly what it said for the things and it even provided text in the images which is amazing for this next brainstorming example let's say I'm a car salesman and I need some word tracks in order to overcome some possible rejections but I want to view this in a mindmap format well what I might do is I might go to this Whimsical diagram GPT which is available for plus users and I can hit start chat and what this diagrams GPT will do is actually create a mind map for you or a sequence diagram or a flowchart within chat GPT so I can ask it I need help brainstorming ideas for my sales script create a diagram showing every possible word track I would need to overcome my rejections my nichas car sales here are my rejections and then I list out some common car sales rejections that if you're a car salesman you've probably come into these a time or two and then I tell it to create the Mind map and fill in two responses for each rejection in order to overcome them so these are word tracks in order to move the sale forward and to convince the customer to do the right thing and to buy the right vehicle for their needs so I'm going to send this off and if you're a visual learner I know you're going to respect this whimsicle diagrams plugin because it's insane what it can do and it's beautiful how quickly it does this as you can see it's done creating the Mind map that one took a little bit longer probably about 30 or 45 seconds but you can imagine how long this would have taken to to do it on your own and it's not just generating the content that you already knew but it's generating ideas that you may not have thought of so I'm going to hit viewer edit this diagram in Whimsical that way I can zoom in and show you a little closer what's going on here so I can move this thing around I can change certain colors what I can even do is click in here and hide some of these if I don't want to see them I can condense this down or I can expand them again and as you can see it walks me through everything so if a customer says I can get it cheaper somewhere else and then it gives me two word tracks that I might be able to utilize in order to help close the sale so this is good and this can work in multiple ways if you're a mindmap person then I know that you're going to appreciate this one next way you can save time in chat gbt is summarizing and understanding information content whatever it may be you may have a blog post that you don't understand an article a social media post a transcript a book this tip will quickly help you grasp the main ideas of a long information of text or even a PDF that's many pages long and it will help you summarize all that information get the key points in the understanding let me show you a couple of examples now let's say I'm reading a book and I want a quick summary of a section and to get the key points and to understand it better I can tell chat gbt to summarize this and get the key points only that way I can just know what I need to do know what I need to understand and it's a pretty big paragraph here and maybe I'm struggling to understand it or I want it summarized I can send that off and it's very quick chat gbt will read that and it's all already responding it will be done in about 5 or 10 seconds and just like that we have the four key points in a nice format I can reformat this into a table if I want into a bullet list into a section with headings and subheadings but it's really good at summarizing large information and making it easier to understand now let's say you have a PDF what I could do is I could use a PDF GPT in order to help me analyze the PDF no matter the size so what I can do is I can select this P PDF AI PDF GPT hit start chat and then if I click this link icon I can upload my PDF so that's what I'll do I'll hit this link icon I'll upload a PDF and this PDF is on a problem solving method for llms it's a white paper created by a bunch of people who study llms and it's about 20 pages long so what I can do is I can say help me understand this easier something as simple as that you don't have to know any crazy language or commands or queries all you need to do is just help me understand this easier or summarize this and it's 20 pages long and it's a huge PDF and just by utilizing this GPT with GPT plus uh all I have to do is tell this thing to summarize this 20page PDF and what it's going to do is go through there and do just that and it turns 20 pages into this beautiful summary that helps me understand this much much better the next way you could be saving hours in chat gbt is by utilizing it for data interpretation or data analysis now you can upload spreadsheets PDFs as I just showed you csvs code files images you name it you can analyze that data I'm going to show you a quick example of how I can upload a spreadsheet with some data on it and get a graph generated and actually analyze that data to see what's going on so if you're in the gp4 model like I said you have the ability to upload images and PDFs spreadsheets code files pretty much whatever file you want to chat GPT by hitting that little link icon so what I'm going to do is I'm to upload this CSV file of Revenue and social media post and this is a spreadsheet that I had exported as a CSV I'm going to hit open and this is going to load into chat GPT now before we analyze and interpret this data what I'm actually going to do is show you the information on the spreadsheet so you can see what's going on so as you can see this is some very very basic data and it's arbitrary this isn't actually any real data it's made up but it's for a subscription based company that's selling their app and what it has is revenue per month over a 12 Monon time span and also social media posts across all their platforms how many times they posted and what we can do in chat gbt is see how the social media posts correlate to the revenue for the subscription based company and we can just type in a prompt to do that so the prompt that I've typed in is create a dual aess graph of this data where revenue is displayed as vertical bars and social media posts are displayed as a line graph you can abbreviate the months in the X access and then I gave some examples of how it can abbreviate those months but what I'm creating is a dual AIS graph with vertical bars and a line graph it's very Advanced but you can do this in chat GPT with a very simple prompt and a spreadsheet I'm going to send off this message and remember this is just one of the ways you can interpret and analyze data it's by uploading a spreadsheet and getting graphs created it's one of my favorite things to do in chat GPT and as you can see it just created this dual AIS line graph