BREAKING: Tesla's HUGE Announcement - The WAIT is OVER! | Tesla Model 3 + Model Y

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Tesla just made some shocking announcements that no one saw coming and everyone is missing some of these really important news stories that are flying under the radar they just released all new models they're lowering prices and about to make 10 huge changes before the end of this year that some Tesla owners and fans are gonna love and others like you guys watching this video I guarantee are going to absolutely hate so let me tell you everything we know right now about Tesla's master plan for the rest of 2023 all the new cars because there are multiple new models coming all the big software updates all the new features all the freebies all the discounts and price changes up and down let me tell you what Tesla has planned for the rest of the year and also give away some free Tesla merch you can win 25 of free Amazon money or win a free piece of Tesla merch and a huge thanks to Masterworks for sponsoring this video so obviously there is a ton of stuff to cover in this video still about four and a half months-ish left in the the Year by the time this video is going live but I think probably one of the things we can do to make things easier is sort of keep things in chronological order so let me go with what's going to be coming starting like right now and then sort of go through Tesla's plans until the end December 31st of 2023. so with that being said let's start with the first big piece of Tesla news the first big new product coming basically any day now and that's this it's the all-new refreshed model 3 project Highland now I have done several videos going in depth on what this car is going to get what it's not going to get so I'll sort of give you a highlight reel of project Island in this video and if you want more details you can check out one of my other videos linked down below basically here's the big info if you missed it this is going to be the biggest model 3 update we have ever seen with this car since it originally hit the road several years ago we're talking an update to the front of the car the back of the car A new design to those pieces of the car we should be seeing a powered front we're going to be getting a refreshed interior that is is going to ditch the wood go with soft touch material on the doors on the dash we may be getting a rear entertainment display similar to that on the model S and model X some ambient lighting inside the car to make it seem a bit more premium a better sound system extra speakers even ventilated seats are coming to this new model along with Hardware 4 bringing with it more cameras higher resolution cameras and also a more advanced self-driving system and I'm sure I probably missed a thing or two in that highlight but basically this is the biggest model 3 refresh we've ever gotten it's going to be a really big deal and should be coming very very soon pricing may change and if you want to take advantage of the really good federal tax incentives and also Tesla's I think offering up to five thousand dollars off their inventory model threes in some cases in some states around the country and even some places around the world if basically if you want to save big on the model 3 now is the chance to buy one because when these new models come out they're likely going to go up in price not sure exactly what the price is going to be finalized yet but probably going to go up in price so just sort of keep that in mind if you want to take advantage of some deals and the other thing to keep in mind is that there is one controversial piece of this update and that is the steering wheel Tesla may do a different type of steering wheel that may look a little bit different than the regular old round wheel we've got right now and also Tesla is going to be removing stocks from either side of the vehicle and moving all of those controls to touch sensitive buttons on the steering wheel itself we see this on the model S we see it on the model X the Cyber truck is going to get the same treatment as well and if you're not a fan of Tesla removing more parts of the car and you're a fan of some of the older Creature Comforts like ultrasonic sensors and some of the older Teslas or at least just the physical stocks you're not going to want this refreshed model also this will have Hardware 4 which as of recording this video does not have full self-driving beta access so there are some reasons you may not want to buy any model 3 maybe a couple of reasons that might be important to some of you but if you do want the latest and greatest and you're sort of ready for a new model 3 and you're sort of waiting to buy one don't buy one yet because this new model is coming very very soon from what we've heard from a couple of different insiders Giga Shanghai is already building this in China Tesla and Fremont California maybe building this new model as well and we should see a release of this new model 3 in September or October so coming very very soon but remember that this new model 3 is not the only new Tesla set to launch around the September and October time frame because cyber truck is finally supposed to be launching as well that is next on Tesla's roadmap yes after many years of delays and will they or won't they we finally have significant updates on the Cyber truck and it appears according to all the leaked images and videos of testing that everything is going according to plan and cyber track is officially going to be delivered to the very first batch of customers sometime in the next few weeks specifically over the last few months things have moved very quickly on the Cyber truck front Giga Texas obviously got all up and running to make model wise and also got all the Machinery installed to mass produce the Cyber trucks which is cool we started seeing multiple models spotted on the road in the Bay Area every single day then we saw some New Zealand weather testing and basically we've seen cyber trucks popping up in new locations basically every couple of hours of every single day and over the last few weeks we've actually seen a little Glimpse inside of Giga Texas at the actual cyber truck production line Tesla is now making these in limited quantity we've even spotted some supercharging on the premises and cyber truck is getting ready to finally be delivered now according to Elon Tesla will hold a delivery event for the Cyber