How does a PILOT KNOW when to DESCEND? Descent planning explained by CAPTAIN JOE

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Generally for descent planning, you want to be at 10,000’ AGL around 30nm from the airport. You can use the 3:1 rule meaning that if you’re at 30,000’ and need to descend to 10,000’ you’ve got 20,000’ to lose. Knock off the “thousands” to get 20 and multiply by 3. That gives you 60, so 60nm from where you want to be at 10,000’ you should start your descent and this will provide a 3-degree path at around 333 feet-per-mile to meet that point.

If the airplane has an FMC and VNAV, it will calculate the descent based on airspeed and winds while also calculating the descent path required to meet any crossing restrictions that may be on the arrival. If there are no crossing restrictions, then we can place a point which is usually around 30nm our from the field to cross at 10’000’ AGL. Alternatively we also sometimes tell the FMC we want to be over the field at 3,000’ AGL...this does the same thing as the 30nm point, it’s just a different technique.

I hope that makes sense.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/SPav8r 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Whenever I want that’s when!! Seriously I just use the fms when it gives me the descent rate I want I start down, usually 2000-3000fpm and 320knots from cruise altitude, Ill usually adjust for turbulence and running the anti ice system. I don’t do mental math it’s too much work.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SteakSauce12 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

If I'm 5 miles until the IAF, with the IAF altitude at 5,000', and I'm at 10,000', I'm descending at 1000'/min. Simple as that (for an aircraft not equipped with an FMS or other similar system).

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CASAdriver 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

I wrote a semi-lengthy reply to another comment, but to answer your main question, you *may* have to do math in your head if you haven't been able to plan your approach in advance. A good pilot will be looking at all the approach plates for where they're going on the next flight and calculating all this stuff while on the ground. I use ForeFlight and I just write my descent rates for different approach segments right on the charts. All I have to do is read them off. Of course, if you have to divert or just end up going somewhere you hadn't planned, then you may be looking at approach plates for the first time and will have to calculate in the plane.

Same for top of descent. If your EFB or avionics don't calculate that for you (though you should really know how to do it), you should already have a good idea anyway based on the flight planning you did. When I was in training, I'd get this *super* exact based on ground speed with winds and power settings taken into account so nobody could call me out on it, but in the real world you can just use rules of thumb because everything gets kind of adjusted as you go along anyway. But you should at least start with numbers that are reasonably good; we want to adjust from good numbers so we're making small adjustments. So you still want your estimates to be pretty close. That kind of comes with experience.

In an airline setting, or even on an IFR flight plan in GA, you're going to be told by ATC when to descend, but you still should know around where you need to start down in case they forget you. I've had that happen; then you just call and request descent. But you can't do that if you don't know where your descent needs to start.

