Top 10 Most Powerful Ultimate Marvel Superheroes | Marathon

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we have a pretty good idea of who brings the power in the cinematic universe we even have a good sense of who is near the top tier of power when it comes to earth 616 marvel's main continuity but what about when it comes to marvel's now gone but still awesome and brutal ultimate universe welcome back nerd squad today we're going to return to this destroyed but more gritty world of earth 1610 or 1610 as we explore the top 10 most powerful ultimate marvel superheroes taking a look at some of our favorite heroes from the ultimate universe and of course those who can kick the most butt let's dive right into it and get counting shall we number 10 she-hulk in ultimates jennifer walters is not she-hulk betty ross's she ended up stealing the formula that would cause her transformation from walters who here is a doctor and scientist instead betty needed the formula to try and save bruce banner the hulk who nick fury had sent wolverine to assassinate betty had tried everything else she could think of to interfere with fury's plans and this was the only option really left to her stealing the formula she was pursued but injected it in time becoming the jade giantess she-hulk the serum made it so that rage was not a part of the transformation meaning that betty gotta keep her wits and maintain a sense of level-headedness while transformed she would end up pursuing the hulk and reconnect with him but the two would ultimately end up fighting one another afterwards she-hulk found herself defeated by wolverine and was later taken in by shield only apprehended likely because wolverine made her wear a collar that basically prevented her from transforming number nine miles morales one of my favorite characters to come from 1610 we have spiderman aka miles morales miles was so powerful in terms of his popularity that he was one of the few characters to survive the destruction of earth 1610. he ended up moving over to earth 616 given a place there once the world was reconstructed by molecule man and reed richards in the fantastic four molecule man actually ended up saving miles because he ended up giving him a burger when he was hungry gotta love those pocket burgers in a way it's always been miles quirkiness and kindness that has remained one of his greatest strengths but aside from that he's also one of the most powerful spider-men or spider folk around he not only has the proportional strength of a spider making him super strong but can also camouflage his body to match his surroundings rendering him pretty much invisible to the untrained eye and comes with his venom blast which allows him to deal devastating electrical shocks to his opponents now every time i say venom blast i just think of the jessica drew spider-woman cartoon from the 70s oh my goodness venom blast number eight invisible woman sue would end up in the ultimate reality married to ben grimm but initially would fall for reid just like in the earth 616 reality she would also stay loyal to him for quite some time despite the fact that like on earth 616 he tended to become obsessed with science to the point of well kind of ignoring her sue herself was also a genius and ended up with four doctorates in biochemical science before she entered her 20s she possesses an iq of 170 not far off from tony stark in this reality her powers allow her to turn invisible generate force fields and shields she can use these shields to protect defensively or to destroy an attack offensively many times sue has used her abilities to save her teammates lives number 7 black bolts black bolt in the ultimate universe has power that is expected to be at the same level as his earth 616 counterpart which would mean that while he's pretty strong while black bolt is super powerful i mostly put him on this list because well i like his costume better in the ultimate universe and i wanted to talk about that i know that doesn't make him more powerful having a cooler outfit but he still is likely one of the most powerful heroes in all of the ultimate universe just like he is one of the most powerful and the main continuity besides but also that costume though honestly overall i think many of the inhumans look way more intimidating and interesting in the ultimate universe and sure to some the inhumans might not seem like heroes in this universe because they don't really fight for humanity but their own heroes and king blackbull do fight for them as a people so to his own people to the inhumans black bolt is definitely still a hero number 6 wolverine wolverine is similar to his earth 616 counterpart but with a bit of a different history and family life he actually has a son in this reality who is very different from his other children from earth 616 who we're used to seeing jimmy hudson is wolverine's son and we later learned that he was raised by a pile of logans who he'd made during his service in iraq james hudson took in the child and changed his name legally from howlett to hudson jimmy grew up not knowing about his true parents and his true origins until he got into a car accident which caused his mutant powers to manifest he also has a healing factor and claws like his dad in the ultimate universe wolverine's healing abilities are thought of as being so intense that many believe that his mutant power may not actually be healing but instead are survival and adaptability based which tells you just how opie those powers can be at times number five president captain america not only was captain america a hero in the ultimate universe but he was also the president of the united states for a time so he had political powers as well as superpowers pretty impressive steve's story is a little different here instead of bucky going