Resolve slow motion tips // How to keep it smooth // NO INTRO just 7 mins!

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in this episode i want to talk about the retiming tools in davinci resolve so i'm in the edit page and this is our traditional source record viewer i'm going to change that to a single view and let me show you the timeline settings so in the project master settings we've got our timeline set to 25 frames per second and our playback is 25 frames per second now this footage was actually shot at 50 frames per second so if i play this clip here and just press play it plays back in real time so this is my 50 frames per second and it just looks regular now if i bring that down to my timeline even though this is a 25 frames per second timeline it still plays back in real time and this is because those 50 frames are still playing back in one second so what i could do is take all these clips right hand click and go to clip attributes and then i can change the video frame rate now i'm not going to do it on all the clips because i want to show you something else so i'm going to do it just on the first clip i'm going to right hand click go to clip attributes and in the video frame rate i'm going to bring that down to 25 frames per second it's okay so now if i play back this clip watch what happens so it's now redistributed those frames to give me a really smooth playback and if i drop that straight into the timeline that literally plays super smooth now the other clips on the timeline are still set to 50 frames per second so they're gonna play back in real time now we don't have to change the frame rate at clip attribute level you could just literally change each clip on the timeline and you get exactly the same results so i'm going to right hand click here i'm going to say change clip speed i'm going to make this 50 and you press change and that will now play back perfectly smooth like it did before now what it's done there is kept our edit duration so the actual clip duration hasn't changed at all we're just seeing half the clip now we're seeing much less of the clip because it's playing back slower if you want to see the entire clip what you can do is let me just undo that is go to change clip speed and press ripple sequence and what that will do is move all the other clips up in the timeline making enough room for the speed change that you're doing so let me just type in there fifty percent press change and there we go so that clip moved up and we've got now our entire in out point that we selected at source but playing back at half speed in super smooth slow motion now let me undo that because there's another way of doing this as well what you can do is right hand click here and say retime controls now in the retime controls we've got a pull down menu here and we can change our speed to any of these fixed parameters here so if i press 50 you see that it changes the duration of the clip so i've still got the whole clip playing but it's now overwritten this clip here this clip didn't move it didn't ripple so i'm going to undo that and in order for that to work with a ripple what you need to do is change the mode from here to this trim mode here so i'm going to go down to the arrow change speed and select 50 and now we get the ripple on the timeline so because we're in the retime control we can add extra speed points now what i want to do is play back this clip and just before that bubble gets popped i want to slow the clip down even further so i'm just going to go to the right point somewhere around about there and i'm going to say add speed points and what that's done now is split the clip into two so we've got 50 here and 50 here so i'm going to make this side 25 percent and now if we play that back we've got our really smooth 50 and then we're going to go down to 25 just before the bubble pops now i want it to be a little bit closer than that so i'm going to make an adjustment now i don't to undo this all i need to do is grab this icon here now the top icon will allow me to change the framing at the point it changes but it will change the actual speed change itself i don't want to do that i want to keep that at 50 percent so if you grab the bottom part here it re-times the clip and keeps your speed change so we still keep our 50 and our 25 i've just got to find the frame just before the bubble pops which is about there so let's go back and play that back so now the speed change is happening just before that bubble gets popped so using this tool gives you real accuracy so let's just have a look at that one more time so we're playing through really smooth and then the cut point it's a great cut point but we've got a little bit of strobing going on on the image and that's because we're now at 25 so a good way to address that is to go up to your inspector and down here at the bottom you've got retime and scaling now the default is to use the project settings which are basically the fastest processing but not the best quality so if we select our clip come down here and change this to be frame blend let's have a look at that first so you can see we're getting a little bit of doubling of our arm it's not perfect by any stretch you can see that on the freeze frame even here so let's have a look at something else we can have a look now at optical flow and this is a far more intelligent way of interpolating the frames that need to be made in order to run smoothly at 25 so let's play this one back now this is quite intense on your gpu but that's actually doing a really good job of that now that seems like a really simple fix but the thing to watch with optical flow is it can do strange things to your image sometimes depending on the image so you can just see here we've got a doubling of this uh whatever this is called a bubble maker thing it's actually duplicating here so there's one other thing that we can do to try and clean this up and if we go to our motion estimation you can change the settings here so we've got all these different options uh standard faster standard better enhanced and let's try it enhanced better and that's fixed that straight away and that's going to give us a really good result now so let's play that back and that looks really smooth that looks great now there is another tool that you can use if that doesn't work and this is a really intelligent tool and it's called speed warp and this takes it to the next level and enhanced better often works but if it doesn't speed warp is your next tool to try out just be careful this is a really processor intensive i'm on a big spec mac here and that probably won't play back in real time here there you go these are 4k clips so that's all fixed and looking great and i'd probably choose the enhanced better out of these but just to keep the speed warp on just to remind you from an earlier episode what you can do is just right hand click in here and say render in place and what rendering place is doing is it's rendering that clip at the timeline resolution and it's then going to replace it on the timeline so i've now got absolute real time playback and there's our 25 point and should you need to change this later you can right hand click in here and just say decompose to original and you're back where you started so i hope that helps you get the best out of the retime tools look after yourselves and i'll see you in the next episode
Channel: Darren Mostyn
Views: 11,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Resolve slow motion tips, resolve 17, davinci resolve, resolve17, killertips, how to use resolve, editing with resolve, learning resolve, tips for resolve, colour grading, color grading, killer tips davinci resolve, killer tips, slow motion, resolve retiming, smooth slow motion, 60fps, 120fps, 50fps, dynamic slow motion, how to use slow motion, better slow motion, Slomo, resolver 17, Resolver consejos de cámara lenta, Lösen Sie Zeitlupenspitzen, 17 lösen
Id: sgsuu2PQ7Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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