truck sometime in September and deliver the very first cyber truck models to those presumably early reservation holders unclear who's exactly going to be getting a cyber truck because there's been no details on that but according to Elon a september-ish timeline for an event should be happening very soon and then according to Tesla after sort of limited production of these vehicles is ramping up as we speak sort of going into 2024 production will continue to ramp up and then Tesla will be making these uh in larger quantities so it's unclear what the timeline of cyber truck is like if I ordered uh you know a pre-order day one where am I in line if I waited x amount of days and x amount of months where am I we don't know presumably it could take Tesla anywhere from a couple of months to a couple of years to fulfill these orders so a lot of questions right now definitely more questions on Cyber truck than answers for example back in 2021 it was estimated that 1.2 million people put down a 100 deposit to uh sort of get their place in line for cyber truck who knows what the number is these days obviously not every one of those 1.2 million people or whatever the numbers these days is going to get a cyber truck probably people just did it and cancel and stuff like that but even if it's like half that number it's probably going to take Tesla quite some time to get those reservations fulfilled so if you have a cyber truck on order you may not be getting it until late 2024 early 2025 we don't know as of right now and then obviously kind of the elephant in the room on Cyber truck really the biggest piece of news is we have no idea what the final price is going to be because Tesla when they initially showed off cyber truck back in 2019 showed off what was then some very ambitious pricing and ever since then we've gotten a lot of different news on supply chain adjustments and pricing adjustments as the car market has changed and as it stands in 2023 going into 2024 we have no idea what this pricing is going to be some have speculated that Tesla is going to copy Riven in their pricing structure though that's uh you know very much speculation as of right now so cyber truck is coming initial delivery should be starting soon but we don't know who's going to take delivery and still so we have no idea how much this truck is going to cost or Which models they're making to begin with and one we could finally if ever see the cheaper base standard models ever come off the production line all right so we talked model 3 project Highland we talked cyber truck now that sort of puts our timeline into October which is a very interesting time for Tesla because it's sort of in flux with all the new vehicles coming out and all the new exciting stuff for cyber truck and model 3 but sort of does leave the model Y in a bit of an odd position but while right now may be sort of a weird time for the model y it's actually a great time for early adopters because the economy is finally on its way back new vehicle price inflation on the whole has all but disappeared according to Insider research and new buyers are saving over ten thousand dollars on new base models and on top of that to make things better more and more of you guys watching this video are seeing some incredible returns thanks to this video sponsor Masterworks we're talking Seventeen percent twenty five percent and just over a week ago 77 net annualized returns it was their 15th exit so far and also their 15th to deliver a positive net result of course I should mention that as with any investment performance of realized exits is not representative of our work that is not yet sold and is not indicative of future results but with that said even though some of the biggest stocks on the market have had some huge years by comparison the median S P 500 stock has returned just five percent and if you have not heard of Masterworks before if you haven't looked into it first off welcome to the wonderful world of Masterworks and all their amazing opportunities and also I've got to let you know right now that they just launched their largest offering yet but arguably the most popular artist today a 36 million dollar basket piece and all this is happening as Masterworks has just cracked over 800 000 users and over 800 million dollars in assets under management Mass works is amazing you don't have to have millions of dollars or have these special connections to invest in the wonderful world of Art and also I should mention that as someone who has been following Masterworks and investing for months um I've seen paintings sell out in minutes you definitely do not want to wait but luckily for you guys I've teamed up with Masterworks for a special opportunity and that is your ability to skip the wait list and get instant access right now by clicking my special link right down below in the description now is the time learn more about maths works today and also take advantage of a free art investing guide and skip that wait list by clicking my link Down Below in the description Masterworks is amazing such an awesome opportunity and um awesome that they're sort of making this all available to us and we don't need these millions of dollars or exclusive collections or connections I guess you can have both Collections and connections to sort of get in there and invest in The Amazing World of art again if you want to learn more check out massworks for yourself today skip that wait list get that free art investing guide by clicking my link right down below in the description now remember according to that original Reuters report that broke the story on the model 3 the model Y is going to get a refresh similar to that of the model 3 but it won't be coming until next year probably fall of 2024 at the earliest I also was able to talk to the folks at Tesla scope on Twitter and they said in the threat I was sort of in that they estimate a model y refresh wouldn't happen until 2024 or 2025 which means for a while the model Y is going to be sort of like the Forgotten Tesla child the model 3 and cyber truck are going to be new and flashy they're going to have the new design and all the press and the model Y is going to remain basically unchanged though there are a couple of things to note here one is that the model Y is like the best selling car in the world so there's a lot of demand for it Tesla doesn't necessarily have to do anything because this car is selling so well and remember