Top 10 Editing Features in Resolve 17

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so resolve 17 has finally arrived my name's darren mostin and i've been using this software since version seven so i've seen quite a few updates but this is by far the biggest update i've ever seen the new tools in here are amazing the blackmagic software development team have really listened to what people want so in this episode i want to show you some of the new things are in the cup page and the edit page so let's go and take a look so here we are with our first look at the editing section so i'm talking about the cut page and the edit page here and both of them have got a ton of new features the software developers really haven't held back here so let's get straight in and start with the cut page i'm going to give you my 10 highlights for the cut page in the edit page here so firstly they've introduced a new inspector so up here if i click inspector we've got a redefined inspector it's much neater now and it's tabbed so you've got all these different sections so on the video side we've got the same sort of tools but we've now got stabilization in the cup page which is fantastic here i can do my regular sort of resizing and all that sort of stuff and then you got an audio section here so we've got all our audio tools that we had before and we've now got an effects tab here so we click on here and i've added noise reduction to this clip so another new feature is you can actually apply noise reduction from within the edit page and the cut page so if i just go to the effects here and you can see that there there's a ton of new effects in here that we can apply directly so that's really great then over to here we've got the transitions so here's a transition which is a dissolve so we can make any changes we want to that and there's also an audio fade in here so again really cool handy tools that are just really easy to access image i'm going to come to in a moment but there's this one here called file and what this does is allow us to add editable metadata so we can actually put in here metadata and that is now applied to the clip now what's useful here is that all of these tools here can be applied at source level so at the minute we're applying them to a timeline clip but if i highlight a source file and make some changes in here these are applied at source level so every time i use this clip to edit in these parameters will apply so for example let's say we want to move this drinks out of the shot so i'm just going to move that over like that and that way that is now applied at source level so every time it's edited in we don't see this part of the image here and another great feature inside the inspector is because this is a raw file if i click on image i've actually got access to the raw data so i can actually play with the raw settings inside the cut page so let's have a look at the minute it's defaulting to project let's put it down to clip these now become active and i can change whatever i need to change here so let's just look at the exposure and let's give it saturation a little bit more contrast maybe and that is now set at source level so again any time i edit in these raw settings will apply so that's really cool so the next new feature i want to show you is up at the top here there is a safe area so it's split into three areas you've got social media settings you've got broadcast regular broadcast and film settings and you can choose what you want in your safe area to be included if you want to title safe or action safe this one here is quite useful we did quite a lot of reformatting now for social media and instagram and we have to provide square formatting so this is a really useful guideline for that which brings us really nicely onto the next feature that i want to show you so if i click up here we can change the format this has been in since version 16. so if i want to do the square formatting i can click on here and it changes the project settings to be 1080 by 1080 so what i need to do now is use the transform tools to fill that image and then typically what i would do is use x and y positioning to reframe as best suits however if i just reset that there is a new feature in here called smart reframe and what i can do is literally put it onto automatic or you can choose a reference point but i'm going to leave it onto automatic and i'm going to say reframe and it's going to automatically analyze this clip and reframe for me so watch this i'm going to play this back from the beginning that's really warm so make sure you step back when you do that one eyebrows okay so what it's doing is it's focusing on who's talking so this is really smart stuff so it's focusing on the girl on the right to start with as soon as you start speaking it moves over the left eyebrows and then reframes back again that is a fantastic feature so that's the smart reframe tool and that's available in the edit page as well let's just put this back to our regular hd mode to reset those parameters i just click up here and say removing reset all or just the video effects so let's just reset the video and that's back to how it was let's just take off the title safe and we're done so the next new feature will help us with audio trimming so over here there's a new icon i'm going to click that it says audio trim and if i go to this shot here and just play okay so i've got two here um so we're going to get rid of and two here and so i'm literally going to grab the front of the clip here and as i start moving because i'm in audio trim mode we get an enlarged waveform um let's play that back i'm going to butterfly one so that's another useful audio trimming tool in the cut page so let's look at one last thing before we go to the edit page and that is up here so if we go to the transitions you've got new icons for all the transitions so they look really smart and the effects everything is got a little icon on it so you can see really quickly what everything is and also on the transitions what happens is when you hover over them and move from left to right you get a live preview of the transition so that's really cool so if you want to apply