10 Most Inappropriate X-Men Storylines Ever

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[Music] with the x-men comics have I mean going longer than most of its fans have been on this earth guilty as charged there's bound to be some moments in their history that leave you wondering what exactly the cricket see behind them were thinking between accidentally hilarious storylines entirely cringe II love stories and just a sprinkling of absolutely mad new characters some expert moments when I have to take what could have been a fairly normal comic and instead give you one the weirdest experiences of your life they often come out of nowhere - in the middle of an otherwise totally conventional series providing you a surprise shot a confusion where you'd least expect it so buckle up folks things are about to get bumpy I'm you and this is what culture comics and there are the 10 most inappropriate x-men storylines number 10 Oakley John new x-men number 114 ugly John appears and precisely two comics new acts 114 and 115 respectively and is without a shadow of a doubt while the saddest comic characters in existence in an upsetting twist ugly John is actually the current is superhero alias as his real name is Steve why would this superhero name be an insult well Steve's power is that he has three faces and apparently each one is equally and uniquely ugly well it is kind of funny to have such a useless ability in a universe where people get to control half the world with their powers it is also kind of sad as look essentially set the world against ugly John from the star he doesn't even get a cool death as in his final issue he's injured by wild sentinels and then put down by cyclops when his injuries are too bad meeting his coolest moment is just being the mutant equivalent of Old Yeller number 9 Emma Frost and Cyclops make out on Jean Grey's grave new x-men 150 for another moment for the ages there are a few fans of the date with the love triangle between Jean Grey Cyclops and Emma Frost who don't remember the moments Frost and Scott kissed on genes grave without equal amounts of confusion and vague revulsion there are at least some excuses for this one for starters it's Grant Morrison and he's completely blameless secondly Jean Grey did briefly appear to Scott after her death pretty much asking that he pursue ever now that she wasn't around however there still is a big old line between pursuing a relationship with someone and making out with them at their final resting place of your recently deceased half with Emma still being openly rude about the very dead Jean around Scott it at least think you discuss the concept of personal boundaries around his dead wife before smooching her long-term rival number eight nightfall overcoming the Pope uncanny x-men number 423 it's hard to remember the cartoonish holy war storyline that ran between issue 423 to 24 of the uncanny x-men without internally flinching just a little the story details curve Agner known better as the Nightcrawler being recruited to shape-shift into the Pope by an evil sect of the Catholic Church that sought to wipe out all mutants all this isn't a huge deal the way the comic is set out with the Pope having evil powers and then hanging mutants on crosses is so over-the-top that any genuine critique of the institution is thrown directly out the window in lieu of wacky evil antics number seven the metal world ending villain that was in love with Jean Grae x-men number 53 many people who have read the first two existing issues of the X term will have reacted with profound confusion at Professor X initially being in love with Jean Grey who had both trained from childhood and became a surrogate father figure - naturally it was presumed that this had ceased to be a part of the x-men canon as the years passed without the plot point ever being raised again and we all forgot about its general weirdness until 30 years later when in the event that saw Magneto and Xavier fuse together in the villain known as onslaught we saw the cringe inducing moment razors head once more quite literally in fact as when gene goes to confront onslaught he shows her the exact talents we win start from years prior much to her total horror with it being safely forgotten and assumed no longer relevant it's profoundly unclear why it was decided to bring back Xavier secret longings aside from to force drama between Jean and a beloved mentor number six Nightcrawler dating his stepsister x-men annual number four the moral implications of finding your long-lost brother not telling him who you are and then dating him for a considerable amount of time before finally revealing this dark secrets are pretty damn strong yet this is exactly the storyline for Jemaine Zardoz night call of step sister who hides her identity and becomes Amanda Sefton the heroes long-term girlfriend the most concerning part of all of this however isn't even how nightmarish the build-up is as bad as that is it pales in comparison to the reveal that Kurt isn't horrified that's someone who you consider a family member has been lying to him in order today in no instead he's pleased as punch to happy the knowingly dating assisted the whole time and it expresses this both to her and his fellow superheroes repeatedly look when I say nightcrawlers my favorite x-man I don't mean this seriously had they played into the adopted aspect of Kurt's familial ties with Jemaine maybe this could have been made less creepy what actually happens however is that the to flip between referring to themselves as both brother and sister and boyfriend and girlfriend reminding us yet again that what happened in the 70s stays in the 70s number-5 mystique chats up a high schooler x-men worst x-man ever although all the world's worst x-man comic is made of weird and wild moments from start to finish mystique seduction of the comic star Bailey is definitely at the top