UNITED 328 Engine Failure! WHAT CHECKLISTS did the pilots use? Explained by CAPTAIN JOE

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Captain Joe has an awesome YouTube channel. Check it out if you want to learn more about air travel!! Iā€™m a subscriber

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 35 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/stratj45d28 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 22 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

I can tell by the thumbnail that some kind of shit hit that fan

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 31 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/SATURN1243 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 22 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

"MAYDAY MAYDAY.... Aircraft.... Uhhh...."

Me too buddy, me too.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 18 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/mud_tug šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 22 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Dam hats of to the Content creator Captain Joe and hats of to the pilot of said flight.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 8 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Parking_Meater šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 22 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies


šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/TheBigR314 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 22 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

This is SO, not my field. There is a movement to go WITH JUST ONE PILOT ? Oh hell no. Iā€™m in health care, another set of hands, brains, eyes - kinda REAL important when it hits the fan. Hell no.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 6 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/the-spice_must-flow šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 22 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

So excited to see all of the love for Captain Joe! His youtube videos are great to watch if you are even mildly interested in planes or flying.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/mablesyrup šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 22 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

He's making a list.. and checking it twice.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Maddisonic šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 24 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
dear friends and followers welcome back to my channel and to a very interesting video on the united airlines flight 328 which suffered an engine failure we'll look into how the pilots dealt with the situation the required checklist they had to complete what the possible cause could have been for this incident and a few very interesting side notes brace yourself for this one and let's get started [Music] okay let's go through this incident step by step using the information we have of the video and audio footage and reports from the passengers on board that plane now the plane itself is a united boeing triple 7200 registered as november 772 uniform alpha at 26 years of age she isn't the youngest lady within the united fleet anymore but keep in mind the engines of a plane very rarely are the same age as the airframe now that being said the triple seven with 231 passengers and 10 crew on board lined up on runway 2-5 with 12 000 feet in length and commence takeoff 47 hour flight towards honolulu hawaii so let's listen into the atc recordings which are provided by my dear friend victor from vas aviation please go and subscribe to his fantastic atc youtube channel united 3 28 heavy downside departure you know 328 heavy models so denver tower is handing united three to eight heavy over to departure control that's pretty standard average parts behind 328 heavy is uh with you out of six for flight level two three zero you know three twenty eight heavy development apart you're better contact climb and maintain profit two three zero minus chairman from 14 to 12.20 okay i understand thanks to the pi rep uh clear clamp flight level two three zero united 328 the pilot then contacted denver departure control and the air traffic controller informs him about possible moderate turbulence from flight level 140 to 220. the pilot thanks him for the pirate which is a pilot report made by a pilot who flew within this area a few minutes ago you know heavy all right direct to uh zimmer united 328 the controller then clears them to zimmer which is the last point on the departure route now just speaking of the last few radio calls can you hear the calm and relaxed voices by both the pilot and the air traffic controller this is a normal flight like any other now the reports then say approximately four minutes after departure at about 12 500 feet the right hand engine better known as the number two engine gives off a loud bang followed by vibrations and strange noises now the loud bang caused the entire engine inlet to separate and large parts of the engine cowling falling to the ground the inlet landed in somebody's front yard on 13th and elmwood street in bloomfield which is right below the flight path of the triple seven luckily no one got hurt by the falling debris so what could have been the cause for the engine failure now if you look at the later video footage and pictures you can see that one of the fan blades is missing now remember i said that the pilots sped up to 300 knots and more to transition into a cruise climb now it's likely that by the power increase the missing fan blade sort of shared off due to material fatigue which then caused a so-called uncontained engine event meaning an engine failure resulting in fragments of rotating engine parts penetrating and exiting through the engine cowling but the ntsb