But yes, pretty often you need to do math in your head. That was one of the hardest things for me to learn; even simple math is hard to do in your head when you're hand-controlling an airplane. (It's a little easier with an autopilot.)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/spacecadet2399 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
Dear friends followers, welcome back to my channel and to a very important topic you are most likely going to mess up at least once in your pilot career - descent planning. How does a pilot know when to initiate his descent towards its destination aerodrome? This is today's question. So I'll show you a few thumb rules Which will make your descent a lot easier and avoid coming in hot and high. So get your brain ready for some easy head calculations and let's get started! [Music] [ATC] [Jet taking off] This is undeniably one of the procedures every pilot messes up at least once in his pilot career - - the descent planning. Tell me about it, transitioning on to the Boeing 747, which is heavy as lead and fast as a bullet, will slap you in the face if you think you can fly her like an Airbus A320, which has a glide ratio comparable to a flying piano once you extend to speed breaks. There is only little room to play with once you fly a wide-body airplane. But how is it done? Okay, the times where you flew inbound to your destination airport and just look outside of the window and then decided to descend visually towards the runway are over, at least within the airline industry. Now you might have seen these abbreviations and videos about a navigation display This shows the top of descent point in regards to the entered flight plan in the FMGS on Airbus models or on the FMS on the Boeing. Obviously, this is a great help showing you when to start your descent, but there is a big flaw with that top of descent point on the ND and I'll show you in an example why and why it is important to me that YOU know a few thumb rules to NOT mess up your approach. Now, let's assume we're approaching into Hamburg, Germany. Now we've got the approach set up, but as you see here on those two ND's, the top of descent points are at different locations. How can that be? Now this ND shows a direct approach towards runway 33, and the other includes a so-called "transition". A transition is an approach procedure in order to slow down incoming traffic and makes it easier for the approach controller to stack the planes, or as they say, "pushing tin", before handing them over to the tower controller. So with a transition, the flight or approach distance moves the top of descent to a later point, compared to a direct approach, which will want you to descend earlier, as you only have a certain distance left over. This makes sense, right? Compare it as if you were driving to your girlfriend's house and she wants you to call her 30 miles prior reaching the house to get dinner ready. Now, you are on a direct route, but let's say [that] you need to perform a little detour, or a Transition, at your ex-girlfriend's house, that would move your time of call, or top of descent, to a later point, right? So in order to anticipate that the controller MIGHT take you in for a direct apporach, always plan with the SHORTEST distance to the runway. Now, the easiest way of finding out the distance to the airport is by tuning in the closest VOR DME to the runway you're flying to. So in our case, Hamburg has a DME station named Alster right at the aiport. So we're gonna be tuning into Alster (ALF) and [it] will give us a distance of. Now, as you see on the PFD and ND, we're at 27,000 feet with a speed of 320 knots, and a tailwind of 20 knots. Let's neglect weight of the plane for a moment. So with that data we want to calculate the distance we need to fly a continuous descent profile. So the first thing we're gonna look at is the altitude we're gonna have to lose. Now, Hamburg is at 53 feet above sea level, we can disregard that, so we effectively have to descend 27,000 feet. Now, keep in mind in your airport destination is Bogotá, for example, you would have less altitude to lose as the aiport already is at 8,300 feet. So, we're gonna cross out the last digits and divide that by 3, so 270 divided by 3 equals 90. So 90 nautical miles is the MINIMUM distance we'll need for our descent. Now, the next factor to consider is speed, as there will be no way we'll be landing the plane at 320 knots. Now we'll consider 200 knots as an average descent speed as you are progressively getting slower over the entire descent profile, including company speed restrictions like 250 knots bellow 10,000 feet. But I'll come back to that in a minute. So we've got to lose 120 knots indicated air speed, not ground speed, and a good estimate for most planes is 1 nautical mile per 10 knots speed reduction. So, 120 knots divided by 10 equals 12 nautical miles to reduce the speed. Last, but definitely not least, and often forgotten, but easily messes up your descent planning is the wind. Now, in our example we have a tailwind, which will make it harder for you to lose altitude and kill speed, so for every 10 knots of wind you add 1 nautical mile, so we have 20 knots divided by 10 equals 2 nautical miles we have to add to our milage. Now, if it were to be a headwind, you SUBTRACT the miles. Capisce? So, summing up our calculations, we should be starting our descent at 104 track miles. As you are in descent, you want to check every 10,000 feet if you're still on the correct vertical profile, and then decrease or increase your vertical speed. Speaking of vertical speed, there is another technique you can apply. Now, we'll use 200 knots as an average descent speed, as mentioned previously, so we determine the distance needed of 104 nautical miles, so if you use your calculations that say 100 NM, that means you need 30 minutes for the entire distance. 