How to use LUMA MIX (Pro Grading Techniques) in DaVinci Resolve

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hi my name is Darren austin and over the next few minutes I'm going to teach you how to improve your grading techniques using the Lumix control so the luma mix or luminance mixer is down here this is in the adjustment controls so there's two panels in the adjustment controls you've got temperature tint color boost saturation hue all that sort of stuff and one of them is luminix and if you have one of the Blackmagic dedicated control services you'll actually have a dedicated control just for luma mix so luma mix is available in primary wheels primary bars and in the curves but you won't find it in the log color wheels so when we're grading in resolve the color science that we're working with at the moment is DaVinci Y RGB this is the standard default color science for DaVinci Resolve so as I make a movement here let's go to our gamma wheel and I'm just pushing it up whatever I do to RGB affects the y channel as well so Y is the luminance the brightness if you like and these are all moving simultaneously as I move this wheel and if I go on to the primary bars you see that that's matched perfectly so it's the bars and the wheels are behaving in exactly the same way now if I reset that so what I'm gonna do now is adjust an individual channel and I want to show you something so the luma mix by default is set to 100 so let's make an adjustment to the green channel only so if I move this up and down you'll see on the scopes that what's actually happening is that the red Channel and the blue channel are moving with it and what they're doing is they're compensating to keep the luminance levels the brightness at exactly the same points now what I can do to demonstrate this is if I go to the parade I'm going to click here and stay not just RGB but Y RGB so we now have a 4 view so we've got our luminance or brightness here red channel green Channel blue Channel and let's do the same thing again and you'll see as I move the green Channel the red and blue channels move but the luminance doesn't change at all now what's important to note is that green Channel has a lot more luminance information than the red Channel and the red channel has more luminance information than the blue Channel so let me show you for the same amount of movement on the green Channel you see that the blue and red channels move quite a lot so obviously this is going to really affect the color that you're seeing on your screen let's reset that if I do the same to the blue Channel watch the red and green channels they don't move anywhere near as much for the same amount of movement obviously the y channel is staying static because the luma mix is set to 100 and it's constantly compensating the amount of brightness in the shots depending on how much I move each of these individual channels so if we drop luminance mix down to zero what you're fine now is that these have no effect whatsoever so how is this going to help us balance our shots let's grab a steel so right and click the middle grab steel and we can use this for our reference to grade this shot we're going to balance these two shots together so they're quite clearly unbalanced at the moment so on this shot I'm going to add a serial note let's double click our reference so we get an image wipe and I'll help us balance the two shots and what I want to see here is the girl in both sides so I can help do the balance so in episode 1 we looked at reference resizing so let's just pan that across and zoom in up a little bit and got that nicely position now to help us balance so now what we're seeing in our scopes is a split screen of the two sides ready to balance okay so that's balance these two shots together using the luma mix default of 100 and so just analyzing the Scopes here I can see that our highlights and mid-tones in the blue is too high and the green and yeah we've basically just got to start pulling these down so let's start off with the highlights in the blue Channel and mid-tones down a little bit and then back up again now you can see the green and red channels are moving slightly but remember blue channel doesn't have as much luminance so they're not moving that much so look what happens when we start affecting the green Channel so I'm gonna bring the green game down and the blue and red channels move much more now I guess we're really constantly pushing and pulling now to balance that back up and a little bit in the shadows and these are the shadows in the blue Channel and we're kind of getting there you see that's getting pretty close already so let's reset that and what I'm gonna do is the same thing but this time I'm going to set the luminance down to be zero so now the luma mix is set to zero let's see what happens so I'm going to go into my game control and start working on the blue here so I pulled that down I'm literally just looking at the scopes here I'm gonna pull down the gamma a little bit just a little bit doesn't need too much and let's look at the shadows in the blue and you see that red and green are not moving at all now let's look at the green Channel again the highlights are pretty much they're actually just need to pull down the camera a little bit and same with the red Channel let's get the Reds looking better and down a little bit in the gap and we're not far off at all there maybe just tweak the Reds highlights a little bit and we've got a really good balance there really quickly but with luma mix set to zero so a combination of using luminix set to 100 and zero will give you very quick results so let's just reset that note I'm gonna show you that exact same procedure but in the curves let's put lumix down to zero and start working on our curves I'm going to start with the green Channel and we've got a slight difference here this is the reference this is our grade so we need to come down it's just over halfway so it's around about here let's just pull it down I need to increase the highlight there and drop our shadows a little bit just a little bit down push that up there and just have a look at our blue channel and again bring the shadows down bring the mid-tones down and the highlights down there and that's looking really good already with let's just tweak the red Channel just to be sure need to add a little bit of highlight in there and bring the shadows down a little bit more we've got the game are set correctly and there we go and we've got a really good balance there using the custom curves but with luminix set to zero so before I show you one more killer tip I want to just show you the default settings here so the default for luminance is a hundred so we'll always try and compensate for the luminance so when you were just one channel it will compensate the other channels to keep luminance constant if you go into your settings you can override that if you want to go to general options and in the color section you'll see luminance mix it defaults to zero so if you tick this every time you add a new node the luma mix will be set to zero however here's a tip what I do is I'll leave this set to the default so by default it comes in a hundred lumen mix so it's full mixing and in my power grades I've created a single node with the luminix set to zero and we looked at how to do this in my episode two and basically a power grade if I double click it will append to the end of my timeline so if I remove the image wipe double click my Illumina mix that append to the end of my timeline and I've now got a blank node ready to go with a luma mix value of zero and of course you can use values in between 0 and 100 as well so have a play around and see which settings work for you so I hope you found it useful and you gain some new knowledge to take to the grading suite with you I tend to work with the luma mix at a hundred and then I'll put it down to zero just to do that last little bit of fine-tuning this is a new channel so please subscribe and give me your comments I'd love to hear your feedback on what you think of this program and what you want to see in the future I answer all the comments check out my facebook page which is called DaVinci Resolve killer tips no it's not it's called killer tips DaVinci Resolve and look after yourselves and I'll see you in the next episode
Channel: Darren Mostyn
Views: 25,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to use LUMA MIX, Lum mix, luma mix davinci resolve, how to use lum mix in resolve, luminance mixer, how to use resolve, resolve17, resolve, davinci resolve 17, resolve16, killertips, editing with resolve, learning resolve, tips for resolve, resolve tutorial, grading with resolve, color balance, pro grading, colour balance, color grading tutorial, Resolve scopes, Cómo usar LUMA MIX
Id: _cYfHAlbTiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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