Tesla Model Y .. 6 months later (the good and the bad)

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[Music] we've had this car for over six months now and driven more than 17 000 kilometers so what do we think [Music] well let's start with the good this car has seen some pretty unbelievable software updates over the last six months that have kind of been a bit of a game changer in the way that we use the car only a few months ago I was making a wishlist video where I listed out all the things that I wish Tesla would bring to the car through software updates and within a matter of weeks some of those things actually came to fruition we started to see the rollout of Apple music which for us as Apple music users was a really big thing to be able to have that in the car we also saw a massive update to dog mode which not only allows you to control it using the app but even more importantly it now allows us to access that in-cabin camera when Cooper is in the car with dog mode on this has been probably the best software Edition that we could have asked for being dog owners and having an x-racing Greyhound that just loves hanging out in the car we've recently seen a big Improvement to the auto high beams which is really important when you're using autopilot at night time so now knowing that when there's an oncoming car it's going to switch them off at the right time you don't even have to think about it anymore we're now seeing even more accurate predictions when it comes to battery percentage and when you're navigating somewhere the car is just so good at estimating the battery percentage on arrival which just takes so much stress out of road trips and having to worry about like how accurate it really is knowing that it's taking into consideration things like the wind and the weather and the temperature and the inclines and all of that stuff is so smart and it's just all calculated within the car with the Tesla app you can now do even more things it's like almost on a fortnightly basis we're getting really great updates to either the car or the Tesla app and it just reinstates how important and fundamental software is to these cars and this platform and it is probably without a doubt the single best thing about owning a Tesla is just how refined and thought out the software is for the car and the app like no one really comes close they're built from the ground up with software in mind next up is the white seeds they look incredible they completely change the inside feel of the car which is where we spend most of our time so to have a really bright spacious futuristic feeling interior is so awesome they've been incredibly easy to clean hands down no issues whatsoever in our previous model 3 or in this model y everything just seems to wipe right off no matter how long the stain is left on the seats and the thing that I like about it especially having Cooper in the car a lot is it actually shows you when the seats do need to be cleaned so we find that we just keep on top of it a bit more and when I say care on top of it it's not like we're having to clean them every month we're literally like going three months and then we might notice something on the seats and we just give them a wipe down with some warm soapy water everything just pretty much wipes right off so would highly recommend the white interior to absolutely anybody it's just a no-brainer for me now when it comes to premium connectivity this is something that we never used to pay for and now I don't think we could live without it Tesla have brought some really great features across to premium connectivity users such as live Sentry mode which does enable that dog mode camera to be able to be checked also the satellite maps like getting that bird's eye view of everything that's around you is actually really great when you're doing road trips because we notice what's around us more than just that minimal map view that you get as standard we also really value having live traffic view especially when we're going into the City and we want to be able to make quick decisions as to which way we should turn and how to avoid traffic and a really nice app added benefit is just being able to use things like Netflix and YouTube in the car whenever you want you don't have to think about it so I've found myself actually watching quite a bit of YouTube in the car which has been really enjoyable because you get the nice sound system you get the heated seats it's actually quite a luxury and it's nice when you're traveling or I'm working on the road I get to sort of spend a lunch break in the car and it's pretty comfortable so what about comparing the model y to our previous model 3 how are we feeling about the differences well at first as you know I had some hesitations because this car is heavier and bigger and not as fast off the line and not really as Nimble and fun to drive at first glance however I have now completely fallen for this car I would actually look at taking the model Y in every circumstance now that I've had it for a while even if I was a single man and we didn't have dogs and we didn't have kids on the way I still actually think I prefer the practice criticality the utility of the model y being up higher I just love the all-round offering and package that it has and whilst the three is always going to be more of a sports car like feel to drive the model y just for everyday life is an absolute winner for us but if you are looking at the cost comparisons between the three and the Y depending on your situation and your preference as to which model you like a really good website to check out is driver.com you can actually key in a few details like I did and it'll bring up all the different EV loans and what the repayments would be it's really cool to just see that breakdown and all your different options so I'll leave a link to that below if you want to check that out also worth mentioning the Tesla referral program is now back so if you are in a position where you're ordering a Tesla and you don't happen to have a family or a friend that has one I'll leave my referral link below as well because that will give you some credits and Mason credits and it's just a win-win situation all right so now let's touch on some of the more negative things we've noticed after owning this car for over six months number one would have to be the paint now we obviously have the white paint option which is the free option however it's very prone to many many Stone chips and after six months of driving lots of highway driving lots of road trips we've noticed some huge Stone chips out of the whole Bonnet of the car the whole front end uh so that is disappointing because it gives me the impression given that we've never had this issue before in a previous car that maybe the paint is a lesser quality I mean it looks great but the moment you start getting chips on there it can be quite frustrating so any new owners out there I would recommend a paint protection film even a ceramic coating to