report will reveal what the actual cause was for the engine failure but let's continue with the atc transmissions 228 uh heavyweight that's a failure you need a turn mayday made a united uh 28 9328 heavy mayday mayday aircraft uh 320 heavy so you guys can read all that again denver uh departure united 328 heavy made a aircraft uh just to experience the engine failure you need to turn immediately if you listened carefully you could hear the fire warning bell go off in the background during the pilot's mayday transmission you can also hear that the pilot's voice is slightly startled by the sudden change of events trust me we all would be here three two left or right turn uh left there there's three twenty let's turn the left heading zero zero upstanding zero eight three now the air traffic controller asks the pilot if he wants a left or right turn now the pilot reacts quickly and requests a left tone why is that now this is just my personal opinion but i think this goes back to the pilot's training in flight school during flight school training in twin engine aircraft it is not recommended to make turns over the dead engine primarily for aerodynamic reasons such as having difficulty ending the turn over the dead engine but that's a whole video just on that question right there final discretion maintain 900 000 okay the center maintain 9 000 united 328 heavy he then offers the mayday aircraft to descend to 9000 feet at pilot's discretion meaning the pilots can descend to 9 000 feet in a time and rate whenever feasible but keep in mind if they would have continued straight towards zimmer they would have gotten very close to the rocky mountains which whenever you want to straight into runway seven media we need to uh let's go we need to run some checklists three twenty heavy rogers let me know what you need to do do you want to hold for left turns with me now okay united 320 heavy the air traffic controller is already a step ahead and offers them runway 07 which is actually the runway day just took off from just in the other direction more or less 180 degree turn and then a straight in onto runway07 but the pilots react great by telling him we need to run some checklists first remember aviate navigate communicate so let's take a look at the likely checklist my colleagues had to perform here we have the boeing triple seven non-normal fire engine left or right checklist now i'm sensing that they performed this checklist as you could hear the distinctive fire warning bell go off during the initial mayday call so the first five items in this checklist are so-called memory items meaning they are performed by heart so the auto throttle arm switch on the affected engine needs to be confirmed and switched to off you don't want the auto throttle to spool up the damaged engine do you then the thrust lever on the affected side needs to be confirmed and placed to idle you've previously turned off the auto throttle you then also want to move the lever to idle then the fuel control switch on the affected side confirmed and placed a cut off by doing so you kill the engine by fuel starvation as the fuel lines leading to the combustion chamber get closed off by the respective fuel valve then the engine fire switch affected side confirmed and pulled by doing so all hydraulic components get cut off which are powered by the engine driven gearbox and other related systems step 5 if the fire engine message stays shown engine fire switch affected side rotate to stop and hold for one second by doing so the extinguishing detergent gets released into the turbine if after 30 seconds the fire engine message stays shown engine fire switch affected side rotate to the other stop and hold for one second by doing so the second fire extinguisher gets released into the turbine now once the memory items are completed and no further engine related indications are shown on the aethers the engine is announced as secured one note i have to add who performs which action of the checklist can vary from airline to airline now looking at the video footage of the engine it doesn't look secure at all and it still looks as if it's running now in my opinion and judging by this video the engine is off but it's wind milling now the flames coming out at the back were probably caused by leaking fuel lines which got damaged by the shrapnel also look how it's shaking due to the imbalance of the missing fan blade okay let's listen further to the atc transmissions here we go ahead situated one above fuel and souls on board and intentions we'd like to return to denver as soon as possible here and we'll be disposed in a minute the classic fuel and souls on board questions and what further intentions are requested by the pilots now the pilot reacts great denver is the closest airport with multiple long runways and appropriate emergency vehicles and passenger service possibly allowing passengers to hop onto the next flight but the number of souls on board really don't have the pilot's highest priority right now which he then sort of puts off by saying we'll get you the souls on board just in a minute okay that's right you couldn't deny our vector do you wanna let's turn into the airport right now or do you want void vectors for uh uh anything else might need we're gonna yeah we'll need delay vectors we need to still run a few checklists and get some landing data okay i'm just gonna keep you in that heading there left turns all the way around the uh aerodromes and whatever runway you line up for and you want just let me know and we'll make it happen yet again the air traffic controller offers them immediate left turn radar vectors for one of the three north facing runways but the pilot again replies i'm going to fly the aircraft first give me some delay vectors to buy me some time i still have some checklist to complete but can you also hear how calm his voice suddenly got now once the