that the model 3 is still missing some critical things for example it doesn't have hardware for and it has some you know older DNA that's been around for quite some time while the model Y is still a bit newer it has some of the nicer Creature Comforts for example it has hardware for so while the design line and cosmetics and the aesthetic of the model y may be a bit older technically speaking it should be on par with the model 3 in terms of range battery capacity and Hardware 4 and stuff like that not going to have the nicer Creature Comforts of the updated interior and stuff like that a processor full self-driving computer cameras all that stuff should be the same with the one exception being a rumored front bumper camera that may be coming to the model 3. there has also been a ton of speculation as to new colors we could see from Tesla and when we could see them we've heard persistent rumors for months that Tesla is working to upgrade their pain capabilities of the paint shop at Giga Texas to be on par with Giga Berlin to make some beautiful new Tesla colors we've heard Elon and Tesla's design Chief confirmed that new colors are coming here in the US and there's a big question as to what we could see would Ultra red come down the line from the S and the X and come to the three in the Y could we see Quicksilver at midnight Cherry from the European market come over to American made and sold Tesla models could we possibly see some new colors like a rumored a bit blue there has been a lot of speculation that Tesla has been working on new colors for a while and with the imminent release of project Highland now might be the perfect time for Tesla to finally launch some all new colors and before you ask the question down below let me give you the answer of whether you should buy a model y right now or wait I would say I'd probably buy I mean the model y refresh is coming but every refresh is inevitable and always going to be coming right around the corner especially since our best estimate at this isn't until 2024 or 2025 and that is late 2024 not a huge reason to wait if I was personally in the market for a model y I would just buy one right now I'd be happy if you can wait another 18 to 24 months then by all means you know be my guest but if you want to model y you want to take advantage of the really great pricing and also again the really great federal tax incentives really not a bad time to buy a model y by any means so buy a model y be happy if you want the bleeding edge you're going to be waiting quite some time probably but also let's not forget about some great cars that did get refreshed somewhat recently but with all of the presser on the model 3 and cyber truck what's going to happen to these vehicles I've actually got a bit of a scoop here thanks to the folks at Tesla scope some news here that you probably haven't heard before this is coming from tesloscope who has been a very reliable source for all of the refresh model 3 project Highland info they certainly have some good sources and according to them they said back in June that Tesla was working on more of a minor refresh for the model S and model X that would be out sometime in the next couple of months giving me a bit of a scoop here on Twitter when I asked recently they said that refresh would include a front bumper camera akin to what's going to be on the Cyber truck and model 3 but also added that it seems like it's going to be happening a little later rather than sooner maybe by the end of the year maybe an extra doesn't seem to be a clear timeline on when this refresh could be happening I believe they also said that the interior lighting would come as well so maybe some of the newer interior tweaks of the model 3 would come up to the S and the X but again that refresh is going to be relatively minor and may not be happening for well we don't really know when it could be happening also speaking of the model S and model X Tucson has made a really shocking announcement that no one saw coming and that was that they introduced an all new model for each of these vehicles that is cheaper slower and a little bit quirkier than many have ever seen before basically there's an all-new Model S and model X standard range that takes a long range version you solve all the Creature Comforts all the features and color options and wheel options but from what we've heard and I've heard this is confirmed by Tesla but I'm not going to say it's confirmed by Tesla but the prevailing theory is that there's software locking the batteries to make these cars cheaper and slower so if you're looking to save ten thousand dollars you can get a Model S standard range for 78 490 get 320 miles of range and a 0-60 time of 3.7 seconds and on the metal x side similar story with the standard range offering it's 88 490 bucks 269 miles of range and a 0-60 time of 4.4 seconds and one of the reasons this is so interesting is that one there's software locking the battery so there is the ability for Tesla later on to offer range boost or performance boost by basically allowing you to pay to solve or unlock those uh batteries and that extra performance not sure if they're going to do it but the possibility is there if these rumors are true and also while the prices have come down by ten thousand dollars for the starting price tag they're still hitting the MSRP caps to make them ineligible for the 7 500 federal tax incentive so if you want to get one of these Model S's or model X's they're not ten thousand dollars cheaper which is great that they are considerably slower and losing a lot of range especially on the model X side but you're still not getting any tax benefits for them on the consumer side there are some new uh business tax incentives to take advantage of Tesla lists on their site but that's sort of another rabbit hole we can go down in a separate video but to nice to see these new offerings but not really any huge reason to go with them over the more expensive long range or plaid versions or just go with a three or Y okay so that is likely all of the car updates we'll see this year but that does not mean Tesla is finished for the year not even a little bit because there are a ton of software features Tesla's working on that will be out before the end of the year that are very very exciting because well we kind of already know about a lot of them because they've already leaked the last few years Tesla has released a major software update that