mia he survived while steve was lost for a time frozen in ice bucky and steve's fiance bonded over his loss which only brought them closer together and they ended up happily married when steve returned it was later revealed that his fiancee had his child while he was gone who had grown up to become the red skull legasp steve's powers are similar to his main continuity counterpart he is a super soldier and as such has superhuman speed strength durability reflexes and has somewhat enhanced healing as well as dramatically slowed aging just like on earth 616 he is also known for being a skilled and gifted leader and brilliant tactician number four kitty pride in the ultimate universe kitty pride would end up as the leader of the mutants of utopia in this reality she still has her powers to walk on air and water and never needed to hold her breath in order to faze on her first mission out with the x-men kitty snuck aboard their jet in fact her mother had made professor xavier promise not to allow her daughter to get involved with any x-men missions or any danger room training on this mission that she was not supposed to be on kitty was the one to save the day when wolverine and cyclops were about to be attacked by a super computer kitty phased through the computer rendering it useless here kitty took up the code names shadowcat and later on shroud i love the codename shroud for her and would even go on to fight galactus and win i know you're powerful if you can fight galactus and survive that number three thor in this reality we first weren't sure if thor was actually thor or just a man suffering from severe delusions thor leaf goleman it turned out was simply the name that thor had been given on midgard when he was banished after the death of his father and the fall of asgard in the end thor would remember who he was and would take a suit and hammer that were made to reflect his traditional norse god power set promising to use the suit and its abilities to protect midgard thor would help to defeat the hulk and in his fight against the x-men best storm as well eventually he would get his own powers back but either with his suit powers or his natural powers he's pretty intimidating he would also end up joining the ultimates and befriending captain america and iron man and friends before we move on to this next spot if you are loving this list and you want to visit some more alternate universes or just go back more to the ultimates let us know by giving this video a thumbs up number two iron man iron man has a bit of a twist to his origin in the ultimate universe he was actually born as a twin to the starks and has a twin brother named gregory tony exhibited a brilliant mind and intellect from a young age and his father howard hoped that he would one day take over the company but initially tony was kind of resistant preferring to create his own company instead which he built from the ground up with his then girlfriend josie gardner eventually though his dad would persuade him to join the family business prompting him and josie to split after he left their company later on he'd get lost in his own work after josie died during a plane crash which it turns out was the work of mandarin international an enemy of stark industries oh no tony is even more powerful in this reality having his brain affected by exposure to radiation from an infinity gem this granted him the ability to communicate and control technology with his mind he can kind of do that in 616 i think but i don't i don't know if it's to this extent number one captain marvel yep in the reality of the ultimates rick jones is one of the most powerful heroes around i know it sounds crazy but this is because here he isn't just a friend to many heroes and like bff of the hulk instead he is a hero in his own right he was granted powers by the watcher given power strong enough to enable him to save the planet he would go on to take up the alias nova and eventually captain marvel but he's also been referred to before as the sentry just to give you an idea of what level of power we're dealing with here he can emit energy blasts strong enough to harm galactus even after he combined with ga lac tus and he can teleport across the universe or galaxies or simply teleport others such a great distance if he wishes he can also teleport to other dimensions and possesses cosmic awareness which can be focused or guided by the watcher number 10 hawkeye clint barton might often be thought of as a man who just runs around with a bow and smarrows but the ultimate universe took his character to a whole new level hawkeye became more grounded in reality with a masterful archer who can shoot off six arrows faster than a human can fire six bullets in this reality he was also given enhanced vision which allows him to see at an increased distance and granted him a better sense of contrast as it's believed he sees more in black and white than in color he was even implied to be able to see so well that he can use his eyes to tell him what is true and what is not pretty insane number nine the real black panther and if you're wondering why i'm saying the real one because there was a time when captain america was black panther and ultimates but that's a story for another time black panther has a really different and kind of weird story and ultimates he actually ends up getting a similar treatment to wolverine in this universe joining the weapon x program here t'challa is given weapon x claws and has his general strength speed and stamina increased even further by the weapon x program in ultimates he also possesses a regenerative healing factor and he is believed to be a mutant in terms of origins black panther was given his code name by weapon x who gave him the name after helping to save his life after he fought a black panther in