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dear friends and followers welcome back to my channel and lovely greetings from my parents kitchen it's a one minute debrief give me one minute to debrief an airplane incident accident and i need to be quick because my parents need this kitchen so let's get started [Music] [Music] yes okay this is the so-called runway arrester gear system now a lot of you guys probably noticed from aircraft carriers where fighter jets come in and then they have this tail hook at the back of the plane that hooks into the arrestor into this cable and then it gets slowed down or decelerated to not fall off the back of the aircraft carrier so these sometimes can be found at commercial and military airports obviously they're only built for the military aircraft the fighter jets and so far and this is a great way for young fighter cadets to actually train this landing on the aircraft carrier or at least this deceleration by the arresting system and sometimes you can see a mention in the briefing charts that this arrester system is put in place but obviously for commercial aircraft the touchdown zone is beyond that cable that obviously the landing gear does not somehow get tangled in that cable so this video just shows that the system is not only installed on aircraft carriers but also at commercial and military airports what is happening no way what that is epic no way and then he's gonna land it how [Laughter] fantastic a cool sort of lift this is fantastic this is like a human-powered winch where um glider planes very often get pulled up by a winch but this is like humanly powered people just pulling on it and obviously you can see that this plane is super lightweight i mean i guess in total it's going to be somewhere at 120 140 kilos maximum with the with the pilot on board but uh how cool i mean yeah it had a bit of a downslope to obviously make it a little bit easier for these guys just judging by the weather um it wasn't obviously very hot that day so there weren't any thermals if there would have been nice thermals i'm sure this plane could have flown a little bit further but uh how cool you know meet up with your mates and just tow a plane love it what is happening no are they on the wrong way oh my god they're on the wrong way oh my god that's hilarious fantastic um okay yes a bird on a bird more or less uh you could say that wildlife animal interfering with airplanes uh i guess it happens every day what i really like in this video is that the colleagues did not advance the frost levels and just sort of scare the bird away uh because that could have turned into something quite nasty the bird might have then took off and then you know flew to the back of the plane and then you have the engines at full take of power so there's a lot of suction and they could have then sucked in this eagle i think it was into the engine and damaged the engines they could have turned on the windscreen wiper to sort of scare the bird away but uh maybe the quality were a little bit too worried that his sort of feet or claws could have getting caught under the windscreen wipe and maybe cause even some damage to the plane and obviously the bird so really nice gesture here that they waited for somebody to come around to scare the bird away in in an orderly fashion let's put that away uh cool love it oh boy okay good welcome to africa i guess yes again another video where we are interfering with wildlife i mean this is like proper wildlife now in africa i know because a very good friend of mine is a pilot in africa a lot of the times they actually have to do low approaches over the runway to actually scare away the animals because they've been sitting there and resting on the warm tarmac and then once they sort of startle them and they'll move to move aside today they can come in for landing uh but obviously animals at one point come back because they like you know the open space and just sort of chill out on the tarmac and i guess this cheetah here was one of those animals i guess this uh fighter jet just took a little bit too long to turn around and yeah it was a close encounter but i guess this is just uh how it is in africa or you know in airports that are super super remote all right all the transal oh yes yes yes yes holy cow look at it coming down i'm loving it and [Music] initiating the flare and touchdown wow fantastic what we see here has various names in this video they titled the sarajevo approach i've heard the kosovo approach i've heard the afghanistan approach why do they do that it is primarily to actually avoid enemy fire that could be going on prior or near the runway or airport area and the technique is quite cool actually i have to admit that i've done it myself let's look at the video one more time now at this moment right here the plane is in landing configuration what does that mean the flaps are extended and the gear is out now as the plane goes into a nose dive the consequence of that would be that the plane accelerates what goes down it gets faster at one point now the pilots can apply a very simple trick to avoid that now when you the thrust lever to idle there's a bit of a gap where you can put the plane into beta and then over beta you're going to reverse thrust now as you go into beta the propeller blades turn perpendicular to your flight path to your forward motion that means your two and a half meter diameter propeller turns into a massive disc that is creating so much drag that you are not getting any faster it's not reverse thrust it is just a massive disc and that allows the plane to go into this nose dive without accelerating