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dear friends and followers welcome back to my channel and lovely greetings from my hotel room on my two day layover in los angeles today we're gonna do the one minute debrief giving me only one minute to debrief a video from the internet we've got 10 lined up so no messing about let's get started yes sir that's where the line is i gotta get you all the way to the back of the line ah now i know i got it okay what you see here is a super marina spitfire just starting up the engines um well it's called spitfire for a reason actually it has nothing to do with that it's spitting flames that's a whole another story why it's called the spitfire nevertheless the question is is this dangerous not necessarily what happens here or that is my assumption is that the plane has probably gone round you know doing his air show and the exhaust was still pretty hot the pilot turned off the engines did his chat with his other colleagues got into the plane again started up again and the exhaust is still hot and then unignited fuel goes through the cylinders and into the hot exhaust and then ignites and it makes these beautiful flames so from that point of view it's not really dangerous unless like there's a broken fuel line or any of that then sure that could also catch on fire but in this case here this is like a normal procedure for the spitfire if you do look at other videos such as like the super connie during takeoff you can see like flames coming out the exhaust that's like normal procedure for this plane so nothing to worry here oh nice [Music] yay oh no what's gonna happen with all these swans and all the rest of the birds oh boy [Music] okay boy avoid the seaplanes are incredibly difficult to maneuver on water and i think what happened here is that either the colleague has sort of misjudged his take off run how long he actually or how much space he'll be needing to take off because it then suddenly makes this sort of kind of right turn to uh follow along the river or the shoreline what i think is even more dangerous you see all these little swans waiting more or less to take off like the plane is and he is at maximum take of power trying to get airborne and he's very close to them so if they get scared or startled and then they just take off and fly into his engines little birds will be fine uh but like these massive swans with like a wingspan of near two meters they will definitely cause an engine failure and to shut it down and yeah so very very dangerous this just really shows that it's very difficult for seaplanes to steer on water or during takeoff quick advert break here you guys call captain joe what is that you can actually call me if you click the link in the description box below it will take you to a booking system where you can book a zoom call with me yes what are we going to talk about in this call if you for example want to become a pilot or you need a motivational pep talk or it is your birthday whatever is on your mind you can share with me so for example if you want to become a pilot we'll be talking about what flight school to choose how to best prepare before going to flight school what airline will be great for me what licenses do i need how can i improve my english etc etc i'll be sharing my 14 years of knowledge in the aviation industry with you and it's all just a phone call away so see you there it is windy no no no no no no no no oh made oh ah boy okay um this is one of those story wins the short takeoff and landing events i love those up okay if we look at this video one more time as you can see just before he touches down his rudder is fully deflected to the right meaning the crosswind is actually coming from the right hand side all correct but what i'm missing here is as soon as he touches down he's not using any aileron deflection and what i'm wanting to see is that he goes full right rudder meaning that the aileron on the left hand side goes all the way down the aileron on the right hand side goes all the way up and if you look at it closely it's in neutral and i don't understand why he did that because now the wind has the opportunity to catch under his wing and just tips it over but keep in mind these planes are super lightweight the pilots will do anything to shed as much weight as possible on their planes in obvious reason to try to get the landing as short as possible and then maybe that day the wind was just a tad too strong for that little plane but in the end i think nothing really happened i mean he was literally standing when his plane tipped over [Music] okay beautiful airbus a320 nearby sis by scandinavian airlines let's look at this video one more time it looks to me as if the plane is coming in for a normal landing but out of the blue and i'm guessing right at that moment where you can see that the plane is going upwards the pilots then decided to go around it's not because they were unstabilized on the approach i'm pretty sure it's because of the birds they saw and maybe that decision wasn't the best in that moment because obviously then you startle the birds they get they fly around and then what happens is that the pilot caught one of the birds through his engines this is like the worst scenario you want because you have an engine at full power go around thrust or toga so to say and it is like the suction in that moment will just take anything through that engine and also is the most dangerous for the engine that it gets severe damage when something like that happens is it better to land the plane although you see the birds or is it better to go around it is really difficult to say that i'm sure that the plane landed safely everything is fine but to make that decision as a pilot 50 50 am i got land or i'm gonna go around because of the birds is super super crucial and difficult to decide on i mean you've got only a couple of split seconds to do that decision nice strip seven all right coming out of the costumes oh boy okay this video was categorized as a hard landing i don't really want to say it's a hard landing but there's one thing you can clearly see what went wrong okay let's look at the video one more time now as the plane comes out of the clouds you can see that the pilot is already aligning the plane towards the center line so they've been correcting for crosswind at first meaning when you do that you anticipate to be landing within the next second or so but that's not happening i'm sure that the pilot must have throttled back already because that is the next step you do you light onto the center line then you start throttling back but i think that either some wind of this crosswind caught under the plane board the plane back up again so it's floating and then because the pilot had throttled back already the