10 Times The Avengers Ruined Peter Parker's Life

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[Music] considering our pal Peter Parker idolizes members of the avengers more than even the most passionate of fanboys it seems needlessly harsh that he so often has his life completely sabotage by them the rule is never meet your heroes kids they are they'll always let you down it's not that the team of superheroes is always actively trying to ruin Peters life but it certainly feels that way sometimes spider-man has a habit of accidentally getting stuck in the thick of it and the Avengers who are generally the people trying to stop any sort of elaborate shenanigans that are afoot are left trying to sort the situation as quickly as possible more often than not lower this leaves them awkwardly tangled up in both spider-man superhero career and his private life leading to all sorts of genuinely awful scenarios but hey at least they're generally not trying to eat him generally anywhere I'm Josh from rockauto.com and these are 10 times the Avengers ruined Peter Parker's life number 10 picking on him for having dreams avenging spider-man number 5 compared to getting him to fight the Hulk harassing him to become an Avenger or even almost eating him that one time the avenge is putting Peter down isn't all that much of a big deal but at the same time it does seem weird that Earth's Mightiest Heroes spend so much time dunking on Spidey for the most innocuous things in the world especially when they're a pretty eccentric bunch themselves a prime example of this can be found in avenging spider-man 5 where spider-man discovers that Captain America used to love drawing and tries to encourage him to get back into it because as we've established he's a god damn lovely lad the good captain doesn't buy it though and eventually reveals the reason he left the hobby in the dust namely because he considers it something the doggy week version of him used to do naturally this upsets Peter who still perceives himself to be the kind of person that Steve barrettes in his speech low-cap eventually realizes the error of his ways and takes back his words it's made especially clear here that the Avengers often forget just how much spider-man idolizes them and their opinions and just how often they build it all they're impressionable young teammate just let the dude live guys he's trying to be the best person he could possibly be and you're not helping number 9 almost accidentally his secret identity ultimate spider-man number one five one there are a few moments that better represent a man's shortcomings than the guy rocking off on Peter Parker's lawn and then asking aunt mer where he is for training having completely forgotten the minor detail of Parker having spent years carefully cultivating a secret identity it's almost amazing that the hero can be both a super genius and yet also be as dense as the armor he wears it's not purposefully malicious of course as when it's brought to Tony's attention that he is single-handedly sabotaging spider-man's life better than any supervillain he immediately pretends he was asking me for directions and then flies away with his tail tucked between his legs but still having your life almost ruined by accident is still almost having your life ruined and as such Peter is understandably furious at his new mentor right up until he offers to buy aunt mayor a new car to make up for everything of course because when in doubt throw money at the problem number eight letting him get kidnapped ultimate six number four to five imagine this theoretical scenario just for a second you are one of the Avengers I know I've already lost you anyway say you recently discovered that a bunch of costume criminals have escaped from jail yet again the most dangerous of which are all enemies of spider-man now he's where the quiz comes in do you hear make sure the team is guarded by his superhero capable of actually protecting him be have all the Avengers watch over him because you know these villains are definitely going to attack him OSI leaving with a bunch of random regular humans and pretend to be surprised at the fact when he is kidnapped if you Cho see then congratulations you could actually be an Avenger as the whole team leaves Peter under the protection of shield which sounds great until you realize that they can't be knocked out pretty easily leaving Spidey a sitting duck for his enemies to nap which they totally did number seven trying to murder him Avengers number eleven it's an official fact that nine times out of ten anywhere any superhero that appears to have turned evil is either mind controlled a scroll or a robot replica of themselves in Avengers number eleven spider-man gets the third treatment and is briefly replaced by an evil cyborg made by Hank while you'd presume that the Avengers would anticipate that this new evil spider-man wasn't the real deal the instead seemed and ironically delighted to get a chance to beat down on their former ally with literally every single hero remarking at how excited they were to fight their new arachnid enemy mercifully spider-man doesn't seem all that stressed out about the fact that all of the Avengers just tried to kill him though and everyone laughs the whole thing off by the end of the issue although it's more likely that the Avengers repeated statements about having never trusted spider-man probably lingered with the hero for a good while afterwards number six asking him to get beat up by the Hulk amazing spider-man annual number three as far as good plans go the Avengers decision to send Peter Parker to retrieve a missing Hulk is at the absolute bottom of the barrel while a team tells Spidey that he does just need to leave the Beast back to their base they totally fail to recognize that this would involve spider-man leading the green creature into the path of innocent civilians meaning that the hero is more or less cursed too trying to feed the Titan before web slinging him back to his old team but when spider-man encounters the Hulk he is instead left upset at how the Avengers have treated a creature who clearly needs help and is not in a sound frame of mind powered by this he returns to the Avengers and lies saying he simply couldn't fight a giant neon green giant that his spidey senses would have