10 Most Emotional Comic Moments Of The Decade

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[Music] if there's one thing that keeps us engaged in comics it's the emotional moments we share with the characters it's what gives fight States what gives dialog meaning and what generally gets us coming back for more while this often involves some seriously sad moments comics aren't exclusively a place of misery suffering and grim dark brooding they aren't just as easily capable of creating some heartwarming moments that genuinely make you feel good as the emotional payoff of seeing a character who's been through hell and back get a reprieve stirs some feelings that are usually only provoked by wholesome Christmas adverts and particularly cute dogs so with that in mind I'm will for culture and here are the 10 most emotional comic book moments of the decade number 10 Thor makes a promise journey into mystery vol 3 6 45 by all means to set up for journey into mystery 6 4 5 is pretty tragic it starts with kid Loki finally giving in to icon the evil elder version of himself to whom Loki offers his soul in exchange for 3 last conversations before he dies for good replaced by this alternate version of himself while the first two conversations he has are 4 practicalities sake Loki saves the final one for his brother Thor asking the god of thunder to promise to kill him should he ever turn evil again desperate to protect both his brother and the rest of the world while you'd expect Thor to agree he instead promises to never do such a thing telling his younger brother that he'll always believe in him though the scene is sad it's profoundly heartwarming as it shows that Thor is willing to literally go against fate and destiny in order to take care of his brother and that the brothers do dearly love one another even if they spend half their time trying to hide it number 9 Lex Luthor and bizarro bond forever evil for of all the possible series that you've predict to have an emotionally loaded moment within it forever evil has to be at the bottom of that list similarly if you made a list of characters you would expect to have a touching heart-to-heart with one another the ragtag duo of Lex Luthor and bizarro would be bottom of yes another list despite this the pair managed a shockingly sweet moment in forever evil when bizarro refuses to enter a portion of the villa escape route because it's dark and he's afraid of the dark though Lex initially baits bizarro to try and convince him he realizes this won't work and so instead tells his creature an emotional story about how the only time he truly felt fear is when he watched his sister slowly pass away from an incurable disease and how his fear of failing her led him to never try to kill her despite his confidence he could touched by these words and by Lex's message that bizarro needs to try and overcome his fear bizarro utters the words bizarro try which was a pretty huge moment in of itself because these were the first words bizarro would speak in this version of the universe leaving you almost rooting for the bad guys number 8 Superman's speech - John D ceased 5 as one of many zombie apocalypse themed superhero comics spin-offs d ceased had precisely no right to be as good as it ended up being from start to finish the series perfectly blended gory violence witty humor and enough heart-wrenching and warming moments to shake a sticker this reaches untold heights of emotion when Superman is infected by the zombie virus and he goes to tell his wife and child goodbye while you'd expect this scene to just be sad it's so much more than that as Superman's words - John to be kind and brave and above all to be willing to make mistakes in order to do good make it a legitimate tearjerker as you know despite all the suffering he's experienced Clark's last moments aren't spent being upset for his own sake they're spent being proud of his son despite all the undead chaos of the comic it's nice to see that even a totally bloodthirsty series can have its moments here and there number 7 Hawkeye becomes a beloved landlord Hawkeye vol 4 1 Hawkeye has long been the outlier of the Avengers the one who doesn't really run by the same set of rules and who doesn't concern himself with perhaps the same values as the others do but this doesn't mean that he can't also have heartwarming moments as Hawkeye vol 4 definitely proves in fact it proves it from the offset when Hall cannae pursues a Russian mobster in order to force him to sell his housing estate to Clint as the gangster had intended to up the prices and kick everyone out from this perspective it doesn't sound like that heartwarming indeed especially because he does more or less threatened said gangster to get the block of flats but it's crucial to mention that Clint's himself also lives in those flats as such he sees the inhabitants pretty much every day and it's his realization that most of them would end up on the streets that leads him to jumping into danger headfirst all to make sure that these almost strangers have a warm roof over their heads number six spider-man and Deadpool's Christmas spider-man Deadpool 12 when the Spiderman Deadpool crossover series launched its Christmas