15 Injustice Moments That Shocked The World

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[Music] if there's one lesson that the injustice games and comics taught us it's that superhero stories are at their most fascinating when they're handing out shocking moments like it's Halloween and they're the supermarkets cheapest candy the speed with which the series hits he was surprised after surprise is almost dizzying but then like roller coasters and alcohol that's also why we love it given the series doesn't affect the actual Canon universe the stakes have never been so low and the excitement never so high for one individual mythos so I'm Ewan this is what culture comics and here are the 15 injustice moments that shocked the world number 15 Superman destroys Mogo in the most dramatic events of injustice year 2 if not the most dramatic moment of the entire series Superman finally goes full villain turning against the Green Lantern's destroying the Guardian known as gauntlet as well as the largest member of the Corps in the pleimo go where the destruction of Mogo also comes a destruction of the Green Lantern's as the planet was the one to guide the Green Lantern rings to their new bearers this means not only is wall-e most powerful Green Lantern's killed but also the entire of the Lantern Corps built to guard space and protect the universe meaning untold destruction is basically confirmed to break out out of this event number 45 you 93 are the five you nine three are all when you're not secretly saying super in text speak nanotech pills are an invention made for the injustice university in order to justify characters without superpowers being able to dodge those with them as the meds allow the use of rudimentary superpowers like super-strength SuperSpeed and a significantly greater ability to take a punch while these pills are a feature in both the comics and the game they feel slightly more impressive and slightly more surprising in the game if only because you could actually play as a non-parent or like Harley Quinn or Nightwing and take on enemies like Wonder Woman or Superman and not have it feel totally out of character number 13 Superman murdering Lois Lane perhaps the most well known moments of injustice and deservedly so lies at the very beginning where Superman kills his pregnant wife Lois Lane after being an only infected with fear toxin by the Joker Superman hallucinates the thing he fears the most in the form of the city destroying behemoth known as doomsday attempting to save the city the last Son of Krypton flies doomsday out into space only to realize that it can't be doomsday because he can hear two heartbeats coming from the mr. heartbeats he recognizes as belonging to his wife and their unborn child given this moment is what convinces Superman to commit a series of atrocities it's a suitably surprising one as up until then you're left unsure if plot holes like the Joker and doomsday teaming up are intentional or a weird choice on the creators part when the moment first happens you're left just as surprised as the Man of Steel and maybe even just as heartbroken number 12 the Justice League fight beside him when you begin reading injustice you're unlikely to go home with the expectation of seeing the Greek god of the sea eaten by a shark and yet the minute you see it in the comic you realize it's what you've been waiting for your whole life because as much as you just can put it DC's king of Atlantis and his mythological counterpart going toe to toe it's also the exact level of surprising and shocking events that injustice throws upon the fight leads to the collective cast thinking on pretty much every member of the Greek pantheon of gods destroying yet another faction within the DC Universe and placing the already warring League against some of the most powerful beings in the known universe number eleven Superman gets a yellow power ring of all the characters you'd expect to wield the Sinestro Corps ring the last would definitely be Superman where the man are still usually inspiring more Hope than fear you'd never commonly be able to see him use something that required people fear him until of course injustice happened giving Superman a Sinestro Corps ring is as well made a moment as it is shocking as it shows even clearer to us how the humanly bad Superman has become as people now actively fear him enough that he can become a conduit for the emotion itself even worse it's that Superman is able to use these powers to overcome an otherwise faithful Kryptonian bullet to the heart they can get the most unexpected yet effective recovery in the entirety of the series and comes with a suggestion that Superman will now be even more difficult to beat than before number 10 Superman and revealing Batman is Bruce Wayne proving that these single difference between teenage girls and adult superheroes is just how many people care about their gossip Superman takes things to new lows and goes into the world of online bullying to try and stop the Dark Knight not only is it shocking in the sense that you have to come to terms the idea that Superman knows how to use social media gee Clark but also the fact that part of his plan to ruin Batman's life involves essentially subtweeting him to her his biggest secret number nine Shazam's death it seemed impossible that DC would allow Billy Batson or his superhero form Shazam to be murdered within the injustice series seemed being the operative word because not only did DC greenlight Superman killing Shazam they also greenlit him killing the boy in the single most brutal death in the first game and they could scene where the pair get into an argument about the Man of Steel's morality Shazam makes a reasonable point telling the hero that his dead wife Lois would never approve of the things he's now doing infuriated by this in subordinates Superman Graham's Billy by the throat holds him into the air and then slowly uses his laser vision to burn through Billy's eyes and on into his brain lobotomizing and the murdering a natural child oh my god horrifying number eight Guy Gardner's