help keep it clean the other thing to point out is obviously the bugs that get stuck to the front of the car every time you take it for a trip pretty much you're having to clean the bugs off the front which is just a fact of owning an EV without an air intake you're going to notice those things more the other thing to keep in mind is that when it comes to the rims on this car we obviously have the 20 inch induction rims they stick out quite a bit from the tire so whilst I'm not someone that's ever scraped my tires unfortunately Paige has found herself in a situation where the gut has stuck out a little bit and caught it off guard she's normally very good but unfortunately there's been multiple occasions where the rims have been damaged on these beautiful inductions and so yeah that's pretty upsetting because they ultimately will need to be repaired uh in the meantime Paige just brushed them up with some black nail polish which is pretty much disguised the bulk of the issue but it is something to keep in mind probably if I had my time again I would order the 19 inch wheels and I would just buy some aftermarket black sort of uh Arrow covers I think they look really good whilst we're on the topic of Wheels it's worth pointing out the suspension in this car is probably going to be firmer than anything else comparable in this price bracket whilst it's never been an issue for us in the three or this car I have spoken to a few model y performance owners that have recently got the upgraded soft suspension that is now something that we believe Future model wives will have and I've heard that it makes quite a big difference I also spoke recently in a video about the sun shade and whether you need one in a Tesla it is something that a lot of people wish was included as standard it's unfortunately not so you are potentially depending on your circumstances may want to be looking for an aftermarket sunshade I'll obviously leave this one again Below in the description there's several different brands that offer these and I would say that see how you go without it most of the time I hope that you find you don't need it because the glass is heavily UV protected and it looks beautiful so if you can keep it naked that's great but otherwise there's some options out there that you're gonna need to unfortunately spend some money on if you want to get extra protection from the Sun possibly my biggest issue over the last few weeks has been the auto wipers they're becoming a little bit frustrating because we love using autopilot so much and as you may know when you turn autopilot on the auto wipers have to be switched on you cannot disable them and what that's resulted in for us is a lot of dry wiping which sounds weird but but yeah it just constantly thinks that it's raining at times when it's not and that normally means having to pull over and just cleaning the windshield cleaning the camera area uh it does normally fix it but um even times when it is raining sometimes they don't turn on so I'm looking forward to a software improvement from Tesla when it comes to those Auto wipers because I think there's a bit of a desperate need to improve those I have spoken about this before but just the lack of finishing touches and accessories in these cars is a little bit disappointing like the floor mats are very average they don't have any Tesla branding on them the storage compartments are just big empty spaces with no trays or organization stuff in there I would love to see Tesla deliver these cars with a few more finishing touches that just kind of makes them feel like they're at the price point that they are I would also love to see the summon feature just the standard back and forth summon comes standard in all Teslas you see a lot of competitors in this market have summoned features using the key fob or controlling it from the inside of the car but I just feel that's something we shouldn't have to pay extra for I think that would be really nice to see and one last thing to keep in mind is that when you've got a dog in the back the AC is a lot weaker so whether that's in the back seat or especially the boot where Cooper loves to hang out the most the AC doesn't really reach that far back and keep in mind that the temperature sensor is up the front so it doesn't necessarily know how hot or cold it is right at the back so this has been something we've struggled with a little bit on road trips when Cooper's with us we've bought you know portable fans and things like that to try and keep him cool over the summer but yeah it can be a little bit challenging so I know some other cars out there actually have AC vents in the boot particularly for pets and groceries and things like that I don't see Tesla ever adding that because it's going to be quite an added cost but uh just something to keep in mind also while we're talking about Cooper hanging out in the boot I was sent these awesome storage bins with carpet Lids that go on top they perfectly match the carpet that comes with Tesla they almost look like this is the way that the car comes and they're especially helpful for when Cooper's in the boot because being such a big clumsy dog he's prone to slipping down those big gaps so this prevents that and it also means that you've got extra space for storage underneath the same company also sent me this amazing dog cover which is great just to protect the boot that company is called energeic they're an Australian based Tesla accessories website I'll leave the link below if you want to pick up any of their stuff wow so six months in this car has absolutely flown and by we've been loving every day of driving it we do genuinely believe this is the best car on the road I cannot understand why anything else would come close in terms of Technology safety software all of that stuff I understand that you know build quality is a concern for some people and you're going to get in a Mercedes and a BMW and feel that it's more luxurious and it does have those finishing touches that Tesla lacks however it's kind of a bit like an iPhone majority of people own an iPhone and they just know that it's kind of the best when it comes to software and Hardware integration and technology and like why would you want anything else it's not like this comparison of luxury it's like just the most appropriate logical thing that you could own as a piece of tech and that's how I feel about the Tesla it is not a lack of luxury it is just literally the way that cars are heading test represents the future and everyone else is trying to catch up to be honest so anyway there's my thoughts over the last six months hope you found this video interesting Please Subscribe if you haven't already and I'll catch you soon in another video thanks so much for watching [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Ryan's Model Y
Views: 184,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9N6MQmIfWKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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