displaying this data I can export this image out of chat GPT I can ask it more questions about it but think about how long this would have taken to create on your own this red line represents social media posts and these blue bars represent the revenue for this sub subscription based company you can ask it more questions you can go more in depth I go a lot more in depth in this in my chat GPT Mastery course if that interests you I even have a section coming out where I have a bunch of these graphs that you can create the next way you could be saving hours on chat GPT is by using it for planning and not only saving hours but saving a lot of stress and a lot of things that you might miss Chad gbt can catch so if you have a big event or you have a small event even or you need event ideas even you can go to chat gbt and have the entire event planned for you you can get a checklist of everything you need pre during and post event and you can really get as in-depth with this as you want but let me show you a very simple example of how you might want to plan out a wedding with chat GPT so what I could do is I could type in my prompt let's just say I need help planning a wedding that's what I can tell chat gbt I need help planning a wedding we are having 300 guests in taking place outside in August in Florida so I'm mentioning the month in the location because maybe there's some weather considerations that chat GB te might have and then I say help me plan everything I will need for this wedding make sure to cover any blind spots I may miss and you can get more in- depth with this prompt like what you want to eat setup you want where you're having it but I'm just going to let chat gbt run with its imagination and give us some ideas I'm going to send off this prompt and after I sent it off it literally planned everything that I needed to know for the event from the venue to set up climate control food and Catering attire Decor photography entertainment guest Comfort health and safety event timeline and coordination and it gave me basically a big checklist of everything I need to keep in mind in order to plan this 300 person wedding the final way that chat gbt could be saving you hours if utilizing it properly is utilizing it for Learning and knowledge whether you're a high school student College age student you're not a student at all I feel like I'm smarter than than I've ever been Thanks to chat gbt because of some of the ways that I can utilize it to help me retain knowledge and understand things at a much better and faster pace so I'm going to show you a few of those examples of how I am saving time when using chat gbt for knowledge and for retention techniques now you can ask it a lot of questions about knowledge a lot of content that you're currently studying or topics you want to learn more about or just random things such as what are 10 significant events that happened in 1478 this is one my favorite things to do is go into chat GPT and ask it what are the significant events that happened in any year and it's funny how how it can just take all that information and give it to you on events that happened within a very specific year but let's just say I want to send this off let's say I want to learn more about the year 1478 and what it's going to do is very quickly it's going to give me 10 major events that happened in that year as you can see it gave me 10 events in 1478 just a random year 1478 I could do this with 147 7 1264 1990 it really doesn't matter and it gives all of those events which is kind of a fun way to use chat gbt now you can use it for much more uh specific things like content that you're studying as I said or a topic that you want to learn and go very in- depth on that topic but what I'm going to do in order to go more in depth and to show you how you can use this for learning is I'm going to highlight the py conspiracy I think that's how you say that and I'm going to hit reply and I'm going to say go indepth on this entire event from the timeline to what happened in the end and I can go very in- depth on certain things that happened and then what I can do is I can generate a song or something that will help me remember this event much better using chat GPT I like learning from songs because we all sing them in our everyday lives so if you can get a song generated about very important information that happened it can help you remember the order of things and also what was happening at the time it gives me a nice little intro here and it gives me the background the planning the attack the immediate aftermath the longer term consequences and finally the Legacy but this is a lot of information to take in and what happens when I want to remember it all well like I said you can save hours by using chat gbt for retention so I can say create me a song to help me remember all of these events then I can ask it to make it rhyme and have the song be in the order of things that happens so if you want you can create a song you can start singing it to yourself and you can retain the information through a song that way you're a master of this information here and it almost made this song in more of a poetic type form but it says in Florence Town 1478 Lorenzo ruled this plate was great but py eyes with envy green plotted dark deadly scheme P's knives and sacred Halls Florence's Cathedral walls Juliano Falls the city calls for revenge on those who brawl and then it kind of keeps going down the story and when you actually read this information up here and you start connecting it with those verses in the choruses of the song then you can really start to remember the information much better that's just one of many retention techniques in chat gbt that's all I have for this video If you enjoyed these seven ways to save time in chat GPT then I know you'd enjoy the chat gbt master course in community again I'll be leaving that in the description or the top pin comment below like this video if you did enjoy comment below letting me know ways that you use chat gbt in order to save time and also subscribe so you can stay up to dat with this chat gbt content with that being said I'll see you in the next video
Channel: AI Foundations
Views: 22,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt tutorial, what is chatgpt, chatgpt save time, chatgpt use cases, chatgpt could be saving you hours, how to save time in chatgpt, save time with chatgpt, gpt time saver, gpt time saving, chatgpt time saving, time saving with chatgpt, chatgpt brainstorming, chatgpt knowledge, chatgpt 4, chatgpt 4 how to use, ai
Id: wH6VutLcaRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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