death having your arm ripped off by the guy who ten minutes ago used to be one of your closest teammates has got to suck with guy usually being the more snarky gruff member of a team it really seems for a Rowan like him opening up to Hal about how much he believes and then will actually work which only makes for an even bigger shock when Jordan tears off his entire arm with a Green Lantern ring on it before dropping guy to his death Mars blow number seven Batman vs Batman watching The Dark Knight launch into a big fight as one of most consistently rewarding things about the DC franchise both in comics and out of them so what's better than seeing Batman fight someone well seeing Batman fight another Batman that's what and coincidentally that's also exactly what we are gifted with in the injustice game story mode it's for admittedly slightly bizarre reasons as the fight breaks out towards the end of the game after the alternate universe Batman insists that he's setting the other Justice League back to their universe in order to save their lives on the plus side though it makes one thing clear even when Batman is loosing he's also winning number 6 Alfred beating up Superman anyone who didn't get the world's biggest kick out of Alfred beating Superman into the walls at the Batcave is either a serious fanboy or scientifically incapable of feeling the human emotion of excitement within justice introducing the previously mentioned nanotech pills that allow regular humans abilities on powered metahumans the time for the butler's beatdown special had never been better upon Superman entering the Batcave basically to harass whoever was inside Alfred finally loses his patience and let Lou what appears to be his entire life's bottle of rage on the Man of Steel which takes a superpower pills from feeling like a plot device to being the best invention DC I've imagined yet number five black Canary's death with Donna Lance's newborn baby being shown to us literal issues ago lady fans were pretty confident in black canary safety in the fight against Superman that she would later join after all Superman had refused to fight her earlier in injustice year two upon learning that she was pregnant so it's awareness she now had a days old child seemed likely to smooth the proverbial beast or not as within the next confrontation the Man of Steel decides to kill her despite being aware of a familial situation Clark had also killed Donna's of the half the green arrow prior to this event so he's aware that doing so will make him the sole reason their child is an orphan in perhaps an even more shocking moments it's revealed that canary was recording Superman through some video contact lenses and so his brutal actions are being broadcast across the world a world that now considers the Man of Steel pretty much a monster for his ruthless actions number four Orca and Crocs wedding if only one comic cover could remain in the entirety of the known universe the only possible suggestion would have to be the continued survival of the clever of injustice 69 nice which portrays a wedding between supervillains Killer Croc and Orca and is considerably less of a germ than you'd initially assume why because the whole thing is played pretty straight in the comic itself but the assorted cast are torn between being thrilled for the pair and kind of gross out at the sea creature PDA the wedding involves number three Alfred's revival Alfred Pennyworth is unmistakeably the unluckiest man in the injustice series not only does he tragically died twice but the unfortunate butler's also never allowed to stay that way for long especially not with racial rule around in order to try and blackmail Batman the full were terrorists and supervillain uses the Lazarus Pit to bring the old man back from the dead it works and lower the Dark Knight's defenses as seeing the man who is basically as tired significantly less dead beneath he thought clearly catches the superhero off guard however it doesn't serve as the trap that race presumes it will be Alfred takes a long time to recover but when he does he is squirrely on his Ward's side meaning that race is big plan completely backfired on him aside from the initial shocking reaction number two dr. fate plays with fate creating what was perhaps the best line for dr. fate possible in the English language fates decision to effectively faith and revive Black Canary in an alternate universe where a part of the Green Arrow is alive is one of the few shocking moments and injustice that is also entirely precious with canarian arrow getting such a rough time during injustice it's nothing short of a huge relief to have them finally get a happy ending in spite the fact that both canonically die it's sweetened by the fact it's dr. faith fixing it to be this way - as seeing such a stickler for the rules for goers code and to let the couple live a happy life is as close to a tearjerker as the otherwise standoffish character may ever manage number one Superman destroys Gotham and metropolis as if to cement his role as the worth person in all of the insurace series the end of the game has Superman has tried to destroy Gotham and metropolis under the guise of showing his opponents how bad life would be without him but realistically likely morph as some sort of bizarre vengeance it's shocking just to see how far DC's former greatest hero has gone and how far he's willing to go to prove a point that it's only serving to alienate his remaining allies from him seeing them on a steel plan the exact kind of evil scheme he spent so many years fighting against is completely surreal and the former heroes complete lack of awareness that this is what he's doing is honestly unnerving at this point in the plot launching an all-out war in his hometown and Gotham is the point of no return for the Man of Steel and that's what makes this moment so damn good
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 1,333,620
Rating: 4.9005527 out of 5
Id: j8stydv7zQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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