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dear friends and followers welcome back to my channel it's the one minute debrief 10 videos in 10 minutes giving me only one minute to debrief the video so no messing around let's get started 4037 kennedy ground 31 left shortened and stand by a second okay here we go with the first video it's a glider what i already dislike a glider should not be in clouds um i have control okay as i mentioned during the video a glider should never be in imc meaning an instrument meteorological conditions because a glider as you will see here in the video does not have the required instruments to fly at imc and the most important instrument that is missing in a glider is the artificial horizon the artificial horizon is the most important instrument you need when flying into imc and gliders don't have that so what whatever the instructor thought of doing here was so incredibly dangerous so the golden rule actually here is to trust your instruments but you have to have the instruments which this plane doesn't have yeah this actually makes me super super upset that this was sort of an instructor's flight and they went into imc with a glider don't do that okay nice little korean triple seven coming into landing hey and another one i can immediately spot something that sort of i want to say went wrong you can see there's absolutely no wind so it's calm wind so you can't say this was a bad landing due to cross winds anything it's just judging by the windsock what you can also spot is that the pilot is flaring a little bit too early meaning the plane had to still actually descend onto the runway and then i assume either one of the pilots reacted and then pushed down so the plane went down then the other pilot maybe have counteracted said okay i don't want to land on the nose gear so he pulled back then the plane actually touched down then it did that bounce and just look at the horizontal stabilizer or the elevator how it goes up and down up and down it seems to me as at some point the pilots must have switched control because uh either the captain has decided okay this is way too dangerous what my colleague is doing here i have to take action and control this flight and uh yeah it just turned out into a super bouncy landing the flare is the ultimate phase of flight that decides if you gonna experience a hard or bouncy landing i did a whole video on how to flare just click it right here and it'll show you sort of the technique on how to do it okay we have a orion 737 800 coming into landing okay what we see here is not necessarily the landing that is interesting just a split second before the plane touchdown you can see that the reverse is opened now this is a super unusual situation i read up on a little bit on the 737 reverses sort of actuation when you can apply reverse thrust now if the radio altimeter says 10 feet or shows 10 feet and your thrust levels are at idle boeing allows you to go into reverse thrust and that's what exactly happened in this moment so the colleague has already throttled back to idle which is totally fine he was in the flare and he may have had the feeling that he had already touched down and then he applied reverse thrust which was a split second too early but it was within the limits of boeing and saying we can do that and then you can see in the video that the reverse is open and he touched down but this is something very very rare and it obviously means that you cannot activate reverse thrust in mid-flight yes i have to admit i have seen this video before and it makes me incredibly proud boom a bit of a bounce but fantastic slowly brings the nose wheel down there we go the horizontal stabilizer elevator is fully extended all right okay what we see here is a super super rare case it's a 747 coming in for landing with one wing gear not extended on the right hand side according to the boeing books you can actually do that landing and the colleagues from virgin did a fantastic job now what i really like about this video is you can see that the elevator at the back of the horizontal stabilizer is fully extended in the up position um which is actually a requirement by the checklist there is a checklist on how to land with one wing gear not extended if you want me to do a video on this entire checklist because the checks are somewhere like 20 pages long i'll be more than happy to but i can't really de-break this in one minute but nevertheless it shows that the 747 is capable on landing only on three gears of the main gear and uh yeah virgin did a great job no one was harmed in this incident i'm pretty sure they just prepared it and uh went flying after that again okay the russian antonov or ukrainian antonov 124 why is that ice hockey players no what how and a guy falls how's that impossible oh my god okay that's something i have not yet seen that's crazy um and antonov 124 and they must have laid out the entire fuselage or the inside of the cabinet with ice uh i don't know if this was like a photo shoot or an advertisement of some sort but this is quite unique crazy if you know anything more about this flight or about this setup please comment below i'd be really interested to see uh why why would they put ice into the plane i highly doubt that this is fake it looks super real [Music] oh boy what you doing with poor lady oh my god okay judging by the picture here you see it's an air india flight what i like about this video is all the passengers should have watched my video on the little hole in the windows why it's there and they would have known that actually the windows of an airplane are made up out of three panes absolutely nothing to worry in case that happens uh it's not a structural part of the plane it is just a sort of safety plastic