issue few people thought they were in for an emotional roller coaster especially when the comic opened with a bloodthirsty Santa beheading a guy then all of a sudden Deadpool is giving a heartfelt speech to spider-man about how he knows he's difficult to deal with and how much he appreciates Peter spending time with him and you realize you're crying and you don't know when you started only that you now cannot stop maybe it's a little obvious to say a Christmas special comic is heartwarming but gosh dang it when a friendship has a moment like that you can't help but have some feelings number 5 bros before heroes heroes in crisis heroes in crisis is a funny old comic beloved by some fans and despised by others while it is by no means a perfect series in terms of looking at superheroes as real people there aren't many comics that outdo it which serves to explain why it's so full of emotionally moving gut punches the best of these is the one that heroes in crisis saves for last when Wally West the culprit behind the sanctuary murders manages to confront his past self at the moment after everything went down telling him he'd fix everything and soothing his guilty conscience while this is heartwarming enough it's made ten times more emotional by the assistance of the other heroes the future flash is accompanied by who all also show the suffering speedster their supports including a surprisingly touching moments where Booster Gold exclaims bros before heroes while giving Wally a friendly little fist bump number four the Hulk tells banner the truth immortal Hulk 13 if there was one word you'd use to define the relationship between Bruce Banner and he's radiated alter-ego you'd likely go for antagonistic in the many years the pair of shared a body they've been almost continually at war with one another as such immortal Hulk took some profound strides in changing the dynamic in the two immortal Hulk's saw the green beast reformed into a figure that sought to protect banner instead of solely fight against him and so when Banner and the Hulk is split apart their reunion is much to Bruce's surprise genuinely heartwarming as the green Goliath tells Bruce that he cares about him and that he'll always look out for him even when no one else will number three the bat family overcome Joker toxin because they love each other Batman death of the family although for many it was likely overshadowed by the gory drama between Batman and the Joker the confrontation that the rest of the bat family went through in the death of the family series makes for an unnerving ly emotional scene that exemplifies perfectly why so many people love The Dark Knight and his huge adopted family because when Alfred and the assorted bat kids are poisoned by a version of the Joker gas that makes them fight one another it's only their incredible bond that manages to stop them from tearing each other apart with them exclaiming things like family and I'm here to emphasise it just that little extra number two daredevil uses his temporary sites to see foggy one last time superior Iron Man 3 it's safe to say that daredevil losing his sights is one of the saddest parts of his character and yet simultaneously one of the ones that cannot be changed given it defines him as a superhero however it can be toyed with as is the case in superior Iron Man 3 where a villainous Iron Man gives Matt back his vision in an attempt to get him to join his side which unsurprisingly doesn't work meaning the daredevil site is then set to run out after an unspecified amount of time while the rest of the issue is decidedly dark in tone it finishes on Matt using his last moments of sight to go and see his best friend foggy Nelson who has been the one person to consistently care for and about the superhero Murdock doesn't explain to his friend what has happened instead making sure to take in fogies face for one last time before going blind once again number one Damian is brought back to life Batman and Robin vol 237 it should come as no real surprise that Damian being brought back to life by the combined efforts of Batman and his various sidekicks is a heartwarming moment especially since the Dark Knight's previous failed plans started to suggest that Robin might never return to the fold but then Bruce and his assortment of sidekicks do manage to bring the boy back in a plan that involves charging chaos shard with Darkseid's fateful Omega sanction and then using that energy to bring Damian to life once more this would be enough to bring a smile to most people's faces even without the hug between a grinning Damian and Bruce which then ups the scene to be arguably one of the most feel-good moments of all time in comics let alone just of the past decade and there you have it folks the 10 most emotional comic book moments of the decade feel free to drop this video like if you enjoyed it and drop me a follow on Twitter add you slide all you I'm will for culture thanks for hanging out and I'll see you next time you
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 79,082
Rating: 4.9098101 out of 5
Keywords: Batman, Joker, Spider-Man
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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