wakanda to prove himself a viable leader as the second born son of king t'chaka yeah in this reality t'challa is the second born son and actually mbaku is his older brother number eight doctor strange in theory doctor strange's son steven strange jr also known as dr strange should likely not have died in the way that he did considering how powerful he is although not as talented as his father strange was still a skilled magic user it is implied based on the artifacts that he holds and his place in the sanctum sanctorium that despite his youth and his inexperience he may have still held the title of sorcerer's supreme in the reality of 1610 which should mean he's pretty powerful though of course this is never really confirmed so strange manages to defeat nightmare when he possesses spider-man teams up with ultimate knights in a fight against kingpin but ultimately is defeated and brutally killed by dormammu who strangles him with his own cloak and constricts him until his head explodes it's pretty violent and pretty dark despite his gruesome death strange was still considered to be a powerful magic user and also possessed telepathic abilities besides while he went by the name of doctor strange he himself was not a licensed or practicing medical doctor he was the son of doctor strange and clia number seven carnage aka gwen stacy or really more specifically gwen stacy's clone i should say gwen ended up being killed by carnage and during that process was in a way also kind of reborn through the symbiote you can tell the og version of gwen stacy from the ultimates apart from the later appearing clone from the line by looking at the color of her eyes gwen originally had hazel eyes in this universe but her clone version who was also for a time carnage had blue eyes although in her carnage form her eyes became white of course well you might not think of carnage as a hero here due to its history on earth 616 and its origins as a symbiote here as well as its attachment to gwen it was kind of a match between a heroic and villainous entity so it wasn't really a villain here during her time as carnage gwen possess powers similar to peter parker's spider-man and friends before we move on to this next spot if you are enjoying this list and you want more ultimates lists please let us know by giving this video a thumbs up also thank you it really helps us out when you do that so thanks number six peter parker sure he died but he was still pretty strong regardless and he only died twice also don't get me wrong i do not wish for the death of peter but in general i'm just kind of glad that death itself was a thing in the ultimate universe it meant actions and stories had you know actual consequences i mean sort of peter kind of died twice and he didn't stay dead the more memorable death to me is the one where he died in a brutal fight against the sinister six working to protect those he loved while also watching as they did their part to protect him as well oh my goodness it was actually a really beautiful conclusion for the hero with him finally accepting that while he couldn't save his uncle ben at least he could save the other people in his life whom he loved it was like a really heartbreaking moment but then of course later on peter was resurrected which i guess for the purpose of this list makes him even more powerful with spider-man cause he came back from the dead but it also kind of ruined the whole story of his death for me so number five nick fury fury ranks so high on this list because well he's kind of in charge of many different super powered characters and knows what buttons to push to get them to do his bidding and make them work for him fury was the director of shield in the ultimate universe and was also exposed to the super soldier's serum as well which gave him enhanced strength durability speed and enhanced healing on the same level as captain america his healing factor of course was not strong enough to regenerate his eye which remained gone pretty much forever even without insane superpowers this version of fury is not someone you'd want to mess with as he also has some of the most powerful tech at his disposal which can do things like allow him to walk on air and turn invisible number four the thing in this reality the thing in susan storm the invisible woman end up together with susan leaving reed richards to be with ben ben grimm was mutated after exposure to the end zone turning into a rock-like monster creature however later on in the earth 1610 universe he would gain the ability to actually change form at will after experiencing a secondary mutation which also gave him his purple form as such he can switch between human form and rock form while in his rock form ben is super strong as a result of his mutation he also had enhanced durability and endurance he can withstand extremely hot and extremely cold temperatures as well for a short amount of time but is actually considered to be so strong and massive in his rock form that he has to wear a containment suit otherwise each step that he takes would actually cause destruction within his nearby vicinity that is just how powerful he is number three the hulk while the thing has beat the hulk in the ultimate universe before i still think he's a little more powerful though not nearly as powerful as his earth 616 counterparts i feel like one of the things that we also need to consider about ultimate hulk is how many times he's been boosted up in the ultimate universe one of his weaknesses is adamantium which is strong enough when sharpened or enough force is applied to pierce the hulk's thick skin but if hulk gets angry enough even this won't work on him and he also at one point to himself is bonded with adamantium so hulk also received a power boost from galactus and at one point wielded an incomplete