one i'm going to apply this this one push just double click and that's applied down here so that's a really quick way of working with those transitions okay let's take a look at the edit page and you'll be pleased to know there's some really great features in here as well so firstly i've got a clip here in the source viewer and i'm just going to take the audio off for a moment and if i play that through you'll see that it's actually a series of edits baked together in one clip so this is one flattened prores file and what i want to do is insert that into the program but i want the individual edits coming in as well now traditionally i would take that to the scene cut detector and that would mean going back to the media page and right clicking and saying scene cut detect but i don't want to do that i want to stay in the edit page so with version 17 i can do that now so let's insert this at the beginning over here i'm just going to literally insert edit that in so there's my shot with all the edits baked in but what i want to do now is if i go to my timeline up here i can say detect scene cuts and just before i do that i'm going to just use my x key to mark in and out otherwise it's scene cut detects the whole timeline so if we just go in here detect scene cuts and this is using the davinci neural engine so you need the studio version of resolve to run that but this is really where davinci is getting really intelligent okay and there we go and that's all chopped up for me so just to show you if i go back one edit that's bang on go to the next edit move back one so if someone sends you a flatten file as a promo that might need grading or you need some extra editing you can just throw it on the timeline hit the scene cut detect and you're good to go so the next feature i want to show you is the auto align so this is really great way of syncing up time code so down here we've got this shot of cooking some prawns and i've got two other camera angles which have matching time codes so if i go into here and go to my side view so there's our side camera so what i'm going to do is just literally randomly throw that down so it's obviously out of alignment and the same i've got a top view here i'm going to do exactly the same so i'm just going to throw it down and all i've got to do to line these up is highlight all three of them i'm going to right hand click and say auto align and i can use waveform or time code and then that puts them into the right place so what we can do now is play with these as edits to give us our cutaways so let's go side view just up to that point and then just when she actually cuts the prawn in half we'll go to the top view and then we'll cut back here to the main wide so let's just play that back in half from head to tail just like that crunch down all the way through a little bit of muscle yeah and into the pen so that's a great way of syncing up your clips really quickly just throw them on the timeline and let resolve do the work for you so the effects have been updated as well in version 17. so let's have a look at the effects library in here and as you sit on top of any of these filters you get a real live preview of what's going on in your viewer so if i go to the box blur directional blur so that's a really cool feature and obviously you've got these nice new soft icons to uh to guide you and if i have a look at the effects in here it's the open effects and the filters and if we scroll down from here we'll see that we've got keying tools now so you can actually key directly on the timeline without having to go into the color page or the fusion page and what i want to do is scroll down here and have a look at this noise reduction so you can now use noise reduction directly on your clips so let's take a shot let's do this one here for example i'm just going to literally drag and drop that down onto here open up my inspector go to the effects tab and there you see all the tools that you need for the noise reduction okay so i'm just going to add a tiny little bit in there i'm just putting an arbitrary amount in there that's really great you can literally use a lot of the tools that you would have had to go to the color page for in the past you can now use them directly in the edit page so if you're not a colorist this is really going to help you so if you're enjoying this content so far hit the subscription button and drop me a comment and have a look at my other episodes even though they're version 16 there's some very relevant information in there and uh let's get on with the rest of this episode so the next thing i want to show you is that i can actually bake that into this shot so we just added noise reduction i'm just going to zoom into my timeline a little bit and let's say we want to render that out and replace it as a new clip well what you can do now is right hand click on here and you can say render in place when i click this i get a choice of codecs so we can make that let's make that 42 hq and i don't want any handles on it and we're going to render it so when i press render it'll ask me where i want it to go i'm going to put it in there and off it goes now i've got a new shot with a new name and that has literally replaced my other shot so i could actually export all this out now using that shot or if i want to go back to my original master i can right hand click on here and say decompose to original so i hope you enjoyed looking at my highlights of the cut page and the edit page enjoy resolve 17 and i'll see you in the next episode
Channel: Darren Mostyn
Views: 54,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top editing features in resolve, New in resolve 17, davinci resolve 17, resolve 17 edit page, Introducing DaVinci Resolve 17, how to use resolve, editing with resolve, nuevo en resolver 17, neu in Entschlossenheit 17, learning resolve, tips for resolve, nouveau dans la résolution 17, colour grading, color grading, killer tips davinci resolve, Darren mostyn, whats new in resolve 17, how to edit in resolve 17, cut page in resolve 17, Edit page resolve 17
Id: m2kgAui2_Wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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