27,000 feet divided by 30 minutes equals 900 feet per minute, which should be your average vertical speed. I'm personally not a vertical speed flyer, and I'll tell you why: first of all, 900 ft/min is in most cases not steep enough for the intitial descent, and the controller will be fuffing about why you're descending at such [a] slow rate. In the rarest cases, the vertical profile is a 3° glide slope from top to bottom, as it is sheer impossible to maintain that slope, and reduce speed at the same time. Compare it as if you were coasting downhill a highway at 60 miles, if you wanted to slow down, but you couldn't use the brakes. How would you slow down? The only way you'll be doing that is if the highway would become shallower. So, commonly, pilots start up with a high speed descent at 3° or steeper. Now, just before reaching 10,000 feet, you dial down the speed, the plane pitches upwards, creating a shallower descent path, equal to 1,000 feet per 5 NM. Now, once you receive for the descent clearance, you rejoin the 3° angle, equal to 1,000 feet vertically, needing 3 NM horizontally, maintain 250 knots until reaching 5,000 feet, dial down the speed even more so you can extend the slats and flaps to establish yourself on the ILS, VOR approach, etc., so your vertical profile is going to look something similar to this. Now once established on the approach, another thumb rule - ground speed times 5 gives you the necessary vertical speed feet per minute you want to be flying to maintain on the 3° glideslope. But for the descent I primarily use the first three thumb rules I've mentioned, and your goal should be, as it is mine, to fly the entire descent on idle power and ONLY apply thrust after the final flap setting. The least efficient thing you can do is if you use the speed brakes for the descent and then you have to apply thrust to maintain altitude before reaching the glideslope. You've then killed kinetic energy for no good reason. That's the point I'm at right now with the Queen [Boeing 747], so she's still testing me, but I have to admit that sometimes we land with the maximum landing weight and the next day we land with 100 tonnes less. And that for sure has an impact on the handling and descent characteristics of the plane. Let's look at a scenario which is quite common: the controller won't give you the descent clearance due to traffic crossing at lower levels. So you slowly get over your descent profile. Now what? Now, there are three things you can do to rejoin your profile once you have your descent clearance: increase speed and indle power; dial up the speed and pull back the thrust levers and the autopilot immediately will try to capture the speed, but without thrust, and the only way of doing this is by pitching down, so you and your passangers will feel that descent, believe me, but it's fun though. Try to get below your descent profile as quickly as possible, as that will give you space and time to slow down the airplane again. Now, if ATC advises you to maintain a certain speed, which is too slow to kill altitude, use your speed brakes - the airbrakes, the high drag devices - whatever the manufacturer named them, that's what they are made for. A video about that topic is coming up soon. Now remember the car scenario mentioned before. Now, you're allowed to use the breaks actually to slow down. Now, you might even use the gear or flaps, but you're most likely not gonna retract them once you've used them. And the last resort, ask for delay vectors or more track miles. You ever so often hear collegues ask the controller: "How many track miles can we expect?", and will response, let's say, "25 nautical miles", the pilots quickly do their calculations, and if they're too high, they'll say "Unable, request delay vectors". So the controller will extend their downwind, for example, to give them more time to lose altitude or reduce speed. Now, you might say: "Joe, this is all nice to know, but I'd rather rely on the data I've put into the FMGS, or FMS, and I use all the help given on the navigation display." That's fine by me, but the FMS and all the other help cannot anticipate a sudden direct approach given by the controller, and if you're replying "Unable, we're too high for the approach.", you'll be the reason for many smiley faces in surrounding cockpits, and they'll be happy to nick your slot for the approach, so fly conservatice, but also plan ahead, constantly monitor your distance to the airport and, if necessary, use the speed brakes or extend the flaps, or even the gear, to lose speed and altitude. As always, situational awareness is KEY! You'll get a feel for it, don't worry. Also, on how to anticipate the surrounding traffic and the mood of the air traffic controller. A go-around [be]cause you're hot and high might happen as you're unable to establish yourself on the approach, but it's not a failure. It's more of a lesson that you'll profit from. That's it for today, thank you very much for your time! To become my wingman, hit that subscribe button and that notificaiton bell, so you won't miss out upcoming videos. And don't forget, a good pilot is always learning! See you next week, all the best, your Captain Joe! [Outro] [Outro] [English subtitles transcribed by Iliyan Angelov]
Channel: Captain Joe
Views: 1,789,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Descent planning, how does a pilot know when to descend, captain joe, captainjoe flying, altitude, cruising level, vertical speed, thumb rule, aviation facts, pilot facts, when to descend, B747, Boeing, Airbus, ND, PFD, Navigation display, Glideslope, descent angle, glide path, vertical profile, open descent, zfnhva
Id: otn03svda1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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