set of the ultimate infinity gauntlets giving him another power boost hulk was initially a member of the ultimates but would later on end up serving on the maker's dark ultimates team number two hercules hercules 1610 was recruited by nick fury to join his howling commandos who he sent to battle the maker and the dark ultimates hercules is believed to have godlike powers granting him superhuman deity level strength it's still believed however that he could be weaker than his earth 616 counterpart but i personally am not so sure about that fact hercules here squared off with ultimate hulk while his power levels were boosted by galactus and managed to defeat him solo hercules is also considered to be a skilled fighter and is the son of zeus number one blue marvel i love when cosmic heroes just end up at the top of a list cosmic stuff i love it blue marvel is one such hero today blue marvel is adam bashir and i know what you might be thinking hold up hold up this blue marble is not from earth 1610 amanda he is not from the ultimates and yes he is not from the ultimate but he is one of the ultimates of earth 616. you see what i did there you see what i did and he ended up facing off with marvel's 1610 ultimate so i figured that while he is from earth 616 he should still kind of count because he's on the ultimates i also just really like blue marvel and i enjoyed watching him one punch earth 1610's hulk which i thought was pretty crazy so i'm putting him on the list in the fight against the 1610 ultimates blue marvel and hulk face off and blue marvel makes quick work of the hulk knocking him out with one single punch i just love these few panels i just love it number 10 charles xavier professor x did die in this reality but before that he was a gifted telepath the manifestation of his powers in the ultimate's reality is actually believed to have caused his hair loss that's right his powers are so powerful they caused him to go bald i love it charles became good friends with eric in this reality and the two would band together as partners to create the brotherhood of mutants however the two split ways after magneto started to see humans as inferior to mutants believing that mutant kind should actually rule the world and in case you didn't know that's what leads to professor x's death number nine captain britain captain britain was the brother of the original one to hold that mantle brian braddock james braddock jr brian's brother took up the mantle of captain britain after his brother ended up in a coma he is considered to be slightly stronger than the original and would go on to try and help thor fight against the children of tomorrow captain britain was one of the few to survive that battle he'd also end up later on serving on the ultimates team and friends before we move on to this next spot if you are loving this list and you want more lists like it where we explore alternate realities be sure to show us by giving this video a thumbs up number eight daredevil matt has a story that is similar to his origins in 616 but is also unique in how much more personal his connections are to well pretty much everyone around him and how much enemies and allies influenced his choices to become a hero and to find what being a hero means to him matt murdock like his 616 counterpart was also blinded at a young age but found his other senses enhanced his father also died after refusing to cooperate in a fixed boxing match however in this reality kingpin was directly responsible for his father's murder like in the reality of 616 daredevil's experience training and enhanced senses make him a gifted fighter number seven spider-woman in this reality jessica drew has a completely different backstory she is actually the clone of peter parker made to be an exact copy of him but female as such she has all of his memories initially she was intended to be used as a government weapon repurposed and trained as an agent but she and the other spider clones they made escaped jessica would go on to keep her memories but separate herself from them and peter taking her own name and carving out her own life for herself though still acting as a hero at one point in time she was a member of the ultimates much like how jessica drew of earth 616 is a well-known member of the avengers number 6. the wasp when it comes to janet van dyne you might just think of her untimely and gruesome end in ultimates eaten by the blob as she was but there is a lot more to her character than just that very graphic death janet was also for a time the leader of the ultimates after they decided to split off from shield she was chosen as leader because she was considered one of the most experienced members many underestimated her because her abilities were about her shrinking as opposed to growing to ginormous sizes which made enemies consider her weak and insignificant but she would prove to them just how powerful she was her untimely end did not really seem deserved and fortunately it was undone when the maker resurrected the alternate world over 1610. number 5 cyclops if you thought magneto was op in this universe cyclops was technically the one to put an end to him here scott summers was the one responsible for using his optic blast to completely destroy magneto after he himself had killed billions including the person who had brought the x-men together professor x cyclops in the comics was also for a time a member of magneto's brotherhood in this reality magneto even considered him as a potential heir when it came to a leadership role however scott would eventually betray magneto after he learned of his plans to attack and destroy washington dc using reprogrammed sentinels number 4 jimmy hudson in the ultimate reality jimmy hudson is the son of wolverine and magneto's wife magda jimmy would only learn upon