10 Reasons Why You Don't Want the Model 3 | Tesla Model 3 Review

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i'm going to give you guys 10 reasons why you will not want the tesla model 3 in your life now check this out [Music] what's up guys myan here from camera to freedom and i love my tesla model 3. don't get me wrong this is definitely my most expensive car i've ever owned and this is the most favorite car that i've ever owned in my life that i'm actually excited about but you know nothing in life is perfect as much as i love this car it's still very new i mean compared to every other dealers out there you know i don't want to talk bad about tesla for sure because i think they're definitely one of the best companies in the world elon musk trying to save the world one car at a time and take us to mars and all this cool stuff so i support him he's totally awesome so with that said i'm going to give you 10 reasons why you might not want a tesla model 3 in your life all right if you haven't yet please hit that like button and subscribe thank you so much and also real quickly if you are interested in this tesla model 3 t-shirt i have the link below if you buy from that link i appreciate you and love you so much for it thank you our reason number one charge anxiety so with regular gas cars you could obviously drive anywhere you want to gas stations in every exit of the freeway and it's not going to give you any problems if you want to drive from state to state or across country but with a tesla model 3 you get charge anxiety tesla did an amazing job putting charged superchargers all over the united states and if you really want to go from california to new york you can do it right so i saw this funny video of this young girl who was talking about how she was complaining she was complaining about how she wanted to go green and so she rented a tesla from washington she came to california and normally she said he would take her i don't know maybe 12 hours or so but it ended up taking her way longer than she expected because she had to stop by every supercharger and of course when you get there you have to wait about you know 30 minutes to get it charged she almost would hit zero percent before finally reaching the next superchargers if you were to go from san diego to las vegas and it normally takes you about three and a half hours you might actually have to stop by a supercharger and extend that for an additional you know 30 minutes and if you have to stop by multiple times right it just keeps getting longer right so you do have that problem if you decide to drive long distance with a tesla model 3. reason number two you live in an apartment without any power adapter for your car so that could be a problem right so luckily i live in a house i have the nema 1450 charger that could fill up my battery in just less than a day and overnight it'll just reach that certain percentage that i need and i'm ready to go in the morning but if you live in an apartment and you don't have any parking space then you are out of luck then you have to rely on superchargers if you don't drive that far then i guess that's not really a problem right i was talking to uh one person that commented on my video about certain situation and this person just lived a few miles away from work and at work they have their own little ev chargers so it wasn't a big deal but if i live in an apartment and i drive like hundreds of miles a day i drive so much for my work i would not be able to survive on not being able to charge at my house i'll tell you what a couple of times that i've been to supercharger i'm waiting in line for it and at the same time the time that i can go is usually at the time that the price is doubled right it's at peak hours so price in southern california is at 55 cents per kilowatt hour so it's you know 30 30 some dollars to get a full charge if i want to go from zero to a hundred so i definitely want to wait till nine o'clock nine p.m to get my charge at the house so that it's you know only 22 cents here and i know like in different places in the united states it's a lot cheaper so so if you live in an apartment and you don't have any power adapter then it could be a big hassle owning a tesla model 3. reason number three it takes a long time to get your car fixed their repair centers are still very limited you can't just go to any mechanic and get your car fixed you have to go to a tesla certified mechanic or directly to tesla i'm in temecula we do have a tesla dealer here but they don't repair cars i have a friend who recently just got her a tesla model wine her name is carrie and she works out at her gym what's up carrie she told me that she got a tesla model wine a week later she got into a small accident where she hit something on the road and it dented her bumper so she called tesla they gave her two mechanics around town that you can go to they're obviously very busy since they're so they're so limited and there's a lot of tesla's in this town so she took it over there and it's been almost two months that she still hasn't gotten her car to me it's worth it if i'll wait however long it takes because you know tesla is doing their best to get their thing situated but at the same time maybe you don't have that kind of patience maybe you're not into waiting months to get a small little thing fixed in your car so that kind of sucks she the bumper itself was actually fixed but she says something about a bracket that kind of holds it in place or something a small little piece that they're waiting from tesla to get so it it sucks it's going to take a while fixing your tesla is a hassle so don't get into an accident reason number four that you might not like or want the tesla is just the hassle of trying to figure out the charging percentage to be honest with you it's not a big deal i kind of enjoy it always having fun you know if i should charge 50 80 100 you know everybody has their theories some theories will make your battery last longer and even improve and some of that percentage theories will deteriorate your battery quick tesla themselves don't have an absolute answer they generally say hey 50 to 90 for a long range and performance average and once in a while charged to 100 whenever you need that 100 but elon musk already said that you know forget 100 100 gets rid of your regenerative braking so just charge it at 