cover to protect you as a passenger from scratching and damaging the other two panes with inside the sort of fuselage which are far much more important so nothing to worry but yeah they should have watched my video videos right here this is i guess a traffic pattern training for young cadets meaning you come out of flight school you get your type rating on nervous 80 20 and then you do these traffic patterns at some remote airfield somewhere obviously the captain to the left monitoring the whole situation the auto thrust was off autopilot off obviously as well but i am just judging this on what i've heard is that the countdown of the radio altimeter was a little bit fast and the captain reacted so fast in time sort of preventing a real hard touchdown or even not even touching down at all wanting to get the plane immediately airborne again and into a go around he reacted rapidly obviously taking control immediately of the plane and you can also hear that dual input meaning that the cadet was still sort of trying to land the plane and do something with it but obviously the captain has then taken control with his side stick and then try to get the plane airborne again it is a very stressful situation in that moment it is not easy especially for cadets coming from let's say more conventional planes going on to the airbus which is fly by wire and goes into that flare mode just before it touches down can be a little bit difficult for the cadets at the beginning so i want to say that the reaction of the captain here was really good okay a little general aviation plane landing in some remote field oh what's going on here ah okay they've got two now why is he pulling out wait oh look at airspeed they come in for landing it seems okay but then suddenly the instructor takes over and applies full throttle then they get airborne again nowhere near center line sort of swerving off the runway and then i don't get it why he's putting out power he's right over the trees and then he goes full power obviously put way too much pitch and then you can see as the air speed just drops uh the plane goes into a stall meaning the left-hand wing just stalled and then it sort of banks over and crash lands into a forest absolutely no sense why did they pull back on the power they were more or less in a go around and you have to apply take off power or go around thrust for at least 500 feet let's say above ground why is he throttling back sorry i cannot tell you more on this but this is super super upsetting because it's just sort of a chain reaction there's no communication okay you might not hear this on the camera but the the instructor is just applying throttle without even notifying his student either tell him perform go around first and then the student has to do it himself and i can't even see what happened in the first place that caused a go-around and the rest of it was just um lacking performance really really sad [Music] is the right word you see that the plane is in a very very steep left hand turn and as he's coming out of that turn he hits the water with his left hand wing now my sort of just judgment on this video i think that the pilot has misjudged how high he is in regards to the lake now you see in the lake there is absolutely no waves and it's a sunny day and i'm pretty sure that by the reflection of the leg his vision was sort of distorted and he couldn't really judge how high he still is and he pulled out too late out of that turn but because of his high airspeed he actually sort of skimmed across the water and i think that actually saved him because he still had so much airspeed to sort of get him out of the water again and then he sort of landed the plane on its belly which was great because he didn't stall it meaning the plane didn't flip on its back and he could then potentially drown because i read up into the description that he actually survived that crash so he more or less saved himself because he was like skimming across the water like one of those flat stones you do dangerous but uh luckily a positive outcome now this video here is actually just to spike your motivation a little bit if you are an aviation enthusiast or a pilot student right now this could be you in the future just check out that landing blaze stunning plane stunning landing absolutely love it i hope that sort of spikes motivation okay oh what remote plane with the camera facing to the pilot and this bird attacking it what no freaking way oh my god that's hilarious oh my god that bird just like attacked that multiplayer i actually used to have one of those model airplanes as well where he had like a little model pilot inside i mean probably just like super glued that on top of that little mannequin and that bird is like went for the pilot amazing love it the pilot of that uh remote control plane probably got the shock of his life he saw that the head of his pilot is missing love it really really cool fantastic that's it today i hope you enjoyed this 10 minute debriefing video if there are videos you would like me to debrief in the future please write them into the comment section below by using the link that i can just click on it and then i will decide if it comes up in the future videos that's it here's your checklist for today subscribe to my channel check activated notification bell check follow my instagram account check and perform a touch and go at my website check where you can get this beautiful 747-8 the captain joe version really really nice and don't forget a good pilot is always learning wishing you all the best your captain joe see ya you
Channel: Captain Joe
Views: 66,264
Rating: 4.9798117 out of 5
Id: V-KDxjzbaSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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