his powers first manifesting that wolverine was his dad in a message left for him wolverine would specifically stress that jimmy not really focus on who his real mother was or on his past but continue to move forward and to respect the hudsons as his parents who had taken him in and raised him on wolverine's behalf his powers are similar to wolverine he has a regenerative healing factor and bone claws jimmy can also coat his claws at will with a metallic substance jimmy has bonded with one of the symbiotic aliens known as the poisons but seems to maintain control of himself even while bonded with the poison so he's basically got like a little symbiote alien pal but not a symbiote like how venom's a symbiote not from clintor number three machine man danny ketch was originally a spy an operative that was recruited to be a part of nick fury's howling commandos after the dissolution of the ultimates he would end up facing the global threat of the gu lac tuss swarm and bodak in the maker's city of tomorrow danny would sacrifice himself to merge with the swarm in order to free the captives of the city once merged he then also prevented modoc from escaping and blew up the city in order to defeat the enemy it turned out however that dany had survived with his consciousness being transferred to nanite technology the reappeared following this explosion aided by agent phil coulson the nanites were used to recreate a version of danny ketch who was then dubbed the machine man number two storm storm was invited to join the x-men team by jean grey who managed to save her from the police who were attempting to apprehend her because she had stolen a car initially storm had attempted to ditch gene thinking that she was working for magneto but when she learned of professor x and his more noble mutant cause she agreed to join her powers were more unpredictable and hard for storm to control initially with her not necessarily being established as one who had been worshipped as a goddess however over time training alongside the x-men with professor x she would become a formidable fighter hero and x-men member also pretty much in every reality storm is just super op number one jean grey just like in the main continuity of earth 616 gene is considered one of the most powerful characters around here however at least she has some pretty big problems to wrestle with on top of all of her power when her powers first manifested others thought that she was insane which meant that professor x ended up meeting with her and recruiting her from a mental institution initially jean also wasn't even sure if the phoenix force was real or not was it some intergalactic god some manifestation of her own powers which were growing and expanding or a demon seeking to destroy the planet her mental health has always been the counterpoint to her power as jane questions her own sanity in the ultimate universe and yet she still wields godlike power a deadly combination but of course gene does her best to wield it wisely who are some of your favorite ultimate superheroes would you like to see stories of characters from this reality return to which marvel alternate reality do you think is the darkest let us know in the comments below and speaking of comments it is time to turn to some comments for one of our latest videos top 10 most powerful ultimate marvel superheroes part 2 part 2 to this list sunstar comments enhanced vision is a pretty cool attribute for hawkeye if i were his writer i'd do an arc of giving him a mystical bow like dungeons and dragons that'd be pretty cool it'd be pretty cool to see hawkeye fight with mystical artifacts ending the alpha 666 responds i love how you can tell by the way that you explain comics that you truly enjoy reading them thank you very much i love reading i have always loved reading i still love reading today books comic books anything i love to read fan fiction i'll read it all i wanted to show you folks actually some of the stuff that i am reading right now because yeah i just started reading dream daddy don't mind my receipt bookmark but it's really fun it's really great uh you can not only date dads in the game but you can also read about all the dream dads dream daddy the comic and i'm also catching up on my hellions right now don't mind the glare from my lights but um yeah it's getting crazy right now in hellions oh my goodness so i have one more issue to go i think until i'm caught up or maybe a couple i'm a little behind gotta get caught up for that hellfire gala though friends gotta get caught up fully 75 agrees blue marvel's a beast i love that character i also love that character and i'm glad that everyone loved that i put blue marvel on that list because i was really nervous about putting him on my list at number one but i'm glad everybody also loves it like i love it yay and that's all the time we have for comments today be sure to comment below for a chance to have your thoughts and feels shouted out in a future video this has been top 10 nerd and i am your host amanda mcknight saying thank you so much for watching and reminding you as always to stay nerdy youtube [Music] you
Channel: Top 10 Nerd
Views: 415,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10, ultimate marvel, marvel, comics, marvel comics, superheroes, marvel heroes, superman, spider-man, captain america, superhero, mcu, ultimate marvel universe, ultimate universe, ultimate spider-man, comics explained, marvel universe, marvel studios, marvel cinematic universe, falcon and winter soldier, the falcon and winter soldier, falcon, marvel heroes omega, iron man, avengers, stan lee, comic books, infinity war, mcu timeline, miles morales, Invisible Woman, top 10 nerd
Id: M3ZnYJ2f7G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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