95 so that you could still use that regenerative braking and you're not charging it 100 which is bad for this battery you know and then i've seen a another youtuber who always charged that 80 never used a phone charger you know air conditioning very minimal and he was able to improve his battery but you know to be honest with the batteries are so different i've you know i'm a videographer a photographer and i have many many batteries for all my gears right and they are all different i could buy 10 batteries for this camera and each of them are very different sometimes they'll last longer some of them will die quicker and you know there's a lot of variation it's one they're not that consistent so i think it's similar with our tesla cars i think sometimes it's it might be better at a certain percentage but you know you never know where these batteries right they're not consistent enough for us to be a hundred percent sure about your percentage so i think from just a personal experience that you have to feel your car i could feel it right like when i for example i charge it to 50 as much as i can uh 80 when i'm driving around a lot and once in a while i will charge to 100 so just so that i know if it's giving me the full 100 mileage that it's supposed to so i think that tesla model 3 long range you're supposed to get about 350 miles on a full charge but i've had days where i would get 360 miles an extra 10 miles and sometimes it'll be 255 and sometimes 250. so i could kind of feel you know if the kind of abuse or love that i'm giving my battery and it's totally up to you to figure that out too when you love your little toy you want to take good care of it you start thinking about it and wondering how you can take care of it and maybe you're not into that and you just want to go to a gas station and just fill it up and just ready to go reason number five why you might not like the tesla is that it has no spare tire if your tesla doesn't come with a spare tire they want to try to make it as light as possible so you get the most mileage as possible obviously if you put a lot of weight in your car then you get less smiles right so maybe they're just trying to save money because obviously they're probably saving millions and millions of dollars by not giving people spare tires and making profit because you know when you do get a spare tire you kind of have to call tesla road service to get a change so it's a big profit just simply by not giving us spare tires amazon sells spare tire made specifically for a tesla model 3 for about 300 bucks i'll put a link of that below and if it bothers you to drive around without a spare tire then you could buy one and just leave it in your trunk but that'll take up space because it's not going to fit on the bottom of that truck like how normal cars would have on the bottom of that trunk a spare tire in my town in temecula there's a lot of long roads like here to julian to you know irvine there's a lot of long roads where i don't even get phone receptions and there's no gas station for a long time and i feel like if i was to get flat tire at that place then i am absolutely screwed i have seen some stuff on amazon where you could fix a flat put some slime in there or something like that i've never done it before i might have to jump the gun and just figure out how to fix my own tire in case that ever happens to me because i mean with my regular cars i have gotten flat tires many times in my life so but it's so easy to change your tire and just move on right so it's not a stress but with the tesla model 3 it can be stressful so you better make sure that your tire is just you know top shape all the time reason number six why you might not want a tesla model 3 is that you can't modify your car it's you you lose that car culture i've owned honda's and of course you know the movie fast and furious i mean just having a cool car where you could soup it up and get intakes and shocks and do all this cool stuff i really haven't done anything crazy with my hondas in the past just you know i i own a handful of hondas and i love the car it's so stereotypical for an asian guy with a dragon tattoo to own a uh you know honda but hey man that's what we love so anyways tesla doesn't have a racing culture it's not fair right i see so many videos like tesla model 3 performance and tesla model s racing against lamborghinis and mustangs and all those super fast cars and of course tesla just beats the hell out of them and it's so not fair it's it's an electric car it's obviously super fast it's kind of like a bullet train racing a steam engine locomotive right so it's crazy so it's not even a fair race so you can't really modify your car if you were to do some kind of modification to your car then you lose your warranty right so you don't really want to modify and as of now i don't really know what you could really do to your car to make it faster because it's already so fast and with this long range if you want to make it faster you can actually just buy a software download that'll unlock the faster mode and make it into like a performance so just downloading a software update will make your car faster that's you know that's not that cool that's not that cool it's it's not as cool as a race culture where you could get a different car and you just you know spend thousands and thousands of dollars to soup it up and you feel that pride like hey this is my toy look what i did to it take a look and there's competitions and and so on so tesla really doesn't belong in that kind of world you could buy a bunch of accessories you know that's about it to make it look nice but it's it has this modern futuristic kind of culture about it and which i absolutely love yeah if you're really into the racing culture tesla is definitely not for you all right issue number seven is that it doesn't have apple carplay or android so everybody owns an iphone loves using the apple carplay it just seems to work so well with your car and if you've seen the latest apple presentation they've made a software upgrade where they have integrated apple car play thoroughly into the car so not only will it have messages and phone and music the basic stuff that your iphone gives you they have upgraded so big for their apple car play to work with your car and tesla doesn't have apple carplay and of course they shouldn't their software is actually