is packed with features near the end of the year like November december-ish many owners refer to this as the holiday update it's usually Tesla's gift for us as it is packed with so many cool new features usually some cosmetic features and new software capabilities and usually comes out around Christmas if not the end of december-ish because well things always change with Tesla for example last year's holiday update brought the MyQ support built into Teslas it brought Apple music to our Teslas finally it brought the light show and tons of other features I mean Tesla is known for doing software updates incrementally basically every couple of weeks throughout the year but if there's one update that brings a ton of features and changes the look of the software and all the cosmetics and stuff that's usually the holiday update happening once a year usually around the end of the year and as many have already started to speculate there are some cool things we could see in the 2023 holiday updates coming near the end of this year and while it's still a little early for exact leaks there are four ideas of new features sort of uh roaming around the digital world of Tesla online that was a weird sentence but here are the four things that people think could be coming one is Dolby Atmos support for speakers inside of your Tesla vehicle this is actually a rumored feature of last year's holiday update that would be done with software no extra Hardware required and would give you basically a more immersive audio experience in your car your speakers would be a little bit more spatial and the music would be spatially aware so you'd hear better separation between instruments basically it would sound more like a live concert happening in your car and it all happened through a free software update that brought Globe Atmos support to supported tracks like apple music for example is a service that has Dolby Atmos tracks it can stream Dolby Atmos I believe Spotify can do it as well title I think can do it um but that never happened last year so that might be happening this year with the holiday update one of the other big features of course is the App Store this has been in the works for at least three years we know Tesla is closer than ever to officially releasing the big app store we got their first official third party app which was a fleet management app that is now working with Tesla and many believe this app store could be coming before the end of the year and could open up a bunch of new possibilities new games new Tesla theater apps uh new capabilities new charging apps there is a lot of App Store could do and could totally change your Tesla and may finally be coming before the end of the year if that doesn't have happen though there still could be a chance for Tesla to make right on that Promise by giving us more streaming apps I mean for example last year we got Apple music which was great to see we got title I believe the year before around that timeline so it'd be great to see some other options whether that be Audible for audio books maybe it's Amazon music YouTube music just having more media streaming options would be great maybe it's SiriusXM for the model 3 and model y maybe it's some other streaming service just having more built-in apps for more options for streaming music and videos and podcasts and audiobooks would be very great to see and speaking of that one other feature that looks likely to come before the end of the year is official AirPlay support for your Tesla giving you the option to send a high quality audio and maybe even a video stream directly from your iPhone to your Tesla so this could be great for streaming audio from your phone to your car while you're driving also maybe the ability to sort of AirPlay content from your phone to your car when you're sitting there chart charging so you could watch something from your phone and put it up on the big screen maybe it's a game maybe it's Waze for mapping AirPlay opens up a ton of possibilities and that would be really awesome to see in the software update and then also one more thing that Tesla is expected to do before the end of the year presumably is bring some more updates to full self driving one of the biggest issues right now for many owners is that full self-driving beta is not working with hardware for cars and all the new Teslas these days the new s's X's y's soon to be model threes all have Hardware four that currently don't get FSD beta that should be being fixed and I'd imagine before the end of the year FSD beta is on hardware for cars so definitely keep a lookout for that if you're interested in trying the beta on your hardware for Tesla okay and I think that's it that's about what we know for Tesla's Master Plan before the end of the year and also there are just hours remaining to enter the CCF Tesla raffle this of course is your chance to win a Model S model X model 3 Model y cyber truck or 50 000 cash if you want to have a chance to win an amazing prize and support an amazing cause the Chicago chested fund hit the link down below and use the code Robert to get uh 25 off two tickets or 500 off 15 tickets of course that link is down below and also my own giveaway here if you guys want to win some free Tesla merch or 25 of Amazon gift card money for free all you've got to do is three things subscribe yeah subscribe to the channel leave a comment and like this video that's it subscribe comment below like this video and you'll be entered to win I'll pick a winner in one week and you can choose you can have a free Chester shirt or you can get 25 of Amazon money totally for free enter down below good luck to you guys thank you as always for your support I appreciate all the kind comments I'm Robert Rosen I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: Robert Rosenfeld
Views: 35,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, tesla model 3, model 3, Tesla model s, Tesla model x, Tesla model y, Tesla review, tesla model y, tesla model 3 vs model y, tesla model y review, tesla model 3 review, tesla news, tesla stock, elon musk, model y, model 3 2023, model y 2023, elon, elon musk twitter, tesla rwd, Tesla Cybertruck, new model 3, new model y, tesla project highland, model 3 highland, model s standard range, model x standard range, tesla price drop, tesla discount, tesla update
Id: ASUJ1d_9CB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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