engine was secured and they got radar vectors keeping them in the vicinity of the airfield it just takes out so much stress for the pilots meaning the plane is safe so aviate is in control i'm receiving radar vectors so navigate is in control the only thing left i need to communicate with atc and that's the easiest part now what what around what you're planning for sweet heavy you know frequently you can have any room that you'd like so just let me know um keeping you wide there if you want to go into the west runways i can take you up to the north and take you to the south runway this is really your call closest runway probably runway uh now by this point all the checklists must have been completed and the air traffic controller gives the pilot the opportunity to land on any available runway mentioning though that the runway 2-6 is the closest one from their present position so everything is back more or less to normal the cabin crew is informed and the colleagues might even have the time to make a passenger announcement we can take a better turn in here yeah 328 heavy about uh eight miles from grass turn left hitting two zero and you can add about seven thousand dollar savage on the localized display ios approach on which you could include the ios26 united uh c28 at this point the pilot then even lets atc know that they are able for the final turn onto the ils and that call by the pilot actually shows how much capacity they had left from that point on it was a walk in the park no stress workload normal we're ready when you are we'll just land with one engine inoperative wunderbar now the 328 heavy dummer tower when three six zero niner runway two safe to land over altimeter two niner six six four nine two six united three twenty heavy uh 328 heavy equipment is standing by your discrete frequency when you land and roll out you talk to the personnel on the ground is one two zero point one five all right 2015 for united 328. then switching over to tower control who gives them an early landing clearance and notifies the pilot about the emergency vehicle standing by also giving them a discrete frequency with which the pilots then can talk with the fire brigade etc on ground to not disturb the main tower frequency united 320 have you planned a full stop on the runway and uh then the personnel will come in and check out your aircraft and then we'll get you moving from there okay full step on a runway 320. even telling the pilots to come to a complete stop on the runway the ground crews will then take care from there fantastic the plane safely landed the pilot even nailed the greaser it makes me so happy to hear how the passengers are cheering in this the fire brigade then took care of the still burning engine the plane then got towed to the parking stand and the passengers disembarked in an orderly fashion what more could you ask for now a few questions arrives which i couldn't find the answer to yet the ntsb report will tell us much more soon but by judging by the pictures of the damage did the pilots also experience a hydraulic system pressure loss and had to perform the associated checklist was the plane overweight upon landing meaning that the pilots also have to read the relatively long overweight landing checklist but that's the job of the great men and women of the ntsb but what is the takeaway from this incident now this incident is a great example that with repetitive training in the simulator of such failures the performance of the pilots significantly increases on how to deal with such a given situation sure initially the workload increases and it is so out of the normal but once the correct checklist are applied and completed the workload comes down you have reconfigured your plane back to a normal flight condition yet with one engine shut down good training and constant practice is key here the way the colleagues dealt with this situation was remarkable and by the book also a big compliment to the cabin crew the comments i've read from passengers on board this flight were all very positive towards the cabin crew as they remained calm and professional well done girls and boys also atc did a fantastic job on clearing the flight path for the mayday aircraft keeping the transmissions to a minimum and offering the help to the crew to use any runway available at any given moment this goes to show aviation is a team effort and not a one-man show there is no eye in team don't forget that also personal opinion on my side this shows that we are far away from single pilot cockpits in passenger and cargo planes we need a two-man cockpit crew full stop one pilot flying the plane the other dealing with the problem and completing the checklist only the joint effort brings the plane down safely that's it for today thank you very much for your time please share your thoughts in the comment section below we would be great to see what your opinions are on this flight and here's your checklist for today subscribe to my channel check activate the notification bell check follow my instagram account check and perform a touch and go at my website check and don't forget a good pilot is always learning especially from these positive incidents like this one wishing you all the rest [Music] you
Channel: Captain Joe
Views: 2,640,652
Rating: 4.9463077 out of 5
Keywords: United 328, engine fire, Captain Joe, captain joe flying, caught on tape, airplane debris, airplane parts, engine fire checklist, Boeing 777, united, crash, LIVE ATC, air traffic control, airplane parts fall from sky in colorado, airplane parts fall from sky in broomfield colorado, airplane debris denver, plane debris found, plane parts fall from sky, plane parts falling from sky, plane parts fall in colorado, engine fire plane, boeing 777, flight 328, zfnva
Id: q5Wler87pwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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