definitely led him straight to it's revealed at the very end of the comic that the Avengers were also seeking the Hulk to try and help him which makes it seem all the stranger that they literally never mentioned this to Peter wily like this why don't they just treat him like he's an actual person worthy of information that might not get him killed I'm just saying number 5 making him fear superhero teams x-men number 27 x-men number 27 proves that for at least a good while Spiderman was legitimately traumatized by his experiences with the Avengers that's because when the x-men tried to coming recruit the web-slinging Conrad into their team he immediately freaks out states that his previously mentioned experience where the Avengers made him fight the Hulk has made him skeptical of superhero teams in general and then flees as quickly as his webs will carry him although the x-men remark on how weird this is it seems fairly reasonable that Peter doesn't want to reenact the whole enrolling process again especially when it may leave him fighting Colossus of to actually get in when the guy who fights nightmarish villains on the daily is freaked out by the Avengers you know the experience was well and truly traumatic for them who a spider dude and you know what after all this list I absolutely do not blame the guy before hiring his biggest enemy Thunderbolts number one one two when the Avengers decided to hire the Thunderbolts a bunch of semi reformed Marvel criminals and tossed them with fighting and beating the New Avengers it felt more than a little sketchy as a heroic decision add in that one of these villains was none other than Mac Gargan the current venom at the time and things felt even more nefarious with gargons still being once spider-man's major enemies it also felt more than a little cold for the team to hire and help him without even sending Spidey a courtesy text to let him know what the hell was going on this is doubly true in the work that the team does mix Gargan given to the symbiote entirely turning him into an animalistic beast that spider-man would then eventually have to clean up unaware that the Avengers were in no small part responsible for Mac's breakdown again good going guys while it would be foolish to expect better from Gargan you would assume that the likes of Captain America and Iron Man were better than hiring unstable serial killers and that unleashing them upon society when they're done with them spider-man has to clean up a lot of messes but clearing up messes caused by other heroes seems like an entirely worst matter number three not being able to recognize his worst enemy in spider-man's body superior spider-man number seven when Otto Octavius took over Peter Parker's body and then kill them off many fans expected that the Avengers would immediately recognize that their beloved youngest member had been replaced by a man who acts and behaves entirely different which made it feel pretty awful and when they did some basic tests and then decided that yep spider-man was definitely definitely definitely still Peter Parker almost excusable it has to be remembered that at this point the Avengers are supposed to be quite close to Peter or at the very least aware that he wouldn't just suddenly become a totally different person in every single where submits they are similarly in a profession where being mind-controlled or outright replaced is exceedingly common it seems super awful that after checking spider-man isn't as girl they just decided he must be totally fine even though he literally just murdered someone in cold blood like five minutes ago number two making him reveal his secret identity civil war initially having Peter reveal his secret identity in civil war seems like the smartest idea Iron Man and his faction of Avengers could have actually met after all as the youngest superhero they have on their roster and the one who was protected his identity most fiercely it makes the most sense from a political standpoint to have spider-man be the first hero to publicly reveal himself but really this decision lands the hero in some insanely hot water not only does a player's Park his family in huge danger which was if you recall the entire reason that he decided to put on a mask in the first place but it also means that he's now unable to escape the media spotlight placed upon him this proves all too dangerous when Aunt May gets shot at the end of civil war the amazing spider-man Judah Peeta secret identity now being public knowledge while this is all well and good for billionaire Tony Stark as he has enough money that he could buy himself privacy whenever he needed to life with a comparatively ordinary Parker could have been permanently ruined doodle is publicity stunt number one trying to eat him alive Spider Island number two it's something of an unspoken rule that if you're a lies with someone you've unofficially agreed to not try and eat them at the nearest possible opportunity yes I've teased this all the way through this video but that rule was broken in the secret war spin-off series named Spider Island where we saw our favorite arachnid hero almost get his face ripped off by mutated versions of the Avengers she were they were messed up spider folk at the time but it still had to suck for Peter to look at his allies afterwards and remember their mandibles being inches away from tearing his goddamn throat out after all but grudgingly eating your old friend is still like we said before eating your old friend saw the Avengers that looky that Parker possesses an incredible ability to forgive and forget I hope Tony at least bought in a car as an apology and him a nut mare can drive around the block and forget about the time he was almost eaten so that's our list on submit you guys think down on the comments below are there any moments I missed off here and while you down there could be worse alive share subscribe and head over to what culture come for more lists and use like this every single day even if you don't thought I've been Josh thank you for watching and I'll see you soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 1,598,151
Rating: 4.9262557 out of 5
Keywords: Avengers, Spider-Man, Hulk, Thor
Id: M_4nWv9lXp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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