plane will obviously lose some speed also during this miniature climb meaning at some point the speed is so low meaning that the lift over the wings is so low that the plane just literally falls to the ground the lift was not strong enough to keep it afloat and then it sort of touched on a tad hot i'm not going to say this was a hard line it doesn't even look like a hard landing but everything turned out safe in the end oh boy okay good this doesn't seem like it's dangerous but in actual fact it is pretty dangerous now it was an engine failure on takeoff whatever caused the engine to explode literally either bird or whatever we don't know that but why is it so dangerous because you've got one engine that is just exploding and the second one is on full takeoff power meaning that your moment is dramatic i've done this in a simulator a couple of times and you will not believe how difficult it is to actually control the plane but what you do see is that the pilot obviously immediately applied right rather to keep the plane on the center line what's also nice to see here is the rejected takeoff and maneuver or procedure you see that the spoilers go up first and then the reverser doors open and that's exactly how it's supposed to be so you close the frost levers then you manually raise the speed brakes and then you apply reverse thrust why that is so there's an entire video coming out of that luckily everything went fine pilot stopped the plane on the runway tax it off probably had to disembark all the passengers and get them on the next plane the key message here is that a rejected takeoff at low speeds is as dangerous as at high speeds low speed you have that incredible your moment of the other engine being on high power and take off power and when it's a high speed reject you have the issue of the remaining runway [Music] no no ah boy okay in this video it is quite obvious what happened this is yet again one of those stall events where short takeoff and landing events and you see that the plane is coming in everything seems to be going all right i mean it comes down like a helicopter literally he's got full flaps extended everything's out even got some slats at the front if i not mistaken and then suddenly the plane does a right turn why does it do that because the plane is stalling at that moment so the plane is flying too slow meaning that the laminar layer that is over the wing detaches it becomes turbulent and then either one of the wings will then stall and that's why the plane is sort of diving to the right hand side he's at so low altitude the procedure would be full stick down and to gain speed and apply power the margins of these planes especially for these tournaments are so incredibly slim they try and obviously flying as slow as possible to reduce their landing distance but if you just a tad too slow meaning below you stall speed this is the result of that but luckily nothing happened he got out safe all good what what is happening oh boy okay good all right my immediate thought when i see that video especially because of the weather conditions i can't really tell where this is but it looks to me as if this is a circling approach what is a circling approach so on one side of the runway you have an ils so you use the ils to guide you down through the clouds and at a certain altitude you can then break off and you have to have the runway in sight you then fly a traffic pattern and then you come in for landing and i'm guessing that's what they did and during this sort of traffic pattern they lost visual contact to the runway and it sort of initiated the turn and realized oops we're completely off they've misjudged that sort of uh base leg turn and then turn to final so yeah that went bad i don't know how they proceeded from there on but uh that is quite the shocker if you look out of the window and the runway is like 45 degrees off to you i'm sure it all worked out fine in the end but um circling approaches are not to kid with they are quite challenging they're good fun but they're quite challenging why why why are so dumb not cool at all okay what we see here uh in my opinion is well no in my opinion in general opinion as an aviator is super super dangerous what makes me really upset in this video is the pilot knows he knows that he has to clear his wings of snow and ice he has to do it from his wings to horizontal stabilize an elevator even the fuselage if there's like frozen snow onto the fuselage the plane needs to be de-iced why first of all it increases the weight of the plane that is not on your load sheet you don't even know about that and secondly it increases your stall speed as a pilot you always have to go through the severe weather cet or the cold weather cpt which is always prior the winter season and it clearly states that you have to remove all sorts of stuff on top of your wings that's why we have de-icing procedures in effect and this colleague clearly did not adhere to them very very sad yes beautiful look at that that must have been uh one of the farewell flights of the 747 by united uh coming over the golden gate bridge in san francisco boy would i love to do that absolutely stunning this was the 747 by united on their farewell tour around the states uh showing obviously here at the golden gate bridge in san francisco i'm pretty certain united had to get a special clearance just to fly at that altitude through the bay area and it looks absolutely stunning i'm pretty sure many spectators near the bay area were super happy to see that yeah fantastic video that's it for today guys i hope you enjoyed this one minute debrief i hope you had fun with this video and you can learn something as i said in the video you can call me use the link in the description box below to call captain joe let's have some fun with that here's your checklist for today subscribe to my channel check activate the notification bell check follow my instagram account check and check out my website check and don't forget a good pilot is always learning especially in these short live videos wishing you all the best your cats in jail [Music] you
Channel: Captain Joe
Views: 249,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crash debrief, crash investigations, documentary air crash investigation, Captain joe, Captain joe explains, 1 min Debrief, how to become a pilot, plane stalls after takeoff, seaplane taking off, aviation accidents, dangerous take off, 747 over golden gate bridge, Birdstrike A320, airplane crashes, tech, aviation facts, aviation explained, knowledge, engine failure, fear of flying, spacex launch, aviation safety, boeing 747 crash landing, airplane crash investigations, Zfnhva
Id: uUluP2NsfIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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