10 Most Inappropriate Comics Storylines Of All Time

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[Music] comic books love to push boundaries using villains to represent social ills and heroes to explore seemingly darker and darker pasts it's common to find shocking moments within the printed page as a good twist is a great way to shift units however that in no way means that all of these attempts to surprise our wallets have been successful in fact every single entry on this list has either been poorly received or simply lambasted by critics and fans alike they're not pretty they're not clever but they're unfortunately here to stay with this amount um Jules what Coach comment these are the 10 most inappropriate comic story lines of all time number 10 Scarlet Witch and quicksilver's special relationship in the regular Marvel Universe Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver have a strained relationship they grew up not knowing each other and only found out that their father was Magneto after years of working with him in the Ultimate Universe though they were much closer a bit too close in fact as in they engage in incestuous lovemaking on the regular and everybody is very horrified by it especially Captain America who just really can't get his head around it as if that wasn't inappropriate enough there's also hints that the pair actually Wolverines kids and in one scene he watches them get it on that's that's his own kids that are doing the incest in the woods and he's watching them it's just like life and Leeds number 9 Hank Pym model husband whatever you think about Hank Pym and his odd fascination to reinvent himself all the time one thing that many comic book readers are appalled by was his treatment of his wife what around the same time as Iron Man started boozing it up Marvel gave a little more tragic gravitas to him by having him suffer a mental breakdown on his dismissal from the Avengers this led to him not only sending a robot to attack his former friends but also getting in a cheeky beatdown on his wife she divorced his ass and left him and the audience feeling very sh t indeed number eights tygra's abortion in a universe full of goofy characters tigress probably one of the goofiest transformed into a cat person by a mystical ritual that fused her soul with some sort of feline God her main use in the Marvel comics was to wear a bikini for adolescent teen boys to stare at and occasionally lick her first off to remind us that she was actually part cat unfortunately Tiger got a dose of that patented marvel tragic storyline when she got pregnant from a scroll posing as Hank Pym Jesus Christ Hank keep it in your pants and then she had to decide whether or not she was going to keep the baby it's a complex emotional issue and as you could expect Marvel didn't handle it very well her umming and ahhing over the subject was put on hold when she battled Ragnarok and was later forced to make a choice by Norman Osborn as he wanted to use the baby as a weapon it's a sensitive issue dealt with in the least sensitive manner number 7 Aunt May sex those are three words I really really don't want to imagine but that's what you get in trouble trouble was a shockingly bad comic series that looked about a whole lot of romance into the Marvel Universe that no one asked for romances like Aunt May having sex with Peter Parker's dad and then aren't May getting pregnant and then giving the baby away to her friend and that baby was Peter - she gave birth to spider-man so Peter is her son but she pretends to be his aunt all the way through it's just nasty it sounds like a coma victim wrote this and it's added to so many unneeded twists into the spider-man backstory that it's best left forgotten don't check it out number 6 Lois Lane goes black then goes back not sure if this one is mildly racist or hella racist but here we go basically DC wanted to tackle some social issues with their printed media and so had Lois Lane use a magic box to turn black no you did not hear that wrong now the reasons why she chose to switch skins is because Lois has asked a report on the poorly named little Africa community in Metropolis but experiences rejection by the people yet after the switch she's welcomed with open arms and experiences race hate herself now if it was handled well at the time this could have been pretty moving but here's the big issue amongst many with the story once the narrative is wrapped up Lois asked Superman if he be okay marrying a black woman he um zanna's for quite a while and stole so long that she actually turns back into a whitey and he ignores the situation entirely it's so awkward so very awkward number 5 every swimsuit special swimsuit specials drop any pretense of telling a story and simply show female and male characters alike posing and double-page spreads that have more than a hint of Playboy about them dc's credit they've mainly kept out of this sleazy practice whilst Marvel had one every year between 1991 and 1995 there's not much more to say about it other than it's a little bit sad that people bought this and then it's quite funny to realize that the decline and these issues and the subsequent rise of the internet surely can't be coincidental number four spider-man's toxic toxic sperm he's got toxic sperm his his jizz is radioactive his man milk is irradiated his freshly spun mushroom soup is you know what it's dumb next number three the League of Extraordinary buggery if somebody betrayed you how would you react would you give them a piece of your mind beat them up maybe embarrass them would you anally break them well that's what happens in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen so the Invisible Man has been conspiring against the group with their enemies but dr. Jekyll gets wind of this and is enraged that his supposed friend betrayed him so what he does is he beats the Invisible Man to a pulp and then rapes him it's incredibly shocking and sends a message but I'll be damned viable onto that message to be sent number two the evil that men do now I'm a man who likes my coffee strong my head shiny and my spider-man and black cat storylines fun with a flirty undercurrent not with rape no sir you keep that thing away from these two oh well that looks like that's already happened say hello to the evil that men do which had the pair take on heroin dealers in the criminal underworld yay over the course of the story is employed that black cat is sexually assaulted by one of the villains and at the end she reveals herself to be a multiple rape victim which is why she became the antihero in the first place it's a horrible attempt to shock the audience and fall so flat when it's revealed that Mysterio is the mastermind behind it all in the end that's right this in goof is behind it all oh and number one the rise and fall of arsenal okay so Roy Harper aka speedy aka Arsenal was once the Green Arrow sidekick basically a poor man's Robin then in an award-winning 1971 story arc in the pages of Green Lantern / Green Arrow he was revealed to have been a heroin addict for years with the help of other heroes and the federal government speedy overcame his addiction and helped kids stay off the horse further down the line he rebranded himself as ass and had his own mini-series which sounds like it should have been great but was one of the worst and most inappropriate stories ever produced it could all be summed up with this iconic image of Arsenal off his tits beating people half to death because he thought the corpse of a cat was his daughter as you do Batman then shows up and beats the out of him and fans everywhere we're left shaking their head at how ridiculous and how cringe-worthy this story was and that's our list got any other inappropriate comic storylines will let us know about them in the comment section below and as always you can go to what cockscomb for more news and articles like this every goddamn day and then why not go follow us on Twitter go on you know you want to as always I've been Jules you've been awesome I'll speak to you soon
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
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Rating: 4.775095 out of 5
Id: e2QAF8lXdbk
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Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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