really good very responsive i actually really love how clean it is and i'm pretty sure eventually they're gonna have stores right like how iphone has an app store and you can download games and things like that your tesla model 3 only has about 11 games right now but i'm pretty sure they're eventually gonna come out with an app store that you could also download more games and do more things with it so but as of now there's no apple carplay i actually love the way it works with my iphone so i'm not complaining at all but if you are stuck and absolutely must have apple carplay in your car because you love it i love it too then this car isn't for you our number eight limited streaming service this car only has netflix hulu disney plus youtube twitch tick tock and that's it that's good enough for me i mean i watch netflix i got i like to watch youtube hulu disney plus that's good enough for me i'm not really gonna stay in this car and watch a bunch of you know movies and videos uh for a long time it's really best when you are stuck in a supercharger and then now you got 30 minutes to kill and and you could quickly watch a short youtube video or something right so you don't really need a lot of streaming services but maybe you do maybe you do maybe you want to go camping with your car and maybe maybe some of you live in a tesla car so one of the websites that i've gone to is better theater.com and that gives you more options like the hbo max and other streaming services and more games as well you can see how desperately i'm trying to find issues 10 issues with my tesla model 3 and i am struggling because this car is almost perfect i absolutely love it so please know that this is my favorite car but i'm still trying to get 10 problems with this car problem number nine having to pay for internet for your car i know that's kind of silly right it's only ten dollars so you so when you buy tesla model three they give you one year of free internet with your car right you need internet for your tesla model 3 if you want your app to work if you want to use the map and you know all the internet services that you have in this car right it works so perfectly the century how you could watch the security camera from at home or from office or anywhere else where you could turn on the security camera and look with your phone if something was to go down with your car right so there's all these cool features that and of course the software update right you can use that too so it's very useful to have it and i know that once i run out of my one year subscription i'm going to pay the 10 a month but you know that there's a lot of people that don't want to pay the 10 a month right because we're already paying for you know hulu netflix and disney plus and we have so much other subscriptions that we're paying extra 10 a month even though it's really not that much some people will think twice about it i me growing up you know cheap in my life having been cheap and broke most of my life i have that habit of you know thinking about where i'm gonna spend ten dollars it it doesn't matter that i've you know i've grown to become an adult and i'm actually doing pretty okay for my business and it doesn't matter how much i make i'm always gonna be mr cheapskate so that will kind of bug you i know it's gonna bug me but at the same time i said it many times before if it's to support elon musk with his mission to make this world a better place then hey man i'm in problem number 10. i know i made a video before about how affordable this car is and it really is affordable for my situation but teslas are very expensive right so right now uh with incentives all the other ev cars out there right now like the ioniq and and the ev6 and you know a bunch of other evs that's coming out right now they are way more affordable than the cheapest tesla model 3. tesla model 3 standard is the cheapest of course and that's 10 000 and i think you could get it for like after taxes 50 000 or something like that it's it's still up there after taxes and everything it's it just bumps up like crazy right so you know with this car out the gate out after taxes it was 60 000 i am paying 750 a month for it so it is not a cheap car most of my cars in the past have been just 250 bucks 200 bucks a month of course those cars were like 15 000 cars or cheap cars and that's what i'm used to but you know if you don't make enough money if you don't if you can't spare 750 extra per month then this car is out of your reach so they are doing their best to make a 25 000 car god knows when that's gonna come out probably not for a long time but the great thing about it is that other ev companies are already coming up with affordable cars the incentives are great like in california if you were to buy an ev6 for example i think you get maybe seven thousand dollars back from the government and there's other incentives for buying that car so it becomes even cheaper like for example chevy boat after incentives after getting some money back from the government you could get an ev card from chevrolet for only 26 000 plus tax and so on but it's way cheaper than 60 000 but still even at that price people are willing to spend that extra money to get a tesla model 3 because teslas are still top of the food chain it's still the very best ev car out there it's the most popular car out there and to me it's the best looking car so that is my 10 reasons of why you might not want a tesla model 3 those are very weak reasons i know i try my best to find something that you know i could complain about but i personally it's not even something i really want to complain about i don't care about those things to be honest with you i absolutely love my tesla model 3 and if you got to make small sacrifices for something that you actually enjoy then that's what you have to do in life that's life you got to make sacrifices nothing is free nothing comes easy everything that you love in life you have to work for it and it's not going to be smooth selling so that's the trade-off in life right but anyways if you watched it all the way through i thank you so much please hit that like and subscribe button and i will see you next time
Channel: Myong Hong
Views: 161,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BsXT4itf9cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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