of the list mystique launches into one the creepiest villain rants of history and the boy and also turns into his mother while trying to seduce him at one point which manages to send an already weird scene into some straight-up oedipal territory while we're never told Bailey's exact age we are explicitly told that he's a minor which means mystique was dancing into some pretty grossed territory more importantly mystique does all this in order to get a picture of her and Bailey kissing to blackmail him with which takes the funds how in the comic had and told out into a really really dark place it's by no means the way this moment the mystique has ever been associated with but for an otherwise funny and light-hearted comic the weird blackmail subplot could have been carried off in a million ways that didn't channel some super creepy Freudian themes number four anything with skid various comics Angelo Espinosa possesses one of the most unfortunately super powers in the entire colorful cast of the x-men being the proud holder of the nightmarish ability that is an extra four to six feet of skin on his body that he is able to control at will this becomes exactly as unnerving as you'd imagine as watching skin make the human body into shapes it shouldn't be able to form triggers some primal instinct in the back of your head to start screaming and never stop until he is out of sight as such skins ability to appear entirely and caring for the human eye just make his appearances in comics more than a little disturbing which is a dying shame because he does seem to be a genuinely decent fella number three beak and tempest egg baby's new x-men number 141 in the midst of all the other various odd plots occurring during the new x-men murder at the mansion storyline we get perhaps the biggest and most unusual plot twist of all in form of some weird fleshy eggs it's unabashedly gross so much so that it almost endears you to the whole situation especially as the storyline essentially covers the story of a young teenage pregnancy albeit a young teenage pregnancy between a couple what one looks like a bird and one that can spit acid which is actually strangely similar to the story jaws tells me but the night was conceived so a plagiarism question mark while it has a pleasant resolution when the babies are finally released from their egg sacs the initial discovery of them is something straight after the pages of a horror novel the terrifying stop for the mysterious and not especially picturesque eggs closed it on the roof of the building where they were being cats number two Quicksilver sleeping with his sister ultimate three oh god Jeff Loeb what were you thinking the almost perverse will gross nurse around in quicksilver's romantic and inordinately suggestive relationship in the ultimate series is one of the most well known spots of weirdness in the Marvel Universe although it being kind knowledge in no way stops it from being profoundly weird bonding over their shared frustrations with their father magneto the pair begin a relationship that initially can be read as platonic if you squint at it before being revealed to be explicitly romantic in ultimate three the weirdest part of the whole thing is that this incest is sort of approved within the comic itself with what telling Captain America that his horrified reaction is due to his quote-unquote 1944 brain and not you know basic common sense and decency the ultimate series is weird enough without this story in it but it all gets and up to 11 when this unimaginably sketchy side plot and number 1 the sky sex slow story uncanny x-men number 440 the stuff of sheer genuine disbelief few quiet moments in the past present or future will ever replicate the genuine weirdness that was watching x-men member angel lifting his girlfriend page into the sky and there making love to her right there incredibly explicitly and with her friends and family gathered below and incredible disturbing flex all things considered and one that could only have come from the mind of one Chuck Austin it's the kind of surreal unintentionally funny moment you just couldn't create if you were actually trying to go for that kind of vibe let alone accidentally creating one in a moment that was intended to be emotional now gather round folks and listening closely because if there is ever a dark moment in your life you can at least rest the knowledge imagining two people doing it while gently rising into the sky is hilarious enough to cure the vast majority of things the ailya which is lucky because once you see that you can't unsee it forever cheers for that shock Austin hello youtube we're turning things up to 11 with the launch of what caught your music it's our brand new channel featuring all those lists you just can't get enough of including creepy hidden messages in your favorite pop songs as well as radio friendly songs that detail literal murder that's as well as chatty faces we get personal with you on our sordid musical tastes in depth discussion podcasts and we're even doing quality fun stuff like tournaments and quizzes - there's going to be something that everybody so come on over and make some sweet sweet music with us oh just watch the videos that works - like share and subscribe at the link below and we will see you there bye that was our list about the most inappropriate x-men stories of all time find more content like this at what culture comm forward slash comics more of me on Twitter attitude ruins things and more of the terrifying stories found here at your local comic book shop til next time goodbye and be sure not to have too many x-men related nightmares
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 368,144
Rating: 4.9050641 out of 5
Id: dfJwU0gvDIs
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Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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