obviously just prior landing they have to get out of beta again that in case they need to go around or whatever that they can apply full frost now you might question how do i know that now when i was working on the pilates porter for the skydiving company we also did that you went into this nose dive to catch up with your skydivers but at a certain point obviously the plane got faster and faster and to avoid that we also had beta range and the pilatus porter has a massive propeller and then you would literally put your nose onto propeller and you wouldn't get any faster it's a fantastic technique is that a mechanic police officer what mate what are you doing oh my god get rid of his shoes what are you doing oh what a muppet honestly okay okay very strange so what i can derive from this video is that this man is trying to show us how tall a 737 winglet is how did he even get there did you go through the emergency exit or whatever is it alaskan i'm sure they got it solved oh left main wheel missing okay okay you can cut off everything okay oh he's touched down oh nice well done ah fantastic ah loving it that is a good video holy moly let's look at this video one more time and there's some really nice details we can pick up on this now we're flying a piper cadet or archer and they have lost their left hand wheel or tire of the main landing gear it is a fixed gear it's not a retractable gear so there's a bit of a stump still looking out right now the first thing that catches your eye is probably the door that the door is open why is the door open this is so clever it's so smart the door is open because the pilot was worried in case they crashed somehow that the airframe could sort of you know twist it and then the door might be jammed and you can't get out now this is super dangerous because you have a missing landing gear which will then create sparks on the tarmac right above a fuel tank that could ignite and the whole plane then sits and fight and you can't get out that is like the worst death ever as they come down and touch down you can hear the pilot tell his flight student actually that he shall cut off everything he does he's actually reaching down to turn the fuel uh selector switch to off the engine won't shut down immediately because there's still fuel obviously in the fuel lines then and then he tells his flight student to lean over to his side come to my side why is he doing that because he wants him to shift all the way to the right hand side to keep the left hand side or the gear in the air as long as possible really good really good then you can see the pilot that he's cutting off the mixture i mean he's not going to perform a go around anymore now i mean the touchdown i mean they've got miles of runway ahead of them and so he's cutting off the engine effectively to not damage the propeller in case they sort of tip over he's obviously holding the aileron at full right rather and trying to increase the lift on the left hand side to you know put all the weight on the right hand side you can hear a bit of skidding on the runway okay get out he's telling his splicing to get out so to unbuckle and look at that he even has the time to retract the flaps the flap leave is like a handbrake lever in the piper why is he doing that i'll show you in a minute and he's turning off the electrics whatever could happen that there's no sparks of electricity et cetera et cetera that could ignite some fuel that could have been leaking you name it he is just so smart love it really cool and then they get out close the door good okay the one thing about the flap lever was that um the flaps when they are extended they might he i think his thought about that was that he didn't want the plane to be sitting on the flaps that they could be damaged uh they weren't effectively the flaps can be extended although the plane is leaning on to that one wing it turned out that the plane was partially damaged only the the wing didn't scrape the ground only that sort of stump of the landing gear was on the on the ground and the rest was totally fine uh then they put the plane on some like pallets and then just dragged it to the general aviation this is this video is really cool you can learn so much from this video so hats off to these two pilots uh fantastic effort to save the plane save their lives obviously that's a a great training video right there okay i've debriefed it a little bit longer because it's really good all right seven two seven wait what's happening here or is it drooling fuel what uh-huh and they're taking off okay good all right well it is a cargo plane okay my immediate thought is the plane is fully fueled it's got too much fuel on board the fuel was probably cold as it was being refueled into the plane then it was let's say somewhat hot day the fuel then sort of starts expanding so it needs more space than the fuel tanks have or volume wise have and then there's a sort of like a pressure release valve at the far outside of the wing then that just opened and the fuel just starts leaking out not so great because now your fuel predictions might be a little bit off would i have taken off like that no because i obviously want to make sure that the valve closes again that it's not leaking the whole time but um yeah they they did it nevertheless all right that's a nice little citation what's going on here [Music] someone did not close the fuel cap properly oh boy that's not good okay ah he's telling the pilot all right what you see here is a not properly closed uh fuel filler cap um which might have cost the job of the refueling guy at that airport um yeah it happens um he