7 Powerful S-Pen Features for Your Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra - Tips and Tricks

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hey guys so here from saki te in today's video we are going to be sharing seven powerful features for the Spen on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra these tips and tricks are going to further enhance your experience with your smartphone so let's dive ah and get started right away all right so the very first feature I'm going to talk about has to do with your calendar so what you want to do is you want to launch your calendar application there's going to be two ways to get this done first I'm going to show you the regular way so you launch the calendar application on the top you're going to see a button that says write so what you do is you tap this with your Spen and it's going to activate the writing mode where you can actually start writing on your calendar and start taking notes and of course obviously this is going to be too small to take detailed notes so you are able to zoom in up to 400 times into any date and then you can take notes on it okay and you can also change the format of the pen so at the bottom I can tap over here and make the format a little bit thinner change the color for different Events maybe okay and I can write as you can see and I can do this anywhere I want I can move this around with one finger as you can see and I can zoom in by pinching in and out so I can write my notes right here blah blah blah whatever you want now the best part is when you save this it actually gets saved in your calendar as you just saw now when I exit let me kill that application and if I go back into the calendar application you can see I can in fact see the notes that I took on the calendar app all right the next way to get this done is by using the Air Command menu I like this one better it's just quicker you pull the pen out you tap on the button brings up the air command menu and you simply go on to right on calendar so if you're in a rush you just tap this guy you pinch in you take your quick note you tap on Save and you're good to go now to make this work you have to activate this so when I tap this button Buton you can see it brings up the air command menu so let's go inside there and add this feature to make sure you actually have it when you tap the button all right so go to the settings and then scroll down and go to Advanced features right here then go to Spen and then go to Air Command right here and you are going to see right here we have the Air Command shortcuts by the way just make sure this one is enabled as well Open Air Command with the pen button which is right here but anyway go to shortcuts and make sure the right on calendar shortcut is in fact on this column right here okay so if I take this off you'll see it's going to populate under Spen features area so if I tap on it it gets added to this column which is the active column now after you add it you can press and hold and you can bring it to the top okay so now I have that in my active column all the way on the top so when I do click the button it is going to bring right on calendar right here and I can access that right away fantastic let's move on all right the next feature has to do with the S Pen right here so basically it's a very expensive little product I think it's like $40 $50 if you lose it and you want to get a replacement so let's make sure you never lose it in the first place so again go to the settings and scroll down and go to Advanced feature and go into the Spen once you're here scroll down and go to more S Pen settings and make sure you enable this option so this says warn if the Spen is Left Behind so when when you enable this and if I leave this Spen right here on the table in a coffee shop and I take the phone and I leave the first thing that's going to happen is the phone is going to beep and it's going to give you a notification saying hey you forgot your aspan go get it so that's number one number two let's say you did lose it and you walked away to your house at least over here it's going to give you a hint about the last removed date and time unfortunately it cannot show you the location but at least you get the date and the time so it can approximate where you were at that given time and and backtrack that way but the big thing is I want you guys to just make sure you test this out once just put this on the table enable the feature walk away go to the next room upstairs downstairs hear the prompt so you're used to it so it happens outside of your house you know that that's what happened all right let's move on so I'm going to go to My Notes application right over here uh Notes application and I'm just going to go uh create a brand new note now what are the best things with this uh phone obviously with the pen is that you can take notes so activate note taking by tapping here now I can start writing and basically if you are a student a teacher engineer contractor whatever you are you might want to take some precise sketches but normally when you draw like a circle it remains like this or if you draw a triangle or an arrow you can see these are very unprofessional and dirty looking so what you can do is let me just create a new page at the bottom here in the bar you scroll over and you tap on this icon right here it says autofix shapes if you tap this guy now when I draw a circle look at what happens to that Circle it becomes a perfect circle triangle same thing all right arrow same thing so I can create these powerful uh flowcharts or if I'm in a math class I can do all kinds of things and you can see it's very nice and the good news is every time you create a shape you can access that individual shape okay so you can see I can take that shape away I can tap this guy I can take that shape away so I can rearrange it to make it perfect or just just another example if you want three exactly same shapes you tap on a shape you copy and you simply paste look at this press and hold paste now I have shapes of the same size that I can create precise diagrams from okay so every little thing here is customizable as you can see make it small big move it around cut copy paste fantastic guys you can use this to take some amazing notes let's move on now while we are in the subject of taking notes one more thing you can do that's amazing you can do this without the Spen Spen is just there to draw and sketch but if you go into a any note you can add images to that note okay so here's a note and let's say I want like a reference image I can simply tap on plus and I can add a whole bunch of things a voice recording audio file whatever but I'm going to do an image so that allows you to go to your gallery okay and I'm just going to put this image of myself right here tap on done now I have that image in there as a reference I can move this around as you can see no problem okay it'll go anywhere and the good thing is with that image using the SP but I can get really precise I can make it bigger larger smaller and I can even tap over here and crop an image okay so let's tap this again tap on crop and look at this as you can see okay and then once it's cropped I can move that around no problem and also resize it or whatever so note taking can be amazing on this phone with the Notes application all right the next thing I want to talk about has to do with being able to unlock your phone with the actual Asen so if your phone is unlocked like like this by pressing this button you can actually unlock the phone so let me show you how to set that up so go to the settings go over to Advanced features right here go to S Pen scroll down a little bit go to more Spen settings and then enable Spen unlock so when you enable this for for the first time it is going to ask you to put in your current pin number I'm going to do in mine right now and then what it's going to ask you to do is first just lock the phone so right now the phone is locked now you can press the button and it's going to ask you just one more time to put in your PIN number and now you're all set now look at this if the phone is turned off I want to unlock it I press the button and it's just going to unlock it boom okay so this is going to be your key so make sure you don't give it to anybody else uh nobody can unlock it from here okay but you can use this as a key to unlock your S Pen tap the button unlocks the phone oops there we go should be close to it by the way it's very smart and then go to the settings go to Advanced features right here Spen more Spen settings so make sure that's enabled now if you ever get sick of it and you want to disable it just tap over here it's going to ask you to put your PIN number again then it's going to be deactive you're going to be back to business as usual all right the next feature I want to talk about has to do with the popup note feature so basically you tap the button right here double tap on the screen brings up a note and you can quickly take a note jot it down and you can ex it out or my favorite you can put it to the side for later okay so if you're working on a project you can keep bringing this up adding your notes and then tapping this and making this small and put it anywhere on this screen now make sure this is enabled again you want to be in advanced features okay go to S Pen at the bottom make sure quick notes is enabled it's a powerful feature now once you are done with this and you exit out it gets saved into your Samsung Notes application and here's a related feature if the phone is turned off whether you have the always own display or not just make sure it's turned off it's not in the lock screen like this so it's like this all you do is bring the pen closer to the screen press the button and that's going to bring up the screen off memo and again you can jot down notes on the go without even having to unlock your smartphone okay so that's a great feature so take down a quick contact information if you're a contractor make take some measurements or if you're a homeowner you're doing something in the house take some quick notes and then go to Home Depot whatever okay but that's the screen off memo for quick note taking as opposed to the other one that you can also use the popup one but this is better if you're working if you're doing something on the Internet you're taking notes based on that you can use this little window as well by the way this window can always always be maximized so you can actually take notes even with more Precision with a larger canvas all right so that brings us to the end of this video if you have any questions comments or concerns drop them down below let me know for now guys have a fantastic day
Channel: sakitech
Views: 58,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sakitech, samsung galaxy s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra, s pen, s pen tips, s pen tricks, tips, tricks, features
Id: Jl_FsuKgEp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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