didn't mi maybe there was a seal broken whatever and it's uh it's not working properly but what is also great to show actually here is that there is so much suction above the wing that it actually is sucking the fuel out of the tank that is a nice little showcase here so then this concerned passenger in all regards then went up to the pilots and let them know that something was leaking out of the wing i guess they were pretty lucky that day because first of all it was a day flight that you can actually see it during the night this would be far much more difficult okay the model airplane section nice 1830 by air berlin i think actual jet engines here smaller jet engines yay no no no no no no no no no no oh no yeah that's uh fifteen thousand dollars gone in a second okay there's one thing i see i or i immediately saw that went wrong in this video and i think that was the primary cause for it let's look at it one more time everything seems to be going well he's doing his takeoff all is good as i pause the video right here look at the bank of this plane no commercial aircraft with passengers on board would bank that steep and i think that is the cause for this accident because the more you bank the higher or the more your stall speed will increase and if you look a split second later you can actually see how the plane banks even further and the nose sort of starts diving down with it meaning that the plane had stalled in that moment over the left hand wing and then the plane goes into this dive out of which it is really difficult to recover from and he was at low altitude meaning he didn't have any space or altitude to recover from that stall so in my opinion this plane crashed because it went in too far of a left-hand turn with too much bank angle which increased the stall speed and then the plane actually stalled over his left hand wing went into a deep dive and then he had too little altitude to recover from really really sad all right nice little little it's massive it's a junkers u52 beautiful ah look at that plane okay we're coming in for landing what is going to happen see oh no oh my god oh boy i feel so bad for these uh remote control pilots it's i mean i do some rc flying myself and whenever you know i have a crash i feel really bad i mean my models are nowhere near as expensive as this one right here but uh oh my god this is just terrible but let's look at the video one more time i think i already saw something that might have caused the crash so it's coming in for landing everything seems nice and stabilized speed is okay i think it's a tad high could be a little bit lower and now he pushes her down and he initiates the flare and as he is initiating the flare he realized oh my god it's a too high of a descent raid i'm gonna have to break this flare and he didn't break it he actually went up again and that then caused this really nasty climb and now look at the propellers it is so surreal i don't understand what's going on look at the right hand engine so let's say engine number three it's it's out it's not turning anymore and look at the one in the middle that's not turning either the both of the engines have stopped and now you only have the left-hand engine running and that probably at maximum power because the pilot wants to then perform a go-around and what happens if you have only one engine running on the left-hand side you get a nasty yaw to the right and i can't really judge by the rudder oh yes yes you can see the brother here that he's actually applying some right rudder but the plane is already too slow and it then goes into a nasty stall like on the plane we've just seen before it tips over one wing and you cannot recover at that low altitude from that stall so the plane just comes crashing down it is so heartbreaking to see that i would like to know what happened to the engines because i highly doubt that he planned it so nicely that when he touches down that his engines then would run out of fuel i mean no one would do that this makes no sense it i don't understand where they quit and that i think effectively then caused the damage because he was under power i mean this is a massive plane and i'm pretty sure it doesn't run really nice in one engine and then yeah you have that nasty your moment at full power on the left on the engine and then you stalled over the wing ah it's terrible really really bad that's it today thank you so much for your time i hope you really enjoyed these short little one minute debrief videos i personally have a lot of fun with them and i think it's a great takeaway for you guys if you do want to get the fly with captain joe plane click the link in the description box below it is waiting for your order and then it is flying to your home and here's your checklist today subscribe to my channel check activate notification bell check follow my instagram account check and perform a touch and go at my website check and don't forget a good pilot is always learning wishing you all the best your captain [Music] you
Channel: Captain Joe
Views: 197,788
Rating: 4.9496741 out of 5
Keywords: crash debrief, crash investigations, documentary air crash investigation, Captain joe, Captain joe explains, 1 min Debrief, how to become a pilot, RC plane crashes, aviation accidents, dangerous take off, Bird sitting on plane, airplane crashes, tech, Landing in Africa, aviation explained, Plane stall, engine failure, fear of flying, spacex launch, aviation safety, boeing 747 crash landing, airplane crash investigations, Zfnhva
Id: uEVclVJmXI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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